.. _quickstart: Quickstart ========== This page explains how to create a simple Kivy *"Hello world"* program. This assumes you already have Kivy installed. If you do not, head over to the :ref:`installation` section. We also assume basic `Python `_ 2.x knowledge. Create an application --------------------- The base code for creating an application looks like this: .. sourcecode:: python import kivy kivy.require('1.0.0') from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.button import Button class MyApp(App): def build(self): return Button(text='Hello World') MyApp().run() Save it as `main.py`. Now, to run your application, depending of your platform, you can : Linux Follow the instructions for :ref:`running Kivy application on Linux `:: $ python main.py Windows Follow the instructions for :ref:`running Kivy application on Windows `:: $ python main.py # or C:\appdir>kivy.bat main.py MacOSX Follow the instructions for :ref:`running Kivy application on MacOSX `:: $ kivy main.py Android You application need some complementary files to be able to run on Android. See :doc:`android` for more informations. A window should open, showing a sole button (with the label 'Hello World') that covers the entire window's area. That's all there is to it. So what does that code do? #. First, we import Kivy, and check if the current installed version will be enough for our application. If not, an exception will be automatically fired, and prevent your application to crash in runtime. You can read the documentation of :func:`kivy.require` function for more information. #. We import the :class:`~kivy.app.App` class, to be able to subclass it. By subclassing this class, your own class gains several features that we already developed for you to make sure it will be recognized by Kivy. #. Next, we import the :class:`~kivy.uix.button.Button` class, to be able to create an instance of a button with a custom label. #. Then, we create our application class, based on the App class. We extend the :meth:`~kivy.app.App.build` function to be able to return an instance of :class:`~kivy.uix.button.Button`. This instance will be used as the root of the widget tree (because we returned it). #. Finally, we call :meth:`~kivy.app.App.run` on our application instance to launch the Kivy process with our application inside.