import kivy kivy.require('1.3.0') import math import time from import App from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.uix.scatter import Scatter from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.vector import Vector from kivy.core.window import Window from import Color, Ellipse, Rectangle, Triangle from kivy.logger import Logger from jnius import autoclass'COMPASS: STARTED') def LoggerDisplayMetrics(metrics): """ Logging all values of the Java Android DisplayMetrics class to get some more information about the metrics of Android devices """ display = {'Default':metrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT, 'Device':metrics.DENSITY_DEVICE, 'High':metrics.DENSITY_HIGH, 'Low':metrics.DENSITY_LOW, 'Medium':metrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM, 'XHIGH':metrics.DENSITY_XHIGH, 'density':metrics.density, 'densityDpi':metrics.densityDpi, 'heightPixels':metrics.heightPixels, 'scaledDensity':metrics.scaledDensity, 'widthPixels':metrics.widthPixels, 'xdpi':metrics.xdpi, 'ydpi':metrics.ydpi} for (k,v) in display.items():'COMPASS: display %s = %s'%(k,v)) class CompassWidget(FloatLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor of the CompassWidget class """ super(CompassWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs) def build(self,pos,size): """ building the background of the CompassWidget with a circle of a compass windrose image (Source of this image: Wikipedia - """ with self.canvas: self.pos = pos self.size = size self.windrose = Ellipse(source="500px-Windrose.svg.png", pos=pos, size=size) class NeedleWidget(Scatter): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor of the NeedleWidget class do_rotation, do_translation, do_scale are all set to False to indicate that the scatter widget can onlybe updated from the app and not by an interaction with your fingers """ super(NeedleWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.do_rotation = False self.do_translation = False self.do_scale = False self.auto_bring_to_front = True def rotateNeedle(self,angle): """ rotate the NeedleWidget with the parameter angle 90 is subtracted because North of the windrose is at 90 degrees of the device """ self.rotation = angle - 90 def build(self,center,needleSize): """ building the needle with two Triangles of different color """ self.pos = center - needleSize/2. self.size = needleSize self.size_hint = [None, None] with self.canvas: Color(1., 0, 0) needleTP1 = Vector(needleSize[0]/2.,needleSize[1]) needleTP2 = Vector(needleSize[0]/2.,0) needleTP3 = Vector(-needleSize[0],needleSize[1]/2.) needlePoints = (needleTP1[0],needleTP1[1], needleTP2[0],needleTP2[1], needleTP3[0],needleTP3[1]) self.needleT1 = Triangle(points=needlePoints) Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) needleTP3 = Vector(2*needleSize[0],needleSize[1]/2.) needlePoints = (needleTP1[0],needleTP1[1], needleTP2[0],needleTP2[1], needleTP3[0],needleTP3[1]) self.needleT2 = Triangle(points=needlePoints) class CompassApp(App): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor of the Compass App 1) The Java Android API DisplayMetrics is called to get information about the densityDpi factor of the Android device 2) The Kivy Python-For-Android Android API is called to get access to the hardware sensors of the Android device """ super(CompassApp, self).__init__(**kwargs) DisplayMetrics = autoclass('android.util.DisplayMetrics') metrics = DisplayMetrics() metrics.setToDefaults() LoggerDisplayMetrics(metrics) self.densityDpi = metrics.densityDpi Hardware = autoclass('') self.hw = Hardware()'COMPASS: Hardware Objects: %s'%(str(dir(self.hw))))'COMPASS: Hardware Sensors\n%s\n'%(self.hw.getHardwareSensors())) def viewCompass(self, *largs): """ viewCompass calls the readSensor method of the magneticFieldSensor instance of the generic3AxisSensor, it reads the 3-tuple value of the magnetic field the declination angle is computed as the angle of the magnetic field vector in the x,y-plane and the unity-vector of the y-axis. afterwards the rotateNeedle function rotates the needle as given by the declination angle parameter """ (x, y, z) = self.hw.magneticFieldSensor.readSensor() declination = Vector(x,y).angle((0,1))'COMPASS: viewCompass x=%s y=%s z=%s declination=%s'%(x,y,z,declination)) self.needle.rotateNeedle(declination) def stopApp(self,*largs): """ this function is called when pushed the stopButton, disables the magneticFieldSensor and stops the app """ self.hw.magneticFieldSensor.changeStatus(False)'COMPASS: stop largs '+str(largs)) self.stop() def build(self): """ Building all together: 1) Creating the parent widget and clearing it to white background color 2) Defining a suitable position and size of the CompassWidget, the needleSize and the stopButtonHeight depending on the densityDpi value given by DisplayMetrics 3) Creating an instance of the CompassWidget and adding it to the parent widget and calling the appropriate build function 4) Creating an instance of the NeedleWidget and adding it also to the parent widget and calling the appropriate build function 5) Creating an instance of a Button widget and adding it as stopButton also to the parent widget and bind it with the stopApp function 6) Calling the instance method changeStatus of the magneticFieldSensor instance with parameter True to enable the magnetic field sensor and additionally calling the function schedule_interval of the Clock class for a repeated call of the function viewCompass every second. """ parent = FloatLayout(size=(500,500)) Window.clearcolor = (1, 1, 1, 1) if self.densityDpi == 240: CompassPos = Vector(50., 200.) CompassSize = Vector(400., 400.) needleSize = Vector(100., 60.) stopButtonHeight = 60 elif self.densityDpi == 320: CompassPos = Vector(75., 300.) CompassSize = Vector(600., 600.) needleSize = Vector(150., 90.) stopButtonHeight = 90 else:'COMPASS: widget size should be adopted - minimum used for densityDpi=%s'%(str(self.densityDpi))) CompassPos = Vector(50., 200.) CompassSize = Vector(400., 400.) needleSize = Vector(100., 60.) stopButtonHeight = 60 self.Compass = CompassWidget() parent.add_widget(self.Compass),size=CompassSize) self.needle = NeedleWidget() parent.add_widget(self.needle),needleSize=needleSize) self.stopButton = Button(text='Stop', pos_hint={'right':1}, size_hint=(None,None), height=stopButtonHeight) parent.add_widget(self.stopButton) self.stopButton.bind(on_press=self.stopApp) self.hw.magneticFieldSensor.changeStatus(True) Clock.schedule_interval(self.viewCompass, 1.) return parent if __name__ in ('__main__', '__android__'): CompassApp().run()