607 lines
18 KiB
607 lines
18 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import locale
try: locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '' )
except: pass
from include import HydrusConstants as HC
from include import ClientConstants as CC
from include import HydrusGlobals as HG
from include import ClientDefaults
from include import ClientNetworking
from include import ClientNetworkingBandwidth
from include import ClientNetworkingDomain
from include import ClientNetworkingLogin
from include import ClientNetworkingSessions
from include import ClientServices
from include import ClientThreading
from include import HydrusExceptions
from include import HydrusPubSub
from include import HydrusSessions
from include import HydrusTags
from include import HydrusThreading
from include import TestClientConstants
from include import TestClientDaemons
from include import TestClientData
from include import TestClientListBoxes
from include import TestClientNetworking
from include import TestConstants
from include import TestDialogs
from include import TestDB
from include import TestFunctions
from include import TestClientImageHandling
from include import TestHydrusNATPunch
from include import TestHydrusNetworking
from include import TestHydrusSerialisable
from include import TestHydrusServer
from include import TestHydrusSessions
from include import TestHydrusTags
import collections
import os
import random
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import unittest
import wx
from twisted.internet import reactor
from include import ClientCaches
from include import ClientData
from include import HydrusData
from include import HydrusPaths
only_run = None
class Controller( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self.db_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
TestConstants.DB_DIR = self.db_dir
self._server_files_dir = os.path.join( self.db_dir, 'server_files' )
self._updates_dir = os.path.join( self.db_dir, 'test_updates' )
client_files_default = os.path.join( self.db_dir, 'client_files' )
HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( self._server_files_dir )
HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( self._updates_dir )
HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( client_files_default )
HG.controller = self
HG.client_controller = self
HG.server_controller = self
HG.test_controller = self
self.gui = self
self._call_to_threads = []
self._pubsub = HydrusPubSub.HydrusPubSub( self )
self.new_options = ClientData.ClientOptions( self.db_dir )
HC.options = ClientDefaults.GetClientDefaultOptions()
self.options = HC.options
def show_text( text ): pass
HydrusData.ShowText = show_text
self._reads = {}
self._reads[ 'hydrus_sessions' ] = []
self._reads[ 'local_booru_share_keys' ] = []
self._reads[ 'messaging_sessions' ] = []
self._reads[ 'tag_censorship' ] = []
self._reads[ 'options' ] = ClientDefaults.GetClientDefaultOptions()
self._reads[ 'file_system_predicates' ] = []
self._reads[ 'media_results' ] = []
self.example_tag_repo_service_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
services = []
services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.LOCAL_BOORU_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_BOORU, CC.LOCAL_BOORU_SERVICE_KEY ) )
services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_FILE_DOMAIN, CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) )
services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_FILE_TRASH_DOMAIN, CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) )
services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_TAG, CC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) )
services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( self.example_tag_repo_service_key, HC.TAG_REPOSITORY, 'example tag repo' ) )
services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, HC.COMBINED_TAG, CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) )
services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( TestConstants.LOCAL_RATING_LIKE_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_RATING_LIKE, 'example local rating like service' ) )
services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( TestConstants.LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL, 'example local rating numerical service' ) )
self._reads[ 'services' ] = services
client_files_locations = {}
for prefix in HydrusData.IterateHexPrefixes():
for c in ( 'f', 't', 'r' ):
client_files_locations[ c + prefix ] = client_files_default
self._reads[ 'client_files_locations' ] = client_files_locations
self._reads[ 'sessions' ] = []
self._reads[ 'tag_parents' ] = {}
self._reads[ 'tag_siblings' ] = {}
self._reads[ 'in_inbox' ] = False
self._writes = collections.defaultdict( list )
self._managers = {}
self.services_manager = ClientCaches.ServicesManager( self )
self.client_files_manager = ClientCaches.ClientFilesManager( self )
bandwidth_manager = ClientNetworkingBandwidth.NetworkBandwidthManager()
session_manager = ClientNetworkingSessions.NetworkSessionManager()
domain_manager = ClientNetworkingDomain.NetworkDomainManager()
login_manager = ClientNetworkingLogin.NetworkLoginManager()
self.network_engine = ClientNetworking.NetworkEngine( self, bandwidth_manager, session_manager, domain_manager, login_manager )
self.CallToThreadLongRunning( self.network_engine.MainLoop )
self._managers[ 'tag_censorship' ] = ClientCaches.TagCensorshipManager( self )
self._managers[ 'tag_siblings' ] = ClientCaches.TagSiblingsManager( self )
self._managers[ 'tag_parents' ] = ClientCaches.TagParentsManager( self )
self._managers[ 'undo' ] = ClientCaches.UndoManager( self )
self.server_session_manager = HydrusSessions.HydrusSessionManagerServer()
self.local_booru_manager = ClientCaches.LocalBooruCache( self )
self._cookies = {}
self._job_scheduler = HydrusThreading.JobScheduler( self )
def _GetCallToThread( self ):
for call_to_thread in self._call_to_threads:
if not call_to_thread.CurrentlyWorking():
return call_to_thread
if len( self._call_to_threads ) > 100:
raise Exception( 'Too many call to threads!' )
call_to_thread = HydrusThreading.THREADCallToThread( self, 'CallToThread' )
self._call_to_threads.append( call_to_thread )
return call_to_thread
def _SetupWx( self ):
self.locale = wx.Locale( wx.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT ) # Very important to init this here and keep it non garbage collected
self.frame_icon = wx.Icon( os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus_32_non-transparent.png' ), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG )
def pub( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ):
def pubimmediate( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ):
self._pubsub.pubimmediate( topic, *args, **kwargs )
def sub( self, object, method_name, topic ):
self._pubsub.sub( object, method_name, topic )
def CallBlockingToWx( self, func, *args, **kwargs ):
def wx_code( job_key ):
result = func( *args, **kwargs )
job_key.SetVariable( 'result', result )
except HydrusExceptions.PermissionException as e:
job_key.SetVariable( 'error', e )
except Exception as e:
job_key.SetVariable( 'error', e )
HydrusData.Print( 'CallBlockingToWx just caught this error:' )
HydrusData.DebugPrint( traceback.format_exc() )
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
wx.CallAfter( wx_code, job_key )
while not job_key.IsDone():
if HG.model_shutdown:
raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException( 'Application is shutting down!' )
time.sleep( 0.05 )
if job_key.HasVariable( 'result' ):
# result can be None, for wx_code that has no return variable
result = job_key.GetIfHasVariable( 'result' )
return result
error = job_key.GetIfHasVariable( 'error' )
if error is not None:
raise error
raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException()
def CallToThread( self, callable, *args, **kwargs ):
call_to_thread = self._GetCallToThread()
call_to_thread.put( callable, *args, **kwargs )
CallToThreadLongRunning = CallToThread
def CallLater( self, delay, func, *args, **kwargs ):
call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs )
job = HydrusThreading.SchedulableJob( self, self._job_scheduler, call, initial_delay = delay )
self._job_scheduler.AddJob( job )
return job
def CallLaterWXSafe( self, window, delay, func, *args, **kwargs ):
call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs )
job = ClientThreading.WXAwareJob( self, self._job_scheduler, window, call, initial_delay = delay )
self._job_scheduler.AddJob( job )
return job
def CallRepeating( self, period, delay, func, *args, **kwargs ):
call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs )
job = HydrusThreading.RepeatingJob( self, self._job_scheduler, call, period, initial_delay = delay )
self._job_scheduler.AddJob( job )
return job
def CallRepeatingWXSafe( self, window, period, delay, func, *args, **kwargs ):
call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs )
job = ClientThreading.WXAwareRepeatingJob( self, self._job_scheduler, window, call, period, initial_delay = delay )
self._job_scheduler.AddJob( job )
return job
def DBCurrentlyDoingJob( self ):
return False
def GetFilesDir( self ):
return self._server_files_dir
def GetNewOptions( self ):
return self.new_options
def GetManager( self, manager_type ):
return self._managers[ manager_type ]
def GetWrite( self, name ):
write = self._writes[ name ]
del self._writes[ name ]
return write
def IsBooted( self ):
return True
def IsCurrentPage( self, page_key ):
return False
def IsFirstStart( self ):
return True
def IShouldRegularlyUpdate( self, window ):
return True
def ModelIsShutdown( self ):
return HG.model_shutdown
def PageCompletelyDestroyed( self, page_key ):
return False
def PageClosedButNotDestroyed( self, page_key ):
return False
def Read( self, name, *args, **kwargs ):
return self._reads[ name ]
def RegisterUIUpdateWindow( self, window ):
def ReportDataUsed( self, num_bytes ):
def ReportRequestUsed( self ):
def ResetIdleTimer( self ): pass
def Run( self ):
suites = []
if only_run is None: run_all = True
else: run_all = False
# the gui stuff runs fine on its own but crashes in the full test if it is not early, wew
# something to do with the delayed button clicking stuff
if run_all or only_run == 'gui':
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestDialogs ) )
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestClientListBoxes ) )
if run_all or only_run == 'daemons':
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestClientDaemons ) )
if run_all or only_run == 'data':
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestClientConstants ) )
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestClientData ) )
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestFunctions ) )
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestHydrusSerialisable ) )
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestHydrusSessions ) )
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestHydrusTags ) )
if run_all or only_run == 'db':
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestDB ) )
if run_all or only_run == 'networking':
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestClientNetworking ) )
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestHydrusNetworking ) )
if run_all or only_run == 'image':
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestClientImageHandling ) )
if run_all or only_run == 'nat':
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestHydrusNATPunch ) )
if run_all or only_run == 'server':
suites.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( TestHydrusServer ) )
suite = unittest.TestSuite( suites )
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner( verbosity = 2 )
runner.run( suite )
def SetRead( self, name, value ):
self._reads[ name ] = value
def SetStatusBarDirty( self ):
def SetWebCookies( self, name, value ):
self._cookies[ name ] = value
def TidyUp( self ):
time.sleep( 2 )
HydrusPaths.DeletePath( self.db_dir )
def ViewIsShutdown( self ):
return HG.view_shutdown
def WaitUntilModelFree( self ):
def WaitUntilViewFree( self ):
def Write( self, name, *args, **kwargs ):
self._writes[ name ].append( ( args, kwargs ) )
def WriteSynchronous( self, name, *args, **kwargs ):
self._writes[ name ].append( ( args, kwargs ) )
if name == 'import_file':
( file_import_job, ) = args
if file_import_job.GetHash().encode( 'hex' ) == 'a593942cb7ea9ffcd8ccf2f0fa23c338e23bfecd9a3e508dfc0bcf07501ead08': # 'blarg' in sha256 hex
raise Exception( 'File failed to import for some reason!' )
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = sys.argv[1:]
if len( args ) > 0:
only_run = args[0]
else: only_run = None
threading.Thread( target = reactor.run, kwargs = { 'installSignalHandlers' : 0 } ).start()
app = wx.App()
controller = Controller()
# we run the tests on the wx thread atm
# keep a window alive the whole time so the app doesn't finish its mainloop
win = wx.Frame( None )
def do_it():
wx.CallAfter( do_it )
import traceback
HydrusData.DebugPrint( traceback.format_exc() )
HG.view_shutdown = True
controller.pubimmediate( 'wake_daemons' )
HG.model_shutdown = True
controller.pubimmediate( 'wake_daemons' )
import traceback
HydrusData.DebugPrint( traceback.format_exc() )
reactor.callFromThread( reactor.stop )
print( 'This was version ' + str( HC.SOFTWARE_VERSION ) )