.. _widgettree: Widget tree =========== Like most of GUI toolkit, Kivy have a tree for handling a hierarchy of widgets. The top level widget is called "root". Each widget can be connected to others widgets, as a parent or as a child. You cannot add into the widget tree something that is not a :class:`~kivy.uix.widget.Widget` subclass. Manipulating the tree --------------------- The tree can be manipulated with 3 methods: - :meth:`~kivy.uix.widget.Widget.add_widget`: add a widget as a child - :meth:`~kivy.uix.widget.Widget.remove_widget`: remove a widget from the children list - :meth:`~kivy.uix.widget.Widget.clear_widgets`: remove all children from a widget For example, if you want to add a button inside a boxlayout, you can do:: layout = BoxLayout(padding=10) button = Button(text='My first button') layout.add_widget(button) Now, the button parent will be set to layout, and layout will have button in his children list. To remove the button from the layout:: layout.remove_widget(button) The button parent will be set to None, and layout will remove button from his children list. If you want to clear all the children inside a widget, use :meth:`~kivy.uix.widget.Widget.clear_widgets` method:: layout.clear_widgets() .. warning:: Never manipulate the children list yourself, if you don't know what you are doing. The widget tree is associated to a graphic tree. For example, if you add a widget into the children list without adding his canvas to the graphics tree, the widget will be a children yes, but nothing will be drawed on the screen. More than that, you might have issue on further call of add_widget, remove_widget and clear_widgets. Traversing the tree ------------------- The widget class have a :data:`~kivy.uix.widget.Widget.children` list property that contain all the children. You can easily traverse the tree by doing :: root = BoxLayout() # ... add widgets to root ... for child in root.children: print child However, this must be used carefuly. If you intend to modify the children list with one of the methods showed in the previous section, you must use a copy of the list like this:: for child in root.children[:]: # manipulate the tree. For example here, remove all widget that have a # width < 100 if child.width < 100: root.remove_widget(child)