Blazing fast and correct x86/x64 disassembler, assembler, decoder, encoder for .NET, Rust, Python, JavaScript
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High performance x86 (16/32/64-bit) instruction decoder, disassembler and assembler. It can be used for static analysis of x86/x64 binaries, to rewrite code (eg. remove garbage instructions), to relocate code or as a disassembler.

  • Supports all Intel and AMD instructions
  • High level Assembler providing a simple and lean syntax (e.g, edx)))
  • Decoding and disassembler support:
    • The decoder doesn't allocate any memory and is 2x-5x+ faster than other similar libraries written in C or C#
    • Small decoded instructions, only 32 bytes
    • The formatter supports masm, nasm, gas (AT&T), Intel (XED) and there are many options to customize the output
  • Encoding support:
    • The encoder can be used to re-encode decoded instructions at any address
    • The block encoder encodes a list of instructions and optimizes branches to short, near or 'long' (64-bit: 1 or more instructions)
  • API to get instruction info, eg. read/written registers, memory and rflags bits; CPUID feature flag, flow control info, etc
  • All instructions are tested (decode, encode, format, instruction info)
  • Supports .NET Standard 2.0/2.1+ and .NET Framework 4.5+
  • License: MIT


See below for some examples. All classes are in the Iced.Intel namespace.


  • Decoder
  • Instruction (and Instruction.Create() methods)
  • CodeReader
    • ByteArrayCodeReader
    • StreamCodeReader
  • InstructionList
  • ConstantOffsets
  • IcedFeatures.Initialize()


  • Formatter
    • MasmFormatter
    • NasmFormatter
    • GasFormatter
    • IntelFormatter
  • FormatterOptions
    • MasmFormatterOptions
    • NasmFormatterOptions
    • GasFormatterOptions
    • IntelFormatterOptions
  • FormatterOutput
    • StringOutput
  • ISymbolResolver
  • IFormatterOptionsProvider


  • Assembler
  • Label
  • AssemblerRegisters (use using static to have access directly to registers e.g eax, rdi, xmm1...)


  • Encoder
  • BlockEncoder
  • CodeWriter
    • StreamCodeWriter
  • ConstantOffsets
  • OpCodeInfo (Instruction.OpCode and Code.ToOpCode())

Instruction info:

  • InstructionInfo
  • InstructionInfoFactory
  • InstructionInfoExtensions
  • MemorySizeExtensions
  • RegisterExtensions


Disassemble (decode and format instructions)

using System;
using Iced.Intel;

static class HowTo_Disassemble {
     * This method produces the following output:
00007FFAC46ACDA4 48895C2410           mov       [rsp+10h],rbx
00007FFAC46ACDA9 4889742418           mov       [rsp+18h],rsi
00007FFAC46ACDAE 55                   push      rbp
00007FFAC46ACDAF 57                   push      rdi
00007FFAC46ACDB0 4156                 push      r14
00007FFAC46ACDB2 488DAC2400FFFFFF     lea       rbp,[rsp-100h]
00007FFAC46ACDBA 4881EC00020000       sub       rsp,200h
00007FFAC46ACDC1 488B0518570A00       mov       rax,[rel 7FFA`C475`24E0h]
00007FFAC46ACDC8 4833C4               xor       rax,rsp
00007FFAC46ACDCB 488985F0000000       mov       [rbp+0F0h],rax
00007FFAC46ACDD2 4C8B052F240A00       mov       r8,[rel 7FFA`C474`F208h]
00007FFAC46ACDD9 488D05787C0400       lea       rax,[rel 7FFA`C46F`4A58h]
00007FFAC46ACDE0 33FF                 xor       edi,edi
    public static void Example() {
        // You can also pass in a hex string, eg. "90 91 929394", or you can use your own CodeReader
        // reading data from a file or memory etc
        var codeBytes = exampleCode;
        var codeReader = new ByteArrayCodeReader(codeBytes);
        var decoder = Decoder.Create(exampleCodeBitness, codeReader);
        decoder.IP = exampleCodeRIP;
        ulong endRip = decoder.IP + (uint)codeBytes.Length;

        // This list is faster than List<Instruction> since it uses refs to the Instructions
        // instead of copying them (each Instruction is 32 bytes in size). It has a ref indexer,
        // and a ref iterator. Add() uses 'in' (ref readonly).
        var instructions = new InstructionList();
        while (decoder.IP < endRip) {
            // The method allocates an uninitialized element at the end of the list and
            // returns a reference to it which is initialized by Decode().
            decoder.Decode(out instructions.AllocUninitializedElement());

        // Formatters: Masm*, Nasm*, Gas* (AT&T) and Intel* (XED)
        var formatter = new NasmFormatter();
        formatter.Options.DigitSeparator = "`";
        formatter.Options.FirstOperandCharIndex = 10;
        var output = new StringOutput();
        // Use InstructionList's ref iterator (C# 7.3) to prevent copying 32 bytes every iteration
        foreach (ref var instr in instructions) {
            // Don't use instr.ToString(), it allocates more, uses masm syntax and default options
            formatter.Format(instr, output);
            Console.Write(" ");
            int instrLen = instr.Length;
            int byteBaseIndex = (int)(instr.IP - exampleCodeRIP);
            for (int i = 0; i < instrLen; i++)
                Console.Write(codeBytes[byteBaseIndex + i].ToString("X2"));
            int missingBytes = HEXBYTES_COLUMN_BYTE_LENGTH - instrLen;
            for (int i = 0; i < missingBytes; i++)
                Console.Write("  ");
            Console.Write(" ");

    const int exampleCodeBitness = 64;
    const ulong exampleCodeRIP = 0x00007FFAC46ACDA4;
    static readonly byte[] exampleCode = new byte[] {
        0x48, 0x89, 0x5C, 0x24, 0x10, 0x48, 0x89, 0x74, 0x24, 0x18, 0x55, 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x48, 0x8D,
        0xAC, 0x24, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x48, 0x81, 0xEC, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8B, 0x05,
        0x18, 0x57, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x48, 0x33, 0xC4, 0x48, 0x89, 0x85, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4C, 0x8B,
        0x05, 0x2F, 0x24, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8D, 0x05, 0x78, 0x7C, 0x04, 0x00, 0x33, 0xFF

Assemble instructions

using System;
using System.IO;
using Iced.Intel;
using static Iced.Intel.AssemblerRegisters;

static class HowTo_Assemble {
     * This method produces the following output:
10000000 = push r15
10000002 = add rax,r15
10000005 = mov rax,[rax]
10000008 = mov rax,[rax]
1000000B = cmp dword ptr [rax+rcx*8+10h],0FFFFFFFFh
10000010 = jne short 000000001000003Dh
10000012 = inc rax
10000015 = lea rcx,[10000040h]
1000001C = rep stosd
1000001E = xacquire lock add qword ptr [rax+rcx],7Bh
10000025 = vaddpd zmm1{k3}{z},zmm2,zmm3 {rz-sae}
1000002B = vunpcklps xmm2{k5}{z},xmm6,dword bcst [rax]
10000031 = inc rax
10000034 = je short 0000000010000031h
10000036 = inc rcx
10000039 = je short 000000001000003Ch
1000003B = nop
1000003C = nop
1000003D = pop r15
1000003F = ret
10000040 = pause
    public static MemoryStream Example() {
        // The assembler supports all modes: 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit.
        var c = new Assembler(64);

        var label1 = c.CreateLabel();
        var data1 = c.CreateLabel();

        c.add(rax, r15);

        // If the memory operand can only have one size, __[] can be used. The assembler ignores
        // the memory size unless it's an ambiguous instruction, eg. 'add [mem],123', __[rax]);, __qword_ptr[rax]);

        // The assembler must know the memory size to pick the correct instruction
        c.cmp(__dword_ptr[rax + rcx * 8 + 0x10], -1);
        c.jne(label1); // Jump to Label1;

        // Labels can be referenced by memory operands (64-bit only) and call/jmp/jcc/loopcc instructions
        c.lea(rcx, __[data1]);

        // The assembler has prefix properties that will be added to the following instruction
        c.xacquire.@lock.add(__qword_ptr[rax + rcx], 123);

        // The assembler defaults to VEX instructions. If you need EVEX instructions, set PreferVex=false
        c.PreferVex = false;
        // AVX-512 decorators are properties on the memory and register operands
        c.vaddpd(zmm1.k3.z, zmm2, zmm3.rz_sae);
        // To broadcast memory, use the __dword_bcst/__qword_bcst memory types
        c.vunpcklps(xmm2.k5.z, xmm6, __dword_bcst[rax]);

        // You can create anonymous labels, just like in eg. masm, @@, @F and @B
        c.AnonymousLabel(); // same as @@: in masm;; // reference the previous anonymous label;; // reference the next anonymous label

        // Emit label1:
        c.Label(ref label1);
        c.Label(ref data1);
        c.db(0xF3, 0x90); // pause

        const ulong RIP = 0x1000_0000;
        var stream = new MemoryStream();
        c.Assemble(new StreamCodeWriter(stream), RIP);

        // Disassemble the result
        stream.Position = 0;
        var reader = new StreamCodeReader(stream);
        var decoder = Decoder.Create(64, reader);
        decoder.IP = RIP;
        while (stream.Position < stream.Length) {
            decoder.Decode(out var instr);
            Console.WriteLine($"{instr.IP:X} = {instr}");

        return stream;

Disassemble with a symbol resolver

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Iced.Intel;

static class HowTo_SymbolResolver {
    sealed class SymbolResolver : ISymbolResolver {
        readonly Dictionary<ulong, string> symbolDict;

        public SymbolResolver(Dictionary<ulong, string> symbolDict) {
            this.symbolDict = symbolDict;

        public bool TryGetSymbol(in Instruction instruction, int operand, int instructionOperand,
            ulong address, int addressSize, out SymbolResult symbol) {
            if (symbolDict.TryGetValue(address, out var symbolText)) {
                // The 'address' arg is the address of the symbol and doesn't have to be identical
                // to the 'address' arg passed to TryGetSymbol(). If it's different from the input
                // address, the formatter will add +N or -N, eg. '[rax+symbol+123]'
                symbol = new SymbolResult(address, symbolText);
                return true;
            symbol = default;
            return false;

    public static void Example() {
        var symbols = new Dictionary<ulong, string> {
            { 0x5AA55AA5UL, "my_data" },
        var symbolResolver = new SymbolResolver(symbols);
        var decoder = Decoder.Create(64, new ByteArrayCodeReader("488B8AA55AA55A"));
        decoder.Decode(out var instr);

        var formatter = new GasFormatter(symbolResolver);
        var output = new StringOutput();
        formatter.Format(instr, output);
        // Prints: mov my_data(%rdx),%rcx

Disassemble with colorized text

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Iced.Intel;

static class HowTo_ColorizedText {
    public static void Example() {
        var codeReader = new ByteArrayCodeReader(exampleCode);
        var decoder = Decoder.Create(exampleCodeBitness, codeReader);
        decoder.IP = exampleCodeRIP;

        var formatter = new MasmFormatter();
        var output = new FormatterOutputImpl();
        while (codeReader.CanReadByte) {
            decoder.Decode(out var instr);
            formatter.Format(instr, output);
            foreach (var (text, kind) in output.List) {
                Console.ForegroundColor = GetColor(kind);

    sealed class FormatterOutputImpl : FormatterOutput {
        public readonly List<(string text, FormatterTextKind kind)> List =
            new List<(string text, FormatterTextKind kind)>();
        public override void Write(string text, FormatterTextKind kind) => List.Add((text, kind));

    static ConsoleColor GetColor(FormatterTextKind kind) {
        switch (kind) {
        case FormatterTextKind.Directive:
        case FormatterTextKind.Keyword:
            return ConsoleColor.Yellow;

        case FormatterTextKind.Prefix:
        case FormatterTextKind.Mnemonic:
            return ConsoleColor.Red;

        case FormatterTextKind.Register:
            return ConsoleColor.Magenta;

        case FormatterTextKind.Number:
            return ConsoleColor.Green;

            return ConsoleColor.White;

    const int exampleCodeBitness = 64;
    const ulong exampleCodeRIP = 0x00007FFAC46ACDA4;
    static readonly byte[] exampleCode = new byte[] {
        0x48, 0x89, 0x5C, 0x24, 0x10, 0x48, 0x89, 0x74, 0x24, 0x18, 0x55, 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x48, 0x8D,
        0xAC, 0x24, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x48, 0x81, 0xEC, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8B, 0x05,
        0x18, 0x57, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x48, 0x33, 0xC4, 0x48, 0x89, 0x85, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4C, 0x8B,
        0x05, 0x2F, 0x24, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8D, 0x05, 0x78, 0x7C, 0x04, 0x00, 0x33, 0xFF

Move code in memory (eg. hook a function)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Iced.Intel;

static class HowTo_MoveCode {
    // Decodes instructions from some address, then encodes them starting at some
    // other address. This can be used to hook a function. You decode enough instructions
    // until you have enough bytes to add a JMP instruction that jumps to your code.
    // Your code will then conditionally jump to the original code that you re-encoded.
    // This code uses the BlockEncoder which will help with some things, eg. converting
    // short branches to longer branches if the target is too far away.
    // 64-bit mode also supports RIP relative addressing, but the encoder can't rewrite
    // those to use a longer displacement. If any of the moved instructions have RIP
    // relative addressing and it tries to access data too far away, the encoder will fail.
    // The easiest solution is to use OS alloc functions that allocate memory close to the
    // original code (+/-2GB).

     * This method produces the following output:
Original code:
00007FFAC46ACDA4 mov [rsp+10h],rbx
00007FFAC46ACDA9 mov [rsp+18h],rsi
00007FFAC46ACDAE push rbp
00007FFAC46ACDAF push rdi
00007FFAC46ACDB0 push r14
00007FFAC46ACDB2 lea rbp,[rsp-100h]
00007FFAC46ACDBA sub rsp,200h
00007FFAC46ACDC1 mov rax,[rel 7FFAC47524E0h]
00007FFAC46ACDC8 xor rax,rsp
00007FFAC46ACDCB mov [rbp+0F0h],rax
00007FFAC46ACDD2 mov r8,[rel 7FFAC474F208h]
00007FFAC46ACDD9 lea rax,[rel 7FFAC46F4A58h]
00007FFAC46ACDE0 xor edi,edi

Original + patched code:
00007FFAC46ACDA4 mov rax,123456789ABCDEF0h
00007FFAC46ACDAE jmp rax
00007FFAC46ACDB0 push r14
00007FFAC46ACDB2 lea rbp,[rsp-100h]
00007FFAC46ACDBA sub rsp,200h
00007FFAC46ACDC1 mov rax,[rel 7FFAC47524E0h]
00007FFAC46ACDC8 xor rax,rsp
00007FFAC46ACDCB mov [rbp+0F0h],rax
00007FFAC46ACDD2 mov r8,[rel 7FFAC474F208h]
00007FFAC46ACDD9 lea rax,[rel 7FFAC46F4A58h]
00007FFAC46ACDE0 xor edi,edi

Moved code:
00007FFAC48ACDA4 mov [rsp+10h],rbx
00007FFAC48ACDA9 mov [rsp+18h],rsi
00007FFAC48ACDAE push rbp
00007FFAC48ACDAF push rdi
00007FFAC48ACDB0 jmp 00007FFAC46ACDB0h
    public static void Example() {
        Console.WriteLine("Original code:");
        Disassemble(exampleCode, exampleCodeRIP);

        var codeReader = new ByteArrayCodeReader(exampleCode);
        var decoder = Decoder.Create(exampleCodeBitness, codeReader);
        decoder.IP = exampleCodeRIP;

        // In 64-bit mode, we need 12 bytes to jump to any address:
        //      mov rax,imm64   // 10
        //      jmp rax         // 2
        // We overwrite rax because it's probably not used by the called function.
        // In 32-bit mode, a normal JMP is just 5 bytes
        const uint requiredBytes = 10 + 2;
        uint totalBytes = 0;
        var origInstructions = new InstructionList();
        while (codeReader.CanReadByte) {
            decoder.Decode(out var instr);
            totalBytes += (uint)instr.Length;
            if (instr.Code == Code.INVALID)
                throw new Exception("Found garbage");
            if (totalBytes >= requiredBytes)

            switch (instr.FlowControl) {
            case FlowControl.Next:

            case FlowControl.UnconditionalBranch:
                if (instr.Op0Kind == OpKind.NearBranch64) {
                    var target = instr.NearBranchTarget;
                    // You could check if it's just jumping forward a few bytes and follow it
                    // but this is a simple example so we'll fail.
                goto default;

            case FlowControl.IndirectBranch:// eg. jmp reg/mem
            case FlowControl.ConditionalBranch:// eg. je, jno, etc
            case FlowControl.Return:// eg. ret
            case FlowControl.Call:// eg. call method
            case FlowControl.IndirectCall:// eg. call reg/mem
            case FlowControl.Interrupt:// eg. int n
            case FlowControl.XbeginXabortXend:
            case FlowControl.Exception:// eg. ud0
                throw new Exception("Not supported by this simple example");
        if (totalBytes < requiredBytes)
            throw new Exception("Not enough bytes!");
        Debug.Assert(origInstructions.Count > 0);
        // Create a JMP instruction that branches to the original code, except those instructions
        // that we we'll re-encode. We don't need to do it if it already ends in 'ret'
        ref readonly var lastInstr = ref origInstructions[origInstructions.Count - 1];
        if (lastInstr.FlowControl != FlowControl.Return)
            origInstructions.Add(Instruction.CreateBranch(Code.Jmp_rel32_64, lastInstr.NextIP));

        // Relocate the code to some new location. It can fix short/near branches and
        // convert them to short/near/long forms if needed. This also works even if it's a
        // jrcxz/loop/loopcc instruction which only has a short form.
        // It can currently only fix RIP relative operands if the new location is within 2GB
        // of the target data location.
        // Note that a block is not the same thing as a basic block. A block can contain any
        // number of instructions, including any number of branch instructions. One block
        // should be enough unless you must relocate different blocks to different locations.
        var codeWriter = new CodeWriterImpl();
        ulong relocatedBaseAddress = exampleCodeRIP + 0x200000;
        var block = new InstructionBlock(codeWriter, origInstructions, relocatedBaseAddress);
        // This method can also encode more than one block but that's rarely needed, see above comment.
        bool success = BlockEncoder.TryEncode(decoder.Bitness, block, out var errorMessage, out _);
        if (!success) {
            Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {errorMessage}");
        var newCode = codeWriter.ToArray();

        // Patch the original code. Pretend that we use some OS API to write to memory...
        // We could use the BlockEncoder/Encoder for this but it's easy to do yourself too.
        // This is 'mov rax,imm64; jmp rax'
        const ulong YOUR_FUNC = 0x123456789ABCDEF0;// Address of your code
        exampleCode[0] = 0x48;// \ 'MOV RAX,imm64'
        exampleCode[1] = 0xB8;// /
        ulong v = YOUR_FUNC;
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++, v >>= 8)
            exampleCode[2 + i] = (byte)v;
        exampleCode[10] = 0xFF;// \ JMP RAX
        exampleCode[11] = 0xE0;// /

        // Disassemble it
        Console.WriteLine("Original + patched code:");
        var formatter = new NasmFormatter();
        var output = new StringOutput();
        codeReader = new ByteArrayCodeReader(exampleCode);
        decoder = Decoder.Create(exampleCodeBitness, codeReader);
        decoder.IP = exampleCodeRIP;
        while (codeReader.CanReadByte) {
            Instruction instr;
            if (decoder.IP == exampleCodeRIP + requiredBytes && lastInstr.NextIP - decoder.IP != 0) {
                // The instruction was partially overwritten, so just show it as a 'db x,y,z' instead of garbage
                var len = (int)(lastInstr.NextIP - decoder.IP);
                var index = (int)(decoder.IP - exampleCodeRIP);
                instr = Instruction.CreateDeclareByte(exampleCode, index, len);
                instr.NextIP = decoder.IP;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                decoder.IP += (ulong)len;
                instr = decoder.Decode();
            formatter.Format(instr, output);
            Console.WriteLine($"{instr.IP:X16} {output.ToStringAndReset()}");

        // Disassemble the moved code
        Console.WriteLine("Moved code:");
        Disassemble(newCode, relocatedBaseAddress);
    static void Disassemble(byte[] data, ulong ip) {
        var formatter = new NasmFormatter();
        var output = new StringOutput();
        var codeReader = new ByteArrayCodeReader(data);
        var decoder = Decoder.Create(exampleCodeBitness, codeReader);
        decoder.IP = ip;
        while (codeReader.CanReadByte) {
            decoder.Decode(out var instr);
            formatter.Format(instr, output);
            Console.WriteLine($"{instr.IP:X16} {output.ToStringAndReset()}");
    sealed class CodeWriterImpl : CodeWriter {
        readonly List<byte> allBytes = new List<byte>();
        public override void WriteByte(byte value) => allBytes.Add(value);
        public byte[] ToArray() => allBytes.ToArray();

    const int exampleCodeBitness = 64;
    const ulong exampleCodeRIP = 0x00007FFAC46ACDA4;
    static readonly byte[] exampleCode = new byte[] {
        0x48, 0x89, 0x5C, 0x24, 0x10, 0x48, 0x89, 0x74, 0x24, 0x18, 0x55, 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x48, 0x8D,
        0xAC, 0x24, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x48, 0x81, 0xEC, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8B, 0x05,
        0x18, 0x57, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x48, 0x33, 0xC4, 0x48, 0x89, 0x85, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4C, 0x8B,
        0x05, 0x2F, 0x24, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8D, 0x05, 0x78, 0x7C, 0x04, 0x00, 0x33, 0xFF

Get instruction info, eg. read/written regs/mem, control flow info, etc

using System;
using Iced.Intel;

static class HowTo_InstructionInfo {
     * This method produces the following output:
00007FFAC46ACDA4 mov [rsp+10h],rbx
    OpCode: REX.W 89 /r
    Instruction: MOV r/m64, r64
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Mov
    Code: Mov_rm64_r64
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    Displacement offset = 4, size = 1
    Memory size: 8
    Op0Access: Write
    Op1Access: Read
    Op0: r64_or_mem
    Op1: r64_reg
    Used reg: RSP:Read
    Used reg: RBX:Read
    Used mem: [SS:RSP+0x10;UInt64;Write]
00007FFAC46ACDA9 mov [rsp+18h],rsi
    OpCode: REX.W 89 /r
    Instruction: MOV r/m64, r64
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Mov
    Code: Mov_rm64_r64
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    Displacement offset = 4, size = 1
    Memory size: 8
    Op0Access: Write
    Op1Access: Read
    Op0: r64_or_mem
    Op1: r64_reg
    Used reg: RSP:Read
    Used reg: RSI:Read
    Used mem: [SS:RSP+0x18;UInt64;Write]
00007FFAC46ACDAE push rbp
    OpCode: 50+ro
    Instruction: PUSH r64
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Push
    Code: Push_r64
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    SP Increment: -8
    Op0Access: Read
    Op0: r64_opcode
    Used reg: RBP:Read
    Used reg: RSP:ReadWrite
    Used mem: [SS:RSP+0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8;UInt64;Write]
00007FFAC46ACDAF push rdi
    OpCode: 50+ro
    Instruction: PUSH r64
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Push
    Code: Push_r64
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    SP Increment: -8
    Op0Access: Read
    Op0: r64_opcode
    Used reg: RDI:Read
    Used reg: RSP:ReadWrite
    Used mem: [SS:RSP+0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8;UInt64;Write]
00007FFAC46ACDB0 push r14
    OpCode: 50+ro
    Instruction: PUSH r64
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Push
    Code: Push_r64
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    SP Increment: -8
    Op0Access: Read
    Op0: r64_opcode
    Used reg: R14:Read
    Used reg: RSP:ReadWrite
    Used mem: [SS:RSP+0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8;UInt64;Write]
00007FFAC46ACDB2 lea rbp,[rsp-100h]
    OpCode: REX.W 8D /r
    Instruction: LEA r64, m
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Lea
    Code: Lea_r64_m
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    Displacement offset = 4, size = 4
    Op0Access: Write
    Op1Access: NoMemAccess
    Op0: r64_reg
    Op1: mem
    Used reg: RBP:Write
    Used reg: RSP:Read
00007FFAC46ACDBA sub rsp,200h
    OpCode: REX.W 81 /5 id
    Instruction: SUB r/m64, imm32
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Sub
    Code: Sub_rm64_imm32
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    Immediate offset = 3, size = 4
    RFLAGS Written: OF, SF, ZF, AF, CF, PF
    RFLAGS Modified: OF, SF, ZF, AF, CF, PF
    Op0Access: ReadWrite
    Op1Access: Read
    Op0: r64_or_mem
    Op1: imm32sex64
    Used reg: RSP:ReadWrite
00007FFAC46ACDC1 mov rax,[7FFAC47524E0h]
    OpCode: REX.W 8B /r
    Instruction: MOV r64, r/m64
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Mov
    Code: Mov_r64_rm64
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    Displacement offset = 3, size = 4
    Memory size: 8
    Op0Access: Write
    Op1Access: Read
    Op0: r64_reg
    Op1: r64_or_mem
    Used reg: RAX:Write
    Used mem: [DS:0x7FFAC47524E0;UInt64;Read]
00007FFAC46ACDC8 xor rax,rsp
    OpCode: REX.W 33 /r
    Instruction: XOR r64, r/m64
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Xor
    Code: Xor_r64_rm64
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    RFLAGS Written: SF, ZF, PF
    RFLAGS Cleared: OF, CF
    RFLAGS Undefined: AF
    RFLAGS Modified: OF, SF, ZF, AF, CF, PF
    Op0Access: ReadWrite
    Op1Access: Read
    Op0: r64_reg
    Op1: r64_or_mem
    Used reg: RAX:ReadWrite
    Used reg: RSP:Read
00007FFAC46ACDCB mov [rbp+0F0h],rax
    OpCode: REX.W 89 /r
    Instruction: MOV r/m64, r64
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Mov
    Code: Mov_rm64_r64
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    Displacement offset = 3, size = 4
    Memory size: 8
    Op0Access: Write
    Op1Access: Read
    Op0: r64_or_mem
    Op1: r64_reg
    Used reg: RBP:Read
    Used reg: RAX:Read
    Used mem: [SS:RBP+0xF0;UInt64;Write]
00007FFAC46ACDD2 mov r8,[7FFAC474F208h]
    OpCode: REX.W 8B /r
    Instruction: MOV r64, r/m64
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Mov
    Code: Mov_r64_rm64
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    Displacement offset = 3, size = 4
    Memory size: 8
    Op0Access: Write
    Op1Access: Read
    Op0: r64_reg
    Op1: r64_or_mem
    Used reg: R8:Write
    Used mem: [DS:0x7FFAC474F208;UInt64;Read]
00007FFAC46ACDD9 lea rax,[7FFAC46F4A58h]
    OpCode: REX.W 8D /r
    Instruction: LEA r64, m
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Lea
    Code: Lea_r64_m
    CpuidFeature: X64
    FlowControl: Next
    Displacement offset = 3, size = 4
    Op0Access: Write
    Op1Access: NoMemAccess
    Op0: r64_reg
    Op1: mem
    Used reg: RAX:Write
00007FFAC46ACDE0 xor edi,edi
    OpCode: o32 33 /r
    Instruction: XOR r32, r/m32
    Encoding: Legacy
    Mnemonic: Xor
    Code: Xor_r32_rm32
    CpuidFeature: INTEL386
    FlowControl: Next
    RFLAGS Cleared: OF, SF, CF
    RFLAGS Set: ZF, PF
    RFLAGS Undefined: AF
    RFLAGS Modified: OF, SF, ZF, AF, CF, PF
    Op0Access: Write
    Op1Access: None
    Op0: r32_reg
    Op1: r32_or_mem
    Used reg: RDI:Write
    public static void Example() {
        var codeReader = new ByteArrayCodeReader(exampleCode);
        var decoder = Decoder.Create(exampleCodeBitness, codeReader);
        decoder.IP = exampleCodeRIP;

        // Use a factory to create the instruction info if you need register and
        // memory usage. If it's something else, eg. encoding, flags, etc, there
        // are properties on Instruction that can be used instead.
        var instrInfoFactory = new InstructionInfoFactory();
        while (codeReader.CanReadByte) {
            decoder.Decode(out var instr);

            // Gets offsets in the instruction of the displacement and immediates and their sizes.
            // This can be useful if there are relocations in the binary. The encoder has a similar
            // method. This method must be called after Decode() and you must pass in the last
            // instruction Decode() returned.
            var offsets = decoder.GetConstantOffsets(instr);

            Console.WriteLine($"{instr.IP:X16} {instr}");

            var opCode = instr.OpCode;
            var info = instrInfoFactory.GetInfo(instr);
            const string tab = "    ";
            Console.WriteLine($"{tab}OpCode: {opCode.ToOpCodeString()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Instruction: {opCode.ToInstructionString()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Encoding: {instr.Encoding}");
            Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Mnemonic: {instr.Mnemonic}");
            Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Code: {instr.Code}");
            Console.WriteLine($"{tab}CpuidFeature: {string.Join(" and ", instr.CpuidFeatures)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"{tab}FlowControl: {instr.FlowControl}");
            if (offsets.HasDisplacement)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Displacement offset = {offsets.DisplacementOffset}, size = {offsets.DisplacementSize}");
            if (offsets.HasImmediate)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Immediate offset = {offsets.ImmediateOffset}, size = {offsets.ImmediateSize}");
            if (offsets.HasImmediate2)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Immediate #2 offset = {offsets.ImmediateOffset2}, size = {offsets.ImmediateSize2}");
            if (instr.IsStackInstruction)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}SP Increment: {instr.StackPointerIncrement}");
            if (instr.ConditionCode != ConditionCode.None)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Condition code: {instr.ConditionCode}");
            if (instr.RflagsRead != RflagsBits.None)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}RFLAGS Read: {instr.RflagsRead}");
            if (instr.RflagsWritten != RflagsBits.None)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}RFLAGS Written: {instr.RflagsWritten}");
            if (instr.RflagsCleared != RflagsBits.None)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}RFLAGS Cleared: {instr.RflagsCleared}");
            if (instr.RflagsSet != RflagsBits.None)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}RFLAGS Set: {instr.RflagsSet}");
            if (instr.RflagsUndefined != RflagsBits.None)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}RFLAGS Undefined: {instr.RflagsUndefined}");
            if (instr.RflagsModified != RflagsBits.None)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}RFLAGS Modified: {instr.RflagsModified}");
            for (int i = 0; i < instr.OpCount; i++) {
                var opKind = instr.GetOpKind(i);
                if (opKind == OpKind.Memory || opKind == OpKind.Memory64) {
                    int size = instr.MemorySize.GetSize();
                    if (size != 0)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Memory size: {size}");
            for (int i = 0; i < instr.OpCount; i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Op{i}Access: {info.GetOpAccess(i)}");
            for (int i = 0; i < opCode.OpCount; i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Op{i}: {opCode.GetOpKind(i)}");
            // The returned iterator is a struct, nothing is allocated unless you box it
            foreach (var regInfo in info.GetUsedRegisters())
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Used reg: {regInfo.ToString()}");
            foreach (var memInfo in info.GetUsedMemory())
                Console.WriteLine($"{tab}Used mem: {memInfo.ToString()}");

    const int exampleCodeBitness = 64;
    const ulong exampleCodeRIP = 0x00007FFAC46ACDA4;
    static readonly byte[] exampleCode = new byte[] {
        0x48, 0x89, 0x5C, 0x24, 0x10, 0x48, 0x89, 0x74, 0x24, 0x18, 0x55, 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x48, 0x8D,
        0xAC, 0x24, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x48, 0x81, 0xEC, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8B, 0x05,
        0x18, 0x57, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x48, 0x33, 0xC4, 0x48, 0x89, 0x85, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4C, 0x8B,
        0x05, 0x2F, 0x24, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8D, 0x05, 0x78, 0x7C, 0x04, 0x00, 0x33, 0xFF




Logo processor by Creative Stall from the Noun Project