1535 lines
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1535 lines
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# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2010 Alec Thomas <alec@swapoff.org>
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.
# Author: Alec Thomas <alec@swapoff.org>
"""Functional tests for the "Injector" dependency injection framework."""
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, NewType, Optional, Union
import abc
import sys
import threading
import traceback
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, NewType
import pytest
from injector import (
class EmptyClass:
class DependsOnEmptyClass:
def __init__(self, b: EmptyClass):
"""Construct a new DependsOnEmptyClass."""
self.b = b
def prepare_nested_injectors():
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(str, to='asd')
parent = Injector(configure)
child = parent.create_child_injector()
return parent, child
def check_exception_contains_stuff(exception, stuff):
stringified = str(exception)
for thing in stuff:
assert thing in stringified, '%r should be present in the exception representation: %s' % (
def test_child_injector_inherits_parent_bindings():
parent, child = prepare_nested_injectors()
assert child.get(str) == parent.get(str)
def test_child_injector_overrides_parent_bindings():
parent, child = prepare_nested_injectors()
child.binder.bind(str, to='qwe')
assert (parent.get(str), child.get(str)) == ('asd', 'qwe')
def test_child_injector_rebinds_arguments_for_parent_scope():
class Cls:
val = ""
class A(Cls):
def __init__(self, val: str):
self.val = val
def configure_parent(binder):
binder.bind(Cls, to=A)
binder.bind(str, to="Parent")
def configure_child(binder):
binder.bind(str, to="Child")
parent = Injector(configure_parent)
assert parent.get(Cls).val == "Parent"
child = parent.create_child_injector(configure_child)
assert child.get(Cls).val == "Child"
def test_scopes_are_only_bound_to_root_injector():
parent, child = prepare_nested_injectors()
class A:
parent.binder.bind(A, to=A, scope=singleton)
assert parent.get(A) is child.get(A)
def test_get_default_injected_instances():
def configure(binder):
injector = Injector(configure)
assert injector.get(Injector) is injector
assert injector.get(Binder) is injector.binder
def test_instantiate_injected_method():
a = DependsOnEmptyClass('Bob')
assert a.b == 'Bob'
def test_method_decorator_is_wrapped():
assert DependsOnEmptyClass.__init__.__doc__ == 'Construct a new DependsOnEmptyClass.'
assert DependsOnEmptyClass.__init__.__name__ == '__init__'
def test_decorator_works_for_function_with_no_args():
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
def test_providers_arent_called_for_dependencies_that_are_already_provided():
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(int, to=lambda: 1 / 0)
class A:
def __init__(self, i: int):
injector = Injector(configure)
builder = injector.get(AssistedBuilder[A])
with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
def test_inject_direct():
def configure(binder):
injector = Injector(configure)
a = injector.get(DependsOnEmptyClass)
assert isinstance(a, DependsOnEmptyClass)
assert isinstance(a.b, EmptyClass)
def test_configure_multiple_modules():
def configure_a(binder):
def configure_b(binder):
injector = Injector([configure_a, configure_b])
a = injector.get(DependsOnEmptyClass)
assert isinstance(a, DependsOnEmptyClass)
assert isinstance(a.b, EmptyClass)
def test_inject_with_missing_dependency():
def configure(binder):
injector = Injector(configure, auto_bind=False)
with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiedRequirement):
def test_inject_named_interface():
class A:
def __init__(self, b: EmptyClass):
self.b = b
def configure(binder):
injector = Injector(configure)
a = injector.get(A)
assert isinstance(a, A)
assert isinstance(a.b, EmptyClass)
class TransitiveC:
class TransitiveB:
def __init__(self, c: TransitiveC):
self.c = c
class TransitiveA:
def __init__(self, b: TransitiveB):
self.b = b
def test_transitive_injection():
def configure(binder):
injector = Injector(configure)
a = injector.get(TransitiveA)
assert isinstance(a, TransitiveA)
assert isinstance(a.b, TransitiveB)
assert isinstance(a.b.c, TransitiveC)
def test_transitive_injection_with_missing_dependency():
def configure(binder):
injector = Injector(configure, auto_bind=False)
with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiedRequirement):
with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiedRequirement):
def test_inject_singleton():
class A:
def __init__(self, b: EmptyClass):
self.b = b
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(EmptyClass, scope=SingletonScope)
injector1 = Injector(configure)
a1 = injector1.get(A)
a2 = injector1.get(A)
assert a1.b is a2.b
class SingletonB:
def test_inject_decorated_singleton_class():
class A:
def __init__(self, b: SingletonB):
self.b = b
def configure(binder):
injector1 = Injector(configure)
a1 = injector1.get(A)
a2 = injector1.get(A)
assert a1.b is a2.b
def test_threadlocal():
class A:
def __init__(self):
def configure(binder):
injector = Injector(configure)
a1 = injector.get(A)
a2 = injector.get(A)
assert a1 is a2
a3 = [None]
ready = threading.Event()
def inject_a3():
a3[0] = injector.get(A)
assert a2 is not a3[0] and a3[0] is not None
class Interface2:
def test_injecting_interface_implementation():
class Implementation:
class A:
def __init__(self, i: Interface2):
self.i = i
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(Interface2, to=Implementation)
injector = Injector(configure)
a = injector.get(A)
assert isinstance(a.i, Implementation)
class CyclicInterface:
class CyclicA:
def __init__(self, i: CyclicInterface):
self.i = i
class CyclicB:
def __init__(self, a: CyclicA):
self.a = a
def test_cyclic_dependencies():
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(CyclicInterface, to=CyclicB)
injector = Injector(configure)
with pytest.raises(CircularDependency):
class CyclicInterface2:
class CyclicA2:
def __init__(self, i: CyclicInterface2):
self.i = i
class CyclicB2:
def __init__(self, a_builder: AssistedBuilder[CyclicA2]):
self.a = a_builder.build(i=self)
def test_dependency_cycle_can_be_worked_broken_by_assisted_building():
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(CyclicInterface2, to=CyclicB2)
injector = Injector(configure)
# Previously it'd detect a circular dependency here:
# 1. Constructing CyclicA2 requires CyclicInterface2 (bound to CyclicB2)
# 2. Constructing CyclicB2 requires assisted build of CyclicA2
# 3. Constructing CyclicA2 triggers circular dependency check
assert isinstance(injector.get(CyclicA2), CyclicA2)
class Interface5:
constructed = False
def __init__(self):
Interface5.constructed = True
def test_that_injection_is_lazy():
class A:
def __init__(self, i: Interface5):
self.i = i
def configure(binder):
injector = Injector(configure)
assert not (Interface5.constructed)
assert Interface5.constructed
def test_module_provider():
class MyModule(Module):
def provide_name(self) -> str:
return 'Bob'
module = MyModule()
injector = Injector(module)
assert injector.get(str) == 'Bob'
def test_module_class_gets_instantiated():
name = 'Meg'
class MyModule(Module):
def configure(self, binder):
binder.bind(str, to=name)
injector = Injector(MyModule)
assert injector.get(str) == name
def test_inject_and_provide_coexist_happily():
class MyModule(Module):
def provide_weight(self) -> float:
return 50.0
def provide_age(self) -> int:
return 25
# TODO(alec) Make provider/inject order independent.
def provide_description(self, age: int, weight: float) -> str:
return 'Bob is %d and weighs %0.1fkg' % (age, weight)
assert Injector(MyModule()).get(str) == 'Bob is 25 and weighs 50.0kg'
Names = NewType('Names', List[str])
Passwords = NewType('Ages', Dict[str, str])
def test_multibind():
# First let's have some explicit multibindings
def configure(binder):
binder.multibind(List[str], to=['not a name'])
binder.multibind(Dict[str, str], to={'asd': 'qwe'})
# To make sure Lists and Dicts of different subtypes are treated distinctly
binder.multibind(List[int], to=[1, 2, 3])
binder.multibind(Dict[str, int], to={'weight': 12})
# To see that NewTypes are treated distinctly
binder.multibind(Names, to=['Bob'])
binder.multibind(Passwords, to={'Bob': 'password1'})
# Then @multiprovider-decorated Module methods
class CustomModule(Module):
def provide_some_ints(self) -> List[int]:
return [4, 5, 6]
def provide_some_strs(self) -> List[str]:
return ['not a name either']
def provide_str_to_str_mapping(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return {'xxx': 'yyy'}
def provide_str_to_int_mapping(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
return {'height': 33}
def provide_names(self) -> Names:
return ['Alice', 'Clarice']
def provide_passwords(self) -> Passwords:
return {'Alice': 'aojrioeg3', 'Clarice': 'clarice30'}
injector = Injector([configure, CustomModule])
assert injector.get(List[str]) == ['not a name', 'not a name either']
assert injector.get(List[int]) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
assert injector.get(Dict[str, str]) == {'asd': 'qwe', 'xxx': 'yyy'}
assert injector.get(Dict[str, int]) == {'weight': 12, 'height': 33}
assert injector.get(Names) == ['Bob', 'Alice', 'Clarice']
assert injector.get(Passwords) == {'Bob': 'password1', 'Alice': 'aojrioeg3', 'Clarice': 'clarice30'}
def test_regular_bind_and_provider_dont_work_with_multibind():
# We only want multibind and multiprovider to work to avoid confusion
Names = NewType('Names', List[str])
Passwords = NewType('Passwords', Dict[str, str])
class MyModule(Module):
with pytest.raises(Error):
def provide_strs(self) -> List[str]:
return []
with pytest.raises(Error):
def provide_names(self) -> Names:
return []
with pytest.raises(Error):
def provide_strs_in_dict(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return {}
with pytest.raises(Error):
def provide_passwords(self) -> Passwords:
return {}
injector = Injector()
binder = injector.binder
with pytest.raises(Error):
binder.bind(List[str], to=[])
with pytest.raises(Error):
binder.bind(Names, to=[])
with pytest.raises(Error):
binder.bind(Dict[str, str], to={})
with pytest.raises(Error):
binder.bind(Passwords, to={})
def test_auto_bind():
class A:
injector = Injector()
assert isinstance(injector.get(A), A)
def test_auto_bind_with_newtype():
# Reported in https://github.com/alecthomas/injector/issues/117
class A:
AliasOfA = NewType('AliasOfA', A)
injector = Injector()
assert isinstance(injector.get(AliasOfA), A)
class Request:
class RequestScope(Scope):
def configure(self):
self.context = None
def __call__(self, request):
assert self.context is None
self.context = {}
binder = self.injector.get(Binder)
binder.bind(Request, to=request, scope=RequestScope)
self.context = None
def get(self, key, provider):
if self.context is None:
raise UnsatisfiedRequirement(None, key)
return self.context[key]
except KeyError:
provider = InstanceProvider(provider.get(self.injector))
self.context[key] = provider
return provider
request = ScopeDecorator(RequestScope)
class Handler:
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
class RequestModule(Module):
def handler(self, request: Request) -> Handler:
return Handler(request)
def test_custom_scope():
injector = Injector([RequestModule()], auto_bind=False)
with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiedRequirement):
scope = injector.get(RequestScope)
request = Request()
with scope(request):
handler = injector.get(Handler)
assert handler.request is request
with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiedRequirement):
def test_binder_install():
class ModuleA(Module):
def configure(self, binder):
binder.bind(str, to='hello world')
class ModuleB(Module):
def configure(self, binder):
injector = Injector([ModuleB()])
assert injector.get(str) == 'hello world'
def test_binder_provider_for_method_with_explicit_provider():
injector = Injector()
binder = injector.binder
provider = binder.provider_for(int, to=InstanceProvider(1))
assert type(provider) is InstanceProvider
assert provider.get(injector) == 1
def test_binder_provider_for_method_with_instance():
injector = Injector()
binder = injector.binder
provider = binder.provider_for(int, to=1)
assert type(provider) is InstanceProvider
assert provider.get(injector) == 1
def test_binder_provider_for_method_with_class():
injector = Injector()
binder = injector.binder
provider = binder.provider_for(int)
assert type(provider) is ClassProvider
assert provider.get(injector) == 0
def test_binder_provider_for_method_with_class_to_specific_subclass():
class A:
class B(A):
injector = Injector()
binder = injector.binder
provider = binder.provider_for(A, B)
assert type(provider) is ClassProvider
assert isinstance(provider.get(injector), B)
def test_binder_provider_for_type_with_metaclass():
# use a metaclass cross python2/3 way
# otherwise should be:
# class A(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
# passa
A = abc.ABCMeta('A', (object,), {})
injector = Injector()
binder = injector.binder
assert isinstance(binder.provider_for(A, None).get(injector), A)
class ClassA:
def __init__(self, parameter):
class ClassB:
def __init__(self, a: ClassA):
def test_injecting_undecorated_class_with_missing_dependencies_raises_the_right_error():
injector = Injector()
except CallError as ce:
check_exception_contains_stuff(ce, ('ClassA.__init__', 'ClassB'))
def test_call_to_method_with_legitimate_call_error_raises_type_error():
class A:
def __init__(self):
injector = Injector()
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_call_error_str_representation_handles_single_arg():
ce = CallError('zxc')
assert str(ce) == 'zxc'
class NeedsAssistance:
def __init__(self, a: str, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def test_assisted_builder_works_when_got_directly_from_injector():
injector = Injector()
builder = injector.get(AssistedBuilder[NeedsAssistance])
obj = builder.build(b=123)
assert (obj.a, obj.b) == (str(), 123)
def test_assisted_builder_works_when_injected():
class X:
def __init__(self, builder: AssistedBuilder[NeedsAssistance]):
self.obj = builder.build(b=234)
injector = Injector()
x = injector.get(X)
assert (x.obj.a, x.obj.b) == (str(), 234)
class Interface:
b = 0
def test_assisted_builder_uses_bindings():
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(Interface, to=NeedsAssistance)
injector = Injector(configure)
builder = injector.get(AssistedBuilder[Interface])
x = builder.build(b=333)
assert (type(x), x.b) == (NeedsAssistance, 333)
def test_assisted_builder_uses_concrete_class_when_specified():
class X:
def configure(binder):
# meant only to show that provider isn't called
binder.bind(X, to=lambda: 1 / 0)
injector = Injector(configure)
builder = injector.get(ClassAssistedBuilder[X])
def test_assisted_builder_injection_is_safe_to_use_with_multiple_injectors():
class X:
def __init__(self, builder: AssistedBuilder[NeedsAssistance]):
self.builder = builder
i1, i2 = Injector(), Injector()
b1 = i1.get(X).builder
b2 = i2.get(X).builder
assert (b1._injector, b2._injector) == (i1, i2)
def test_assisted_builder_injection_is_safe_to_use_with_child_injectors():
class X:
def __init__(self, builder: AssistedBuilder[NeedsAssistance]):
self.builder = builder
i1 = Injector()
i2 = i1.create_child_injector()
b1 = i1.get(X).builder
b2 = i2.get(X).builder
assert (b1._injector, b2._injector) == (i1, i2)
class TestThreadSafety:
def setup(self):
self.event = threading.Event()
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(str, to=lambda: self.event.wait() and 'this is str')
class XXX:
def __init__(self, s: str):
self.injector = Injector(configure)
self.cls = XXX
def gather_results(self, count):
objects = []
lock = threading.Lock()
def target():
o = self.injector.get(self.cls)
with lock:
threads = [threading.Thread(target=target) for i in range(count)]
for t in threads:
for t in threads:
return objects
def test_injection_is_thread_safe(self):
objects = self.gather_results(2)
assert len(objects) == 2
def test_singleton_scope_is_thread_safe(self):
self.injector.binder.bind(self.cls, scope=singleton)
a, b = self.gather_results(2)
assert a is b
def test_provider_and_scope_decorator_collaboration():
def provider_singleton() -> int:
return 10
def singleton_provider() -> int:
return 10
assert provider_singleton.__binding__.scope == SingletonScope
assert singleton_provider.__binding__.scope == SingletonScope
def test_injecting_into_method_of_object_that_is_falseish_works():
# regression test
class X(dict):
def __init__(self, s: str):
injector = Injector()
Name = NewType("Name", str)
Message = NewType("Message", str)
def test_callable_provider_injection():
def create_message(name: Name):
return "Hello, " + name
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(Name, to="John")
binder.bind(Message, to=create_message)
injector = Injector([configure])
msg = injector.get(Message)
assert msg == "Hello, John"
def test_providerof():
counter = [0]
def provide_str():
counter[0] += 1
return 'content'
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(str, to=provide_str)
injector = Injector(configure)
assert counter[0] == 0
provider = injector.get(ProviderOf[str])
assert counter[0] == 0
assert provider.get() == 'content'
assert counter[0] == 1
assert provider.get() == injector.get(str)
assert counter[0] == 3
def test_providerof_cannot_be_bound():
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(ProviderOf[int], to=InstanceProvider(None))
with pytest.raises(Exception):
def test_providerof_is_safe_to_use_with_multiple_injectors():
def configure1(binder):
binder.bind(int, to=1)
def configure2(binder):
binder.bind(int, to=2)
injector1 = Injector(configure1)
injector2 = Injector(configure2)
provider_of = ProviderOf[int]
provider1 = injector1.get(provider_of)
provider2 = injector2.get(provider_of)
assert provider1.get() == 1
assert provider2.get() == 2
def test_special_interfaces_work_with_auto_bind_disabled():
class InjectMe:
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(InjectMe, to=InstanceProvider(InjectMe()))
injector = Injector(configure, auto_bind=False)
# This line used to fail with:
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "/projects/injector/injector_test.py", line 1171,
# in test_auto_bind_disabled_regressions
# injector.get(ProviderOf(InjectMe))
# File "/projects/injector/injector.py", line 687, in get
# binding = self.binder.get_binding(None, key)
# File "/projects/injector/injector.py", line 459, in get_binding
# raise UnsatisfiedRequirement(cls, key)
# UnsatisfiedRequirement: unsatisfied requirement on
# <injector.ProviderOf object at 0x10ff01550>
# This used to fail with an error similar to the ProviderOf one
def test_binding_an_instance_regression():
text = b'hello'.decode()
def configure(binder):
# Yes, this binding doesn't make sense strictly speaking but
# it's just a sample case.
binder.bind(bytes, to=text)
injector = Injector(configure)
# This used to return empty bytes instead of the expected string
assert injector.get(bytes) == text
class PartialB:
def __init__(self, a: EmptyClass, b: str):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def test_class_assisted_builder_of_partially_injected_class_old():
class C:
def __init__(self, a: EmptyClass, builder: ClassAssistedBuilder[PartialB]):
self.a = a
self.b = builder.build(b='C')
c = Injector().get(C)
assert isinstance(c, C)
assert isinstance(c.b, PartialB)
assert isinstance(c.b.a, EmptyClass)
class ImplicitA:
class ImplicitB:
def __init__(self, a: ImplicitA):
self.a = a
class ImplicitC:
def __init__(self, b: ImplicitB):
self.b = b
def test_implicit_injection_for_python3():
injector = Injector()
c = injector.get(ImplicitC)
assert isinstance(c, ImplicitC)
assert isinstance(c.b, ImplicitB)
assert isinstance(c.b.a, ImplicitA)
def test_annotation_based_injection_works_in_provider_methods():
class MyModule(Module):
def configure(self, binder):
binder.bind(int, to=42)
def provide_str(self, i: int) -> str:
return str(i)
def provide_object(self) -> object:
return object()
injector = Injector(MyModule)
assert injector.get(str) == '42'
assert injector.get(object) is injector.get(object)
class Fetcher:
def fetch(self, user_id):
assert user_id == 333
return {'name': 'John'}
class Processor:
def __init__(self, fetcher: Fetcher, user_id: int, provider_id: str):
assert provider_id == 'not injected'
data = fetcher.fetch(user_id)
self.name = data['name']
def test_assisted_building_is_supported():
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(int, to=897)
binder.bind(str, to='injected')
injector = Injector(configure)
processor_builder = injector.get(AssistedBuilder[Processor])
with pytest.raises(CallError):
processor = processor_builder.build(user_id=333, provider_id='not injected')
assert processor.name == 'John'
def test_raises_when_noninjectable_arguments_defined_with_invalid_arguments():
with pytest.raises(UnknownArgument):
class A:
def __init__(self, b: str):
self.b = b
def test_can_create_instance_with_untyped_noninjectable_argument():
class Parent:
@noninjectable('child1', 'child2')
def __init__(self, child1, *, child2):
self.child1 = child1
self.child2 = child2
injector = Injector()
parent_builder = injector.get(AssistedBuilder[Parent])
parent = parent_builder.build(child1='injected1', child2='injected2')
assert parent.child1 == 'injected1'
assert parent.child2 == 'injected2'
def test_implicit_injection_fails_when_annotations_are_missing():
class A:
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
injector = Injector()
with pytest.raises(CallError):
def test_injection_works_in_presence_of_return_value_annotation():
# Code with PEP 484-compatible type hints will have __init__ methods
# annotated as returning None[1] and this didn't work well with Injector.
# [1] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#the-meaning-of-annotations
class A:
def __init__(self, s: str) -> None:
self.s = s
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(str, to='this is string')
injector = Injector([configure])
# Used to fail with:
# injector.UnknownProvider: couldn't determine provider for None to None
a = injector.get(A)
# Just a sanity check, if the code above worked we're almost certain
# we're good but just in case the return value annotation handling changed
# something:
assert a.s == 'this is string'
def test_things_dont_break_in_presence_of_args_or_kwargs():
class A:
def __init__(self, s: str, *args: int, **kwargs: str):
assert not args
assert not kwargs
injector = Injector()
# The following line used to fail with something like this:
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "/ve/injector/injector_test_py3.py", line 192,
# in test_things_dont_break_in_presence_of_args_or_kwargs
# injector.get(A)
# File "/ve/injector/injector.py", line 707, in get
# result = scope_instance.get(key, binding.provider).get(self)
# File "/ve/injector/injector.py", line 142, in get
# return injector.create_object(self._cls)
# File "/ve/injector/injector.py", line 744, in create_object
# init(instance, **additional_kwargs)
# File "/ve/injector/injector.py", line 1082, in inject
# kwargs=kwargs
# File "/ve/injector/injector.py", line 851, in call_with_injection
# **dependencies)
# File "/ve/injector/injector_test_py3.py", line 189, in __init__
# assert not kwargs
# AssertionError: assert not {'args': 0, 'kwargs': ''}
def test_forward_references_in_annotations_are_handled():
# See https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#forward-references for details
class CustomModule(Module):
def provide_x(self) -> 'X':
return X('hello')
def fun(s: 'X') -> 'X':
return s
# The class needs to be module-global in order for the string -> object
# resolution mechanism to work. I could make it work with locals but it
# doesn't seem worth it.
global X
class X:
def __init__(self, message: str) -> None:
self.message = message
injector = Injector(CustomModule)
assert injector.call_with_injection(fun).message == 'hello'
del X
def test_more_useful_exception_is_raised_when_parameters_type_is_any():
def fun(a: Any) -> None:
injector = Injector()
# This was the exception before:
# TypeError: Cannot instantiate <class 'typing.AnyMeta'>
# Now:
# injector.CallError: Call to AnyMeta.__new__() failed: Cannot instantiate
# <class 'typing.AnyMeta'> (injection stack: ['injector_test_py3'])
# In this case the injection stack doesn't provide too much information but
# it quickly gets helpful when the stack gets deeper.
with pytest.raises((CallError, TypeError)):
def test_optionals_are_ignored_for_now():
def fun(s: str = None):
return s
assert Injector().call_with_injection(fun) == ''
def test_explicitly_passed_parameters_override_injectable_values():
# The class needs to be defined globally for the 'X' forward reference to be able to be resolved.
global X
# We test a method on top of regular function to exercise the code path that's
# responsible for handling methods.
class X:
def method(self, s: str) -> str:
return s
def method_typed_self(self: 'X', s: str) -> str:
return s
def function(s: str) -> str:
return s
injection_counter = 0
def provide_str() -> str:
nonlocal injection_counter
injection_counter += 1
return 'injected string'
def configure(binder: Binder) -> None:
binder.bind(str, to=provide_str)
injector = Injector([configure])
x = X()
assert injection_counter == 0
assert injector.call_with_injection(x.method) == 'injected string'
assert injection_counter == 1
assert injector.call_with_injection(x.method_typed_self) == 'injected string'
assert injection_counter == 2
assert injector.call_with_injection(function) == 'injected string'
assert injection_counter == 3
assert injector.call_with_injection(x.method, args=('passed string',)) == 'passed string'
assert injection_counter == 3
assert injector.call_with_injection(x.method_typed_self, args=('passed string',)) == 'passed string'
assert injection_counter == 3
assert injector.call_with_injection(function, args=('passed string',)) == 'passed string'
assert injection_counter == 3
assert injector.call_with_injection(x.method, kwargs={'s': 'passed string'}) == 'passed string'
assert injection_counter == 3
assert (
injector.call_with_injection(x.method_typed_self, kwargs={'s': 'passed string'})
== 'passed string'
assert injection_counter == 3
assert injector.call_with_injection(function, kwargs={'s': 'passed string'}) == 'passed string'
assert injection_counter == 3
del X
class AssistedB:
def __init__(self, a: EmptyClass, b: str):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def test_class_assisted_builder_of_partially_injected_class():
class C:
def __init__(self, a: EmptyClass, builder: ClassAssistedBuilder[AssistedB]):
self.a = a
self.b = builder.build(b='C')
c = Injector().get(C)
assert isinstance(c, C)
assert isinstance(c.b, AssistedB)
assert isinstance(c.b.a, EmptyClass)
# The test taken from Alec Thomas' pull request: https://github.com/alecthomas/injector/pull/73
def test_child_scope():
TestKey = NewType('TestKey', str)
TestKey2 = NewType('TestKey2', str)
def parent_module(binder):
binder.bind(TestKey, to='in parent', scope=singleton)
def first_child_module(binder):
binder.bind(TestKey2, to='in first child', scope=singleton)
def second_child_module(binder):
binder.bind(TestKey2, to='in second child', scope=singleton)
injector = Injector(modules=[parent_module])
first_child_injector = injector.create_child_injector(modules=[first_child_module])
second_child_injector = injector.create_child_injector(modules=[second_child_module])
assert first_child_injector.get(TestKey) is first_child_injector.get(TestKey)
assert first_child_injector.get(TestKey) is second_child_injector.get(TestKey)
assert first_child_injector.get(TestKey2) is not second_child_injector.get(TestKey2)
def test_custom_scopes_work_as_expected_with_child_injectors():
class CustomSingletonScope(SingletonScope):
custom_singleton = ScopeDecorator(CustomSingletonScope)
def parent_module(binder):
binder.bind(str, to='parent value', scope=custom_singleton)
def child_module(binder):
binder.bind(str, to='child value', scope=custom_singleton)
parent = Injector(modules=[parent_module])
child = parent.create_child_injector(modules=[child_module])
print('parent, child: %s, %s' % (parent, child))
assert parent.get(str) == 'parent value'
assert child.get(str) == 'child value'
# Test for https://github.com/alecthomas/injector/issues/75
def test_inject_decorator_does_not_break_manual_construction_of_pyqt_objects():
class PyQtFake:
def __init__(self):
def __getattribute__(self, item):
if item == '__injector__':
raise RuntimeError(
'A PyQt class would raise this exception if getting '
'self.__injector__ before __init__ is called and '
'self.__injector__ has not been set by Injector.'
return object.__getattribute__(self, item)
instance = PyQtFake() # This used to raise the exception
assert isinstance(instance, PyQtFake)
def test_using_an_assisted_builder_with_a_provider_raises_an_injector_error():
class MyModule(Module):
def provide_a(self, builder: AssistedBuilder[EmptyClass]) -> EmptyClass:
return builder.build()
injector = Injector(MyModule)
with pytest.raises(Error):
def test_newtype_integration_works():
UserID = NewType('UserID', int)
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(UserID, to=123)
injector = Injector([configure])
assert injector.get(UserID) == 123
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 6), reason="Requires Python 3.6+")
def test_dataclass_integration_works():
import dataclasses
# Python 3.6+-only syntax below
class Data:
name: str
def configure(binder):
binder.bind(str, to='data')
injector = Injector([configure])
assert injector.get(Data).name == 'data'
def test_get_bindings():
def function1(a: int) -> None:
assert get_bindings(function1) == {}
def function2(a: int) -> None:
assert get_bindings(function2) == {'a': int}
def function3(a: int, b: str) -> None:
assert get_bindings(function3) == {'a': int}
# Let's verify that the inject/noninjectable ordering doesn't matter
def function3b(a: int, b: str) -> None:
assert get_bindings(function3b) == {'a': int}
# The simple case of no @inject but injection requested with Inject[...]
def function4(a: Inject[int], b: str) -> None:
assert get_bindings(function4) == {'a': int}
# Using @inject with Inject is redundant but it should not break anything
def function5(a: Inject[int], b: str) -> None:
assert get_bindings(function5) == {'a': int, 'b': str}
# We need to be able to exclude a parameter from injection with NoInject
def function6(a: int, b: NoInject[str]) -> None:
assert get_bindings(function6) == {'a': int}
# The presence of NoInject should not trigger anything on its own
def function7(a: int, b: NoInject[str]) -> None:
assert get_bindings(function7) == {}
# There was a bug where in case of multiple NoInject-decorated parameters only the first one was
# actually made noninjectable and we tried to inject something we couldn't possibly provide
# into the second one.
def function8(a: NoInject[int], b: NoInject[int]) -> None:
assert get_bindings(function8) == {}
# Default arguments to NoInject annotations should behave the same as noninjectable decorator w.r.t 'None'
def function9(self, a: int, b: Optional[str] = None):
def function10(self, a: int, b: NoInject[Optional[str]] = None):
# b:s type is Union[NoInject[Union[str, None]], None]
assert get_bindings(function9) == {'a': int} == get_bindings(function10)
# If there's a return type annottion that contains an a forward reference that can't be
# resolved (for whatever reason) we don't want that to break things for us – return types
# don't matter for the purpose of dependency injection.
def function11(a: int) -> 'InvalidForwardReference':
assert get_bindings(function11) == {'a': int}
# Tests https://github.com/alecthomas/injector/issues/202
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 10), reason="Requires Python 3.10+")
def test_get_bindings_for_pep_604():
def function1(a: int | None) -> None:
assert get_bindings(function1) == {'a': int}
def function1(a: int | str) -> None:
assert get_bindings(function1) == {'a': Union[int, str]}