StackLayout: Implement top-to-bottom and right-to-left orientations.

This allows StackLayout to organise widgets in any combination of lr,
rl, tb, bt orientations. Widgets are aligned depending on the
orientation as well. Left to right left-aligns widgets, right to left
right-aligns widgets, top to bottom aligns widgets to the top, bottom to
top aligns widgets to the bottom.
This commit is contained in:
Joakim Gebart 2012-11-27 12:36:30 +01:00
parent f8c7339bd0
commit e24dd45eaf
1 changed files with 94 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -51,16 +51,18 @@ class StackLayout(Layout):
orientation = OptionProperty('lr-tb', options=(
'lr-tb', 'tb-lr'))
'lr-tb', 'tb-lr', 'rl-tb', 'tb-rl', 'lr-bt', 'bt-lr', 'rl-bt', 'bt-rl'))
'''Orientation of the layout.
:data:`orientation` is an :class:``, default
to 'lr-tb'. Only supports 'lr-tb' and 'tb-lr' at the moment.
to 'lr-tb'.
.. note::
lr mean Left to Right.
rl mean Right to Left.
tb mean Top to Bottom.
bt mean Bottom to Top.
minimum_width = NumericProperty(0)
@ -102,93 +104,106 @@ class StackLayout(Layout):
def do_layout(self, *largs):
# optimize layout by preventing looking at the same attribute in a loop
selfx, selfy = self.pos
selfw, selfh = self.size
orientation = self.orientation
selfpos = self.pos
selfsize = self.size
orientation = self.orientation.split('-')
padding = self.padding
padding2 = padding * 2
spacing = self.spacing
lc = []
height = padding2
width = padding2
if orientation == 'lr-tb':
x = self.x + padding
y = - padding
lw = self.width - padding2
lh = 0
for c in reversed(self.children):
if c.size_hint_x:
c.width = c.size_hint_x * (selfw - padding2)
if c.size_hint_y:
c.height = c.size_hint_y * (selfh - padding2)
# Determine which direction and in what order to place the widgets
posattr = [0] * 2
posdelta = [0] * 2
posstart = [0] * 2
for i in (0, 1):
posattr[i] = 1 * (orientation[i] in ('tb', 'bt'))
k = posattr[i]
if orientation[i] in ('lr', 'bt'):
# left to right or bottom to top
posdelta[i] = 1
posstart[i] = selfpos[k] + padding
# right to left or top to bottom
posdelta[i] = -1
posstart[i] = selfpos[k] + selfsize[k] - padding
# is the widget fit in the line ?
if lw - c.width >= 0:
lw -= c.width + spacing
lh = max(lh, c.height)
innerattr, outerattr = posattr
ustart, vstart = posstart
deltau, deltav = posdelta
del posattr, posdelta, posstart
# push the line
y -= lh
height += lh + spacing
for c2 in lc:
c2.x = x
c2.y = y
x += c2.width + spacing
y -= spacing
lc = [c]
lh = c.height
lw = self.width - padding2 - c.width - spacing
x = self.x + padding
u = ustart # inner loop position variable
v = vstart # outer loop position variable
if lc:
y -= lh
height += lh + padding
for c2 in lc:
c2.x = x
c2.y = y
x += c2.width + spacing
self.minimum_height = height
# space calculation, used for determining when a row or column is full
lu = self.size[innerattr] - padding2
elif orientation == 'tb-lr':
x = self.right - padding
y = self.y + padding
lw = 0
lh = self.height - padding2
for c in reversed(self.children):
if c.size_hint_x:
c.width = c.size_hint_x * (selfw - padding2)
if c.size_hint_y:
c.height = c.size_hint_y * (selfh - padding2)
# space calculation, row height or column width, for arranging widgets
lv = 0
# is the widget fit in the column ?
if lh - c.height >= 0:
lh -= c.height + spacing
lw = max(lw, c.width)
sv = padding2 # size in v-direction, for minimum_size property
urev = (deltau < 0)
vrev = (deltav < 0)
for c in reversed(self.children):
# Issue#823: ReferenceListProperty doesn't allow changing
# individual properties.
# when the above issue is fixed we can remove csize from below and
# access c.size[i] directly
csize = c.size[:] # we need to update the whole tuple at once.
for i in (0, 1):
if c.size_hint[i]:
# calculate size
csize[i] = c.size_hint[i] * (selfsize[i] - padding2)
c.size = tuple(csize)
# push the line
x -= lw
width += lw + spacing
for c2 in lc:
c2.x = x
c2.y = y
y += c2.height + spacing
x -= spacing
lc = [c]
lw = c.width
lh = self.height - padding2 - c.height - spacing
y = self.y + padding
# does the widget fit in the row/column?
if lu - c.size[innerattr] >= 0:
lu -= c.size[innerattr] + spacing
lv = max(lv, c.size[outerattr])
if lc:
x -= lw
width += lw
for c2 in lc:
c2.x = x
c2.y = y
y += c2.height + spacing
self.minimum_width = width
# push the line
sv += lv + spacing
for c2 in lc:
if urev:
u -= c2.size[innerattr] + spacing
p = [0, 0] # issue #823
p[innerattr] = u
p[outerattr] = v
if vrev:
# v position is actually the top/right side of the widget
# when going from high to low coordinate values,
# we need to subtract the height/width from the position.
p[outerattr] -= c2.size[outerattr]
c2.pos = tuple(p) # issue #823
if not urev:
u += c2.size[innerattr] + spacing
v += deltav * lv
v += deltav * spacing
lc = [c]
lv = c.size[outerattr]
lu = selfsize[innerattr] - padding2 - c.size[innerattr] - spacing
u = ustart
if lc:
# push the last (incomplete) line
sv += lv + spacing
for c2 in lc:
if urev:
u -= c2.size[innerattr] + spacing
p = [0, 0] # issue #823
p[innerattr] = u
p[outerattr] = v
if vrev:
p[outerattr] -= c2.size[outerattr]
c2.pos = tuple(p) # issue #823
if not urev:
u += c2.size[innerattr] + spacing
minsize = self.minimum_size[:] # issue #823
minsize[outerattr] = sv
self.minimum_size = tuple(minsize)