
474 lines
14 KiB

import ClientFiles
import HydrusConstants as HC
import HydrusExceptions
import HydrusFileHandling
import HydrusImageHandling
import os
import random
import Queue
import threading
import time
import wx
class DataCache( object ):
def __init__( self, cache_size_key, decay_duration = 1200 ):
self._cache_size_key = cache_size_key
self._decay_duration = decay_duration
self._keys_to_data = {}
self._keys_fifo = []
self._total_estimated_memory_footprint = 0
self._lock = threading.Lock()
wx.CallLater( 60 * 1000, self.MaintainCache )
def Clear( self ):
with self._lock:
self._keys_to_data = {}
self._keys_fifo = []
self._total_estimated_memory_footprint = 0
def AddData( self, key, data ):
with self._lock:
if key not in self._keys_to_data:
while self._total_estimated_memory_footprint > HC.options[ self._cache_size_key ]:
( deletee_key, last_access_time ) = self._keys_fifo.pop( 0 )
deletee_data = self._keys_to_data[ deletee_key ]
self._total_estimated_memory_footprint -= deletee_data.GetEstimatedMemoryFootprint()
del self._keys_to_data[ deletee_key ]
self._keys_to_data[ key ] = data
self._keys_fifo.append( ( key, HC.GetNow() ) )
self._total_estimated_memory_footprint += data.GetEstimatedMemoryFootprint()
def GetData( self, key ):
with self._lock:
if key not in self._keys_to_data: raise Exception( 'Cache error! Looking for ' + HC.u( key ) + ', but it was missing.' )
i = 0
for ( fifo_key, last_access_time ) in self._keys_fifo:
if fifo_key == key:
del self._keys_fifo[ i ]
else: i += 1
self._keys_fifo.append( ( key, HC.GetNow() ) )
return self._keys_to_data[ key ]
def HasData( self, key ):
with self._lock: return key in self._keys_to_data
def MaintainCache( self ):
now = HC.GetNow()
with self._lock:
while True:
if len( self._keys_fifo ) == 0: break
( key, last_access_time ) = self._keys_fifo[ 0 ]
if now - last_access_time > self._decay_duration:
del self._keys_fifo[ 0 ]
data = self._keys_to_data[ key ]
self._total_estimated_memory_footprint -= data.GetEstimatedMemoryFootprint()
del self._keys_to_data[ key ]
else: break
wx.CallLater( 60 * 1000, self.MaintainCache )
class LocalBooruCache( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self._lock = threading.Lock()
HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'RefreshShares', 'refresh_local_booru_shares' )
HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'RefreshShares', 'restart_booru' )
def _CheckDataUsage( self ):
info = self._local_booru_service.GetInfo()
max_monthly_data = info[ 'max_monthly_data' ]
used_monthly_data = info[ 'used_monthly_data' ]
if max_monthly_data is not None and used_monthly_data > max_monthly_data: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'This booru has used all its monthly data. Please try again next month.' )
def _CheckFileAuthorised( self, share_key, hash ):
self._CheckShareAuthorised( share_key )
info = self._GetInfo( share_key )
if hash not in info[ 'hashes_set' ]: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'That file was not found in that share.' )
def _CheckShareAuthorised( self, share_key ):
info = self._GetInfo( share_key )
timeout = info[ 'timeout' ]
if timeout is not None and HC.GetNow() > timeout: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'This share has expired.' )
def _GetInfo( self, share_key ):
try: info = self._keys_to_infos[ share_key ]
except: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Did not find that share on this booru.' )
if info is None:
info = HC.app.Read( 'local_booru_share', share_key )
hashes = info[ 'hashes' ]
info[ 'hashes_set' ] = set( hashes )
media_results = HC.app.ReadDaemon( 'media_results', HC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, hashes )
info[ 'media_results' ] = media_results
hashes_to_media_results = { media_result.GetHash() : media_result for media_result in media_results }
info[ 'hashes_to_media_results' ] = hashes_to_media_results
self._keys_to_infos[ share_key ] = info
return info
def _RefreshShares( self ):
self._local_booru_service = HC.app.GetManager( 'services' ).GetService( HC.LOCAL_BOORU_SERVICE_KEY )
self._keys_to_infos = {}
share_keys = HC.app.Read( 'local_booru_share_keys' )
for share_key in share_keys: self._keys_to_infos[ share_key ] = None
def CheckShareAuthorised( self, share_key ):
with self._lock: self._CheckShareAuthorised( share_key )
def CheckFileAuthorised( self, share_key, hash ):
with self._lock: self._CheckFileAuthorised( share_key, hash )
def GetGalleryInfo( self, share_key ):
with self._lock:
self._CheckShareAuthorised( share_key )
info = self._GetInfo( share_key )
name = info[ 'name' ]
text = info[ 'text' ]
timeout = info[ 'timeout' ]
media_results = info[ 'media_results' ]
return ( name, text, timeout, media_results )
def GetMediaResult( self, share_key, hash ):
with self._lock:
info = self._GetInfo( share_key )
media_result = info[ 'hashes_to_media_results' ][ hash ]
return media_result
def GetPageInfo( self, share_key, hash ):
with self._lock:
self._CheckFileAuthorised( share_key, hash )
info = self._GetInfo( share_key )
name = info[ 'name' ]
text = info[ 'text' ]
timeout = info[ 'timeout' ]
media_result = info[ 'hashes_to_media_results' ][ hash ]
return ( name, text, timeout, media_result )
def RefreshShares( self ):
with self._lock:
class MenuEventIdToActionCache( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self._ids_to_actions = {}
self._actions_to_ids = {}
def GetAction( self, event_id ):
if event_id in self._ids_to_actions: return self._ids_to_actions[ event_id ]
else: return None
def GetId( self, command, data = None ):
action = ( command, data )
if action not in self._actions_to_ids:
event_id = wx.NewId()
self._ids_to_actions[ event_id ] = action
self._actions_to_ids[ action ] = event_id
return self._actions_to_ids[ action ]
class RenderedImageCache( object ):
def __init__( self, cache_type ):
self._type = cache_type
if self._type == 'fullscreen': self._data_cache = DataCache( 'fullscreen_cache_size' )
elif self._type == 'preview': self._data_cache = DataCache( 'preview_cache_size' )
self._total_estimated_memory_footprint = 0
self._keys_being_rendered = {}
HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'FinishedRendering', 'finished_rendering' )
def Clear( self ): self._data_cache.Clear()
def GetImage( self, media, target_resolution = None ):
hash = media.GetHash()
if target_resolution is None: target_resolution = media.GetResolution()
key = ( hash, target_resolution )
if self._data_cache.HasData( key ): return self._data_cache.GetData( key )
elif key in self._keys_being_rendered: return self._keys_being_rendered[ key ]
image_container = HydrusImageHandling.ImageContainer( media, target_resolution )
self._keys_being_rendered[ key ] = image_container
return image_container
def HasImage( self, hash, target_resolution ):
key = ( hash, target_resolution )
return self._data_cache.HasData( key ) or key in self._keys_being_rendered
def FinishedRendering( self, key ):
if key in self._keys_being_rendered:
image_container = self._keys_being_rendered[ key ]
del self._keys_being_rendered[ key ]
self._data_cache.AddData( key, image_container )
class ThumbnailCache( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self._data_cache = DataCache( 'thumbnail_cache_size' )
self._queue = Queue.Queue()
self._special_thumbs = {}
threading.Thread( target = self.DAEMONWaterfall, name = 'Waterfall Daemon' ).start()
HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'Clear', 'thumbnail_resize' )
def Clear( self ):
self._special_thumbs = {}
names = [ 'hydrus', 'flash', 'pdf', 'audio', 'video' ]
for name in names:
path = HC.STATIC_DIR + os.path.sep + name + '.png'
thumbnail = HydrusFileHandling.GenerateThumbnail( path, HC.options[ 'thumbnail_dimensions' ] )
resized_path = HC.STATIC_DIR + os.path.sep + name + '_resized.png'
with open( resized_path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( thumbnail )
hydrus_bitmap = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateHydrusBitmap( resized_path )
self._special_thumbs[ name ] = hydrus_bitmap
def GetThumbnail( self, media ):
mime = media.GetDisplayMedia().GetMime()
hash = media.GetDisplayMedia().GetHash()
if not self._data_cache.HasData( hash ):
path = None
path = ClientFiles.GetThumbnailPath( hash, False )
hydrus_bitmap = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateHydrusBitmap( path )
except HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException:
print( 'Could not find the thumbnail for ' + hash.encode( 'hex' ) + '!' )
return self._special_thumbs[ 'hydrus' ]
self._data_cache.AddData( hash, hydrus_bitmap )
return self._data_cache.GetData( hash )
elif mime in HC.AUDIO: return self._special_thumbs[ 'audio' ]
elif mime in HC.VIDEO: return self._special_thumbs[ 'video' ]
elif mime == HC.APPLICATION_FLASH: return self._special_thumbs[ 'flash' ]
elif mime == HC.APPLICATION_PDF: return self._special_thumbs[ 'pdf' ]
else: return self._special_thumbs[ 'hydrus' ]
def Waterfall( self, page_key, medias ): self._queue.put( ( page_key, medias ) )
def DAEMONWaterfall( self ):
last_paused = HC.GetNowPrecise()
while not HC.shutdown:
try: ( page_key, medias ) = self._queue.get( timeout = 1 )
except Queue.Empty: continue
random.shuffle( medias )
for media in medias:
thumbnail = self.GetThumbnail( media )
HC.pubsub.pub( 'waterfall_thumbnail', page_key, media, thumbnail )
if HC.GetNowPrecise() - last_paused > 0.005:
time.sleep( 0.00001 )
last_paused = HC.GetNowPrecise()
except Exception as e:
HC.ShowException( e )