mirror of https://github.com/kivy/kivy.git
rework setup.py, need testing on windows/linux. hopefully that would be more easy to implement new extensions that require new libs now.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,20 +1,36 @@
# Kivy - Crossplatform NUI toolkit
# http://kivy.org/
import sys
from fnmatch import filter as fnfilter
from os.path import join, dirname, realpath, sep, exists
from copy import deepcopy
from os.path import join, dirname, sep, exists
from os import walk, environ
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Detect options
c_options = {
'use_opengl_es2': True,
'use_opengl_debug': False,
'use_glew': False,
'use_mesagl': 'USE_MESAGL' in environ}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Determine on which platform we are
platform = sys.platform
# Detect Python for android project
# FIXME: add a specific var for this project, not just guess
# Detect Python for android project (http://github.com/kivy/python-for-android)
ndkplatform = environ.get('NDKPLATFORM')
if ndkplatform is not None and environ.get('LIBLINK'):
platform = 'android'
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cython check
# check for cython
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
@ -27,61 +43,8 @@ except ImportError:
have_cython = False
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
# extract version (simulate doc generation, kivy will be not imported)
environ['KIVY_DOC_INCLUDE'] = '1'
import kivy
# extra build commands go in the cmdclass dict {'command-name': CommandClass}
# see tools.packaging.{platform}.build.py for custom build commands for
# portable packages. also e.g. we use build_ext command from cython if its
# installed for c extensions.
cmdclass = {}
# add build rules for portable packages to cmdclass
if platform == 'win32':
from kivy.tools.packaging.win32.build import WindowsPortableBuild
cmdclass['build_portable'] = WindowsPortableBuild
elif platform == 'darwin':
from kivy.tools.packaging.osx.build import OSXPortableBuild
cmdclass['build_portable'] = OSXPortableBuild
except ImportError:
print 'User distribution detected, avoid portable command.'
from kivy.tools.packaging.factory import FactoryBuild
cmdclass['build_factory'] = FactoryBuild
# Detect options
c_options = {
'use_opengl_es2': True,
'use_opengl_debug': False,
'use_glew': False,
'use_mesagl': 'USE_MESAGL' in environ}
# Detect which opengl version headers to use
if platform in ('android', 'darwin'):
elif platform == 'win32':
print 'Windows platform detected, force GLEW usage.'
c_options['use_glew'] = True
# searching GLES headers
default_header_dirs = ['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include']
found = False
for hdir in default_header_dirs:
filename = join(hdir, 'GLES2', 'gl2.h')
if exists(filename):
found = True
print 'Found GLES 2.0 headers at', filename
if not found:
print 'WARNING: GLES 2.0 headers are not found'
print 'Fallback to Desktop opengl headers.'
c_options['use_opengl_es2'] = False
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup classes
class KivyBuildExt(build_ext):
def build_extensions(self):
@ -104,55 +67,55 @@ class KivyBuildExt(build_ext):
cmdclass['build_ext'] = KivyBuildExt
# extension modules
ext_modules = []
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# extract version (simulate doc generation, kivy will be not imported)
environ['KIVY_DOC_INCLUDE'] = '1'
import kivy
# list all files to compile
pyx_files = []
pxd_files = []
kivy_libs_dir = realpath(join(kivy.kivy_base_dir, 'libs'))
for root, dirnames, filenames in walk(join(dirname(__file__), 'kivy')):
# ignore lib directory
if realpath(root).startswith(kivy_libs_dir):
for filename in fnfilter(filenames, '*.pxd'):
pxd_files.append(join(root, filename))
for filename in fnfilter(filenames, '*.pyx'):
pyx_files.append(join(root, filename))
# extra build commands go in the cmdclass dict {'command-name': CommandClass}
# see tools.packaging.{platform}.build.py for custom build commands for
# portable packages. also e.g. we use build_ext command from cython if its
# installed for c extensions.
from kivy.tools.packaging.factory import FactoryBuild
cmdclass = {
'build_factory': FactoryBuild,
'build_ext': KivyBuildExt }
if not have_cython:
pyx_files = pyx_files = ['%s.c' % x[:-4] for x in pyx_files]
pxd_files = []
# add cython core extension modules if cython is available
if True:
libraries = ['m']
include_dirs = []
extra_link_args = []
# add build rules for portable packages to cmdclass
if platform == 'win32':
from kivy.tools.packaging.win32.build import WindowsPortableBuild
cmdclass['build_portable'] = WindowsPortableBuild
elif platform == 'darwin':
# On OSX, it's not -lGL, but -framework OpenGL...
extra_link_args = ['-framework', 'OpenGL']
elif platform.startswith('freebsd'):
include_dirs += ['/usr/local/include']
extra_link_args += ['-L', '/usr/local/lib']
elif platform == 'android':
include_dirs += [join(ndkplatform, 'usr', 'include')]
extra_link_args += ['-L', join(ndkplatform, 'usr', 'lib')]
from kivy.tools.packaging.osx.build import OSXPortableBuild
cmdclass['build_portable'] = OSXPortableBuild
except ImportError:
print 'User distribution detected, avoid portable command.'
if c_options['use_glew']:
if platform == 'win32':
# Detect which opengl version headers to use
if platform in ('android', 'darwin'):
elif platform == 'win32':
print 'Windows platform detected, force GLEW usage.'
c_options['use_glew'] = True
# searching GLES headers
default_header_dirs = ['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include']
found = False
for hdir in default_header_dirs:
filename = join(hdir, 'GLES2', 'gl2.h')
if exists(filename):
found = True
print 'Found GLES 2.0 headers at', filename
if not found:
print 'WARNING: GLES 2.0 headers are not found'
print 'Fallback to Desktop opengl headers.'
c_options['use_opengl_es2'] = False
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# declare flags
def get_modulename_from_file(filename):
pyx = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1])
pyxl = pyx.split(sep)
@ -165,14 +128,6 @@ if True:
class CythonExtension(Extension):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Small hack to only compile for x86_64 on OSX.
# Is there a better way to do this?
if platform == 'darwin':
extra_args = ['-arch', 'x86_64']
kwargs['extra_compile_args'] = extra_args + \
kwargs.get('extra_compile_args', [])
kwargs['extra_link_args'] = extra_args + \
kwargs.get('extra_link_args', [])
Extension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.pyrex_directives = {
'profile': 'USE_PROFILE' in environ,
@ -182,44 +137,122 @@ if True:
# sources
self.sources = args[1]
# simple extensions
for pyx in (x for x in pyx_files if not 'graphics' in x):
pxd = [x for x in pxd_files if not 'graphics' in x]
def merge(d1, *args):
d1 = deepcopy(d1)
for d2 in args:
for key, value in d2.iteritems():
if key in d1:
d1[key] = value
return d1
def determine_gl_flags():
flags = {'libraries': []}
if platform == 'win32':
flags['libraries'] = ['opengl32']
elif platform == 'darwin':
flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-framework', 'OpenGL', '-arch', 'x86_64']
flags['extra_compile_args'] = ['-arch', 'x86_64']
elif platform.startswith('freebsd'):
flags['include_dirs'] = ['/usr/local/include']
flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-L', '/usr/local/lib']
elif platform == 'android':
flags['include_dirs'] += [join(ndkplatform, 'usr', 'include')]
flags['extra_link_args'] += ['-L', join(ndkplatform, 'usr', 'lib')]
flags['libraries'] = ['GLESv2']
flags['libraries'] = ['GL']
if c_options['use_glew']:
if platform == 'win32':
flags['libraries'] += ['glew32']
flags['libraries'] += ['GLEW']
return flags
def determine_graphics_pxd():
flags = {'depends': [join(dirname(__file__), 'kivy', x) for x in [
return flags
base_flags = {
'libraries': ['m'],
'include_dirs': [],
'extra_links_args': [],
'extra_compile_args': []}
gl_flags = determine_gl_flags()
graphics_flags = determine_graphics_pxd()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sources to compile
sources = {
'_event.pyx': base_flags,
'properties.pyx': base_flags,
'graphics/buffer.pyx': base_flags,
'graphics/c_opengl_debug.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/compiler.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/context_instructions.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/fbo.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/instructions.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/opengl.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/opengl_utils.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/shader.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/stencil_instructions.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/texture.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/transformation.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/vbo.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/vertex.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
'graphics/vertex_instructions.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags, graphics_flags),
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# extension modules
def get_extensions_from_sources(sources):
ext_modules = []
for pyx, flags in sources.iteritems():
pyx = join(dirname(__file__), 'kivy', pyx)
if not have_cython:
pyx = '%s.c' % pyx[:-4]
module_name = get_modulename_from_file(pyx)
ext_modules.append(CythonExtension(module_name, [pyx] + pxd))
depends = flags.pop('depends', [])
[pyx] + depends, **flags))
return ext_modules
# opengl aware modules
for pyx in (x for x in pyx_files if 'graphics' in x):
pxd = [x for x in pxd_files if 'graphics' in x]
module_name = get_modulename_from_file(pyx)
module_name, [pyx] + pxd,
ext_modules = get_extensions_from_sources(sources)
#setup datafiles to be included in the disytibution, liek examples...
#extracts all examples files except sandbox
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# automatically detect data files
data_file_prefix = 'share/kivy-'
examples = {}
examples_allowed_ext = ('readme', 'py', 'wav', 'png', 'jpg', 'svg', 'json',
'avi', 'gif', 'txt', 'ttf', 'obj', 'mtl', 'kv')
for root, subFolders, files in walk('examples'):
if 'sandbox' in root:
for file in files:
ext = file.split('.')[-1].lower()
for fn in files:
ext = fn.split('.')[-1].lower()
if ext not in examples_allowed_ext:
filename = join(root, file)
filename = join(root, fn)
directory = '%s%s' % (data_file_prefix, dirname(filename))
if not directory in examples:
examples[directory] = []
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# setup !
@ -255,8 +288,7 @@ setup(
'kivy.uix', ],
package_dir={'kivy': 'kivy'},
package_data={'kivy': [
Reference in New Issue