--- title: API documentation hide: navigation --- # API documentation ## Library modules created by hydrus users * [Hydrus API](https://gitlab.com/cryzed/hydrus-api): A python module that talks to the API. * [hydrus.js](https://github.com/cravxx/hydrus.js): A node.js module that talks to the API. * [more projects on github](https://github.com/stars/hydrusnetwork/lists/hydrus-related-projects) ## API In general, the API deals with standard UTF-8 JSON. POST requests and 200 OK responses are generally going to be a JSON 'Object' with variable names as keys and values obviously as values. There are examples throughout this document. For GET requests, everything is in standard GET parameters, but some variables are complicated and will need to be JSON encoded and then URL encoded. An example would be the 'tags' parameter on [GET /get\_files/search\_files](#get_files_search_files), which is a list of strings. Since GET http URLs have limits on what characters are allowed, but hydrus tags can have all sorts of characters, you'll be doing this: * Your list of tags: ```py [ 'character:samus aran', 'creator:青い桜', 'system:height > 2000' ] ``` * JSON encoded: ```json ["character:samus aran", "creator:\\u9752\\u3044\\u685c", "system:height > 2000"] ``` * Then URL encoded: ``` %5B%22character%3Asamus%20aran%22%2C%20%22creator%3A%5Cu9752%5Cu3044%5Cu685c%22%2C%20%22system%3Aheight%20%3E%202000%22%5D ``` * In python, converting your tag list to the URL encoded string would be: ```py urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( tag_list ) ) ``` * Full URL path example: ``` /get_files/search_files?file_sort_type=6&file_sort_asc=false&tags=%5B%22character%3Asamus%20aran%22%2C%20%22creator%3A%5Cu9752%5Cu3044%5Cu685c%22%2C%20%22system%3Aheight%20%3E%202000%22%5D ``` On 200 OK, the API returns JSON for everything except actual file/thumbnail requests. On 4XX and 5XX, assume it will return plain text, which may be a raw traceback that I'd be interested in seeing. You'll typically get 400 for a missing parameter, 401/403/419 for missing/insufficient/expired access, and 500 for a real deal serverside error. !!! note For any request sent to the API, the total size of the initial request line (this includes the URL and any parameters) and the headers must not be larger than 2 megabytes. Exceeding this limit will cause the request to fail. Make sure to use pagination if you are passing very large JSON arrays as parameters in a GET request. ## CBOR The API now tentatively supports CBOR, which is basically 'byte JSON'. If you are in a lower level language or need to do a lot of heavy work quickly, try it out! To send CBOR, for POST put Content-Type `application/cbor` in your request header instead of `application/json`, and for GET just add a `cbor=1` parameter to the URL string. Use CBOR to encode any parameters that you would previously put in JSON: For POST requests, just print the pure bytes in the body, like this: ```py cbor2.dumps( arg_dict ) ``` For GET, encode the parameter value in base64, like this: ```py base64.urlsafe_b64encode( cbor2.dumps( argument ) ) -or- str( base64.urlsafe_b64encode( cbor2.dumps( argument ) ), 'ascii' ) ``` If you send CBOR, the client will return CBOR. If you want to send CBOR and get JSON back, or _vice versa_ (or you are uploading a file and can't set CBOR Content-Type), send the Accept request header, like so: ``` Accept: application/cbor Accept: application/json ``` If the client does not support CBOR, you'll get 406. ## Access and permissions The client gives access to its API through different 'access keys', which are the typical 64-character hex used in many other places across hydrus. Each guarantees different permissions such as handling files or tags. Most of the time, a user will provide full access, but do not assume this. If the access header or parameter is not provided, you will get 401, and all insufficient permission problems will return 403 with appropriate error text. Access is required for every request. You can provide this as an http header, like so: ``` Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key : 0150d9c4f6a6d2082534a997f4588dcf0c56dffe1d03ffbf98472236112236ae ``` Or you can include it as a GET or POST parameter on any request (except _POST /add\_files/add\_file_, which uses the entire POST body for the file's bytes). Use the same name for your GET or POST argument, such as: ``` /get_files/thumbnail?file_id=452158&Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key=0150d9c4f6a6d2082534a997f4588dcf0c56dffe1d03ffbf98472236112236ae ``` There is now a simple 'session' system, where you can get a temporary key that gives the same access without having to include the permanent access key in every request. You can fetch a session key with the [/session_key](#session_key) command and thereafter use it just as you would an access key, just with _Hydrus-Client-API-Session-Key_ instead. Session keys will expire if they are not used within 24 hours, or if the client is restarted, or if the underlying access key is deleted. An invalid/expired session key will give a **419** result with an appropriate error text. Bear in mind the Client API is still under construction. Setting up the Client API to be accessible across the internet requires technical experience to be convenient. HTTPS is available for encrypted comms, but the default certificate is self-signed (which basically means an eavesdropper can't see through it, but your ISP/government could if they decided to target you). If you have your own domain and SSL cert, you can replace them though (check the db directory for client.crt and client.key). Otherwise, be careful about transmitting sensitive content outside of your localhost/network. ## Access Management ### **GET `/api_version`** { id="api_version" } _Gets the current API version. I will increment this every time I alter the API._ Restricted access: NO. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: n/a Response: : Some simple JSON describing the current api version (and hydrus client version, if you are interested). ```json title="Example response" { "version": 17, "hydrus_version": 441 } ``` ### **GET `/request_new_permissions`** { id="request_new_permissions" } _Register a new external program with the client. This requires the 'add from api request' mini-dialog under_ services->review services _to be open, otherwise it will 403._ Restricted access: NO. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: : * `name`: (descriptive name of your access) * `basic_permissions`: A JSON-encoded list of numerical permission identifiers you want to request. The permissions are currently: * 0 - Import URLs * 1 - Import Files * 2 - Add Tags * 3 - Search for Files * 4 - Manage Pages * 5 - Manage Cookies * 6 - Manage Database ``` title="Example request" /request_new_permissions?name=my%20import%20script&basic_permissions=[0,1] ``` Response: : Some JSON with your access key, which is 64 characters of hex. This will not be valid until the user approves the request in the client ui. ```json title="Example response" {"access_key" : "73c9ab12751dcf3368f028d3abbe1d8e2a3a48d0de25e64f3a8f00f3a1424c57"} ``` ### **GET `/session_key`** { id="session_key" } _Get a new session key._ Restricted access: YES. No permissions required. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: n/a Response: : Some JSON with a new session key in hex. ```json title="Example response" { "session_key": "f6e651e7467255ade6f7c66050f3d595ff06d6f3d3693a3a6fb1a9c2b278f800" } ``` !!! note Note that the access you provide to get a new session key **can** be a session key, if that happens to be useful. As long as you have some kind of access, you can generate a new session key. A session key expires after 24 hours of inactivity, whenever the client restarts, or if the underlying access key is deleted. A request on an expired session key returns 419. ### **GET `/verify_access_key`** { id="verify_access_key" } _Check your access key is valid._ Restricted access: YES. No permissions required. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: n/a Response: : 401/403/419 and some error text if the provided access/session key is invalid, otherwise some JSON with basic permission info. ```json title="Example response" { "basic_permissions": [0, 1, 3], "human_description": "API Permissions (autotagger): add tags to files, import files, search for files: Can search: only autotag this" } ``` ### **GET `/get_services`** { id="get_services" } _Ask the client about its file and tag services._ Restricted access: : YES. At least one of Add Files, Add Tags, Manage Pages, or Search Files permission needed. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: n/a Response: : Some JSON listing the client's file and tag services by name and 'service key'. ```json title="Example response" { "local_tags": [ { "name": "my tags", "service_key": "6c6f63616c2074616773" }, { "name": "filenames", "service_key": "231a2e992b67101318c410abb6e7d98b6e32050623f138ca93bd4ad2993de31b" } ], "tag_repositories": [ { "name": "PTR", "service_key": "ccb0cf2f9e92c2eb5bd40986f72a339ef9497014a5fb8ce4cea6d6c9837877d9" } ], "local_files": [ { "name": "my files", "service_key": "6c6f63616c2066696c6573" } ], "local_updates": [ { "name": "repository updates", "service_key": "7265706f7369746f72792075706461746573" } ], "file_repositories": [], "all_local_files": [ { "name": "all local files", "service_key": "616c6c206c6f63616c2066696c6573" } ], 'all_local_media': [ { 'name': 'all my files', 'service_key': '616c6c206c6f63616c206d65646961' } ], "all_known_files": [ { "name": "all known files", "service_key": "616c6c206b6e6f776e2066696c6573" } ], "all_known_tags": [ { "name": "all known tags", "service_key": "616c6c206b6e6f776e2074616773" } ], "trash": [ { "name": "trash", "service_key": "7472617368" } ] } ``` These services may be referred to in various metadata responses or required in request parameters (e.g. where to add tag mappings). Note that a user can rename their services. Much of this Client API uses this renameable 'service name' as service identifier, but I may start using service key, which is non-mutable ID specific to each client. The hardcoded services have shorter service key strings (it is usually just 'all known files' etc.. ASCII-converted to hex), but user-made stuff will have 64-character hex. ## Adding Files ### **POST `/add_files/add_file`** { id="add_files_add_file" } _Tell the client to import a file._ Restricted access: : YES. Import Files permission needed. Required Headers: : - Content-Type: `application/json` (if sending path), `application/octet-stream` (if sending file) Arguments (in JSON): : - `path`: (the path you want to import) ```json title="Example request body" {"path": "E:\\to_import\\ayanami.jpg"} ``` Arguments (as bytes): : You can alternately just send the file's bytes as the POST body. Response: : Some JSON with the import result. Please note that file imports for large files may take several seconds, and longer if the client is busy doing other db work, so make sure your request is willing to wait that long for the response. ```json title="Example response" { "status": 1, "hash": "29a15ad0c035c0a0e86e2591660207db64b10777ced76565a695102a481c3dd1", "note": "" } ``` `status` is: * 1 - File was successfully imported * 2 - File already in database * 3 - File previously deleted * 4 - File failed to import * 7 - File vetoed A file 'veto' is caused by the file import options (which in this case is the 'quiet' set under the client's _options->importing_) stopping the file due to its resolution or minimum file size rules, etc... 'hash' is the file's SHA256 hash in hexadecimal, and 'note' is some occasional additional human-readable text appropriate to the file status that you may recognise from hydrus's normal import workflow. For an import error, it will always be the full traceback. ### **POST `/add_files/delete_files`** { id="add_files_delete_files" } _Tell the client to send files to the trash._ Restricted access: : YES. Import Files permission needed. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: `application/json` Arguments (in JSON): : * `hash`: (an SHA256 hash for a file in 64 characters of hexadecimal) * `hashes`: (a list of SHA256 hashes) * `file_id`: (a numerical file id) * `file_ids`: (a list of numerical file ids) * `file_service_name`: (optional, selective, string, the local file domain from which to delete, or all local files) * `file_service_key`: (optional, selective, hexadecimal, the local file domain from which to delete, or all local files) * `reason`: (optional, string, the reason attached to the delete action) ```json title="Example request body" {"hash": "78f92ba4a786225ee2a1236efa6b7dc81dd729faf4af99f96f3e20bad6d8b538"} ``` Response: : 200 and no content. You can use hash or hashes, whichever is more convenient. If you specify a file service, the file will only be deleted from that location. Only local file domains are allowed (so you can't delete from a file repository or unpin from ipfs yet), but if you specific 'all local files', you should be able to trigger a physical delete if you wish. ### **POST `/add_files/undelete_files`** { id="add_files_undelete_files" } _Tell the client to pull files back out of the trash._ Restricted access: : YES. Import Files permission needed. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: application/json Arguments (in JSON): : * `hash`: (an SHA256 hash for a file in 64 characters of hexadecimal) * `hashes`: (a list of SHA256 hashes) * `file_id`: (a numerical file id) * `file_ids`: (a list of numerical file ids) * `file_service_name`: (optional, selective, string, the local file domain to which to undelete) * `file_service_key`: (optional, selective, hexadecimal, the local file domain to which to undelete) ```json title="Example request body" {"hash": "78f92ba4a786225ee2a1236efa6b7dc81dd729faf4af99f96f3e20bad6d8b538"} ``` Response: : 200 and no content. You can use hash or hashes, whichever is more convenient. This is the reverse of a delete_files--removing files from trash and putting them back where they came from. If you specify a file service, the files will only be undeleted to there (if they have a delete record, otherwise this is nullipotent). If you do not specify a file service, they will be undeleted to all local file services for which there are deletion records. There is no error if any files do not currently exist in 'trash'. ### **POST `/add_files/archive_files`** { id="add_files_archive_files" } _Tell the client to archive inboxed files._ Restricted access: : YES. Import Files permission needed. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: application/json Arguments (in JSON): : * `hash`: (an SHA256 hash for a file in 64 characters of hexadecimal) * `hashes`: (a list of SHA256 hashes) * `file_id`: (a numerical file id) * `file_ids`: (a list of numerical file ids) ```json title="Example request body" {"hash": "78f92ba4a786225ee2a1236efa6b7dc81dd729faf4af99f96f3e20bad6d8b538"} ``` Response: : 200 and no content. You can use hash or hashes, whichever is more convenient. This puts files in the 'archive', taking them out of the inbox. It only has meaning for files currently in 'my files' or 'trash'. There is no error if any files do not currently exist or are already in the archive. ### **POST `/add_files/unarchive_files`** { id="add_files_unarchive_files" } _Tell the client re-inbox archived files._ Restricted access: : YES. Import Files permission needed. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: application/json Arguments (in JSON): : * `hash`: (an SHA256 hash for a file in 64 characters of hexadecimal) * `hashes`: (a list of SHA256 hashes) * `file_id`: (a numerical file id) * `file_ids`: (a list of numerical file ids) ```json title="Example request body" {"hash": "78f92ba4a786225ee2a1236efa6b7dc81dd729faf4af99f96f3e20bad6d8b538"} ``` Response: : 200 and no content. You can use hash or hashes, whichever is more convenient. This puts files back in the inbox, taking them out of the archive. It only has meaning for files currently in 'my files' or 'trash'. There is no error if any files do not currently exist or are already in the inbox. ## Adding Tags ### **GET `/add_tags/clean_tags`** { id="add_tags_clean_tags" } _Ask the client about how it will see certain tags._ Restricted access: : YES. Add Tags permission needed. Required Headers: n/a Arguments (in percent-encoded JSON): : * `tags`: (a list of the tags you want cleaned) Example request: : Given tags `#!json [ " bikini ", "blue eyes", " character : samus aran ", ":)", " ", "", "10", "11", "9", "system:wew", "-flower" ]`: ``` /add_tags/clean_tags?tags=%5B%22%20bikini%20%22%2C%20%22blue%20%20%20%20eyes%22%2C%20%22%20character%20%3A%20samus%20aran%20%22%2C%20%22%3A%29%22%2C%20%22%20%20%20%22%2C%20%22%22%2C%20%2210%22%2C%20%2211%22%2C%20%229%22%2C%20%22system%3Awew%22%2C%20%22-flower%22%5D ``` Response: : The tags cleaned according to hydrus rules. They will also be in hydrus human-friendly sorting order. ```json title="Example response" { "tags" : ["9", "10", "11", "::)", "bikini", "blue eyes", "character:samus aran", "flower", "wew"] } ``` Mostly, hydrus simply trims excess whitespace, but the other examples are rare issues you might run into. 'system' is an invalid namespace, tags cannot be prefixed with hyphens, and any tag starting with ':' is secretly dealt with internally as "\[no namespace\]:\[colon-prefixed-subtag\]". Again, you probably won't run into these, but if you see a mismatch somewhere and want to figure it out, or just want to sort some numbered tags, you might like to try this. ### **GET `/add_tags/get_tag_services`** { id="add_tags_get_tag_services" } !!! warning "Deprecated" This is becoming obsolete and will be removed! Use [/get_services](#get_services) instead! _Ask the client about its tag services._ Restricted access: : YES. Add Tags permission needed. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: n/a Response: : Some JSON listing the client's 'local tags' and tag repository services by name. ```json title="Example response" { "local_tags": ["my tags"], "tag_repositories": [ "public tag repository", "mlp fanfic tagging server" ] } ``` !!! note A user can rename their services. Don't assume the client's local tags service will be "my tags". ### **GET `/add_tags/search_tags`** { id="add_tags_search_tags" } _Search the client for tags._ Restricted access: : YES. Search for Files permission needed. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: : * `search`: (the tag text to search for, enter exactly what you would in the client UI) * `tag_service_key`: (optional, selective, hexadecimal, the tag domain on which to search) * `tag_service_name`: (optional, selective, string, the tag domain on which to search) Example request: : ```http title="Example request" /add_tags/search_tags?search=kim ``` Response: : Some JSON listing the client's matching tags. : ```json title="Example response" { "tags": [ { "value": "series:kim possible", "count": 3 }, { "value": "kimchee", "count": 2 }, { "value": "character:kimberly ann possible", "count": 1 } ] } ``` The `tags` list will be sorted by descending count. If you do not specify a tag service, it will default to 'all known tags'. The various rules in _tags->manage tag display and search_ (e.g. no pure `*` searches on certain services) will also be checked--and if violated, you will get 200 OK but an empty result. Note that if your client api access is only allowed to search certain tags, the results will be similarly filtered. Also, for now, it gives you the 'storage' tags, which are the 'raw' ones you see in the manage tags dialog, without collapsed siblings, but more options will be added in future. ### **POST `/add_tags/add_tags`** { id="add_tags_add_tags" } _Make changes to the tags that files have._ Restricted access: : YES. Add Tags permission needed. Required Headers: n/a Arguments (in JSON): : * `hash`: (selective A, an SHA256 hash for a file in 64 characters of hexadecimal) * `hashes`: (selective A, a list of SHA256 hashes) * `file_id`: (a numerical file id) * `file_ids`: (a list of numerical file ids) * `service_names_to_tags`: (selective B, an Object of service names to lists of tags to be 'added' to the files) * `service_keys_to_tags`: (selective B, an Object of service keys to lists of tags to be 'added' to the files) * `service_names_to_actions_to_tags`: (selective B, an Object of service names to content update actions to lists of tags) * `service_keys_to_actions_to_tags`: (selective B, an Object of service keys to content update actions to lists of tags) You can use either 'hash' or 'hashes'. You can use either 'service\_names\_to...' or 'service\_keys\_to...', where names is simple and human-friendly "my tags" and similar (but may be renamed by a user), but keys is a little more complicated but accurate/unique. Since a client may have multiple tag services with non-default names and pseudo-random keys, if it is not your client you will need to check the [/get_services](#get_services) call to get the names or keys, and you may need some selection UI on your end so the user can pick what to do if there are multiple choices. I encourage using keys if you can. Also, you can use either '...to\_tags', which is simple and add-only, or '...to\_actions\_to\_tags', which is more complicated and allows you to remove/petition or rescind pending content. The permitted 'actions' are: * 0 - Add to a local tag service. * 1 - Delete from a local tag service. * 2 - Pend to a tag repository. * 3 - Rescind a pend from a tag repository. * 4 - Petition from a tag repository. (This is special) * 5 - Rescind a petition from a tag repository. When you petition a tag from a repository, a 'reason' for the petition is typically needed. If you send a normal list of tags here, a default reason of "Petitioned from API" will be given. If you want to set your own reason, you can instead give a list of \[ tag, reason \] pairs. Some example requests: : ```json title="Adding some tags to a file" { "hash": "df2a7b286d21329fc496e3aa8b8a08b67bb1747ca32749acb3f5d544cbfc0f56", "service_names_to_tags": { "my tags": ["character:supergirl", "rating:safe"] } } ``` ```json title="Adding more tags to two files" { "hashes": [ "df2a7b286d21329fc496e3aa8b8a08b67bb1747ca32749acb3f5d544cbfc0f56", "f2b022214e711e9a11e2fcec71bfd524f10f0be40c250737a7861a5ddd3faebf" ], "service_names_to_tags": { "my tags": ["process this"], "public tag repository": ["creator:dandon fuga"] } } ``` ```json title="A complicated transaction with all possible actions" { "hash": "df2a7b286d21329fc496e3aa8b8a08b67bb1747ca32749acb3f5d544cbfc0f56", "service_keys_to_actions_to_tags": { "6c6f63616c2074616773": { "0": ["character:supergirl", "rating:safe"], "1": ["character:superman"] }, "aa0424b501237041dab0308c02c35454d377eebd74cfbc5b9d7b3e16cc2193e9": { "2": ["character:supergirl", "rating:safe"], "3": ["filename:image.jpg"], "4": [["creator:danban faga", "typo"], ["character:super_girl", "underscore"]], "5": ["skirt"] } } } ``` This last example is far more complicated than you will usually see. Pend rescinds and petition rescinds are not common. Petitions are also quite rare, and gathering a good petition reason for each tag is often a pain. Note that the enumerated status keys in the service\_names\_to\_actions\_to_tags structure are strings, not ints (JSON does not support int keys for Objects). Response description: : 200 and no content. !!! note Note also that hydrus tag actions are safely idempotent. You can pend a tag that is already pended and not worry about an error--it will be discarded. The same for other reasonable logical scenarios: deleting a tag that does not exist will silently make no change, pending a tag that is already 'current' will again be passed over. It is fine to just throw 'process this' tags at every file import you add and not have to worry about checking which files you already added it to. ## Adding URLs ### **GET `/add_urls/get_url_files`** { id="add_urls_get_url_files" } _Ask the client about an URL's files._ Restricted access: : YES. Import URLs permission needed. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: : * `url`: (the url you want to ask about) Example request: : for URL `http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2753608`: ``` /add_urls/get_url_files?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsafebooru.org%2Findex.php%3Fpage%3Dpost%26s%3Dview%26id%3D2753608 ``` Response: : Some JSON which files are known to be mapped to that URL. Note this needs a database hit, so it may be delayed if the client is otherwise busy. Don't rely on this to always be fast. ```json title="Example response" { "normalised_url": "https://safebooru.org/index.php?id=2753608&page=post&s=view", "url_file_statuses": [ { "status": 2, "hash": "20e9002824e5e7ffc240b91b6e4a6af552b3143993c1778fd523c30d9fdde02c", "note": "url recognised: Imported at 2015/10/18 10:58:01, which was 3 years 4 months ago (before this check)." } ] } ``` The `url_file_statuses` is a list of zero-to-n JSON Objects, each representing a file match the client found in its database for the URL. Typically, it will be of length 0 (for as-yet-unvisited URLs or Gallery/Watchable URLs that are not attached to files) or 1, but sometimes multiple files are given the same URL (sometimes by mistaken misattribution, sometimes by design, such as pixiv manga pages). Handling n files per URL is a pain but an unavoidable issue you should account for. `status` is the same as for `/add_files/add_file`: * 0 - File not in database, ready for import (you will only see this very rarely--usually in this case you will just get no matches) * 2 - File already in database * 3 - File previously deleted `hash` is the file's SHA256 hash in hexadecimal, and 'note' is some occasional additional human-readable text you may recognise from hydrus's normal import workflow. ### **GET `/add_urls/get_url_info`** { id="add_urls_get_url_info" } _Ask the client for information about a URL._ Restricted access: : YES. Import URLs permission needed. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: : * `url`: (the url you want to ask about) Example request: : for URL `https://8ch.net/tv/res/1846574.html`: ``` /add_urls/get_url_info?url=https%3A%2F%2F8ch.net%2Ftv%2Fres%2F1846574.html ``` Response: : Some JSON describing what the client thinks of the URL. ```json title="Example response" { "normalised_url": "https://8ch.net/tv/res/1846574.html", "url_type": 4, "url_type_string": "watchable url", "match_name": "8chan thread", "can_parse": true } ``` The url types are currently: * 0 - Post URL * 2 - File URL * 3 - Gallery URL * 4 - Watchable URL * 5 - Unknown URL (i.e. no matching URL Class) 'Unknown' URLs are treated in the client as direct File URLs. Even though the 'File URL' type is available, most file urls do not have a URL Class, so they will appear as Unknown. Adding them to the client will pass them to the URL Downloader as a raw file for download and import. ### **POST `/add_urls/add_url`** { id="add_urls_add_url" } _Tell the client to 'import' a URL. This triggers the exact same routine as drag-and-dropping a text URL onto the main client window._ Restricted access: : YES. Import URLs permission needed. Add Tags needed to include tags. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: `application/json` Arguments (in JSON): : * `url`: (the url you want to add) * `destination_page_key`: (optional page identifier for the page to receive the url) * `destination_page_name`: (optional page name to receive the url) * `show_destination_page`: (optional, defaulting to false, controls whether the UI will change pages on add) * `service_names_to_additional_tags`: (optional, selective, tags to give to any files imported from this url) * `service_keys_to_additional_tags`: (optional, selective, tags to give to any files imported from this url) * `filterable_tags`: (optional tags to be filtered by any tag import options that applies to the URL) * _`service_names_to_tags`: (obsolete, legacy synonym for service\_names\_to\_additional_tags)_ If you specify a `destination_page_name` and an appropriate importer page already exists with that name, that page will be used. Otherwise, a new page with that name will be recreated (and used by subsequent calls with that name). Make sure it that page name is unique (e.g. '/b/ threads', not 'watcher') in your client, or it may not be found. Alternately, `destination_page_key` defines exactly which page should be used. Bear in mind this page key is only valid to the current session (they are regenerated on client reset or session reload), so you must figure out which one you want using the [/manage\_pages/get\_pages](#manage_pages_get_pages) call. If the correct page_key is not found, or the page it corresponds to is of the incorrect type, the standard page selection/creation rules will apply. `show_destination_page` defaults to False to reduce flicker when adding many URLs to different pages quickly. If you turn it on, the client will behave like a URL drag and drop and select the final page the URL ends up on. `service_names_to_additional_tags` and `service_keys_to_additional_tags` use the same data structure as in /add\_tags/add\_tags--service ids to a list of tags to add. You will need 'add tags' permission or this will 403. These tags work exactly as 'additional' tags work in a _tag import options_. They are service specific, and always added unless some advanced tag import options checkbox (like 'only add tags to new files') is set. filterable_tags works like the tags parsed by a hydrus downloader. It is just a list of strings. They have no inherant service and will be sent to a _tag import options_, if one exists, to decide which tag services get what. This parameter is useful if you are pulling all a URL's tags outside of hydrus and want to have them processed like any other downloader, rather than figuring out service names and namespace filtering on your end. Note that in order for a tag import options to kick in, I think you will have to have a Post URL URL Class hydrus-side set up for the URL so some tag import options (whether that is Class-specific or just the default) can be loaded at import time. ```json title="Example request body" { "url": "https://8ch.net/tv/res/1846574.html", "destination_page_name": "kino zone", "service_names_to_additional_tags": { "my tags": ["as seen on /tv/"] } } ``` ```json title="Example request body" { "url": "https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3195917", "filterable_tags": [ "1girl", "artist name", "creator:azto dio", "blonde hair", "blue eyes", "breasts", "character name", "commentary", "english commentary", "formal", "full body", "glasses", "gloves", "hair between eyes", "high heels", "highres", "large breasts", "long hair", "long sleeves", "looking at viewer", "series:metroid", "mole", "mole under mouth", "patreon username", "ponytail", "character:samus aran", "solo", "standing", "suit", "watermark" ] } ``` Response: : Some JSON with info on the URL added. ```json title="Example response" { "human_result_text": "\"https://8ch.net/tv/res/1846574.html\" URL added successfully.", "normalised_url": "https://8ch.net/tv/res/1846574.html" } ``` ### **POST `/add_urls/associate_url`** { id="add_urls_associate_url" } _Manage which URLs the client considers to be associated with which files._ Restricted access: : YES. Import URLs permission needed. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: `application/json` Arguments (in JSON): : * `url_to_add`: (an url you want to associate with the file(s)) * `urls_to_add`: (a list of urls you want to associate with the file(s)) * `url_to_delete`: (an url you want to disassociate from the file(s)) * `urls_to_delete`: (a list of urls you want to disassociate from the file(s)) * `hash`: (an SHA256 hash for a file in 64 characters of hexadecimal) * `hashes`: (a list of SHA256 hashes) * `file_id`: (a numerical file id) * `file_ids`: (a list of numerical file ids) All of these are optional, but you obviously need to have at least one of `url` arguments and one of the `hash` arguments. The single/multiple arguments work the same--just use whatever is convenient for you. Unless you really know what you are doing with URL Classes, I strongly recommend you stick to associating URLs with just one single 'hash' at a time. Multiple hashes pointing to the same URL is unusual and frequently unhelpful. ```json title="Example request body" { "url_to_add": "https://rule34.xxx/index.php?id=2588418&page=post&s=view", "hash": "3b820114f658d768550e4e3d4f1dced3ff8db77443472b5ad93700647ad2d3ba" } ``` Response: : 200 with no content. Like when adding tags, this is safely idempotent--do not worry about re-adding URLs associations that already exist or accidentally trying to delete ones that don't. ## Adding Notes ### **POST `/add_notes/set_notes`** { id="add_notes_set_notes" } _Add or update notes associated with a file._ Restricted access: : YES. Add Notes permission needed. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: `application/json` Arguments (in percent-encoded JSON): : * `notes`: (an Object mapping string note names to string note contents) * `hash`: (selective, an SHA256 hash for the file in 64 characters of hexadecimal) * `file_id`: (selective, the integer numerical identifier for the file) Existing notes will be overwritten. ```json title="Example request body" { "notes": { "note name": "content of note", "another note": "asdf" }, "hash": "3b820114f658d768550e4e3d4f1dced3ff8db77443472b5ad93700647ad2d3ba" } ``` Response: : 200 with no content. This operation is idempotent. ### **POST `/add_notes/delete_notes`** { id="add_notes_delete_notes" } _Remove notes associated with a file._ Restricted access: : YES. Add Notes permission needed. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: `application/json` Arguments (in percent-encoded JSON): : * `note_names`: (a list of string note names to delete) * `hash`: (selective, an SHA256 hash for the file in 64 characters of hexadecimal) * `file_id`: (selective, the integer numerical identifier for the file) ```json title="Example request body" { "note_names": ["note name", "another note"], "hash": "3b820114f658d768550e4e3d4f1dced3ff8db77443472b5ad93700647ad2d3ba" } ``` Response: : 200 with no content. This operation is idempotent. ## Managing Cookies and HTTP Headers This refers to the cookies held in the client's session manager, which are sent with network requests to different domains. ### **GET `/manage_cookies/get_cookies`** { id="manage_cookies_get_cookies" } _Get the cookies for a particular domain._ Restricted access: : YES. Manage Cookies permission needed. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: : * `domain` ``` title="Example request (for gelbooru.com)" /manage_cookies/get_cookies?domain=gelbooru.com ``` Response: : A JSON Object listing all the cookies for that domain in \[ name, value, domain, path, expires \] format. ```json title="Example response" { "cookies": [ ["__cfduid", "f1bef65041e54e93110a883360bc7e71", ".gelbooru.com", "/", 1596223327], ["pass_hash", "0b0833b797f108e340b315bc5463c324", "gelbooru.com", "/", 1585855361], ["user_id", "123456", "gelbooru.com", "/", 1585855361] ] } ``` Note that these variables are all strings except 'expires', which is either an integer timestamp or _null_ for session cookies. This request will also return any cookies for subdomains. The session system in hydrus generally stores cookies according to the second-level domain, so if you request for specific.someoverbooru.net, you will still get the cookies for someoverbooru.net and all its subdomains. ### **POST `/manage_cookies/set_cookies`** { id="manage_cookies_set_cookies" } Set some new cookies for the client. This makes it easier to 'copy' a login from a web browser or similar to hydrus if hydrus's login system can't handle the site yet. Restricted access: : YES. Manage Cookies permission needed. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: application/json Arguments (in JSON): : * `cookies`: (a list of cookie rows in the same format as the GET request above) ```json title="Example request body" { "cookies": [ ["PHPSESSID", "07669eb2a1a6e840e498bb6e0799f3fb", ".somesite.com", "/", 1627327719], ["tag_filter", "1", ".somesite.com", "/", 1627327719] ] } ``` You can set 'value' to be null, which will clear any existing cookie with the corresponding name, domain, and path (acting essentially as a delete). Expires can be null, but session cookies will time-out in hydrus after 60 minutes of non-use. ### **POST `/manage_headers/set_user_agent`** { id="manage_headers_set_user_agent" } This sets the 'Global' User-Agent for the client, as typically editable under _network->data->manage http headers_, for instance if you want hydrus to appear as a specific browser associated with some cookies. Restricted access: : YES. Manage Cookies permission needed. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: application/json Arguments (in JSON): : * `user-agent`: (a string) ```json title="Example request body" { "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0" } ``` Send an empty string to reset the client back to the default User-Agent, which should be `Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Hydrus Client)`. ## Managing Pages This refers to the pages of the main client UI. ### **GET `/manage_pages/get_pages`** { id="manage_pages_get_pages" } _Get the page structure of the current UI session._ Restricted access: : YES. Manage Pages permission needed. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: n/a Response: : A JSON Object of the top-level page 'notebook' (page of pages) detailing its basic information and current sub-pages. Page of pages beneath it will list their own sub-page lists. ```json title="Example response" { "pages": { "name": "top pages notebook", "page_key": "3b28d8a59ec61834325eb6275d9df012860a1ecfd9e1246423059bc47fb6d5bd", "page_type": 10, "selected": true, "pages": [ { "name": "files", "page_key": "d436ff5109215199913705eb9a7669d8a6b67c52e41c3b42904db083255ca84d", "page_type": 6, "selected": false }, { "name": "thread watcher", "page_key": "40887fa327edca01e1d69b533dddba4681b2c43e0b4ebee0576177852e8c32e7", "page_type": 9, "selected": false }, { "name": "pages", "page_key": "2ee7fa4058e1e23f2bd9e915cdf9347ae90902a8622d6559ba019a83a785c4dc", "page_type": 10, "selected": true, "pages": [ { "name": "urls", "page_key": "9fe22cb760d9ee6de32575ed9f27b76b4c215179cf843d3f9044efeeca98411f", "page_type": 7, "selected": true }, { "name": "files", "page_key": "2977d57fc9c588be783727bcd54225d577b44e8aa2f91e365a3eb3c3f580dc4e", "page_type": 6, "selected": false } ] } ] } } ``` The page types are as follows: * 1 - Gallery downloader * 2 - Simple downloader * 3 - Hard drive import * 5 - Petitions (used by repository janitors) * 6 - File search * 7 - URL downloader * 8 - Duplicates * 9 - Thread watcher * 10 - Page of pages The top page of pages will always be there, and always selected. 'selected' means which page is currently in view and will propagate down other page of pages until it terminates. It may terminate in an empty page of pages, so do not assume it will end on a 'media' page. The 'page_key' is a unique identifier for the page. It will stay the same for a particular page throughout the session, but new ones are generated on a client restart or other session reload. ### **GET `/manage_pages/get_page_info`** { id="manage_pages_get_page_info" } _Get information about a specific page._ !!! warning "Under Construction" This is under construction. The current call dumps a ton of info for different downloader pages. Please experiment in IRL situations and give feedback for now! I will flesh out this help with more enumeration info and examples as this gets nailed down. POST commands to alter pages (adding, removing, highlighting), will come later. Restricted access: : YES. Manage Pages permission needed. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: : * `page_key`: (hexadecimal page\_key as stated in [/manage\_pages/get\_pages](#manage_pages_get_pages)) * `simple`: true or false (optional, defaulting to true) ``` title="Example request" /manage_pages/get_page_info?page_key=aebbf4b594e6986bddf1eeb0b5846a1e6bc4e07088e517aff166f1aeb1c3c9da&simple=true ``` Response description : A JSON Object of the page's information. At present, this mostly means downloader information. ```json title="Example response with simple = true" { "page_info": { "name": "threads", "page_key": "aebbf4b594e6986bddf1eeb0b5846a1e6bc4e07088e517aff166f1aeb1c3c9da", "page_type": 3, "management": { "multiple_watcher_import": { "watcher_imports": [ { "url": "https://someimageboard.net/m/123456", "watcher_key": "cf8c3525c57a46b0e5c2625812964364a2e801f8c49841c216b8f8d7a4d06d85", "created": 1566164269, "last_check_time": 1566164272, "next_check_time": 1566174272, "files_paused": false, "checking_paused": false, "checking_status": 0, "subject": "gundam pictures", "imports": { "status": "4 successful (2 already in db)", "simple_status": "4", "total_processed": 4, "total_to_process": 4 }, "gallery_log": { "status": "1 successful", "simple_status": "1", "total_processed": 1, "total_to_process": 1 } }, { "url": "https://someimageboard.net/a/1234", "watcher_key": "6bc17555b76da5bde2dcceedc382cf7d23281aee6477c41b643cd144ec168510", "created": 1566063125, "last_check_time": 1566063133, "next_check_time": 1566104272, "files_paused": false, "checking_paused": true, "checking_status": 1, "subject": "anime pictures", "imports": { "status": "124 successful (22 already in db), 2 previously deleted", "simple_status": "124", "total_processed": 124, "total_to_process": 124 }, "gallery_log": { "status": "3 successful", "simple_status": "3", "total_processed": 3, "total_to_process": 3 } } ] }, "highlight": "cf8c3525c57a46b0e5c2625812964364a2e801f8c49841c216b8f8d7a4d06d85" } }, "media": { "num_files": 4 } } ``` As you can see, even the 'simple' mode can get very large. Imagine that response for a page watching 100 threads! Turning simple mode off will display every import item, gallery log entry, and all hashes in the media (thumbnail) panel. For this first version, the five importer pages--hdd import, simple downloader, url downloader, gallery page, and watcher page--all give rich info based on their specific variables. The first three only have one importer/gallery log combo, but the latter two of course can have multiple. The "imports" and "gallery_log" entries are all in the same data format. ### **POST `/manage_pages/add_files`** { id="manage_pages_add_files" } _Add files to a page._ Restricted access: : YES. Manage Pages permission needed. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: application/json Arguments (in JSON): : * `page_key`: (the page key for the page you wish to add files to) * `file_id`: (selective, a numerical file id) * `file_ids`: (selective, a list of numerical file ids) * `hash`: (selective, a hexadecimal SHA256 hash) * `hashes`: (selective, a list of hexadecimal SHA256 hashes) You need to use either file_ids or hashes. The files they refer to will be appended to the given page, just like a thumbnail drag and drop operation. The page key is the same as fetched in the [/manage\_pages/get\_pages](#manage_pages_get_pages) call. ```json title="Example request body" { "page_key": "af98318b6eece15fef3cf0378385ce759bfe056916f6e12157cd928eb56c1f18", "file_ids": [123, 124, 125] } ``` Response: : 200 with no content. If the page key is not found, this will 404. ### **POST `/manage_pages/focus_page`** { id="manage_pages_focus_page" } _'Show' a page in the main GUI, making it the current page in view. If it is already the current page, no change is made._ Restricted access: : YES. Manage Pages permission needed. Required Headers: : * `Content-Type`: application/json Arguments (in JSON): : * `page_key`: (the page key for the page you wish to show) The page key is the same as fetched in the [/manage\_pages/get\_pages](#manage_pages_get_pages) call. ```json title="Example request body" { "page_key": "af98318b6eece15fef3cf0378385ce759bfe056916f6e12157cd928eb56c1f18" } ``` Response: : 200 with no content. If the page key is not found, this will 404. ## Searching Files File search in hydrus is not paginated like a booru--all searches return all results in one go. In order to keep this fast, search is split into two steps--fetching file identifiers with a search, and then fetching file metadata in batches. You may have noticed that the client itself performs searches like this--thinking a bit about a search and then bundling results in batches of 256 files before eventually throwing all the thumbnails on screen. ### **GET `/get_files/search_files`** { id="get_files_search_files" } _Search for the client's files._ Restricted access: : YES. Search for Files permission needed. Additional search permission limits may apply. Required Headers: n/a Arguments (in percent-encoded JSON): : * `tags`: (a list of tags you wish to search for) * `file_service_name`: (optional, selective, string, the file domain on which to search) * `file_service_key`: (optional, selective, hexadecimal, the file domain on which to search) * `tag_service_name`: (optional, selective, string, the tag domain on which to search) * `tag_service_key`: (optional, selective, hexadecimal, the tag domain on which to search) * `file_sort_type`: (optional, integer, the results sort method) * `file_sort_asc`: true or false (optional, the results sort order) * `return_file_ids`: true or false (optional, default true, returns file id results) * `return_hashes`: true or false (optional, default false, returns hex hash results) * _`system_inbox`: true or false (obsolete, use tags)_ * _`system_archive`: true or false (obsolete, use tags)_ ``` title='Example request for 16 files (system:limit=16) in the inbox with tags "blue eyes", "blonde hair", and "кино"' /get_files/search_files?tags=%5B%22blue%20eyes%22%2C%20%22blonde%20hair%22%2C%20%22%5Cu043a%5Cu0438%5Cu043d%5Cu043e%22%2C%20%22system%3Ainbox%22%2C%20%22system%3Alimit%3D16%22%5D ``` If the access key's permissions only permit search for certain tags, at least one positive whitelisted/non-blacklisted tag must be in the "tags" list or this will 403. Tags can be prepended with a hyphen to make a negated tag (e.g. "-green eyes"), but these will not be checked against the permissions whitelist. Wildcards and namespace searches are supported, so if you search for 'character:sam*' or 'series:*', this will be handled correctly clientside. Many system predicates are also supported using a text parser! The parser was designed by a clever user for human input and allows for a certain amount of error (e.g. ~= instead of ≈, or "isn't" instead of "is not") or requires more information (e.g. the specific hashes for a hash lookup). Here's a big list of current formats supported: ??? example "System Predicates" * system:everything * system:inbox * system:archive * system:has duration * system:no duration * system:is the best quality file of its duplicate group * system:is not the best quality file of its duplicate group * system:has audio * system:no audio * system:has icc profile * system:no icc profile * system:has tags * system:no tags * system:untagged * system:number of tags > 5 * system:number of tags ~= 10 * system:number of tags > 0 * system:number of words < 2 * system:height = 600 * system:height > 900 * system:width < 200 * system:width > 1000 * system:filesize ~= 50 kilobytes * system:filesize > 10megabytes * system:filesize < 1 GB * system:filesize > 0 B * system:similar to abcdef01 abcdef02 abcdef03, abcdef04 with distance 3 * system:similar to abcdef distance 5 * system:limit = 100 * system:filetype = image/jpg, image/png, apng * system:hash = abcdef01 abcdef02 abcdef03 _(this does sha256)_ * system:hash = abcdef01 abcdef02 md5 * system:modified date < 7 years 45 days 7h * system:modified date > 2011-06-04 * system:date modified > 7 years 2 months * system:date modified < 0 years 1 month 1 day 1 hour * system:time imported < 7 years 45 days 7h * system:time imported > 2011-06-04 * system:time imported > 7 years 2 months * system:time imported < 0 years 1 month 1 day 1 hour * system:time imported ~= 2011-1-3 * system:time imported ~= 1996-05-2 * system:duration < 5 seconds * system:duration ~= 600 msecs * system:duration > 3 milliseconds * system:file service is pending to my files * system:file service currently in my files * system:file service is not currently in my files * system:file service is not pending to my files * system:num file relationships < 3 alternates * system:number of file relationships > 3 false positives * system:ratio is wider than 16:9 * system:ratio is 16:9 * system:ratio taller than 1:1 * system:num pixels > 50 px * system:num pixels < 1 megapixels * system:num pixels ~= 5 kilopixel * system:media views ~= 10 * system:all views > 0 * system:preview views < 10 * system:media viewtime < 1 days 1 hour 0 minutes * system:all viewtime > 1 hours 100 seconds * system:preview viewtime ~= 1 day 30 hours 100 minutes 90s * system:has url matching regex index\\.php * system:does not have a url matching regex index\\.php * system:has url https://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/4695284 * system:does not have url https://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/4695284 * system:has domain safebooru.com * system:does not have domain safebooru.com * system:has a url with class safebooru file page * system:does not have a url with url class safebooru file page * system:tag as number page < 5 * system:has notes * system:no notes * system:does not have notes * system:num notes is 5 * system:num notes > 1 * system:has note with name note name * system:no note with name note name * system:does not have note with name note name More system predicate types and input formats will be available in future. Please test out the system predicates you want to send. Reverse engineering system predicate data from text is obviously tricky. If a system predicate does not parse, you'll get 400. Also, OR predicates are now supported! Just nest within the tag list, and it'll be treated like an OR. For instance: * `#!json [ "skirt", [ "samus aran", "lara croft" ], "system:height > 1000" ]` Makes: * skirt * samus aran OR lara croft * system:height > 1000 The file and tag services are for search domain selection, just like clicking the buttons in the client. They are optional--default is 'my files' and 'all known tags', and you can use either key or name as in [GET /get_services](#get_services), whichever is easiest for your situation. file\_sort\_asc is 'true' for ascending, and 'false' for descending. The default is descending. file\_sort\_type is by default _import time_. It is an integer according to the following enum, and I have written the semantic (asc/desc) meaning for each type after: * 0 - file size (smallest first/largest first) * 1 - duration (shortest first/longest first) * 2 - import time (oldest first/newest first) * 3 - filetype (N/A) * 4 - random (N/A) * 5 - width (slimmest first/widest first) * 6 - height (shortest first/tallest first) * 7 - ratio (tallest first/widest first) * 8 - number of pixels (ascending/descending) * 9 - number of tags (on the current tag domain) (ascending/descending) * 10 - number of media views (ascending/descending) * 11 - total media viewtime (ascending/descending) * 12 - approximate bitrate (smallest first/largest first) * 13 - has audio (audio first/silent first) * 14 - modified time (oldest first/newest first) * 15 - framerate (slowest first/fastest first) * 16 - number of frames (smallest first/largest first) * 18 - last viewed time (oldest first/newest first) * 19 - archive timestamp (oldest first/newest first) * 20 - hash hex (N/A) Response: : The full list of numerical file ids that match the search. ```json title="Example response" { "file_ids": [125462, 4852415, 123, 591415] } ``` ```json title="Example response with return_hashes=true" { "hashes": [ "1b04c4df7accd5a61c5d02b36658295686b0abfebdc863110e7d7249bba3f9ad", "fe416723c731d679aa4d20e9fd36727f4a38cd0ac6d035431f0f452fad54563f", "b53505929c502848375fbc4dab2f40ad4ae649d34ef72802319a348f81b52bad" ], "file_ids": [125462, 4852415, 123] } ``` You can of course also specify `return_hashes=true&return_file_ids=false` just to get the hashes. The order of both lists is the same. File ids are internal and specific to an individual client. For a client, a file with hash H always has the same file id N, but two clients will have different ideas about which N goes with which H. IDs are a bit faster to retrieve than hashes and search with _en masse_, which is why they are exposed here. This search does **not** apply the implicit limit that most clients set to all searches (usually 10,000), so if you do system:everything on a client with millions of files, expect to get boshed. Even with a system:limit included, complicated queries with large result sets may take several seconds to respond. Just like the client itself. ### **GET `/get_files/file_metadata`** { id="get_files_file_metadata" } _Get metadata about files in the client._ Restricted access: : YES. Search for Files permission needed. Additional search permission limits may apply. Required Headers: n/a Arguments (in percent-encoded JSON): : * `file_id`: (selective, a numerical file id) * `file_ids`: (selective, a list of numerical file ids) * `hash`: (selective, a hexadecimal SHA256 hash) * `hashes`: (selective, a list of hexadecimal SHA256 hashes) * `create_new_file_ids`: true or false (optional if asking with hash(es), defaulting to false) * `only_return_identifiers`: true or false (optional, defaulting to false) * `only_return_basic_information`: true or false (optional, defaulting to false) * `detailed_url_information`: true or false (optional, defaulting to false) * `hide_service_names_tags`: true or false (optional, defaulting to false) * `include_notes`: true or false (optional, defaulting to false) You need one of file_ids or hashes. If your access key is restricted by tag, you cannot search by hashes, and **the file_ids you search for must have been in the most recent search result**. ``` title="Example request for two files with ids 123 and 4567" /get_files/file_metadata?file_ids=%5B123%2C%204567%5D ``` ``` title="The same, but only wants hashes back" /get_files/file_metadata?file_ids=%5B123%2C%204567%5D&only_return_identifiers=true ``` ``` title="And one that fetches two hashes" /get_files/file_metadata?hashes=%5B%224c77267f93415de0bc33b7725b8c331a809a924084bee03ab2f5fae1c6019eb2%22%2C%20%223e7cb9044fe81bda0d7a84b5cb781cba4e255e4871cba6ae8ecd8207850d5b82%22%5D ``` This request string can obviously get pretty ridiculously long. It also takes a bit of time to fetch metadata from the database. In its normal searches, the client usually fetches file metadata in batches of 256. Response: : A list of JSON Objects that store a variety of file metadata. ```json title="Example response" { "metadata": [ { "file_id": 123, "hash": "4c77267f93415de0bc33b7725b8c331a809a924084bee03ab2f5fae1c6019eb2", "size": 63405, "mime": "image/jpg", "ext": ".jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480, "duration": null, "time_modified": null, "file_services": { "current": {}, "deleted": {} }, "has_audio": false, "num_frames": null, "num_words": null, "is_inbox": true, "is_local": true, "is_trashed": false, "known_urls": [], "service_names_to_statuses_to_tags": {}, "service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags": {}, "service_names_to_statuses_to_display_tags": {}, "service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags": {} }, { "file_id": 4567, "hash": "3e7cb9044fe81bda0d7a84b5cb781cba4e255e4871cba6ae8ecd8207850d5b82", "size": 199713, "mime": "video/webm", "ext": ".webm", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "duration": 4040, "time_modified": 1624055647, "file_services": { "current": { "616c6c206c6f63616c2066696c6573": { "time_imported" : 1641044491 } }, "deleted": { "6c6f63616c2066696c6573": { "time_deleted": 1641204274, "time_imported": 1641044491 } } }, "has_audio": true, "num_frames": 102, "num_words": null, "is_inbox": false, "is_local": true, "is_trashed": false, "known_urls": [ "https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4841557", "https://img2.gelbooru.com//images/80/c8/80c8646b4a49395fb36c805f316c49a9.jpg", "http://origin-orig.deviantart.net/ed31/f/2019/210/7/8/beachqueen_samus_by_dandonfuga-ddcu1xg.jpg" ], "service_names_to_statuses_to_tags": { "my tags": { "0": ["favourites"], "2": ["process this later"] }, "my tag repository": { "0": ["blonde_hair", "blue_eyes", "looking_at_viewer"], "1": ["bodysuit"] } }, "service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags": { "6c6f63616c2074616773": { "0": ["favourites"], "2": ["process this later"] }, "37e3849bda234f53b0e9792a036d14d4f3a9a136d1cb939705dbcd5287941db4": { "0": ["blonde_hair", "blue_eyes", "looking_at_viewer"], "1": ["bodysuit"] } }, "service_names_to_statuses_to_display_tags": { "my tags": { "0": ["favourites"], "2": ["process this later", "processing"] }, "my tag repository": { "0": ["blonde hair", "blue eyes", "looking at viewer"], "1": ["bodysuit", "clothing"] } }, "service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags": { "6c6f63616c2074616773": { "0": ["favourites"], "2": ["process this later", "processing" ] }, "37e3849bda234f53b0e9792a036d14d4f3a9a136d1cb939705dbcd5287941db4": { "0": ["blonde hair", "blue eyes", "looking at viewer"], "1": ["bodysuit", "clothing" ] } } } ] } ``` ```json title="And one where only_return_identifiers is true" { "metadata": [ { "file_id": 123, "hash": "4c77267f93415de0bc33b7725b8c331a809a924084bee03ab2f5fae1c6019eb2" }, { "file_id": 4567, "hash": "3e7cb9044fe81bda0d7a84b5cb781cba4e255e4871cba6ae8ecd8207850d5b82" } ] } ``` ```json title="And where only_return_basic_information is true" { "metadata": [ { "file_id": 123, "hash": "4c77267f93415de0bc33b7725b8c331a809a924084bee03ab2f5fae1c6019eb2", "size": 63405, "mime": "image/jpg", "ext": ".jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480, "duration": null, "has_audio": false, "num_frames": null, "num_words": null, }, { "file_id": 4567, "hash": "3e7cb9044fe81bda0d7a84b5cb781cba4e255e4871cba6ae8ecd8207850d5b82", "size": 199713, "mime": "video/webm", "ext": ".webm", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "duration": 4040, "has_audio": true, "num_frames": 102, "num_words": null, } ] } ``` Size is in bytes. Duration is in milliseconds, and may be an int or a float. file_services stores which file services the file is currently in and _deleted_ from. The entries are by the service key, same as for tags later on. In rare cases, the timestamps may be `null`, if they are unknown (e.g. a `time_deleted` for the file deleted before this information was tracked). The `time_modified` can also be null. Time modified is just the filesystem modified time for now, but it will evolve into more complicated storage in future with multiple locations (website post times) that'll be aggregated to a sensible value in UI. The `service_names_to_statuses_to_tags and service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags` structures are similar to the `/add_tags/add_tags` scheme, excepting that the status numbers are: * 0 - current * 1 - pending * 2 - deleted * 3 - petitioned The tag structure is duplicated for both `name` and `key`. The use of `name` is an increasingly legacy issue--a hack when the Client API was young--and 'service\_names\_to...' lookups are likely to be deleted in future in favour of `service_key`. I recommend you move to service key when you can. To learn more about service names and keys on a client, use the [/get_services](#get_services) call (and cache the response--it doesn't change much!). !!! note Since JSON Object keys must be strings, these status numbers are strings, not ints. While `service_XXX_to_statuses_to_tags` represent the actual tags stored on the database for a file, the service_XXX_to_statuses_to_display_tags structures reflect how tags appear in the UI, after siblings are collapsed and parents are added. If you want to edit a file's tags, start with `service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags`. If you want to render to the user, use `service_keys_to_statuses_to_displayed_tags`. If you ask with hashes rather than file_ids, hydrus will, by default, only return results when it has seen those hashes before. This is to stop the client making thousands of new file_id records in its database if you perform a scanning operation. If you ask about a hash the client has never encountered before--for which there is no file_id--you will get this style of result: ```json title="Missing file_id example" { "metadata": [ { "file_id": null, "hash": "766da61f81323629f982bc1b71b5c1f9bba3f3ed61caf99906f7f26881c3ae93" } ] } ``` You can change this behaviour with `create_new_file_ids=true`, but bear in mind you will get a fairly 'empty' metadata result with lots of 'null' lines, so this is only useful for gathering the numerical ids for later Client API work. If you ask about any file_ids that do not exist, you'll get 404. If you set `only_return_basic_information=true`, this will be much faster for first-time requests than the full metadata result, but it will be slower for repeat requests. The full metadata object is cached after first fetch, the limited file info object is not. If you add `hide_service_names_tags=true`, the `service_names_to_statuses_to_tags` and `service_names_to_statuses_to_display_tags` Objects will not be included. Use this to save data/CPU on large queries. If you add `detailed_url_information=true`, a new entry, `detailed_known_urls`, will be added for each file, with a list of the same structure as /`add_urls/get_url_info`. This may be an expensive request if you are querying thousands of files at once. ```json title="For example" "detailed_known_urls" : [ { "normalised_url": "https://gelbooru.com/index.php?id=4841557&page=post&s=view", "url_type": 0, "url_type_string": "post url", "match_name": "gelbooru file page", "can_parse": true }, { "normalised_url": "https://img2.gelbooru.com//images/80/c8/80c8646b4a49395fb36c805f316c49a9.jpg", "url_type": 5, "url_type_string": "unknown url", "match_name": "unknown url", "can_parse": false } ] ``` ### **GET `/get_files/file`** { id="get_files_file" } _Get a file._ Restricted access: : YES. Search for Files permission needed. Additional search permission limits may apply. Required Headers: n/a Arguments : : * `file_id`: (numerical file id for the file) * `hash`: (a hexadecimal SHA256 hash for the file) Only use one. As with metadata fetching, you may only use the hash argument if you have access to all files. If you are tag-restricted, you will have to use a file_id in the last search you ran. ``` title="Example request" /get_files/file?file_id=452158 ``` ``` title="Example request" /get_files/file?hash=7f30c113810985b69014957c93bc25e8eb4cf3355dae36d8b9d011d8b0cf623a ``` Response: : The file itself. You should get the correct mime type as the Content-Type header. ### **GET `/get_files/thumbnail`** { id="get_files_thumbnail" } _Get a file's thumbnail._ Restricted access: : YES. Search for Files permission needed. Additional search permission limits may apply. Required Headers: n/a Arguments: : * `file_id`: (numerical file id for the file) * `hash`: (a hexadecimal SHA256 hash for the file) Only use one. As with metadata fetching, you may only use the hash argument if you have access to all files. If you are tag-restricted, you will have to use a file_id in the last search you ran. ``` title="Example request" /get_files/thumbnail?file_id=452158 ``` ``` title="Example request" /get_files/thumbnail?hash=7f30c113810985b69014957c93bc25e8eb4cf3355dae36d8b9d011d8b0cf623a ``` Response: : The thumbnail for the file. Some hydrus thumbs are jpegs, some are pngs. It should give you the correct image/jpeg or image/png Content-Type. If hydrus keeps no thumbnail for the filetype, for instance with pdfs, then you will get the same default 'pdf' icon you see in the client. If the file does not exist in the client, or the thumbnail was expected but is missing from storage, you will get the fallback 'hydrus' icon, again just as you would in the client itself. This request should never give a 404. !!! note If you get a 'default' filetype thumbnail like the pdf or hydrus one, you will be pulling the defaults straight from the hydrus/static folder. They will most likely be 200x200 pixels. ## Managing the Database ### **POST `/manage_database/lock_on`** { id="manage_database_lock_on" } _Pause the client's database activity and disconnect the current connection._ Restricted access: : YES. Manage Database permission needed. Arguments: None This is a hacky prototype. It commands the client database to pause its job queue and release its connection (and related file locks and journal files). This puts the client in a similar position as a long VACUUM command--it'll hang in there, but not much will work, and since the UI async code isn't great yet, the UI may lock up after a minute or two. If you would like to automate database backup without shutting the client down, this is the thing to play with. This should return pretty quick, but it will wait up to five seconds for the database to actually disconnect. If there is a big job (like a VACUUM) current going on, it may take substantially longer to finish that up and process this STOP command. You might like to check for the existence of a journal file in the db dir just to be safe. As long as this lock is on, all Client API calls except the unlock command will return 503. (This is a decent way to test the current lock status, too) ### **POST `/manage_database/lock_off`** { id="manage_database_lock_off" } _Reconnect the client's database and resume activity._ Restricted access: : YES. Manage Database permission needed. Arguments: None This is the obvious complement to the lock. The client will resume processing its job queue and will catch up. If the UI was frozen, it should free up in a few seconds, just like after a big VACUUM. ### **GET `/manage_database/mr_bones`** { id="manage_database_mr_bones" } _Get the data from help->how boned am I?. This is a simple Object of numbers just for hacky advanced purposes if you want to build up some stats in the background. The numbers are the same as the dialog shows, so double check that to confirm what means what._ Restricted access: : YES. Manage Database permission needed. Arguments: None ```json title="Example response" { "boned_stats": { "num_inbox": 8356, "num_archive": 229, "num_deleted": 7010, "size_inbox": 7052596762, "size_archive": 262911007, "size_deleted": 13742290193, "earliest_import_time": 1451408539, "total_viewtime": [3280, 41621, 2932, 83021], "total_alternate_files": 265, "total_duplicate_files": 125, "total_potential_pairs": 3252 } } ```