Flask (thanks Armin). Adapted our website color scheme where applicable.
Also added a Pygments highlighting style for code snippets.
To generate: make pdf in root folder and the pdf will be in
* Get proper logo file for frontpage
* Write Pygments lexer for kv lang
* Would be nice if code boxes were also rounded. Find LaTeX guru
1. Contains script to extract common GLES, GL, GLEXT subset.
Pipe the output from that script into
2. Contains one such file; generated on OSX 10.6
3. Disabled glReleaseShaderCompiler; Wasn't working
4. Disabled three entries in common.pxi cause they caused crashes
Hint for VIM users:
Make sure your :pwd is the dir that contains the Makefile.
Then run :make, and after that ran through, run :cw.
You will get a split view with one styleguide error per line.
By choosing a line, the editor split view jumps to the proper
code line automatically. :cn brings you to the next error, :cp
shows the previous error.