''' Example of changing texture properties and the properties of its containing rectangle. ''' from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty, ListProperty, StringProperty from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.base import runTouchApp class TextureAccessibleWidget(Widget): texture = ObjectProperty(None) tex_coords = ListProperty([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]) texture_wrap = StringProperty('clamp_to_edge') def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TextureAccessibleWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self.texture_init, 0) def texture_init(self, *args): self.texture = self.canvas.children[-1].texture def on_texture_wrap(self, instance, value): self.texture.wrap = value root = Builder.load_string(''' : canvas: Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size source: 'texture_example_image.png' tex_coords: root.tex_coords : min: 0.0 max: 1.0 value: slider.value Slider: id: slider orientation: root.orientation min: root.min max: root.max value: 1.0 Label: size_hint: None, None size: min(root.size), min(root.size) text: str(slider.value)[:4] BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' BoxLayout: SliderWithValue: orientation: 'vertical' size_hint_x: None width: dp(40) min: 0 max: 5 value: 1 on_value: taw.tex_coords[5] = self.value on_value: taw.tex_coords[7] = self.value SliderWithValue: orientation: 'vertical' size_hint_x: None width: dp(40) min: 0 max: taw_container.height value: 0.5*taw_container.height on_value: taw.height = self.value AnchorLayout: id: taw_container anchor_x: 'left' anchor_y: 'bottom' TextureAccessibleWidget: id: taw size_hint: None, None BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: dp(80) BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' size_hint_x: None width: dp(80) Label: text: 'size' text_size: self.size halign: 'right' valign: 'middle' Label: text: 'tex_coords' text_size: self.size halign: 'left' valign: 'middle' BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' SliderWithValue: min: 0 max: taw_container.width value: 0.5*taw_container.width on_value: taw.width = self.value SliderWithValue: min: 0. max: 5. value: 1. on_value: taw.tex_coords[2] = self.value on_value: taw.tex_coords[4] = self.value BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: dp(50) Label: text: 'texture wrap:' text_size: self.size valign: 'middle' halign: 'center' Button: text: 'clamp_to_edge' on_press: taw.texture_wrap = 'clamp_to_edge' Button: text: 'repeat' on_press: taw.texture_wrap = 'repeat' Button: text: 'mirrored_repeat' on_press: taw.texture_wrap = 'mirrored_repeat' ''') runTouchApp(root)