451 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
451 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
import cStringIO
import numpy.core.multiarray # important this comes before cv!
import cv
import HydrusConstants as HC
import os
from PIL import Image as PILImage
import shutil
import struct
import threading
import time
import traceback
import wx
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def ConvertToPngIfBmp( path ):
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: header = f.read( 2 )
if header == 'BM':
temp_path = HC.GetTempPath()
shutil.move( path, temp_path )
pil_image = GeneratePILImage( temp_path )
pil_image = pil_image.convert( 'P' )
pil_image.save( path, 'PNG' )
os.remove( temp_path )
def EfficientlyResizeImage( pil_image, ( x, y ) ):
( im_x, im_y ) = pil_image.size
if x >= im_x and y >= im_y: return pil_image
if pil_image.mode == 'RGB': # low quality resize screws up alpha channel!
if im_x > 2 * x and im_y > 2 * y: pil_image.thumbnail( ( 2 * x, 2 * y ), PILImage.NEAREST )
return pil_image.resize( ( x, y ), PILImage.ANTIALIAS )
def EfficientlyThumbnailImage( pil_image, ( x, y ) ):
( im_x, im_y ) = pil_image.size
if pil_image.mode == 'RGB': # low quality resize screws up alpha channel!
if im_x > 2 * x or im_y > 2 * y: pil_image.thumbnail( ( 2 * x, 2 * y ), PILImage.NEAREST )
pil_image.thumbnail( ( x, y ), PILImage.ANTIALIAS )
def GenerateAnimatedFrame( pil_image, target_resolution, canvas ):
if 'duration' not in pil_image.info: duration = 40 # 25 fps default when duration is missing or too funky to extract. most stuff looks ok at this.
duration = pil_image.info[ 'duration' ]
if duration == 0: duration = 40
current_frame = EfficientlyResizeImage( pil_image, target_resolution )
if pil_image.mode == 'P' and 'transparency' in pil_image.info:
# I think gif problems are around here somewhere; the transparency info is not converted to RGBA properly, so it starts drawing colours when it should draw nothing
current_frame = current_frame.convert( 'RGBA' )
if canvas is None: canvas = current_frame
else: canvas.paste( current_frame, None, current_frame ) # yeah, use the rgba image as its own mask, wut.
else: canvas = current_frame
return ( canvas, duration )
def GenerateHydrusBitmap( path ):
pil_image = GeneratePILImage( path )
return GenerateHydrusBitmapFromPILImage( pil_image )
def GenerateHydrusBitmapFromPILImage( pil_image ):
if pil_image.mode == 'RGBA' or ( pil_image.mode == 'P' and pil_image.info.has_key( 'transparency' ) ):
if pil_image.mode == 'P': pil_image = pil_image.convert( 'RGBA' )
return HydrusBitmap( pil_image.tostring(), wx.BitmapBufferFormat_RGBA, pil_image.size )
if pil_image.mode != 'RGB': pil_image = pil_image.convert( 'RGB' )
return HydrusBitmap( pil_image.tostring(), wx.BitmapBufferFormat_RGB, pil_image.size )
def GeneratePerceptualHash( path ):
thumbnail = GeneratePILImage( path )
# convert to 32 x 32 greyscale
if thumbnail.mode == 'RGBA':
# this is some code i picked up somewhere
# another great example of PIL failing; it turns all alpha to pure black on a RGBA->RGB
canvas = PILImage.new( 'RGB', thumbnail.size, ( 255, 255, 255 ) )
canvas.paste( thumbnail, mask = thumbnail.split()[3] )
thumbnail = canvas
thumbnail = thumbnail.convert( 'L' )
thumbnail = thumbnail.resize( ( 32, 32 ), PILImage.ANTIALIAS )
# convert to mat
cv_thumbnail_8 = cv.CreateMatHeader( 32, 32, cv.CV_8UC1 )
cv.SetData( cv_thumbnail_8, thumbnail.tostring() )
cv_thumbnail_32 = cv.CreateMat( 32, 32, cv.CV_32FC1 )
cv.Convert( cv_thumbnail_8, cv_thumbnail_32 )
# compute dct
dct = cv.CreateMat( 32, 32, cv.CV_32FC1 )
cv.DCT( cv_thumbnail_32, dct, cv.CV_DXT_FORWARD )
# take top left 8x8 of dct
dct = cv.GetSubRect( dct, ( 0, 0, 8, 8 ) )
# get mean of dct, excluding [0,0]
mask = cv.CreateMat( 8, 8, cv.CV_8U )
cv.Set( mask, 1 )
mask[0,0] = 0
channel_averages = cv.Avg( dct, mask )
average = channel_averages[0]
# make a monochromatic, 64-bit hash of whether the entry is above or below the mean
bytes = []
for i in range( 8 ):
byte = 0
for j in range( 8 ):
byte <<= 1 # shift byte one left
value = dct[i,j]
if value > average: byte |= 1
bytes.append( byte )
answer = str( bytearray( bytes ) )
# we good
return answer
def GeneratePILImage( path ): return PILImage.open( path )
def GenerateResolutionAndNumFrames( path ):
pil_image = GeneratePILImage( path )
( x, y ) = pil_image.size
pil_image.seek( 1 )
pil_image.seek( 0 )
num_frames = 1
while True:
pil_image.seek( pil_image.tell() + 1 )
num_frames += 1
except: break
except: num_frames = 1
return ( ( x, y ), num_frames )
def GenerateThumbnail( path, dimensions = HC.UNSCALED_THUMBNAIL_DIMENSIONS ):
pil_image = GeneratePILImage( path )
EfficientlyThumbnailImage( pil_image, dimensions )
f = cStringIO.StringIO()
if pil_image.mode == 'P' and pil_image.info.has_key( 'transparency' ):
pil_image.save( f, 'PNG', transparency = pil_image.info[ 'transparency' ] )
elif pil_image.mode == 'RGBA': pil_image.save( f, 'PNG' )
pil_image = pil_image.convert( 'RGB' )
pil_image.save( f, 'JPEG', quality=92 )
f.seek( 0 )
thumbnail = f.read()
return thumbnail
def GetHammingDistance( phash1, phash2 ):
distance = 0
phash1 = bytearray( phash1 )
phash2 = bytearray( phash2 )
for i in range( len( phash1 ) ):
xor = phash1[i] ^ phash2[i]
while xor > 0:
distance += 1
xor &= xor - 1
return distance
def RenderImage( path, hash, target_resolution = None, synchronous = True ):
( original_resolution, num_frames ) = GenerateResolutionAndNumFrames( path )
if target_resolution is None: target_resolution = original_resolution
image_container = RenderedImageContainer( hash, original_resolution, target_resolution, num_frames )
if image_container.IsAnimated(): renderer = AnimatedFrameRenderer( image_container, path, target_resolution )
else: renderer = StaticFrameRenderer( image_container, path, target_resolution )
if synchronous: renderer.Render()
else: threading.Thread( target = renderer.RenderCallAfter ).start()
return image_container
except: raise Exception( 'Attempted to render the image, but it was either formatted slightly incorrectly or PIL could not handle it; look up PIL in the hydrus help for more info.' )
class FrameRenderer():
def __init__( self, image_container, path, target_resolution ):
self._image_container = image_container
self._pil_image = GeneratePILImage( path )
self._target_resolution = target_resolution
class AnimatedFrameRenderer( FrameRenderer ):
def GetFrames( self ):
canvas = None
global_palette = self._pil_image.palette
dirty = self._pil_image.palette.dirty
mode = self._pil_image.palette.mode
rawmode = self._pil_image.palette.rawmode
# believe it or not, doing this actually fixed a couple of gifs!
self._pil_image.seek( 1 )
self._pil_image.seek( 0 )
while True:
( canvas, duration ) = GenerateAnimatedFrame( self._pil_image, self._target_resolution, canvas )
yield ( GenerateHydrusBitmapFromPILImage( canvas ), duration )
self._pil_image.seek( self._pil_image.tell() + 1 )
if self._pil_image.palette == global_palette: # for some reason, when we fall back to global palette (no local-frame palette), we reset bunch of important variables!
self._pil_image.palette.dirty = dirty
self._pil_image.palette.mode = mode
self._pil_image.palette.rawmode = rawmode
except: break
def Render( self ):
for ( frame, duration ) in self.GetFrames(): self._image_container.AddFrame( frame, duration )
def RenderCallAfter( self ):
time.sleep( 0 ) # thread yield
for ( frame, duration ) in self.GetFrames(): wx.CallAfter( self._image_container.AddFrame, frame, duration )
HC.pubsub.pub( 'finished_rendering', self._image_container.GetKey() )
class StaticFrameRenderer( FrameRenderer ):
def GetFrame( self ): return GenerateHydrusBitmapFromPILImage( EfficientlyResizeImage( self._pil_image, self._target_resolution ) )
def Render( self ): self._image_container.AddFrame( self.GetFrame() )
def RenderCallAfter( self ):
time.sleep( 0 ) # thread yield
wx.CallAfter( self._image_container.AddFrame, self.GetFrame() )
HC.pubsub.pub( 'finished_rendering', self._image_container.GetKey() )
class HydrusBitmap():
def __init__( self, data, format, size ):
self._data = data
self._format = format
self._size = size
def CreateWxBmp( self ):
( width, height ) = self._size
if self._format == wx.BitmapBufferFormat_RGB: return wx.BitmapFromBuffer( width, height, self._data )
else: return wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA( width, height, self._data )
def GetEstimatedMemoryFootprint( self ): return len( self._data )
def GetSize( self ): return self._size
class RenderedImageContainer():
def __init__( self, hash, original_resolution, my_resolution, num_frames ):
self._hash = hash
self._original_resolution = original_resolution
self._my_resolution = my_resolution
self._num_frames = num_frames
( original_width, original_height ) = original_resolution
( my_width, my_height ) = my_resolution
width_zoom = my_width / float( original_width )
height_zoom = my_height / float( original_height )
self._zoom = min( ( width_zoom, height_zoom ) )
if self._zoom > 1.0: self._zoom = 1.0
self._frames = []
self._durations = []
self._finished_rendering = False
def AddFrame( self, frame, duration = None ):
self._frames.append( frame )
if duration is not None: self._durations.append( duration )
def GetDuration( self, index ): return self._durations[ index ]
def GetEstimatedMemoryFootprint( self ): return sum( [ frame.GetEstimatedMemoryFootprint() for frame in self._frames ] )
def GetFrame( self, index = None ):
if index is None: return self._frames[ 0 ]
else: return self._frames[ index ]
def GetHash( self ): return self._hash
def GetKey( self ): return ( self._hash, self._my_resolution )
def GetNumFrames( self ): return self._num_frames
def GetNumFramesRendered( self ): return len( self._frames )
def GetResolution( self ): return self._original_resolution
def GetSize( self ): return self._my_resolution
def GetTotalDuration( self ): return sum( self._durations )
def GetZoom( self ): return self._zoom
def HasFrame( self, index = None ):
if index is None: index = 0
return len( self._frames ) > index
def IsAnimated( self ): return self._num_frames > 1
def IsFinishedRendering( self ): return len( self._frames ) == self._num_frames
def IsScaled( self ): return self._zoom != 1.0