.. _contributing:
There are many ways in which you can contribute to Kivy.
Code patches are just one thing amongst others that you can submit to help the
project. We also welcome bug reports, feature requests, documentation
improvements, advertisement & advocating, testing, graphics contributions and
many different things. Just talk to us if you want to help, and we will help you
help us.
Code Contributions
Code contributions (patches, new features) are the most obvious way to help with
the project's development. Since this is so common we ask you to follow our
workflow to most efficiently work with us. Adhering to our workflow ensures that
your contribution won't be forgotten or lost. Also, your name will always be
associated with the change you made, which basically means eternal fame in our
code history (you can opt-out if you don't want that).
Git & GitHub
We use git as our version control system for our code base. If you have never
used git or a similar DVCS (or even any VCS) before, we strongly suggest you
take a look at the great documentation that is available for git online.
The `Git Community Book `_ or the
`Git Screencasts `_ are both great ways to learn git.
Trust us when we say that git is a great tool. It may seem daunting at first,
but after a while you'll (hopefully) love it as much as we do. Teaching you git,
however, is well beyond the scope of this document.
Also, we use `GitHub `_ to host our code. In the following we
will assume that you have a (free) GitHub account. While this part is optional,
it allows for a tight integration between your patches and our upstream code
base. If you don't want to use GitHub, we assume you know what you do anyway.
Code Workflow
So here is the initial setup to begin with our workflow (You only need to do
this once):
#. Log in to GitHub
#. Create a fork of the `Kivy repository `_ by
clicking the *fork* button.
#. Clone your fork of our repository to your computer. Your fork will have
the git remote name 'origin' and you will be on branch 'master'.
#. Install our pre-commit hook that ensures your code doesn't violate our
styleguide by executing 'make hook' in your clone.
Now, whenever you want to create a patch, you follow the following steps:
#. See if there is a ticket in our bug tracker for the fix or feature and
announce that you'll be working on it if it doesn't yet have an assignee.
#. Create a new, appropriately named branch in your local repository for
that specific feature or bugfix.
(Keeping a new branch per feature makes sure we can easily pull in your
changes without pulling any other stuff that is not supposed to be pulled.)
#. Modify the code to do what you want (e.g., fix it).
#. Make sure the code follows
#. Do one or more minimal, atomic commits per fix or per feature.
Minimal/Atomic means *keep the commit clean*. Don't commit other stuff that
doesn't logically belong to this fix or feature. This is NOT about
creating one commit per line changed. Use git add -p if necessary.
#. Give each commit an appropriate commit message, so that others who are
not familiar with the matter get a good idea of what you changed.
#. Once you are satisfied with your changes, merge with our upstream
repository. We can pull your stuff, but since you know best what you
changed, you should do the merge.
#. Push to your remote repository on GitHub.
#. Send a *Pull Request* with a description of what you changed via the button
in the GitHub interface of your repository. (This is why we forked
initially. Your repository is linked against ours.)
Now we will receive your pull request. We will check whether your changes are
clean and make sense (if you talked to us before doing all of this we will have
told you whether it makes sense or not). If so, we will pull them and you will
get instant karma. Congratulations, you're a hero!
Documentation Contributions
Documentation contributions generally follow the same workflow as code
contributions, just a bit more lax. We don't ask you to go through all the
hassle just to correct a single typo. For more complex contributions, please
consider following the suggested workflow though.