import sys import os import shutil from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension #check for numpy, which is absolutely required! try: import numpy except: print '#' * 80 print 'Kivy require numpy now. Please install it before running Kivy setup' print '#' * 80 sys.exit(1) # extract version (simulate doc generation, kivy will be not imported) import kivy # extra build commands go in the cmdclass dict {'command-name': CommandClass} # see tools.packaging.{platform} for custom build commands for portable packages # also e.g. we use build_ext command from cython if its installed for c extensions cmdclass = {} # add build rules for portable packages to cmdclass if sys.platform == 'win32': from import WindowsPortableBuild cmdclass['build_portable'] = WindowsPortableBuild elif sys.platform == 'darwin': from import OSXPortableBuild cmdclass['build_portable'] = OSXPortableBuild from import FactoryBuild cmdclass['build_factory'] = FactoryBuild # extension modules ext_modules = [] #accelerated matrix transformation module written in C for numpy ext_modules.append( Extension( 'kivy.c_ext._transformations', ['kivy/c_ext/transformations.c'], include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()]) ) #check for cython try: have_cython = True from Cython.Distutils import build_ext except: have_cython = False # create .c for every module in c_ext if 'sdist' in sys.argv and have_cython: from glob import glob from Cython.Compiler.Main import compile print 'Generating C files...', files = glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'kivy', 'c_ext', '*.pyx')) compile(files) print 'Done !' #add cython core extension modules if cython is available if have_cython: cmdclass['build_ext'] = build_ext libraries = [] include_dirs = [] extra_link_args = [] if sys.platform == 'win32': libraries.append('opengl32') elif sys.platform == 'darwin': ''' # On OSX, gl.h is not in GL/gl.h but OpenGL/gl.h. Cython has no # such thing as #ifdef, hence we just copy the file here. source = '/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/gl.h' incl = 'build/include/' dest = os.path.join(incl, 'GL/') try: os.makedirs(dest) except OSError: # Already exists, so don't care pass shutil.copy(source, dest) include_dirs = [incl] ''' # On OSX, it's not -lGL, but -framework OpenGL... extra_link_args = ['-framework', 'OpenGL'] elif sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'): include_dirs += ['/usr/local/include'] extra_link_args += ['-L', '/usr/local/lib'] else: libraries.append('GL') ext_modules.append(Extension('kivy.c_ext.buffer', ['kivy/c_ext/buffer.pyx'])) ext_modules.append(Extension('kivy.c_ext.event', ['kivy/c_ext/event.pyx'])) ext_modules.append(Extension('', ['kivy/c_ext/properties.pyx'])) ext_modules.append(Extension('kivy.c_ext.opengl', ['kivy/c_ext/opengl.pyx'])) ext_modules.append(Extension('', ['kivy/c_ext/graphics.pyx'], libraries=libraries, include_dirs=include_dirs, extra_link_args=extra_link_args)) #setup datafiles to be included in the disytibution, liek examples... #extracts all examples files except sandbox data_file_prefix = 'share/kivy-' examples = {} examples_allowed_ext = ('readme', 'py', 'wav', 'png', 'jpg', 'svg', 'avi', 'gif', 'txt', 'ttf', 'obj', 'mtl') for root, subFolders, files in os.walk('examples'): if 'sandbox' in root: continue for file in files: ext = file.split('.')[-1].lower() if ext not in examples_allowed_ext: continue filename = os.path.join(root, file) directory = '%s%s' % (data_file_prefix, os.path.dirname(filename)) if not directory in examples: examples[directory] = [] examples[directory].append(filename) # setup ! setup( name='Kivy', version=kivy.__version__, author='Kivy Crew', author_email='', url='', license='LGPL', description='A framework for making accelerated multitouch UI', ext_modules=ext_modules, cmdclass=cmdclass, packages=[ 'kivy', 'kivy.c_ext', 'kivy.core', '', '', 'kivy.core.clipboard', 'kivy.core.image', 'kivy.core.spelling', 'kivy.core.svg', 'kivy.core.text', '', '', 'kivy.graphx', 'kivy.input', 'kivy.input.postproc', 'kivy.input.providers', 'kivy.lib', 'kivy.lib.osc', 'kivy.modules', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'kivy.ui', 'kivy.ui.widgets', 'kivy.ui.widgets.composed', 'kivy.ui.widgets.layout', 'kivy.ui.window', ], package_dir={'kivy': 'kivy'}, package_data={'kivy': [ 'data/icons/filetype/*.png', 'data/icons/svg/*.svg', 'data/icons/*.png', 'data/logo/*.png', 'data/*.css', 'data/*.png', 'data/*.ttf', 'tools/designerapp/icons/*.png', 'tools/packaging/README.txt', 'tools/packaging/win32/kivy.bat', 'tools/packaging/win32/README.txt', 'tools/packaging/osx/',] }, data_files=examples.items(), classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Environment :: MacOS X', 'Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)', 'Environment :: X11 Applications', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop', 'Intended Audience :: Information Technology', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Topic :: Artistic Software', 'Topic :: Games/Entertainment', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Players :: MP3', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Video :: Display', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks', 'Topic :: Software Development :: User Interfaces', ] )