Diving in --------- To get straight into kivy, take a look at :doc:`/index`. Kivy comes with a set of :doc:`examples` in the ``kivy_installation/examples`` directory. You should try modifying/improving/adapting them to your needs. Browse our `wiki `_ for info on related projects, tutorials and snippets. Understand the basics about :mod:`kivy graphics `. Take a look at the built-in :mod:`widgets `. Follow the :doc:`/guide-index` to get even more familiar with kivy. See how to use different :mod:`Modules ` in the modules section, such as the :mod:`Inspector ` for live inspection. Learn how to handle custom :mod:`Input `. See how kivy has been extended with :mod:`extensions ` support. Familiarize yourself with the :mod:`kivy framework `. Kivy is open source, so you can **contribute**. Take a look at the :doc:`/contribute` section for guidelines.