Copyright (C) 2018 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of Iced.
Iced is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Iced is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Iced. If not, see .
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Iced.Intel.BlockEncoderInternal;
namespace Iced.Intel {
/// Relocation kind
public enum RelocKind {
/// 64-bit offset. Only used if it's 64-bit code.
/// Relocation info
public readonly struct RelocInfo {
/// Address
public readonly ulong Address;
/// Relocation kind
public readonly RelocKind Kind;
/// Constructor
/// Relocation kind
/// Address
public RelocInfo(RelocKind kind, ulong address) {
Kind = kind;
Address = address;
/// Contains a list of instructions and a base IP
public readonly struct InstructionBlock {
/// Code writer
public readonly CodeWriter CodeWriter;
/// All instructions
public readonly IList Instructions;
/// Base IP of all encoded instructions
public readonly ulong RIP;
/// List that gets all reloc infos or null
public readonly IList RelocInfos;
/// Offsets of the new instructions relative to the base IP. If the instruction was rewritten to
/// a completely different instruction, the value is stored in that array element.
/// This array can be null.
public readonly uint[] NewInstructionOffsets;
/// Offsets of all constants in the new encoded instructions. If the instruction was rewritten,
/// the 'default' value is stored in the corresponding array element. This array can be null.
public readonly ConstantOffsets[] ConstantOffsets;
/// Constructor
/// Code writer
/// Instructions
/// Base IP of all encoded instructions
/// List that gets all reloc infos or null
/// Offsets of the new instructions relative to the base IP. If the instruction was rewritten to
/// a completely different instruction, the value is stored in that array element.
/// This array can be null.
/// Offsets of all constants in the new encoded instructions. If the instruction was rewritten,
/// the 'default' value is stored in the corresponding array element. This array can be null.
public InstructionBlock(CodeWriter codeWriter, IList instructions, ulong rip, IList relocInfos = null, uint[] newInstructionOffsets = null, ConstantOffsets[] constantOffsets = null) {
CodeWriter = codeWriter ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(codeWriter));
Instructions = instructions ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(instructions));
RIP = rip;
RelocInfos = relocInfos;
NewInstructionOffsets = newInstructionOffsets;
ConstantOffsets = constantOffsets;
if (newInstructionOffsets != null && newInstructionOffsets.Length != instructions.Count)
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(newInstructionOffsets)} must have the same number of elements as {nameof(instructions)} or it must be null");
if (constantOffsets != null && constantOffsets.Length != instructions.Count)
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(constantOffsets)} must have the same number of elements as {nameof(instructions)} or it must be null");
/// Encoder options
public enum BlockEncoderOptions : uint {
/// No option is set
None = 0,
/// By default, branches get updated if the target is too far away, eg. jcc short -> jcc near
/// or if 64-bit mode, jcc + jmp [rip+mem]. If this option is enabled, no branches are fixed.
DontFixBranches = 0x00000001,
/// Encodes instructions
public sealed class BlockEncoder {
readonly int bitness;
readonly BlockEncoderOptions options;
readonly Block[] blocks;
readonly Encoder nullEncoder;
readonly Dictionary toInstr;
internal int Bitness => bitness;
internal bool FixBranches => (options & BlockEncoderOptions.DontFixBranches) == 0;
internal Encoder NullEncoder => nullEncoder;
sealed class NullCodeWriter : CodeWriter {
public static readonly NullCodeWriter Instance = new NullCodeWriter();
NullCodeWriter() { }
public override void WriteByte(byte value) { }
BlockEncoder(int bitness, InstructionBlock[] instrBlocks, BlockEncoderOptions options) {
if (bitness != 16 && bitness != 32 && bitness != 64)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(bitness));
if (instrBlocks == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(instrBlocks));
this.bitness = bitness;
nullEncoder = Encoder.Create(bitness, NullCodeWriter.Instance);
this.options = options;
blocks = new Block[instrBlocks.Length];
int instrCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < instrBlocks.Length; i++) {
var instructions = instrBlocks[i].Instructions;
if (instructions == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
var instrs = new Instr[instructions.Count];
ulong ip = instrBlocks[i].RIP;
for (int j = 0; j < instrs.Length; j++) {
var instruction = instructions[j];
var instr = Instr.Create(this, ref instruction);
instr.IP = ip;
instrs[j] = instr;
Debug.Assert(instr.Size != 0);
ip += instr.Size;
blocks[i] = new Block(this, instrBlocks[i].CodeWriter, instrBlocks[i].RIP, instrBlocks[i].RelocInfos, instrBlocks[i].NewInstructionOffsets, instrBlocks[i].ConstantOffsets, instrs);
// Optimize from low to high addresses
Array.Sort(blocks, (a, b) => a.RIP.CompareTo(b.RIP));
// There must not be any instructions with the same IP, except if IP = 0 (default value)
var toInstr = new Dictionary(instrCount);
this.toInstr = toInstr;
bool hasMultipleZeroIPInstrs = false;
foreach (var block in blocks) {
foreach (var instr in block.Instructions) {
ulong origIP = instr.OrigIP;
if (toInstr.TryGetValue(origIP, out var origInstr)) {
if (origIP != 0)
throw new ArgumentException($"Multiple instructions with the same IP: 0x{origIP:X}");
hasMultipleZeroIPInstrs = true;
toInstr[origIP] = instr;
if (hasMultipleZeroIPInstrs)
foreach (var block in blocks) {
ulong ip = block.RIP;
foreach (var instr in block.Instructions) {
instr.IP = ip;
var oldSize = instr.Size;
if (instr.Size > oldSize)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
ip += instr.Size;
/// Encodes instructions. Returns null or an error message
/// 16, 32 or 64
/// All instructions
/// Encoder options
public static string Encode(int bitness, InstructionBlock block, BlockEncoderOptions options = BlockEncoderOptions.None) =>
Encode(bitness, new[] { block }, options);
/// Encodes instructions. Returns null or an error message
/// 16, 32 or 64
/// All instructions
/// Encoder options
public static string Encode(int bitness, InstructionBlock[] blocks, BlockEncoderOptions options = BlockEncoderOptions.None) =>
new BlockEncoder(bitness, blocks, options).Encode();
string Encode() {
const int MAX_ITERS = 1000;
for (int iter = 0; iter < MAX_ITERS; iter++) {
bool updated = false;
foreach (var block in blocks) {
ulong ip = block.RIP;
foreach (var instr in block.Instructions) {
instr.IP = ip;
var oldSize = instr.Size;
if (instr.Optimize()) {
if (instr.Size > oldSize)
return "Internal error: new size > old size";
if (instr.Size < oldSize)
updated = true;
else if (instr.Size != oldSize)
return "Internal error: new size != old size";
ip += instr.Size;
if (!updated)
foreach (var block in blocks)
foreach (var block in blocks) {
var encoder = Encoder.Create(bitness, block.CodeWriter);
ulong ip = block.RIP;
var newInstructionOffsets = block.NewInstructionOffsets;
var constantOffsets = block.ConstantOffsets;
var instructions = block.Instructions;
for (int i = 0; i < instructions.Length; i++) {
var instr = instructions[i];
uint bytesWritten = block.CodeWriter.BytesWritten;
string errorMessage;
bool isOriginalInstruction;
if (constantOffsets != null)
errorMessage = instr.TryEncode(encoder, out constantOffsets[i], out isOriginalInstruction);
errorMessage = instr.TryEncode(encoder, out _, out isOriginalInstruction);
if (errorMessage != null)
return errorMessage;
uint size = block.CodeWriter.BytesWritten - bytesWritten;
if (size != instr.Size)
return "Internal error: didn't write all bytes";
if (newInstructionOffsets != null) {
if (isOriginalInstruction)
newInstructionOffsets[i] = (uint)(ip - block.RIP);
newInstructionOffsets[i] = uint.MaxValue;
ip += size;
return null;
internal TargetInstr GetTarget(ulong address) {
if (toInstr.TryGetValue(address, out var instr))
return new TargetInstr(instr);
return new TargetInstr(address);