
223 lines
7.6 KiB

Copyright (C) 2018
This file is part of Iced.
Iced is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Iced is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Iced. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
namespace Iced.Intel {
readonly struct NumberFormatter {
const int SmallPositiveNumber = 9;
readonly FormatterOptions formatterOptions;
readonly StringBuilder sb;
readonly char[] numberCharArray;
public NumberFormatter(FormatterOptions formatterOptions) {
this.formatterOptions = formatterOptions;
sb = new StringBuilder();
// We need 64 chars to format the longest number, which is an unsigned 64-bit value in binary
numberCharArray = new char[64];
string AddDigitSeparators(string rawNumber, int digitGroupSize, string digitSeparator) {
Debug.Assert(digitGroupSize > 0);
if (rawNumber.Length <= digitGroupSize)
return rawNumber;
var sb =;
for (int i = 0; i < rawNumber.Length; i++) {
int d = rawNumber.Length - i;
if (i != 0 && (d % digitGroupSize) == 0 && rawNumber[i - 1] != '-')
var res = sb.ToString();
return res;
string ToHexadecimal(ulong value, int digits, bool upper, bool leadingZero) {
var array = numberCharArray;
if (digits == 0) {
digits = 1;
for (ulong tmp = value; ;) {
tmp >>= 4;
if (tmp == 0)
Debug.Assert((uint)digits <= (uint)array.Length);
char hexHigh = upper ? (char)('A' - 10) : (char)('a' - 10);
int bi = 0;
if (leadingZero && (int)((value >> ((digits - 1) << 2)) & 0xF) > 9)
array[bi++] = '0';
for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
int digit = (int)((value >> ((digits - i - 1) << 2)) & 0xF);
if (digit > 9)
array[bi++] = (char)(digit + hexHigh);
array[bi++] = (char)(digit + '0');
return new string(array, 0, bi);
string ToOctal(ulong value, int digits) {
var array = numberCharArray;
if (digits == 0) {
digits = 1;
for (ulong tmp = value; ;) {
tmp >>= 3;
if (tmp == 0)
Debug.Assert((uint)digits <= (uint)array.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
int digit = (int)((value >> (digits - i - 1) * 3) & 7);
array[i] = (char)(digit + '0');
return new string(array, 0, digits);
string ToBinary(ulong value, int digits) {
var array = numberCharArray;
if (digits == 0) {
digits = 1;
for (ulong tmp = value; ;) {
tmp >>= 1;
if (tmp == 0)
Debug.Assert((uint)digits <= (uint)array.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
int digit = (int)((value >> (digits - i - 1)) & 1);
array[i] = (char)(digit + '0');
return new string(array, 0, digits);
public string FormatUInt8(ref NumberFormattingOptions options, byte value) => FormatUnsignedInteger(ref options, value, 8, options.ShortNumbers, options.SmallHexNumbersInDecimal);
public string FormatUInt16(ref NumberFormattingOptions options, ushort value) => FormatUnsignedInteger(ref options, value, 16, options.ShortNumbers, options.SmallHexNumbersInDecimal);
public string FormatUInt32(ref NumberFormattingOptions options, uint value) => FormatUnsignedInteger(ref options, value, 32, options.ShortNumbers, options.SmallHexNumbersInDecimal);
public string FormatUInt64(ref NumberFormattingOptions options, ulong value) => FormatUnsignedInteger(ref options, value, 64, options.ShortNumbers, options.SmallHexNumbersInDecimal);
public string FormatUInt16(ref NumberFormattingOptions options, ushort value, bool shortNumbers) => FormatUnsignedInteger(ref options, value, 16, shortNumbers, options.SmallHexNumbersInDecimal);
public string FormatUInt32(ref NumberFormattingOptions options, uint value, bool shortNumbers) => FormatUnsignedInteger(ref options, value, 32, shortNumbers, options.SmallHexNumbersInDecimal);
public string FormatUInt64(ref NumberFormattingOptions options, ulong value, bool shortNumbers) => FormatUnsignedInteger(ref options, value, 64, shortNumbers, options.SmallHexNumbersInDecimal);
static readonly string[] smallDecimalValues = new string[SmallPositiveNumber + 1] {
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
string FormatUnsignedInteger(ref NumberFormattingOptions options, ulong value, int valueSize, bool shortNumbers, bool smallHexNumbersInDecimal) {
string rawNumber;
string prefix, suffix;
int digitGroupSize;
string digitSeparator;
switch ((NumberBase)options.numberBaseByteValue) {
case NumberBase.Hexadecimal:
if (smallHexNumbersInDecimal && value <= SmallPositiveNumber) {
digitGroupSize = formatterOptions.DecimalDigitGroupSize;
digitSeparator = options.DigitSeparator;
prefix = formatterOptions.DecimalPrefix;
suffix = formatterOptions.DecimalSuffix;
rawNumber = smallDecimalValues[(int)value];
else {
digitGroupSize = options.DigitGroupSize;
digitSeparator = options.DigitSeparator;
prefix = options.Prefix;
suffix = options.Suffix;
rawNumber = ToHexadecimal(value, shortNumbers ? 0 : (valueSize + 3) >> 2, options.UpperCaseHex, options.AddLeadingZeroToHexNumbers && string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix));
case NumberBase.Decimal:
digitGroupSize = options.DigitGroupSize;
digitSeparator = options.DigitSeparator;
prefix = options.Prefix;
suffix = options.Suffix;
rawNumber = value.ToString();
case NumberBase.Octal:
digitGroupSize = options.DigitGroupSize;
digitSeparator = options.DigitSeparator;
prefix = options.Prefix;
suffix = options.Suffix;
rawNumber = ToOctal(value, shortNumbers ? 0 : (valueSize + 2) / 3);
if (prefix == "0") {
// The prefix is part of the number so that a digit separator can be placed
// between the "prefix" and the rest of the number, eg. "0" + "1234" with
// digit separator "`" and group size = 2 is "0`12`34" and not "012`34".
// Other prefixes, eg. "0o" prefix: 0o12`34 and never 0o`12`34.
if (rawNumber[0] != '0')
rawNumber = prefix + rawNumber;
prefix = null;
case NumberBase.Binary:
digitGroupSize = options.DigitGroupSize;
digitSeparator = options.DigitSeparator;
prefix = options.Prefix;
suffix = options.Suffix;
rawNumber = ToBinary(value, shortNumbers ? 0 : valueSize);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (options.AddDigitSeparators && digitGroupSize > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(digitSeparator))
rawNumber = AddDigitSeparators(rawNumber, digitGroupSize, digitSeparator);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix)) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix))
return prefix + rawNumber + suffix;
return prefix + rawNumber;
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix))
return rawNumber + suffix;
return rawNumber;