import cProfile import cStringIO import distutils.version import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusData import HydrusExceptions import HydrusGlobals as HG import HydrusPaths import os import psutil import Queue import random import sqlite3 import sys import tempfile import threading import traceback import time CONNECTION_REFRESH_TIME = 60 * 30 TRANSACTION_COMMIT_TIME = 10 def CanVacuum( db_path, stop_time = None ): try: db = sqlite3.connect( db_path, isolation_level = None, detect_types = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES ) c = db.cursor() ( page_size, ) = c.execute( 'PRAGMA page_size;' ).fetchone() ( page_count, ) = c.execute( 'PRAGMA page_count;' ).fetchone() ( freelist_count, ) = c.execute( 'PRAGMA freelist_count;' ).fetchone() db_size = ( page_count - freelist_count ) * page_size if stop_time is not None: approx_vacuum_speed_mb_per_s = 1048576 * 1 approx_vacuum_duration = db_size / approx_vacuum_speed_mb_per_s time_i_will_have_to_start = stop_time - approx_vacuum_duration if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( time_i_will_have_to_start ): return False ( db_dir, db_filename ) = os.path.split( db_path ) ( has_space, reason ) = HydrusPaths.HasSpaceForDBTransaction( db_dir, db_size ) return has_space except Exception as e: HydrusData.Print( 'Could not determine whether to vacuum or not:' ) HydrusData.PrintException( e ) return False def VacuumDB( db_path ): db = sqlite3.connect( db_path, isolation_level = None, detect_types = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES ) c = db.cursor() ( previous_journal_mode, ) = c.execute( 'PRAGMA journal_mode;' ).fetchone() fast_big_transaction_wal = not distutils.version.LooseVersion( sqlite3.sqlite_version ) < distutils.version.LooseVersion( '3.11.0' ) if previous_journal_mode == 'wal' and not fast_big_transaction_wal: c.execute( 'PRAGMA journal_mode = TRUNCATE;' ) if HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS: ideal_page_size = 4096 else: ideal_page_size = 1024 ( page_size, ) = c.execute( 'PRAGMA page_size;' ).fetchone() if page_size != ideal_page_size: c.execute( 'PRAGMA journal_mode = TRUNCATE;' ) c.execute( 'PRAGMA page_size = ' + str( ideal_page_size ) + ';' ) c.execute( 'PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0;' ) # none c.execute( 'VACUUM;' ) if previous_journal_mode == 'wal': c.execute( 'PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;' ) class HydrusDB( object ): READ_WRITE_ACTIONS = [] UPDATE_WAIT = 2 def __init__( self, controller, db_dir, db_name, no_wal = False ): self._controller = controller self._db_dir = db_dir self._db_name = db_name self._no_wal = no_wal self._transaction_started = 0 self._in_transaction = False self._transaction_contains_writes = False self._connection_timestamp = 0 main_db_filename = db_name if not main_db_filename.endswith( '.db' ): main_db_filename += '.db' self._db_filenames = {} self._db_filenames[ 'main' ] = main_db_filename self._InitExternalDatabases() if distutils.version.LooseVersion( sqlite3.sqlite_version ) < distutils.version.LooseVersion( '3.11.0' ): self._fast_big_transaction_wal = False else: self._fast_big_transaction_wal = True self._is_first_start = False self._is_db_updated = False self._local_shutdown = False self._loop_finished = False self._ready_to_serve_requests = False self._could_not_initialise = False self._jobs = Queue.PriorityQueue() self._pubsubs = [] self._currently_doing_job = False self._current_status = '' self._current_job_name = '' self._db = None self._c = None if os.path.exists( os.path.join( self._db_dir, self._db_filenames[ 'main' ] ) ): # open and close to clean up in case last session didn't close well self._InitDB() self._CloseDBCursor() self._InitDB() ( version, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT version FROM version;' ).fetchone() if version < HC.SOFTWARE_VERSION - 50: raise Exception( 'Your current database version of hydrus ' + str( version ) + ' is too old for this software version ' + str( HC.SOFTWARE_VERSION ) + ' to update. Please try updating with version ' + str( version + 45 ) + ' or earlier first.' ) if version < 238: raise Exception( 'Unfortunately, this software cannot update your database. Please try installing version 238 first.' ) while version < HC.SOFTWARE_VERSION: time.sleep( self.UPDATE_WAIT ) try: self._BeginImmediate() except Exception as e: raise HydrusExceptions.DBAccessException( HydrusData.ToUnicode( e ) ) try: self._UpdateDB( version ) self._Commit() self._is_db_updated = True except: e = Exception( 'Updating the ' + self._db_name + ' db to version ' + str( version + 1 ) + ' caused this error:' + os.linesep + traceback.format_exc() ) try: self._Rollback() except Exception as rollback_e: HydrusData.Print( 'When the update failed, attempting to rollback the database failed.' ) HydrusData.PrintException( rollback_e ) raise e ( version, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT version FROM version;' ).fetchone() self._CloseDBCursor() self._controller.CallToThreadLongRunning( self.MainLoop ) while not self._ready_to_serve_requests: time.sleep( 0.1 ) if self._could_not_initialise: raise Exception( 'Could not initialise the db! Error written to the log!' ) def _AttachExternalDatabases( self ): for ( name, filename ) in self._db_filenames.items(): if name == 'main': continue db_path = os.path.join( self._db_dir, self._db_filenames[ name ] ) self._c.execute( 'ATTACH ? AS ' + name + ';', ( db_path, ) ) def _BeginImmediate( self ): if not self._in_transaction: self._c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE;' ) self._c.execute( 'SAVEPOINT hydrus_savepoint;' ) self._transaction_started = HydrusData.GetNow() self._in_transaction = True self._transaction_contains_writes = False def _CleanUpCaches( self ): pass def _CloseDBCursor( self ): if self._db is not None: if self._in_transaction: self._Commit() self._c.close() self._db.close() del self._c del self._db self._db = None self._c = None def _Commit( self ): if self._in_transaction: self._c.execute( 'COMMIT;' ) self._in_transaction = False else: HydrusData.Print( 'Received a call to commit, but was not in a transaction!' ) def _CreateDB( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def _CreateIndex( self, table_name, columns, unique = False ): if '.' in table_name: table_name_simple = table_name.split( '.' )[1] else: table_name_simple = table_name index_name = table_name + '_' + '_'.join( columns ) + '_index' if unique: create_phrase = 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ' else: create_phrase = 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ' on_phrase = ' ON ' + table_name_simple + ' (' + ', '.join( columns ) + ');' statement = create_phrase + index_name + on_phrase self._c.execute( statement ) def _GetRowCount( self ): row_count = self._c.rowcount if row_count == -1: return 0 else: return row_count def _InitCaches( self ): pass def _InitDB( self ): create_db = False db_path = os.path.join( self._db_dir, self._db_filenames[ 'main' ] ) if not os.path.exists( db_path ): create_db = True self._InitDBCursor() result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = ? AND name = ?;', ( 'table', 'version' ) ).fetchone() if result is None: create_db = True if create_db: self._is_first_start = True self._CreateDB() self._Commit() self._BeginImmediate() def _InitDBCursor( self ): self._CloseDBCursor() db_path = os.path.join( self._db_dir, self._db_filenames[ 'main' ] ) db_just_created = not os.path.exists( db_path ) self._db = sqlite3.connect( db_path, isolation_level = None, detect_types = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES ) self._connection_timestamp = HydrusData.GetNow() self._c = self._db.cursor() self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA temp_store = 2;' ) self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA main.cache_size = -10000;' ) self._c.execute( 'ATTACH ":memory:" AS mem;' ) self._AttachExternalDatabases() db_names = [ name for ( index, name, path ) in self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA database_list;' ) if name not in ( 'mem', 'temp' ) ] for db_name in db_names: self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA ' + db_name + '.cache_size = -10000;' ) if self._no_wal: self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA ' + db_name + '.journal_mode = TRUNCATE;' ) self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA ' + db_name + '.synchronous = 2;' ) self._c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM ' + db_name + '.sqlite_master;' ).fetchone() else: self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA ' + db_name + '.journal_mode = WAL;' ) # if this is set to 1, transactions are not immediately synced to the journal and can be undone following a power-loss # if set to 2, all transactions are synced # either way, transactions are atomically consistent, but let's not mess around when power-cut during heavy file import or w/e self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA ' + db_name + '.synchronous = 2;' ) try: self._c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM ' + db_name + '.sqlite_master;' ).fetchone() except sqlite3.OperationalError: HydrusData.DebugPrint( traceback.format_exc() ) def create_no_wal_file(): HG.controller.CreateNoWALFile() self._no_wal = True if db_just_created: del self._c del self._db os.remove( db_path ) create_no_wal_file() self._InitDBCursor() else: self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA ' + db_name + '.journal_mode = TRUNCATE;' ) self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA ' + db_name + '.synchronous = 2;' ) self._c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM ' + db_name + '.sqlite_master;' ).fetchone() create_no_wal_file() try: self._BeginImmediate() except Exception as e: raise HydrusExceptions.DBAccessException( HydrusData.ToUnicode( e ) ) def _InitDiskCache( self ): pass def _InitExternalDatabases( self ): pass def _ManageDBError( self, job, e ): raise NotImplementedError() def _ProcessJob( self, job ): job_type = job.GetType() ( action, args, kwargs ) = job.GetCallableTuple() try: if job_type in ( 'read_write', 'write' ): self._current_status = 'db write locked' self._transaction_contains_writes = True else: self._current_status = 'db read locked' self.publish_status_update() if job_type in ( 'read', 'read_write' ): result = self._Read( action, *args, **kwargs ) elif job_type in ( 'write' ): result = self._Write( action, *args, **kwargs ) if self._transaction_contains_writes and HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._transaction_started + TRANSACTION_COMMIT_TIME ): self._current_status = 'db committing' self.publish_status_update() self._Commit() self._BeginImmediate() else: self._Save() for ( topic, args, kwargs ) in self._pubsubs: topic, *args, **kwargs ) if job.IsSynchronous(): job.PutResult( result ) except Exception as e: try: self._Rollback() except Exception as rollback_e: HydrusData.Print( 'When the transaction failed, attempting to rollback the database failed.' ) HydrusData.PrintException( rollback_e ) self._ManageDBError( job, e ) finally: self._pubsubs = [] self._current_status = '' self.publish_status_update() def _Read( self, action, *args, **kwargs ): raise NotImplementedError() def _ReportStatus( self, text ): HydrusData.Print( text ) def _Rollback( self ): if self._in_transaction: self._c.execute( 'ROLLBACK TO hydrus_savepoint;' ) else: HydrusData.Print( 'Received a call to rollback, but was not in a transaction!' ) def _Save( self ): self._c.execute( 'RELEASE hydrus_savepoint;' ) self._c.execute( 'SAVEPOINT hydrus_savepoint;' ) def _SelectFromList( self, select_statement, xs ): # issue here is that doing a simple blah_id = ? is real quick and cacheable but doing a lot of fetchone()s is slow # blah_id IN ( 1, 2, 3 ) is fast to execute but not cacheable and doing the str() list splay takes time so there is initial lag # doing the temporaryintegertable trick works well for gigantic lists you refer to frequently but it is super laggy when you sometimes are only selecting four things # blah_id IN ( ?, ?, ? ) is fast and cacheable but there's a small limit (1024 is too many) to the number of params sql can handle # so lets do the latter but break it into 256-strong chunks to get a good medium # this will take a select statement with %s like so: # SELECT blah_id, blah FROM blahs WHERE blah_id IN %s; MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 256 # do this just so we aren't always reproducing this long string for gigantic lists # and also so we aren't overmaking it when this gets spammed with a lot of len() == 1 calls if len( xs ) >= MAX_CHUNK_SIZE: max_statement = select_statement % ( '(' + ','.join( '?' * MAX_CHUNK_SIZE ) + ')' ) for chunk in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( xs, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE ): if len( chunk ) == MAX_CHUNK_SIZE: chunk_statement = max_statement else: chunk_statement = select_statement % ( '(' + ','.join( '?' * len( chunk ) ) + ')' ) for row in self._c.execute( chunk_statement, chunk ): yield row def _SelectFromListFetchAll( self, select_statement, xs ): return [ row for row in self._SelectFromList( select_statement, xs ) ] def _STI( self, iterable_cursor ): # strip singleton tuples to an iterator return ( item for ( item, ) in iterable_cursor ) def _STL( self, iterable_cursor ): # strip singleton tuples to a list return [ item for ( item, ) in iterable_cursor ] def _STS( self, iterable_cursor ): # strip singleton tuples to a set return { item for ( item, ) in iterable_cursor } def _UpdateDB( self, version ): raise NotImplementedError() def _Write( self, action, *args, **kwargs ): raise NotImplementedError() def pub_after_job( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ): self._pubsubs.append( ( topic, args, kwargs ) ) def publish_status_update( self ): pass def CurrentlyDoingJob( self ): return self._currently_doing_job def GetApproxTotalFileSize( self ): total = 0 for filename in self._db_filenames.values(): path = os.path.join( self._db_dir, filename ) total += os.path.getsize( path ) return total def GetStatus( self ): return ( self._current_status, self._current_job_name ) def IsDBUpdated( self ): return self._is_db_updated def IsFirstStart( self ): return self._is_first_start def LoopIsFinished( self ): return self._loop_finished def JobsQueueEmpty( self ): return self._jobs.empty() def MainLoop( self ): try: self._InitDBCursor() # have to reinitialise because the thread id has changed self._InitDiskCache() self._InitCaches() except: HydrusData.Print( traceback.format_exc() ) self._could_not_initialise = True return self._ready_to_serve_requests = True error_count = 0 while not ( ( self._local_shutdown or self._controller.ModelIsShutdown() ) and self._jobs.empty() ): try: ( priority, job ) = self._jobs.get( timeout = 1 ) self._currently_doing_job = True self._current_job_name = job.ToString() self.publish_status_update() try: if HG.db_profile_mode: summary = 'Profiling ' + job.ToString() HydrusData.ShowText( summary ) HydrusData.Profile( summary, 'self._ProcessJob( job )', globals(), locals() ) else: self._ProcessJob( job ) error_count = 0 except: error_count += 1 if error_count > 5: raise self._jobs.put( ( priority, job ) ) # couldn't lock db; put job back on queue time.sleep( 5 ) self._currently_doing_job = False self._current_job_name = '' self.publish_status_update() except Queue.Empty: if self._transaction_contains_writes and HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._transaction_started + TRANSACTION_COMMIT_TIME ): self._Commit() self._BeginImmediate() if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._connection_timestamp + CONNECTION_REFRESH_TIME ): # just to clear out the journal files self._InitDBCursor() self._CleanUpCaches() self._CloseDBCursor() self._loop_finished = True def Read( self, action, priority, *args, **kwargs ): if action in self.READ_WRITE_ACTIONS: job_type = 'read_write' else: job_type = 'read' synchronous = True job = HydrusData.JobDatabase( job_type, synchronous, action, *args, **kwargs ) if self._controller.ModelIsShutdown(): raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException( 'Application has shut down!' ) self._jobs.put( ( priority + 1, job ) ) # +1 so all writes of equal priority can clear out first return job.GetResult() def ReadyToServeRequests( self ): return self._ready_to_serve_requests def Shutdown( self ): self._local_shutdown = True def SimpleRead( self, action, *args, **kwargs ): return self.Read( action, HC.HIGH_PRIORITY, *args, **kwargs ) def SimpleWrite( self, action, *args, **kwargs ): return self.Write( action, HC.HIGH_PRIORITY, False, *args, **kwargs ) def SimpleWriteSynchronous( self, action, *args, **kwargs ): return self.Write( action, HC.LOW_PRIORITY, True, *args, **kwargs ) def Write( self, action, priority, synchronous, *args, **kwargs ): job_type = 'write' job = HydrusData.JobDatabase( job_type, synchronous, action, *args, **kwargs ) if self._controller.ModelIsShutdown(): raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException( 'Application has shut down!' ) self._jobs.put( ( priority, job ) ) if synchronous: return job.GetResult() class TemporaryIntegerTable( object ): def __init__( self, cursor, integer_iterable, column_name ): self._cursor = cursor self._integer_iterable = integer_iterable self._column_name = column_name self._table_name = 'mem.tempint' + os.urandom( 32 ).encode( 'hex' ) def __enter__( self ): self._cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE ' + self._table_name + ' ( ' + self._column_name + ' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY );' ) self._cursor.executemany( 'INSERT INTO ' + self._table_name + ' ( ' + self._column_name + ' ) VALUES ( ? );', ( ( i, ) for i in self._integer_iterable ) ) return self._table_name def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ): self._cursor.execute( 'DROP TABLE ' + self._table_name + ';' ) return False