from import App from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.scatter import Scatter from kivy.uix.popup import Popup from import ObjectProperty, StringProperty from import Line, Color, Point from math import sqrt from os import walk from os.path import dirname, join from kivy.lang import Builder Builder.load_string(''' #:import os os : # each time a picture is created, the image can delay the loading # as soon as the image is loaded, ensure that the center is changed # to the center of the screen. on_size: = size: image.size size_hint: None, None on_touch_down: if self.collide_point(*args[1].pos): app.current_image = image Image: id: image source: root.source # create initial image to be 400 pixels width size: 400, 400 / self.image_ratio # add shadow background canvas.before: Color: rgba: 1,1,1,1 BorderImage: source: '../demo/pictures/shadow32.png' border: (36,36,36,36) size:(self.width+72, self.height+72) pos: (-36,-36) : color: 1, 1, 1, 1 title: 'Color Slector' content:content BoxLayout: id: content orientation: 'vertical' ColorPicker: id: clr_picker color: root.color BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: '27sp' Button: text: 'ok' on_release: root.color = clr_picker.color root.dismiss() Button: text: 'cancel' on_release: root.dismiss() orientation: 'vertical' padding: '2pt' canvas.before: Color: rgba: .5, .4, .9, .2 Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size Label: size_hint_y: None font_size: '18sp' text_size: self.width, None valign: 'middle' halign: 'center' height: self.texture.size[1] if self.texture else 10 text: 'Selected Image:\\n' + app.current_image.source.split(os.sep)[2] if app.current_image else 'None' Button: text: 'Brush' size_hint_y: None height: self.parent.width on_release: app.color_mode = 'brush' Image: color: app.color_selector.color source: '../demo/touchtracer/particle.png' allow_stretch: True size: self.parent.size pos: self.parent.pos Button: text: 'cursor' on_release: app.color_mode = 'cursor' Button: text: 'clear' on_release: app.current_image.canvas.after.clear() current_image: None client_area: client_area RelativeLayout: id: client_area Splitter: sizable_from: 'left' size_hint: None, 1 width: '99dp' LeftPanel: ''') def calculate_points(x1, y1, x2, y2, steps=5): dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) if dist < steps: return None o = [] m = dist / steps for i in range(1, int(m)): mi = i / m lastx = x1 + dx * mi lasty = y1 + dy * mi o.extend([lastx, lasty]) return o class ColorSelector(Popup): pass class Picture(Scatter): source = StringProperty(None) '''path to the Image to be loaded ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Picture, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._app = App.get_running_app() def on_touch_down(self, touch): _app = self._app if (_app.color_mode[0] == 'c' or not self.collide_point(*touch.pos)): return super(Picture, self).on_touch_down(touch) ud = touch.ud ud['group'] = g = str(touch.uid) _pos =list(self.ids.image.to_widget(*touch.pos)) _pos[0] += self.parent.x with self.ids.image.canvas.after: ud['color'] = Color(*_app.color_selector.color, group=g) ud['lines'] = Point(points=(_pos), source='../examples/demo/touchtracer/particle.png', pointsize=5, group=g) touch.grab(self) return True def on_touch_move(self, touch): if touch.grab_current is not self: return _app = self._app if _app.color_mode[0] == 'c' or not self.collide_point(*touch.pos): return super(Picture, self).on_touch_move(touch) ud = touch.ud _pos =list(self.ids.image.to_widget(*touch.pos)) _pos[0] += self.parent.x points = ud['lines'].points oldx, oldy = points[-2], points[-1] points = calculate_points(oldx, oldy, _pos[0], _pos[1]) if points: try: lp = ud['lines'].add_point for idx in range(0, len(points), 2): lp(points[idx], points[idx+1]) except GraphicException: pass def on_touch_up(self, touch): if touch.grab_current is not self: return _app = self._app if _app.color_mode[0] == 'c': return super(Picture, self).on_touch_up(touch) touch.ungrab(self) ud = touch.ud self.canvas.remove_group(ud['group']) class MainRootWidget(BoxLayout): clent_area = ObjectProperty(None) '''The Client Area in which all editing is Done ''' def on_parent(self, instance, parent): if parent: _dir = join(dirname(__file__), 'lists/fruit_images/') for image in list(walk(_dir))[0][2]: if image.find('512') > -1: self.client_area.add_widget(Picture( source=_dir+image)) class MainApp(App): main_root_widget = ObjectProperty(None) # we will be accessing this later as App.main_root_widget current_image = ObjectProperty(None) '''This is a handle to the currently selected image on which the effects would be applied.''' color_mode = StringProperty('cursor') '''This defines the current mode `brush` or `cursor`. `brush` mode allows adding brush strokes to the currently selected Image. ''' def build(self): self.color_selector = ColorSelector() self.main_root_widget = MainRootWidget() return self.main_root_widget if __name__ == '__main__': MainApp().run()