import numpy.core.multiarray # important this comes before cv! import cv2 import ClientImageHandling import HydrusExceptions import HydrusGlobals as HG import HydrusImageHandling if cv2.__version__.startswith( '2' ): CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT = CAP_PROP_FPS = CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH = CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT = CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB = CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES = else: CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT = cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT CAP_PROP_FPS = cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH = cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT = cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB = cv2.CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES = cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES def GetCVVideoProperties( path ): capture = cv2.VideoCapture( path ) num_frames = int( capture.get( CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT ) ) fps = capture.get( CAP_PROP_FPS ) length_in_seconds = num_frames / fps length_in_ms = int( length_in_seconds * 1000 ) duration = length_in_ms width = int( capture.get( CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH ) ) height = int( capture.get( CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT ) ) return ( ( width, height ), duration, num_frames ) def GetVideoFrameDuration( path ): cv_video = cv2.VideoCapture( path ) fps = cv_video.get( CAP_PROP_FPS ) if fps in ( 0, 1000 ): raise HydrusExceptions.CantRenderWithCVException() return 1000.0 / fps # the cv code was initially written by @fluffy_cub class GIFRenderer( object ): def __init__( self, path, num_frames, target_resolution ): self._path = path self._num_frames = num_frames self._target_resolution = target_resolution new_options = HG.client_controller.GetNewOptions() if new_options.GetBoolean( 'disable_cv_for_gifs' ) or cv2.__version__.startswith( '2' ): self._InitialisePIL() else: self._InitialiseCV() def _GetCurrentFrame( self ): if self._cv_mode: ( retval, numpy_image ) = if not retval: self._next_render_index = ( self._next_render_index + 1 ) % self._num_frames raise HydrusExceptions.CantRenderWithCVException( 'CV could not render frame ' + str( self._next_render_index - 1 ) + '.' ) else: current_frame = HydrusImageHandling.Dequantize( self._pil_image ) if current_frame.mode == 'RGBA': if self._pil_canvas is None: self._pil_canvas = current_frame else: self._pil_canvas.paste( current_frame, None, current_frame ) # use the rgba image as its own mask elif current_frame.mode == 'RGB': self._pil_canvas = current_frame numpy_image = ClientImageHandling.GenerateNumPyImageFromPILImage( self._pil_canvas ) self._next_render_index = ( self._next_render_index + 1 ) % self._num_frames if self._next_render_index == 0: self._RewindGIF() else: if not self._cv_mode: self._next_render_index ) if self._pil_global_palette is not None and self._pil_image.palette == self._pil_global_palette: # for some reason, when pil falls back from local palette to global palette, a bunch of important variables reset! self._pil_image.palette.dirty = self._pil_dirty self._pil_image.palette.mode = self._pil_mode self._pil_image.palette.rawmode = self._pil_rawmode return numpy_image def _InitialiseCV( self ): self._cv_mode = True self._cv_video = cv2.VideoCapture( self._path ) self._cv_video.set( CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB, True ) self._next_render_index = 0 self._last_frame = None def _InitialisePIL( self ): self._cv_mode = False self._pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.GeneratePILImage( self._path ) self._pil_canvas = None self._pil_global_palette = self._pil_image.palette if self._pil_global_palette is not None and False: self._pil_dirty = self._pil_image.palette.dirty self._pil_mode = self._pil_image.palette.mode self._pil_rawmode = self._pil_image.palette.rawmode self._next_render_index = 0 self._last_frame = None # believe it or not, doing this actually fixed a couple of gifs! 1 ) 0 ) def _RenderCurrentFrame( self ): if self._cv_mode: try: numpy_image = self._GetCurrentFrame() numpy_image = ClientImageHandling.EfficientlyResizeNumpyImage( numpy_image, self._target_resolution ) numpy_image = cv2.cvtColor( numpy_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB ) except HydrusExceptions.CantRenderWithCVException: if self._last_frame is None: self._InitialisePIL() numpy_image = self._RenderCurrentFrame() else: numpy_image = self._last_frame else: numpy_image = self._GetCurrentFrame() numpy_image = ClientImageHandling.EfficientlyResizeNumpyImage( numpy_image, self._target_resolution ) self._last_frame = numpy_image return numpy_image def _RewindGIF( self ): if self._cv_mode: self._cv_video.release() self._path ) #self._cv_video.set( CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0.0 ) else: 0 ) self._next_render_index = 0 def read_frame( self ): return self._RenderCurrentFrame() def set_position( self, index ): if index == self._next_render_index: return elif index < self._next_render_index: self._RewindGIF() while self._next_render_index < index: self._GetCurrentFrame() #self._cv_video.set( CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, index )