import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusData import HydrusExceptions import Queue import threading import traceback import weakref import HydrusGlobals class HydrusPubSub( object ): def __init__( self, controller, binding_errors_to_ignore = None ): if binding_errors_to_ignore is None: binding_errors_to_ignore = [] self._controller = controller self._binding_errors_to_ignore = binding_errors_to_ignore self._pubsubs = [] self._lock = threading.Lock() self._topics_to_objects = {} self._topics_to_method_names = {} def _GetCallables( self, topic ): callables = [] if topic in self._topics_to_objects: try: objects = self._topics_to_objects[ topic ] for object in objects: method_names = self._topics_to_method_names[ topic ] for method_name in method_names: if hasattr( object, method_name ): try: callable = getattr( object, method_name ) callables.append( callable ) except TypeError as e: if '_wxPyDeadObject' not in HydrusData.ToUnicode( e ): raise except Exception as e: if not isinstance( e, self._binding_errors_to_ignore ): raise except: pass return callables def NoJobsQueued( self ): with self._lock: return len( self._pubsubs ) == 0 def Process( self ): # only do one list of callables at a time # we don't want to map a topic to its callables until the previous topic's callables have been fully executed # e.g. when we start a message with a pubsub, it'll take a while (in independant thread-time) for wx to create # the dialog and hence map the new callable to the topic. this was leading to messages not being updated # because the (short) processing thread finished and entirely pubsubbed before wx had a chance to boot the # message. callables = [] with self._lock: if len( self._pubsubs ) > 0: ( topic, args, kwargs ) = self._pubsubs.pop( 0 ) callables = self._GetCallables( topic ) # do this _outside_ the lock, lol for callable in callables: if HydrusGlobals.pubsub_profile_mode: summary = 'Profiling ' + topic + ': ' + repr( callable ) if topic == 'message': HydrusData.Print( summary ) else: HydrusData.ShowText( summary ) HydrusData.Profile( summary, 'callable( *args, **kwargs )', globals(), locals() ) else: try: callable( *args, **kwargs ) except HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException: return def pub( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ): with self._lock: self._pubsubs.append( ( topic, args, kwargs ) ) self._controller.NotifyPubSubs() def pubimmediate( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ): with self._lock: callables = self._GetCallables( topic ) for callable in callables: callable( *args, **kwargs ) def sub( self, object, method_name, topic ): with self._lock: if topic not in self._topics_to_objects: self._topics_to_objects[ topic ] = weakref.WeakSet() if topic not in self._topics_to_method_names: self._topics_to_method_names[ topic ] = set() self._topics_to_objects[ topic ].add( object ) self._topics_to_method_names[ topic ].add( method_name )