import ClientDB import collections import HydrusConstants as HC import os import TestConstants import unittest class TestDaemons( unittest.TestCase ): def test_import_folders_daemon( self ): test_dir = HC.TEMP_DIR + os.path.sep + 'test' if not os.path.exists( test_dir ): os.mkdir( test_dir ) with open( test_dir + os.path.sep + '1', 'wb' ) as f: f.write( TestConstants.tinest_gif ) with open( test_dir + os.path.sep + '2', 'wb' ) as f: f.write( TestConstants.tinest_gif ) with open( test_dir + os.path.sep + '3', 'wb' ) as f: f.write( TestConstants.tinest_gif ) with open( test_dir + os.path.sep + '4', 'wb' ) as f: f.write( 'blarg' ) # broken with open( test_dir + os.path.sep + '5', 'wb' ) as f: f.write( TestConstants.tinest_gif ) # previously failed for whatever reason # path = test_dir details = {} details[ 'type' ] = HC.IMPORT_FOLDER_TYPE_SYNCHRONISE details[ 'cached_imported_paths' ] = { test_dir + os.path.sep + '2' } details[ 'failed_imported_paths' ] = { test_dir + os.path.sep + '5' } details[ 'local_tag' ] = 'local tag' details[ 'last_checked' ] = HC.GetNow() - 1500 details[ 'check_period' ] = 1000 old_details = dict( details ) 'import_folders', { path : details } ) ClientDB.DAEMONCheckImportFolders() #(('C:\\code\\Hydrus\\temp\\7baa9a818a14b7a9cbefb04c16bdc45ac651eb7400c1996e66e2efeef9e3ee5d',), {'service_identifiers_to_tags': {HC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: set(['local tag'])}}) #(('C:\\code\\Hydrus\\temp\\e0dbdcb1a13c0565ffb73f2f497528adbe1703ca1dfc69680202487187b9fcfa',), {'service_identifiers_to_tags': {HC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: set(['local tag'])}}) #(('C:\\code\\Hydrus\\temp\\182c4eecf2a5b4dfc8b74813bcff5d967ed53d92a982d8ae18520e1504fa5902',), {'service_identifiers_to_tags': {HC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: set(['local tag'])}}) import_file = 'import_file' ) self.assertEqual( len( import_file ), 3 ) expected_tag_part = {'service_identifiers_to_tags': {HC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: set(['local tag'])}} ( one, two, three ) = import_file ( temp_path, tag_part ) = one self.assertEqual( tag_part, expected_tag_part ) ( temp_path, tag_part ) = two self.assertEqual( tag_part, expected_tag_part ) ( temp_path, tag_part ) = three self.assertEqual( tag_part, expected_tag_part ) # I need to expand tests here with the new file system [ ( ( updated_path, updated_details ), kwargs ) ] = 'import_folder' ) self.assertEqual( path, updated_path ) self.assertEqual( updated_details[ 'type' ], old_details[ 'type' ] ) self.assertEqual( updated_details[ 'cached_imported_paths' ], { test_dir + os.path.sep + '1', test_dir + os.path.sep + '2', test_dir + os.path.sep + '3' } ) self.assertEqual( updated_details[ 'failed_imported_paths' ], { test_dir + os.path.sep + '4', test_dir + os.path.sep + '5' } ) self.assertEqual( updated_details[ 'local_tag' ], old_details[ 'local_tag' ] ) self.assertGreater( updated_details[ 'last_checked' ], old_details[ 'last_checked' ] ) self.assertEqual( updated_details[ 'check_period' ], old_details[ 'check_period' ] ) # path = test_dir details = {} details[ 'type' ] = HC.IMPORT_FOLDER_TYPE_DELETE details[ 'cached_imported_paths' ] = set() details[ 'failed_imported_paths' ] = { test_dir + os.path.sep + '5' } details[ 'local_tag' ] = 'local tag' details[ 'last_checked' ] = HC.GetNow() - 1500 details[ 'check_period' ] = 1000 old_details = dict( details ) 'import_folders', { path : details } ) ClientDB.DAEMONCheckImportFolders() # improve these tests as above # old entries #(('GIF89a\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\xff\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00;',), {'service_identifiers_to_tags': {HC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: set(['local tag'])}}) #(('GIF89a\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\xff\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00;',), {'service_identifiers_to_tags': {HC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: set(['local tag'])}}) #(('GIF89a\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\xff\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00;',), {'service_identifiers_to_tags': {HC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: set(['local tag'])}}) #(('blarg',), {'service_identifiers_to_tags': {HC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: set(['local tag'])}}) import_file = 'import_file' ) [ ( ( updated_path, updated_details ), kwargs ) ] = 'import_folder' ) self.assertEqual( path, updated_path ) self.assertEqual( updated_details[ 'type' ], old_details[ 'type' ] ) self.assertEqual( updated_details[ 'cached_imported_paths' ], set() ) self.assertEqual( updated_details[ 'failed_imported_paths' ], { test_dir + os.path.sep + '4', test_dir + os.path.sep + '5' } ) self.assertEqual( updated_details[ 'local_tag' ], old_details[ 'local_tag' ] ) self.assertGreater( updated_details[ 'last_checked' ], old_details[ 'last_checked' ] ) self.assertEqual( updated_details[ 'check_period' ], old_details[ 'check_period' ] ) self.assertTrue( not os.path.exists( test_dir + os.path.sep + '1' ) ) self.assertTrue( not os.path.exists( test_dir + os.path.sep + '2' ) ) self.assertTrue( not os.path.exists( test_dir + os.path.sep + '3' ) ) self.assertTrue( os.path.exists( test_dir + os.path.sep + '4' ) ) self.assertTrue( os.path.exists( test_dir + os.path.sep + '5' ) ) os.remove( test_dir + os.path.sep + '4' ) os.remove( test_dir + os.path.sep + '5' ) os.rmdir( test_dir )