787 lines
29 KiB
Executable File
787 lines
29 KiB
Executable File
import HydrusConstants as HC
import ClientConstants as CC
import ClientGUICommon
import ClientGUIDialogs
import ClientGUIManagement
import ClientGUIMedia
import ClientGUIMessages
import ClientGUICanvas
import HydrusDownloading
import inspect
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback
import wx
# Sizer Flags
FLAGS_NONE = wx.SizerFlags( 0 )
FLAGS_SMALL_INDENT = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 )
FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Expand()
FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS = wx.SizerFlags( 2 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Expand()
FLAGS_EXPAND_DEPTH_ONLY = wx.SizerFlags( 2 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL )
FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS = wx.SizerFlags( 2 ).Expand()
FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZERS = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_RIGHT )
FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_RIGHT )
FLAGS_MIXED = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL )
class PageBase( object ):
def __init__( self, starting_from_session = False ):
self._starting_from_session = starting_from_session
self._page_key = os.urandom( 32 )
self._pretty_status = ''
HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'SetPrettyStatus', 'new_page_status' )
def _InitControllers( self ): pass
def _PauseControllers( self ): pass
def _ResumeControllers( self ): pass
def CleanBeforeDestroy( self ): pass
def GetPrettyStatus( self ): return self._pretty_status
def GetSashPositions( self ):
x = HC.options[ 'hpos' ]
y = HC.options[ 'vpos' ]
return ( x, y )
def PageHidden( self ): HC.pubsub.pub( 'page_hidden', self._page_key )
def PageShown( self ): HC.pubsub.pub( 'page_shown', self._page_key )
def Pause( self ):
HC.pubsub.pub( 'pause', self._page_key )
HC.pubsub.pub( 'set_focus', self._page_key, None )
def SetPrettyStatus( self, page_key, status ):
if page_key == self._page_key:
self._pretty_status = status
HC.pubsub.pub( 'refresh_status' )
def RefreshQuery( self ): HC.pubsub.pub( 'refresh_query', self._page_key )
def SetMediaFocus( self ): pass
def SetSearchFocus( self ): HC.pubsub.pub( 'set_search_focus', self._page_key )
def SetSynchronisedWait( self ): HC.pubsub.pub( 'synchronised_wait_switch', self._page_key )
def ShowHideSplit( self ): pass
def TestAbleToClose( self ): pass
def Resume( self ):
HC.pubsub.pub( 'resume', self._page_key )
class PageLog( PageBase, wx.Panel ):
def __init__( self, parent, starting_from_session = False ):
wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent )
PageBase.__init__( self, starting_from_session = starting_from_session )
log = HC.app.GetLog()
self._log_list_ctrl = ClientGUICommon.SaneListCtrl( self, 480, [ ( 'type', 60 ), ( 'message', -1 ), ( 'time', 120 ) ] )
for ( message, timestamp ) in log: self.AddMessage( message, timestamp )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.AddF( self._log_list_ctrl, FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'AddMessage', 'message' )
def _AddEntry( self, message_type_string, message_string, timestamp ): self._log_list_ctrl.Append( ( message_type_string, message_string, HC.ConvertTimestampToPrettyTime( timestamp ) ), ( message_type_string, message_string, timestamp ) )
def AddMessage( self, message, timestamp = None ):
if timestamp is None: timestamp = HC.GetNow()
message_type = message.GetType()
if message_type == HC.MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT:
message_type_string = 'message'
message_string = message.GetInfo( 'text' )
elif message_type == HC.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR:
message_type_string = 'error'
( etype, value, trace ) = message.GetInfo( 'error' )
message_string = HC.u( etype.__name__ ) + ': ' + HC.u( value ) + os.linesep + HC.u( trace )
elif message_type == HC.MESSAGE_TYPE_DB_ERROR:
message_type_string = 'db error'
text = message.GetInfo( 'text' )
caller_traceback = message.GetInfo( 'caller_traceback' )
db_traceback = message.GetInfo( 'db_traceback' )
message_string = text + os.linesep + caller_traceback + os.linesep + db_traceback
elif message_type == HC.MESSAGE_TYPE_FILES:
message_type_string = 'files'
message_string = message.GetInfo( 'text' )
else: return # gauge
self._AddEntry( message_type_string, message_string, timestamp )
def GetSessionArgs( self ):
args = tuple()
kwargs = dict()
return ( args, kwargs )
class PageMessages( PageBase, wx.SplitterWindow ):
def __init__( self, parent, identity, starting_from_session = False ):
wx.SplitterWindow.__init__( self, parent )
PageBase.__init__( self, starting_from_session = starting_from_session )
self.SetMinimumPaneSize( 120 )
self.SetSashGravity( 0.0 )
self._identity = identity
self._search_preview_split = wx.SplitterWindow( self, style=wx.SP_NOBORDER )
self._search_preview_split.SetMinimumPaneSize( 180 )
self._search_preview_split.SetSashGravity( 0.5 )
self._search_preview_split.Bind( wx.EVT_SPLITTER_DCLICK, self.EventPreviewUnsplit )
self._preview_panel = ClientGUICanvas.CanvasPanel( self._search_preview_split, self._page_key, HC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY )
self.SplitVertically( self._search_preview_split, self._messages_panel, HC.options[ 'hpos' ] )
wx.CallAfter( self._search_preview_split.SplitHorizontally, self._management_panel, self._preview_panel, HC.options[ 'vpos' ] )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelMessages( self._search_preview_split, self._page_key, self._identity, starting_from_session = self._starting_from_session )
def _InitMessagesPanel( self ): self._messages_panel = ClientGUIMessages.ConversationSplitter( self, self._page_key, self._identity )
def EventPreviewUnsplit( self, event ): self._search_preview_split.Unsplit( self._preview_panel )
def GetSashPositions( self ):
if self.IsSplit(): x = self.GetSashPosition()
else: x = HC.options[ 'hpos' ]
if self._search_preview_split.IsSplit(): y = -1 * self._preview_panel.GetSize()[1]
else: y = HC.options[ 'vpos' ]
return ( x, y )
def ShowHideSplit( self ):
if self._search_preview_split.IsSplit(): self._search_preview_split.Unsplit( self._preview_panel )
else: self._search_preview_split.SplitHorizontally( self._management_panel, self._preview_panel, HC.options[ 'vpos' ] )
def TestAbleToClose( self ): self._management_panel.TestAbleToClose()
class PageWithMedia( PageBase, wx.SplitterWindow ):
def __init__( self, parent, file_service_key = HC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, initial_hashes = [], initial_media_results = [], starting_from_session = False ):
wx.SplitterWindow.__init__( self, parent )
PageBase.__init__( self, starting_from_session = starting_from_session )
if len( initial_hashes ) > 0: initial_media_results = HC.app.Read( 'media_results', file_service_key, initial_hashes )
self._file_service_key = file_service_key
self._initial_media_results = initial_media_results
self.SetMinimumPaneSize( 120 )
self.SetSashGravity( 0.0 )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_SPLITTER_DCLICK, self.EventUnsplit )
self._search_preview_split = wx.SplitterWindow( self, style=wx.SP_NOBORDER )
self._search_preview_split.SetMinimumPaneSize( 180 )
self._search_preview_split.SetSashGravity( 0.5 )
self._search_preview_split.Bind( wx.EVT_SPLITTER_DCLICK, self.EventPreviewUnsplit )
self._preview_panel = ClientGUICanvas.CanvasPanel( self._search_preview_split, self._page_key, self._file_service_key )
self.SplitVertically( self._search_preview_split, self._media_panel, HC.options[ 'hpos' ] )
wx.CallAfter( self._search_preview_split.SplitHorizontally, self._management_panel, self._preview_panel, HC.options[ 'vpos' ] )
HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'SwapMediaPanel', 'swap_media_panel' )
def CleanBeforeDestroy( self ): self._management_panel.CleanBeforeDestroy()
def EventPreviewUnsplit( self, event ): self._search_preview_split.Unsplit( self._preview_panel )
def EventUnsplit( self, event ): self.Unsplit( self._search_preview_split )
# used by autocomplete
def GetMedia( self ): return self._media_panel.GetSortedMedia()
def GetSashPositions( self ):
if self.IsSplit(): x = self.GetSashPosition()
else: x = HC.options[ 'hpos' ]
if self._search_preview_split.IsSplit(): y = -1 * self._preview_panel.GetSize()[1]
else: y = HC.options[ 'vpos' ]
return ( x, y )
def ShowHideSplit( self ):
if self.IsSplit():
self.Unsplit( self._search_preview_split )
self.SplitVertically( self._search_preview_split, self._media_panel, HC.options[ 'hpos' ] )
self._search_preview_split.SplitHorizontally( self._management_panel, self._preview_panel, HC.options[ 'vpos' ] )
def SetMediaFocus( self ): self._media_panel.SetFocus()
def SwapMediaPanel( self, page_key, new_panel ):
if page_key == self._page_key:
self._preview_panel.SetMedia( None )
self.ReplaceWindow( self._media_panel, new_panel )
wx.CallAfter( self._media_panel.Destroy )
self._media_panel = new_panel
def TestAbleToClose( self ): self._management_panel.TestAbleToClose()
class PageImport( PageWithMedia ):
def _GenerateImportArgsGeneratorFactory( self ):
def factory( job_key, item ):
advanced_import_options = self._management_panel.GetAdvancedImportOptions()
return HydrusDownloading.ImportArgsGenerator( job_key, item, advanced_import_options )
return factory
def _GenerateImportQueueGeneratorFactory( self ):
def factory( job_key, item ):
return HydrusDownloading.ImportQueueGenerator( job_key, item )
return factory
def _InitMediaPanel( self ): self._media_panel = ClientGUIMedia.MediaPanelThumbnails( self, self._page_key, self._file_service_key, self._initial_media_results )
def _InitControllers( self ):
import_args_generator_factory = self._GenerateImportArgsGeneratorFactory()
import_queue_generator_factory = self._GenerateImportQueueGeneratorFactory()
self._import_controller = HydrusDownloading.ImportController( import_args_generator_factory, import_queue_generator_factory, page_key = self._page_key )
def _PauseControllers( self ):
controller_job_key = self._import_controller.GetJobKey( 'controller' )
def _ResumeControllers( self ):
controller_job_key = self._import_controller.GetJobKey( 'controller' )
def CleanBeforeDestroy( self ):
PageWithMedia.CleanBeforeDestroy( self )
def GetSessionArgs( self ):
hashes = [ media.GetHash() for media in self._media_panel.GetFlatMedia() ]
args = tuple()
kwargs = { 'initial_hashes' : hashes }
return ( args, kwargs )
class PageImportGallery( PageImport ):
def __init__( self, parent, gallery_name, gallery_type, initial_hashes = [], starting_from_session = False ):
self._gallery_name = gallery_name
self._gallery_type = gallery_type
PageImport.__init__( self, parent, initial_hashes = initial_hashes, starting_from_session = starting_from_session )
def _GenerateImportArgsGeneratorFactory( self ):
def factory( job_key, item ):
advanced_import_options = self._management_panel.GetAdvancedImportOptions()
advanced_tag_options = self._management_panel.GetAdvancedTagOptions()
downloaders_factory = self._GetDownloadersFactory()
return HydrusDownloading.ImportArgsGeneratorGallery( job_key, item, advanced_import_options, advanced_tag_options, downloaders_factory )
return factory
def _GenerateImportQueueGeneratorFactory( self ):
def factory( job_key, item ):
downloaders_factory = self._GetDownloadersFactory()
return HydrusDownloading.ImportQueueGeneratorGallery( job_key, item, downloaders_factory )
return factory
def _GetDownloadersFactory( self ):
if self._gallery_name == 'booru':
def downloaders_factory( raw_tags ):
booru = self._gallery_type
tags = raw_tags.split( ' ' )
return ( HydrusDownloading.DownloaderBooru( booru, tags ), )
elif self._gallery_name == 'deviant art':
if self._gallery_type == 'artist':
def downloaders_factory( artist ):
return ( HydrusDownloading.DownloaderDeviantArt( artist ), )
elif self._gallery_name == 'giphy':
def downloaders_factory( tag ):
return ( HydrusDownloading.DownloaderGiphy( tag ), )
elif self._gallery_name == 'hentai foundry':
if self._gallery_type == 'artist':
def downloaders_factory( artist ):
advanced_hentai_foundry_options = self._management_panel.GetAdvancedHentaiFoundryOptions()
pictures_downloader = HydrusDownloading.DownloaderHentaiFoundry( 'artist pictures', artist, advanced_hentai_foundry_options )
scraps_downloader = HydrusDownloading.DownloaderHentaiFoundry( 'artist scraps', artist, advanced_hentai_foundry_options )
return ( pictures_downloader, scraps_downloader )
elif self._gallery_type == 'tags':
def downloaders_factory( raw_tags ):
advanced_hentai_foundry_options = self._management_panel.GetAdvancedHentaiFoundryOptions()
tags = raw_tags.split( ' ' )
return ( HydrusDownloading.DownloaderHentaiFoundry( 'tags', tags, advanced_hentai_foundry_options ), )
elif self._gallery_name == 'newgrounds':
def downloaders_factory( artist ):
return ( HydrusDownloading.DownloaderNewgrounds( artist ), )
elif self._gallery_name == 'pixiv':
if self._gallery_type == 'artist':
def downloaders_factory( artist ):
return ( HydrusDownloading.DownloaderPixiv( 'artist', artist ), )
elif self._gallery_type == 'tag':
def downloaders_factory( tag ):
return ( HydrusDownloading.DownloaderPixiv( 'tags', tag ), )
elif self._gallery_name == 'tumblr':
def downloaders_factory( username ):
return ( HydrusDownloading.DownloaderTumblr( username ), )
return downloaders_factory
def _InitManagementPanel( self ):
if self._gallery_name == 'hentai foundry':
name = 'hentai foundry'
namespaces = [ 'creator', 'title', '' ]
if self._gallery_type == 'artist': initial_search_value = 'artist username'
elif self._gallery_type == 'tags': initial_search_value = 'search tags'
ato = HC.GetDefaultAdvancedTagOptions( HC.SITE_TYPE_HENTAI_FOUNDRY )
self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportsGalleryHentaiFoundry( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._import_controller, name, namespaces, ato, initial_search_value, starting_from_session = self._starting_from_session )
if self._gallery_name == 'booru':
booru = self._gallery_type
name = booru.GetName()
namespaces = booru.GetNamespaces()
initial_search_value = 'search tags'
ato = HC.GetDefaultAdvancedTagOptions( ( HC.SITE_TYPE_BOORU, name ) )
elif self._gallery_name == 'deviant art':
if self._gallery_type == 'artist':
name = 'deviant art'
namespaces = [ 'creator', 'title', '' ]
initial_search_value = 'artist username'
ato = HC.GetDefaultAdvancedTagOptions( HC.SITE_TYPE_DEVIANT_ART )
elif self._gallery_name == 'giphy':
name = 'giphy'
namespaces = [ '' ]
initial_search_value = 'search tag'
ato = HC.GetDefaultAdvancedTagOptions( HC.SITE_TYPE_GIPHY )
elif self._gallery_name == 'newgrounds':
name = 'newgrounds'
namespaces = [ 'creator', 'title', '' ]
initial_search_value = 'artist username'
ato = HC.GetDefaultAdvancedTagOptions( HC.SITE_TYPE_NEWGROUNDS )
elif self._gallery_name == 'pixiv':
name = 'pixiv'
namespaces = [ 'creator', 'title', '' ]
if self._gallery_type == 'artist': initial_search_value = 'artist username'
elif self._gallery_type == 'tag': initial_search_value = 'search tag'
ato = HC.GetDefaultAdvancedTagOptions( HC.SITE_TYPE_PIXIV )
elif self._gallery_name == 'tumblr':
name = 'tumblr'
namespaces = [ '' ]
initial_search_value = 'username'
ato = HC.GetDefaultAdvancedTagOptions( HC.SITE_TYPE_TUMBLR )
self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportsGallery( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._import_controller, name, namespaces, ato, initial_search_value, starting_from_session = self._starting_from_session )
def GetSessionArgs( self ):
hashes = [ media.GetHash() for media in self._media_panel.GetFlatMedia() ]
args = ( self._gallery_name, self._gallery_type )
kwargs = { 'initial_hashes' : hashes }
return ( args, kwargs )
class PageImportHDD( PageImport ):
def __init__( self, parent, paths_info, initial_hashes = [], advanced_import_options = {}, paths_to_tags = {}, delete_after_success = False, starting_from_session = False ):
self._paths_info = paths_info
self._advanced_import_options = advanced_import_options
self._paths_to_tags = paths_to_tags
self._delete_after_success = delete_after_success
PageImport.__init__( self, parent, initial_hashes = initial_hashes, starting_from_session = starting_from_session )
self._import_controller.PendImportQueue( self._paths_info )
def _GenerateImportArgsGeneratorFactory( self ):
def factory( job_key, item ):
return HydrusDownloading.ImportArgsGeneratorHDD( job_key, item, self._advanced_import_options, self._paths_to_tags, self._delete_after_success )
return factory
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportHDD( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._import_controller, starting_from_session = self._starting_from_session )
def GetSessionArgs( self ):
hashes = [ media.GetHash() for media in self._media_panel.GetFlatMedia() ]
args = ( [], )
kwargs = { 'initial_hashes' : hashes }
return ( args, kwargs )
class PageImportThreadWatcher( PageImport ):
def _GenerateImportArgsGeneratorFactory( self ):
def factory( job_key, item ):
advanced_import_options = self._management_panel.GetAdvancedImportOptions()
advanced_tag_options = self._management_panel.GetAdvancedTagOptions()
# fourchan_board should be on the job_key or whatever. it is stuck on initial queue generation
# we should not be getting it from the management_panel
# we should have access to this info from the job_key or w/e
return HydrusDownloading.ImportArgsGeneratorThread( job_key, item, advanced_import_options, advanced_tag_options )
return factory
def _GenerateImportQueueGeneratorFactory( self ):
def factory( job_key, item ):
return HydrusDownloading.ImportQueueGeneratorThread( job_key, item )
return factory
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportThreadWatcher( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._import_controller, starting_from_session = self._starting_from_session )
class PageImportURL( PageImport ):
def _GenerateImportArgsGeneratorFactory( self ):
def factory( job_key, item ):
advanced_import_options = self._management_panel.GetAdvancedImportOptions()
return HydrusDownloading.ImportArgsGeneratorURLs( job_key, item, advanced_import_options )
return factory
def _GenerateImportQueueGeneratorFactory( self ):
def factory( job_key, item ):
return HydrusDownloading.ImportQueueGeneratorURLs( job_key, item )
return factory
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportsURL( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._import_controller, starting_from_session = self._starting_from_session )
class PagePetitions( PageWithMedia ):
def __init__( self, parent, petition_service_key, starting_from_session = False ):
self._petition_service_key = petition_service_key
petition_service = HC.app.GetManager( 'services' ).GetService( petition_service_key )
petition_service_type = petition_service.GetServiceType()
if petition_service_type in ( HC.LOCAL_FILE, HC.FILE_REPOSITORY ): self._file_service_key = self._petition_service_key
else: self._file_service_key = HC.COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY
PageWithMedia.__init__( self, parent, self._file_service_key, starting_from_session = starting_from_session )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelPetitions( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._file_service_key, self._petition_service_key, starting_from_session = self._starting_from_session )
def _InitMediaPanel( self ): self._media_panel = ClientGUIMedia.MediaPanelNoQuery( self, self._page_key, self._file_service_key )
class PageQuery( PageWithMedia ):
def __init__( self, parent, file_service_key, initial_hashes = [], initial_media_results = [], initial_predicates = [], starting_from_session = False ):
self._initial_predicates = initial_predicates
PageWithMedia.__init__( self, parent, file_service_key, initial_hashes = initial_hashes, initial_media_results = initial_media_results, starting_from_session = starting_from_session )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ):
show_search = len( self._initial_predicates ) > 0 or len( self._initial_media_results ) == 0
self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelQuery( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._file_service_key, show_search = show_search, initial_predicates = self._initial_predicates, starting_from_session = self._starting_from_session )
def _InitMediaPanel( self ):
if len( self._initial_media_results ) == 0: self._media_panel = ClientGUIMedia.MediaPanelNoQuery( self, self._page_key, self._file_service_key )
refreshable = len( self._initial_predicates ) > 0 or len( self._initial_media_results ) == 0
self._media_panel = ClientGUIMedia.MediaPanelThumbnails( self, self._page_key, self._file_service_key, self._initial_media_results, refreshable = refreshable )
def GetSessionArgs( self ):
hashes = [ media.GetHash() for media in self._media_panel.GetFlatMedia() ]
predicates = self._management_panel.GetPredicates()
args = ( self._file_service_key, )
kwargs = { 'initial_hashes' : hashes, 'initial_predicates' : predicates }
return ( args, kwargs )
class PageThreadDumper( PageWithMedia ):
def __init__( self, parent, imageboard, hashes, starting_from_session = False ):
self._imageboard = imageboard
media_results = HC.app.Read( 'media_results', HC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, hashes )
hashes_to_media_results = { media_result.GetHash() : media_result for media_result in media_results }
self._media_results = [ hashes_to_media_results[ hash ] for hash in hashes ]
self._media_results = filter( self._imageboard.IsOkToPost, self._media_results )
PageWithMedia.__init__( self, parent, HC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, starting_from_session = starting_from_session )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelDumper( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._imageboard, self._media_results, starting_from_session = self._starting_from_session )
def _InitMediaPanel( self ): self._media_panel = ClientGUIMedia.MediaPanelThumbnails( self, self._page_key, HC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, self._media_results )
class_to_text = {}
text_to_class = {}
current_module = sys.modules[ __name__ ]
for ( name, c ) in inspect.getmembers( current_module ):
if inspect.isclass( c ):
class_to_text[ c ] = name
text_to_class[ name ] = c