name: GitHub CI on: push: paths: - '.github/workflows/build.yml' - 'src/**' - '!**/*.md' branches: - master pull_request: paths: - 'src/**' - '!**/*.md' branches: - master release: types: released jobs: build-csharp-windows: name: C# (${{ matrix.os }}) runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: os: [windows-latest] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run generator, verify no diff shell: pwsh run: | dotnet run -c Release -p src/csharp/Intel/Generator/Generator.csproj if ($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } git diff --exit-code if ($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } - name: Build one feature at a time shell: pwsh run: | foreach ($def in "DECODER", "ENCODER", "ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER", "ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER", "ENCODER;OPCODE_INFO", "INSTR_INFO", "GAS", "INTEL", "MASM", "NASM", "FAST_FMT", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER;OPCODE_INFO;INSTR_INFO;GAS;INTEL;MASM;NASM;FAST_FMT;NO_VEX", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER;OPCODE_INFO;INSTR_INFO;GAS;INTEL;MASM;NASM;FAST_FMT;NO_EVEX", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER;OPCODE_INFO;INSTR_INFO;GAS;INTEL;MASM;NASM;FAST_FMT;NO_XOP", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER;OPCODE_INFO;INSTR_INFO;GAS;INTEL;MASM;NASM;FAST_FMT;NO_D3NOW", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER;OPCODE_INFO;INSTR_INFO;GAS;INTEL;MASM;NASM;FAST_FMT;NO_VEX;NO_EVEX;NO_XOP;NO_D3NOW" ) { git clean -xdf if ($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } $env:IcedFeatureFlags=$def dotnet build -v:m -c Release src/csharp/Intel/Iced/Iced.csproj if ($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } } foreach ($def in "DECODER", "DECODER;ENCODER", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER", "DECODER;ENCODER;OPCODE_INFO", "DECODER;INSTR_INFO", "DECODER;GAS", "DECODER;INTEL", "DECODER;MASM", "DECODER;NASM", "DECODER;FAST_FMT", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER;OPCODE_INFO;INSTR_INFO;GAS;INTEL;MASM;NASM;FAST_FMT;NO_VEX", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER;OPCODE_INFO;INSTR_INFO;GAS;INTEL;MASM;NASM;FAST_FMT;NO_EVEX", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER;OPCODE_INFO;INSTR_INFO;GAS;INTEL;MASM;NASM;FAST_FMT;NO_XOP", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER;OPCODE_INFO;INSTR_INFO;GAS;INTEL;MASM;NASM;FAST_FMT;NO_D3NOW", "DECODER;ENCODER;BLOCK_ENCODER;CODE_ASSEMBLER;OPCODE_INFO;INSTR_INFO;GAS;INTEL;MASM;NASM;FAST_FMT;NO_VEX;NO_EVEX;NO_XOP;NO_D3NOW" ) { git clean -xdf if ($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } $env:IcedFeatureFlags=$def dotnet build -v:m -c Release src/csharp/Intel/Iced.UnitTests/Iced.UnitTests.csproj if ($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } } git clean -xdf - name: Build, test shell: pwsh run: | ./build.ps1 - name: upload-artifact doesn't support wildcards if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/') shell: pwsh run: | New-Item -ItemType Directory nuget_files > $null Copy-Item src/csharp/Intel/Iced/bin/Release/*.*nupkg nuget_files - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/') with: name: nupkg path: nuget_files if-no-files-found: error - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' with: name: path: src/csharp/Intel/Iced.UnitTests/ if-no-files-found: error - name: Upload coverage report if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' shell: bash continue-on-error: true run: | curl -o codecov chmod +x codecov ./codecov -f src/csharp/Intel/Iced.UnitTests/ env: CODECOV_TOKEN: ${{secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN}} - name: Upload to if it's a new release if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/') shell: pwsh run: | Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing -OutFile nuget.exe Get-ChildItem src/csharp/Intel/Iced/bin/Release/Iced.*.nupkg | ForEach-Object { ./nuget.exe push $_.FullName -ApiKey ${{secrets.NUGET_APIKEY}} -NonInteractive -Source } # Make sure it builds on Linux too build-csharp: name: C# (${{ matrix.os }}) runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu-latest] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1 with: dotnet-version: '3.1.100' - name: Build, test shell: pwsh run: ./build.ps1 build-rust: name: Rust (${{ matrix.os }}) runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: os: [windows-latest, ubuntu-latest, macos-latest] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install rustup and rustc latest (macOS) shell: bash if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'macos-') run: | curl -sSf | bash -s -- -y export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" rustup install stable rustup component add rustfmt rustup component add clippy - name: Install rustc shell: bash run: | export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" # It fails on Windows, disable auto self update rustup toolchain install 1.20.0 --no-self-update rustup toolchain install nightly --no-self-update rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown rustup update --no-self-update - name: Install Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: 10.0.0 - name: Install wasm-pack shell: bash run: | npm install -g wasm-pack - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1 if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' with: dotnet-version: '3.1.100' - name: Test valid/invalid instructions shell: bash if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' run: | export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" echo dotnet version dotnet --version valid_file=$(mktemp) invalid_file=$(mktemp) for bitness in 16 32 64; do echo ==== ${bitness}-bit: Generating valid/invalid files ==== dotnet run -c:Release -p src/csharp/Intel/IcedFuzzer/IcedFuzzer/IcedFuzzer.csproj -- -$bitness -oil $invalid_file -ovlc $valid_file echo ==== ${bitness}-bit: Testing valid instructions ==== cargo run --color always --release --manifest-path src/rust/Cargo.toml -p iced-x86-fzgt -- -b $bitness -f $valid_file echo ==== ${bitness}-bit: Testing invalid instructions ==== cargo run --color always --release --manifest-path src/rust/Cargo.toml -p iced-x86-fzgt -- -b $bitness -f $invalid_file --invalid done for bitness in 16 32 64; do echo "==== ${bitness}-bit (AMD): Generating valid/invalid files ====" dotnet run -c:Release -p src/csharp/Intel/IcedFuzzer/IcedFuzzer/IcedFuzzer.csproj -- -$bitness -oil $invalid_file -ovlc $valid_file --amd echo "==== ${bitness}-bit (AMD): Testing valid instructions ====" cargo run --color always --release --manifest-path src/rust/Cargo.toml -p iced-x86-fzgt -- -b $bitness -f $valid_file --amd echo "==== ${bitness}-bit (AMD): Testing invalid instructions ====" cargo run --color always --release --manifest-path src/rust/Cargo.toml -p iced-x86-fzgt -- -b $bitness -f $invalid_file --invalid --amd done rm $valid_file rm $invalid_file - name: Build no_std shell: bash run: | export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" git clean -xdf cd src/rust/iced-x86 echo ==== BUILD DEBUG ==== cargo check --color always --no-default-features --features "no_std decoder encoder block_encoder op_code_info instr_info gas intel masm nasm fast_fmt db" cd ../../.. git clean -xdf - name: Build one feature at a time shell: bash run: | export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cd src/rust/iced-x86 allFeatures=( "std decoder" "std encoder" "std encoder block_encoder" "std encoder op_code_info" "std instr_info" "std gas" "std intel" "std masm" "std nasm" "std fast_fmt" ) for features in "${allFeatures[@]}"; do echo ==== $features ==== cargo check --color always --no-default-features --features "$features" done allFeatures=( "no_vex" "no_evex" "no_xop" "no_d3now" "no_vex no_evex no_xop no_d3now" ) for features in "${allFeatures[@]}"; do echo ==== $features ==== cargo check --color always --features "$features" done allFeatures=( "no_std decoder" "no_std encoder" "no_std encoder block_encoder" "no_std encoder op_code_info" "no_std instr_info" "no_std gas" "no_std intel" "no_std masm" "no_std nasm" "no_std fast_fmt" ) for features in "${allFeatures[@]}"; do echo ==== $features ==== cargo check --color always --no-default-features --features "$features" done allFeatures=( "std decoder" "std decoder encoder" "std decoder encoder block_encoder" "std decoder encoder op_code_info" "std decoder instr_info" "std decoder gas" "std decoder intel" "std decoder masm" "std decoder nasm" "std decoder fast_fmt" ) for features in "${allFeatures[@]}"; do echo ==== TEST $features ==== cargo check --color always --tests --no-default-features --features "$features" done allFeatures=( "no_vex" "no_evex" "no_xop" "no_d3now" "no_vex no_evex no_xop no_d3now" ) for features in "${allFeatures[@]}"; do echo ==== TEST $features ==== cargo check --color always --tests --features "$features" done cd .. git clean -xdf - name: iced-x86-js shell: bash run: | export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cd src/rust/iced-x86-js echo ==== FORMAT CHECK ==== cargo fmt -- --color always --check echo ==== CLIPPY instr_api decoder encoder block_encoder instr_create op_code_info instr_info gas intel masm nasm fast_fmt ==== cargo clippy --color always --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --no-default-features --features "instr_api decoder encoder block_encoder instr_create op_code_info instr_info gas intel masm nasm fast_fmt" echo ==== CLIPPY instr_api decoder encoder block_encoder instr_create op_code_info instr_info gas intel masm nasm fast_fmt bigint ==== cargo clippy --color always --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --no-default-features --features "instr_api decoder encoder block_encoder instr_create op_code_info instr_info gas intel masm nasm fast_fmt bigint" allFeatures=( "decoder" "instr_api decoder" "encoder" "instr_api encoder" "encoder block_encoder" "instr_create" "encoder instr_create" "encoder op_code_info" "instr_api encoder op_code_info" "instr_info" "instr_api instr_info" "gas" "intel" "masm" "nasm" "fast_fmt" "instr_api nasm" ) for features in "${allFeatures[@]}"; do echo ==== $features ==== cargo check --color always --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --no-default-features --features "$features" done allFeatures=( "no_vex" "no_evex" "no_xop" "no_d3now" "no_vex no_evex no_xop no_d3now" ) for features in "${allFeatures[@]}"; do echo ==== $features ==== cargo check --color always --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --features "$features" done cd .. git clean -xdf - name: iced-x86-js tests shell: bash run: | export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cd src/rust/iced-x86-js wasm-pack build --mode force --target nodejs cd src/tests npm install npm test cd .. git clean -xdf - name: Build, test (default) shell: bash run: | export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo -V cd src/rust/iced-x86 echo ==== CLIPPY ==== cargo clippy --color always echo ==== CLIPPY --tests ==== cargo clippy --color always --tests echo ==== FORMAT CHECK ==== cargo fmt -- --color always --check echo ==== DOC ==== # Use nightly since that's what uses cargo +nightly doc --color always echo ==== BUILD RELEASE ==== cargo build --color always --features "db" --release echo ==== TEST RELEASE ==== cargo test --color always --features "db" --release echo ==== TEST DEBUG ==== cargo test --color always --features "db" echo ==== BUILD RELEASE wasm32-unknown-unknown ==== cargo check --color always --features "db" --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release echo ==== PUBLISH DRY-RUN ==== # It fails on Windows without this, claiming that some random number of rust files are dirty. # This is the 2nd GitHub CI for Windows hack I've added to this file. git status git diff cargo publish --color always --dry-run - name: Build, test (1.20.0) shell: bash run: | export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cd src/rust/iced-x86 sed -i -e 's/"iced-x86-fzgt",/#"iced-x86-fzgt",/' ../Cargo.toml echo ==== UPDATE Cargo.lock ==== cargo +1.20.0 generate-lockfile cargo +1.20.0 update --package lazy_static --precise 1.1.1 echo ==== BUILD RELEASE ==== cargo +1.20.0 build --color always --features "db" --release echo ==== TEST RELEASE ==== cargo +1.20.0 test --color always --features "db" --release -- --skip "" git checkout ../Cargo.toml