# # Kivy - Crossplatform NUI toolkit # http://kivy.org/ # import sys from copy import deepcopy from os.path import join, dirname, sep, exists from os import walk, environ from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Detect options # c_options = { 'use_opengl_es2': True, 'use_opengl_debug': False, 'use_glew': False, 'use_sdl': False, 'use_ios': False, 'use_mesagl': 'USE_MESAGL' in environ} # now check if environ is changing the default values for key in c_options.keys(): ukey = key.upper() if ukey in environ: value = bool(int(environ[ukey])) print 'Environ change %s -> %s' % (key, value) c_options[key] = value # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine on which platform we are platform = sys.platform # Detect Python for android project (http://github.com/kivy/python-for-android) ndkplatform = environ.get('NDKPLATFORM') if ndkplatform is not None and environ.get('LIBLINK'): platform = 'android' kivy_ios_root = environ.get('KIVYIOSROOT', None) if kivy_ios_root is not None: platform = 'ios' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cython check try: # check for cython from Cython.Distutils import build_ext have_cython = True except ImportError: if platform not in ('android', 'ios'): print '\nCython is missing, its required for compiling kivy !\n\n' raise # on python-for-android, cython usage is external have_cython = False from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup classes class KivyBuildExt(build_ext): def build_extensions(self): print 'Build configuration is:' for opt, value in c_options.iteritems(): print ' *', opt, ' = ', repr(value) print 'Generate config.h' config_h = join(dirname(__file__), 'kivy', 'graphics', 'config.h') with open(config_h, 'w') as fd: fd.write('// Autogenerated file for Kivy C configuration\n') for k, v in c_options.iteritems(): fd.write('#define __%s %d\n' % (k.upper(), int(v))) print 'Generate config.pxi' config_pxi = join(dirname(__file__), 'kivy', 'graphics', 'config.pxi') with open(config_pxi, 'w') as fd: fd.write('# Autogenerated file for Kivy Cython configuration\n') for k, v in c_options.iteritems(): fd.write('DEF %s = %d\n' % (k.upper(), int(v))) build_ext.build_extensions(self) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # extract version (simulate doc generation, kivy will be not imported) environ['KIVY_DOC_INCLUDE'] = '1' import kivy # extra build commands go in the cmdclass dict {'command-name': CommandClass} # see tools.packaging.{platform}.build.py for custom build commands for # portable packages. also e.g. we use build_ext command from cython if its # installed for c extensions. from kivy.tools.packaging.factory import FactoryBuild cmdclass = { 'build_factory': FactoryBuild, 'build_ext': KivyBuildExt} try: # add build rules for portable packages to cmdclass if platform == 'win32': from kivy.tools.packaging.win32.build import WindowsPortableBuild cmdclass['build_portable'] = WindowsPortableBuild elif platform == 'darwin': from kivy.tools.packaging.osx.build import OSXPortableBuild cmdclass['build_portable'] = OSXPortableBuild except ImportError: print 'User distribution detected, avoid portable command.' # Detect which opengl version headers to use if platform in ('android', 'darwin', 'ios'): pass elif platform == 'win32': print 'Windows platform detected, force GLEW usage.' c_options['use_glew'] = True else: # searching GLES headers default_header_dirs = ['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include'] found = False for hdir in default_header_dirs: filename = join(hdir, 'GLES2', 'gl2.h') if exists(filename): found = True print 'Found GLES 2.0 headers at', filename break if not found: print 'WARNING: GLES 2.0 headers are not found' print 'Fallback to Desktop opengl headers.' c_options['use_opengl_es2'] = False # check if we are in a kivy-ios build if platform == 'ios': print 'Kivy-IOS project environment detect, use it.' print 'Kivy-IOS project located at %r' % kivy_ios_root print 'Activate SDL compilation.' c_options['use_ios'] = True c_options['use_sdl'] = True # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # declare flags def get_modulename_from_file(filename): filename = filename.replace(sep, '/') pyx = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1]) pyxl = pyx.split('/') while pyxl[0] != 'kivy': pyxl.pop(0) if pyxl[1] == 'kivy': pyxl.pop(0) return '.'.join(pyxl) class CythonExtension(Extension): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Extension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.pyrex_directives = { 'profile': 'USE_PROFILE' in environ, 'embedsignature': 'USE_EMBEDSIGNATURE' in environ} # XXX with pip, setuptools is imported before distutils, and change # our pyx to c, then, cythonize doesn't happen. So force again our # sources self.sources = args[1] def merge(d1, *args): d1 = deepcopy(d1) for d2 in args: for key, value in d2.iteritems(): if key in d1: d1[key].extend(value) else: d1[key] = value return d1 def determine_base_flags(): flags = { 'libraries': ['m'], 'include_dirs': [], 'extra_link_args': [], 'extra_compile_args': []} if c_options['use_ios']: sysroot = environ['SDKROOT'] flags['include_dirs'] += [sysroot] flags['extra_compile_args'] += ['-isysroot', sysroot] flags['extra_link_args'] += ['-isysroot', sysroot] elif platform == 'darwin': sysroot = '/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks' flags['extra_compile_args'] += ['-F%s' % sysroot] flags['extra_link_args'] += ['-F%s' % sysroot] return flags def determine_gl_flags(): flags = {'libraries': []} if platform == 'win32': flags['libraries'] = ['opengl32'] elif platform == 'ios': flags['libraries'] = ['GLESv2'] flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-framework', 'OpenGLES'] elif platform == 'darwin': flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-framework', 'OpenGL', '-arch', 'x86_64'] flags['extra_compile_args'] = ['-arch', 'x86_64'] elif platform.startswith('freebsd'): flags['include_dirs'] = ['/usr/local/include'] flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-L', '/usr/local/lib'] flags['libraries'] = ['GL'] elif platform.startswith('openbsd'): flags['include_dirs'] = ['/usr/X11R6/include'] flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-L', '/usr/X11R6/lib'] flags['libraries'] = ['GL'] elif platform == 'android': flags['include_dirs'] = [join(ndkplatform, 'usr', 'include')] flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-L', join(ndkplatform, 'usr', 'lib')] flags['libraries'] = ['GLESv2'] else: flags['libraries'] = ['GL'] if c_options['use_glew']: if platform == 'win32': flags['libraries'] += ['glew32'] else: flags['libraries'] += ['GLEW'] return flags def determine_sdl(): flags = {} if not c_options['use_sdl']: return flags flags['libraries'] = ['SDL', 'SDL_ttf', 'freetype', 'z', 'bz2'] flags['include_dirs'] = [] flags['extra_link_args'] = [] flags['extra_compile_args'] = [] # Paths as per homebrew (modified formula to use hg checkout) if c_options['use_ios']: # Note: on IOS, SDL is already loaded by the launcher/main.m # So if we add it here, it will just complain about duplicate # symbol, cause libSDL.a would be included in main.m binary + # text_sdlttf.so # At the result, we are linking without SDL explicitly, and add # -undefined dynamic_lookup # (/tito) flags['libraries'] = ['SDL_ttf', 'freetype', 'bz2'] flags['include_dirs'] += [ join(kivy_ios_root, 'build', 'include'), join(kivy_ios_root, 'build', 'include', 'SDL'), join(kivy_ios_root, 'build', 'include', 'freetype')] flags['extra_link_args'] += [ '-L', join(kivy_ios_root, 'build', 'lib'), '-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup'] else: flags['include_dirs'] = ['/usr/local/include/SDL'] flags['extra_link_args'] += ['-L/usr/local/lib/'] if platform == 'ios': flags['extra_link_args'] += [ '-framework', 'Foundation', '-framework', 'UIKit', '-framework', 'AudioToolbox', '-framework', 'CoreGraphics', '-framework', 'QuartzCore', '-framework', 'MobileCoreServices', '-framework', 'ImageIO'] elif platform == 'darwin': flags['extra_link_args'] += [ '-framework', 'ApplicationServices'] return flags def determine_graphics_pxd(): flags = {'depends': [join(dirname(__file__), 'kivy', x) for x in [ 'graphics/buffer.pxd', 'graphics/c_opengl.pxd', 'graphics/c_opengl_debug.pxd', 'graphics/compiler.pxd', 'graphics/context_instructions.pxd', 'graphics/fbo.pxd', 'graphics/instructions.pxd', 'graphics/opengl_utils.pxd', 'graphics/shader.pxd', 'graphics/texture.pxd', 'graphics/transformation.pxd', 'graphics/vbo.pxd', 'graphics/vertex.pxd']]} return flags base_flags = determine_base_flags() gl_flags = determine_gl_flags() graphics_flags = determine_graphics_pxd() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sources to compile sources = { '_event.pyx': base_flags, 'properties.pyx': base_flags, 'graphics/buffer.pyx': base_flags, 'graphics/context.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/c_opengl_debug.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/compiler.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/context_instructions.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/fbo.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/gl_instructions.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/instructions.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/opengl.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/opengl_utils.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/shader.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/stencil_instructions.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/texture.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/transformation.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/vbo.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/vertex.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags), 'graphics/vertex_instructions.pyx': merge( base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags)} if c_options['use_sdl']: sdl_flags = determine_sdl() sources['core/window/sdl.pyx'] = merge( base_flags, gl_flags, sdl_flags) sources['core/text/text_sdlttf.pyx'] = merge( base_flags, gl_flags, sdl_flags) sources['core/audio/audio_sdl.pyx'] = merge( base_flags, sdl_flags) if platform in ('darwin', 'ios'): # activate ImageIO provider for our core image if platform == 'ios': osx_flags = {'extra_link_args': [ '-framework', 'Foundation', '-framework', 'UIKit', '-framework', 'AudioToolbox', '-framework', 'CoreGraphics', '-framework', 'QuartzCore', '-framework', 'ImageIO']} else: osx_flags = {'extra_link_args': [ '-framework', 'ApplicationServices']} sources['core/image/img_imageio.pyx'] = merge( base_flags, osx_flags) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # extension modules def get_extensions_from_sources(sources): ext_modules = [] if environ.get('KIVY_FAKE_BUILDEXT'): print 'Fake build_ext asked, will generate only .h/.c' return ext_modules for pyx, flags in sources.iteritems(): pyx = join(dirname(__file__), 'kivy', pyx) if not have_cython: pyx = '%s.c' % pyx[:-4] depends = [] else: depends = flags.pop('depends', []) module_name = get_modulename_from_file(pyx) if have_cython: depends = flags.pop('depends', []) else: depends = [] flags_clean = {} for key, value in flags.iteritems(): if len(value): flags_clean[key] = value ext_modules.append(CythonExtension(module_name, [pyx] + depends, **flags_clean)) return ext_modules ext_modules = get_extensions_from_sources(sources) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # automatically detect data files data_file_prefix = 'share/kivy-' examples = {} examples_allowed_ext = ('readme', 'py', 'wav', 'png', 'jpg', 'svg', 'json', 'avi', 'gif', 'txt', 'ttf', 'obj', 'mtl', 'kv') for root, subFolders, files in walk('examples'): for fn in files: ext = fn.split('.')[-1].lower() if ext not in examples_allowed_ext: continue filename = join(root, fn) directory = '%s%s' % (data_file_prefix, dirname(filename)) if not directory in examples: examples[directory] = [] examples[directory].append(filename) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # setup ! setup( name='Kivy', version=kivy.__version__, author='Kivy Crew', author_email='kivy-dev@googlegroups.com', url='http://kivy.org/', license='LGPL', description='A software library for rapid development of ' + \ 'hardware-accelerated multitouch applications.', ext_modules=ext_modules, cmdclass=cmdclass, packages=[ 'kivy', 'kivy.core', 'kivy.core.audio', 'kivy.core.camera', 'kivy.core.clipboard', 'kivy.core.image', 'kivy.core.gl', 'kivy.core.spelling', 'kivy.core.text', 'kivy.core.video', 'kivy.core.window', 'kivy.ext', 'kivy.graphics', 'kivy.input', 'kivy.input.postproc', 'kivy.input.providers', 'kivy.lib', 'kivy.lib.osc', 'kivy.modules', 'kivy.network', 'kivy.tools', 'kivy.tools.packaging', 'kivy.tools.packaging.pyinstaller_hooks', 'kivy.tools.highlight', 'kivy.tools.highlight.pygments', 'kivy.tools.extensions', 'kivy.uix', ], package_dir={'kivy': 'kivy'}, package_data={'kivy': [ 'data/*.kv', 'data/*.json', 'data/fonts/*.ttf', 'data/images/*.png', 'data/images/*.jpg', 'data/images/*.gif', 'data/images/*.atlas', 'data/keyboards/*.json', 'data/logo/*.png', 'data/glsl/*.png', 'data/glsl/*.vs', 'data/glsl/*.fs', 'tools/highlight/*.vim', 'tools/highlight/*.el', 'tools/packaging/README.txt', 'tools/packaging/win32/kivy.bat', 'tools/packaging/win32/kivyenv.sh', 'tools/packaging/win32/README.txt', 'tools/packaging/osx/Info.plist', 'tools/packaging/osx/InfoPlist.strings', 'tools/packaging/osx/kivy.sh']}, data_files=examples.items(), classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: MacOS X', 'Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)', 'Environment :: X11 Applications', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop', 'Intended Audience :: Information Technology', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser ' 'General Public License (LGPL)', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Topic :: Artistic Software', 'Topic :: Games/Entertainment', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Players :: MP3', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Video :: Display', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks', 'Topic :: Software Development :: User Interfaces'])