import bs4 import collections import httplib import HydrusConstants as HC import json import lxml import pafy import traceback import urllib import urlparse import wx def ConvertServiceIdentifiersToTagsToServiceIdentifiersToContentUpdates( hash, service_identifiers_to_tags ): hashes = set( ( hash, ) ) service_identifiers_to_content_updates = {} for ( service_identifier, tags ) in service_identifiers_to_tags.items(): if service_identifier == HC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: action = HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD else: action = HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING content_updates = [ HC.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, action, ( tag, hashes ) ) for tag in tags ] service_identifiers_to_content_updates[ service_identifier ] = content_updates return service_identifiers_to_content_updates def GetDownloader( site_download_type, *args ): if site_download_type == HC.SITE_DOWNLOAD_TYPE_BOORU: c = DownloaderBooru elif site_download_type == HC.SITE_DOWNLOAD_TYPE_DEVIANT_ART: c = DownloaderDeviantArt elif site_download_type == HC.SITE_DOWNLOAD_TYPE_GIPHY: c = DownloaderGiphy elif site_download_type == HC.SITE_DOWNLOAD_TYPE_HENTAI_FOUNDRY: c = DownloaderHentaiFoundry elif site_download_type == HC.SITE_DOWNLOAD_TYPE_PIXIV: c = DownloaderPixiv elif site_download_type == HC.SITE_DOWNLOAD_TYPE_TUMBLR: c = DownloaderTumblr elif site_download_type == HC.SITE_DOWNLOAD_TYPE_NEWGROUNDS: c = DownloaderNewgrounds return c( *args ) def ConvertTagsToServiceIdentifiersToTags( tags, advanced_tag_options ): tags = [ tag for tag in tags if tag is not None ] service_identifiers_to_tags = {} siblings_manager = parents_manager = for ( service_identifier, namespaces ) in advanced_tag_options.items(): if len( namespaces ) > 0: tags_to_add_here = [] for namespace in namespaces: if namespace == '': tags_to_add_here.extend( [ HC.CleanTag( tag ) for tag in tags if not ':' in tag ] ) else: tags_to_add_here.extend( [ HC.CleanTag( tag ) for tag in tags if tag.startswith( namespace + ':' ) ] ) if len( tags_to_add_here ) > 0: tags_to_add_here = siblings_manager.CollapseTags( tags_to_add_here ) tags_to_add_here = parents_manager.ExpandTags( service_identifier, tags_to_add_here ) service_identifiers_to_tags[ service_identifier ] = tags_to_add_here return service_identifiers_to_tags def DownloadYoutubeURL( job_key, url, message_string ): try: parse_result = urlparse.urlparse( url ) connection = httplib.HTTPConnection( parse_result.hostname, timeout = 20 ) connection.request( 'GET', url ) response = connection.getresponse() try: total_num_bytes = int( response.getheader( 'Content-Length' ) ) get_message = lambda num_bytes_so_far: message_string + ' - ' + HC.ConvertIntToBytes( num_bytes_so_far ) + '/' + HC.ConvertIntToBytes( total_num_bytes ) except: total_num_bytes = None get_message = lambda num_bytes_so_far: message_string + ' - ' + HC.ConvertIntToBytes( num_bytes_so_far ) block_size = 64 * 1024 num_bytes_so_far = 0 temp_path = HC.GetTempPath() 'message_gauge_info', job_key, total_num_bytes, num_bytes_so_far, get_message( num_bytes_so_far ) ) with open( temp_path, 'wb' ) as f: while True: if HC.shutdown or job_key.IsCancelled(): return block = block_size ) num_bytes_so_far += len( block ) 'message_gauge_info', job_key, total_num_bytes, num_bytes_so_far, get_message( num_bytes_so_far ) ) if block == '': break f.write( block ) 'message_gauge_info', job_key, None, None, 'importing ' + message_string ) ( result, hash ) = 'import_file', temp_path ) if result in ( 'successful', 'redundant' ): 'message_gauge_show_file_button', job_key, message_string, { hash } ) elif result == 'deleted': 'message_gauge_failed', job_key ) except: 'message_gauge_failed', job_key ) raise def GetYoutubeFormats( youtube_url ): try: p = pafy.Pafy( youtube_url ) except: raise Exception( 'Could not fetch video info from youtube!' ) info = { ( s.extension, s.resolution ) : ( s.url, s.title ) for s in p.streams if s.extension in ( 'flv', 'mp4' ) } return info class Downloader(): def __init__( self ): self._we_are_done = False self._connections = {} self._all_urls_so_far = set() self._num_pages_done = 0 def _EstablishSession( self, connection ): pass def _GetConnection( self, url ): parse_result = urlparse.urlparse( url ) ( scheme, host, port ) = ( parse_result.scheme, parse_result.hostname, parse_result.port ) if ( scheme, host, port ) not in self._connections: connection = HC.get_connection( scheme = scheme, host = host, port = port ) self._EstablishSession( connection ) self._connections[ ( scheme, host, port ) ] = connection return self._connections[ ( scheme, host, port ) ] def _GetNextGalleryPageURLs( self ): return ( self._GetNextGalleryPageURL(), ) def GetAnotherPage( self ): if self._we_are_done: return [] urls = self._GetNextGalleryPageURLs() url_info = [] for url in urls: connection = self._GetConnection( url ) data = connection.geturl( url ) page_of_url_info = self._ParseGalleryPage( data, url ) # stop ourselves getting into an accidental infinite loop url_info += [ info for info in page_of_url_info if info[0] not in self._all_urls_so_far ] self._all_urls_so_far.update( [ info[0] for info in url_info ] ) # now url_info only contains new url info self._num_pages_done += 1 return url_info def GetFile( self, url, *args ): connection = self._GetConnection( url ) return connection.geturl( url ) def GetFileAndTags( self, url, *args ): file = self.GetFile( url, *args ) tags = self.GetTags( url, *args ) return ( file, tags ) def GetTags( self, url ): pass def SetupGallerySearch( self ): pass class DownloaderBooru( Downloader ): def __init__( self, booru, tags ): self._booru = booru self._tags = tags self._gallery_advance_num = None ( self._search_url, self._advance_by_page_num, self._search_separator, self._thumb_classname ) = booru.GetGalleryParsingInfo() Downloader.__init__( self ) def _GetNextGalleryPageURL( self ): if self._advance_by_page_num: index = 1 + self._num_pages_done else: if self._gallery_advance_num is None: index = 0 else: index = self._num_pages_done * self._gallery_advance_num return self._search_url.replace( '%tags%', self._search_separator.join( self._tags ) ).replace( '%index%', HC.u( index ) ) def _ParseGalleryPage( self, html, url_base ): urls_set = set() urls = [] soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup( html ) # this catches 'post-preview' along with 'post-preview not-approved' sort of bullshit def starts_with_classname( classname ): return classname is not None and classname.startswith( self._thumb_classname ) thumbnails = soup.find_all( class_ = starts_with_classname ) if self._gallery_advance_num is None: if len( thumbnails ) == 0: self._we_are_done = True else: self._gallery_advance_num = len( thumbnails ) for thumbnail in thumbnails: links = thumbnail.find_all( 'a' ) if == 'a': links.append( thumbnail ) for link in links: if link.string is not None and link.string == 'Image Only': continue # rule 34 @ paheal fix url = link[ 'href' ] url = urlparse.urljoin( url_base, url ) if url not in urls_set: urls_set.add( url ) urls.append( ( url, ) ) return urls def _ParseImagePage( self, html, url_base ): ( search_url, search_separator, advance_by_page_num, thumb_classname, image_id, image_data, tag_classnames_to_namespaces ) = self._booru.GetData() soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup( html ) image_base = None if image_id is not None: image = soup.find( id = image_id ) image_url = image[ 'src' ] if image_data is not None: links = soup.find_all( 'a' ) for link in links: if link.string == image_data: image_url = link[ 'href' ] image_url = urlparse.urljoin( url_base, image_url ) image_url = image_url.replace( 'sample/sample-', '' ) # fix for danbooru resizing tags = [] for ( tag_classname, namespace ) in tag_classnames_to_namespaces.items(): tag_list_entries = soup.find_all( class_ = tag_classname ) for tag_list_entry in tag_list_entries: links = tag_list_entry.find_all( 'a' ) if == 'a': links.append( tag_list_entry ) for link in links: if link.string not in ( '?', '-', '+' ): if namespace == '': tags.append( link.string ) else: tags.append( namespace + ':' + link.string ) return ( image_url, tags ) def _GetFileURLAndTags( self, url ): connection = self._GetConnection( url ) html = connection.geturl( url ) return self._ParseImagePage( html, url ) def GetFile( self, url ): ( file_url, tags ) = self._GetFileURLAndTags( url ) connection = self._GetConnection( file_url ) return connection.geturl( file_url ) def GetFileAndTags( self, url ): ( file_url, tags ) = self._GetFileURLAndTags( url ) connection = self._GetConnection( file_url ) file = connection.geturl( file_url ) return ( file, tags ) def GetTags( self, url ): ( file_url, tags ) = self._GetFileURLAndTags( url ) return tags class DownloaderDeviantArt( Downloader ): def __init__( self, artist ): self._gallery_url = 'http://' + artist + '' Downloader.__init__( self ) def _GetNextGalleryPageURL( self ): return self._gallery_url + HC.u( self._num_pages_done * 24 ) def _ParseGalleryPage( self, html, url_base ): results = [] soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup( html ) thumbs_container = soup.find( class_ = 'zones-container' ) def starts_with_thumb( classname ): return classname is not None and classname.startswith( 'thumb' ) links = thumbs_container.find_all( 'a', class_ = starts_with_thumb ) for link in links: page_url = link[ 'href' ] # something in the form of raw_title = link[ 'title' ] # sweet dolls by ~AngeniaC, Feb 29, 2012 in Artisan Crafts > Miniatures > Jewelry raw_title_reversed = raw_title[::-1] # yrleweJ ;tg& serutainiM ;tg& stfarC nasitrA ni 2102 ,92 beF ,CainegnA~ yb sllod teews ( creator_and_date_and_tags_reversed, title_reversed ) = raw_title_reversed.split( ' yb ', 1 ) creator_and_date_and_tags = creator_and_date_and_tags_reversed[::-1] # ~AngeniaC, Feb 29, 2012 in Artisan Crafts > Miniatures > Jewelry ( creator_with_username_char, date_and_tags ) = creator_and_date_and_tags.split( ',', 1 ) creator = creator_with_username_char[1:] # AngeniaC title = title_reversed[::-1] # sweet dolls try: ( date_gumpf, raw_category_tags ) = date_and_tags.split( ' in ', 1 ) category_tags = raw_category_tags.split( ' > ' ) except Exception as e: HC.ShowException( e ) category_tags = [] tags = [] tags.append( 'title:' + title ) tags.append( 'creator:' + creator ) tags.extend( category_tags ) results.append( ( page_url, tags ) ) return results def _ParseImagePage( self, html ): soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup( html ) # if can find download link: if False: pass # go fetch the popup page using tokens as appropriate. feels like it needs the GET token and a referrer, as middle click just redirects back to image page else: img = soup.find( id = 'gmi-ResViewSizer_fullimg' ) src = img[ 'src' ] return src def _GetFileURL( self, url ): connection = self._GetConnection( url ) html = connection.geturl( url ) return self._ParseImagePage( html ) def GetFile( self, url, tags ): file_url = self._GetFileURL( url ) connection = self._GetConnection( file_url ) return connection.geturl( file_url ) def GetTags( self, url, tags ): return tags class DownloaderGiphy( Downloader ): def __init__( self, tag ): self._gallery_url = '' + tag.replace( ' ', '+' ) + '&page=' Downloader.__init__( self ) def _GetNextGalleryPageURL( self ): return self._gallery_url + HC.u( self._num_pages_done + 1 ) def _ParseGalleryPage( self, data, url_base ): json_dict = json.loads( data ) if 'data' in json_dict: json_data = json_dict[ 'data' ] return [ ( d[ 'image_original_url' ], d[ 'id' ] ) for d in json_data ] else: return [] def GetTags( self, url, id ): url = '' + HC.u( id ) connection = self._GetConnection( url ) try: raw_json = connection.geturl( url ) json_dict = json.loads( raw_json ) tags_data = json_dict[ 'data' ][ 'tags' ] tags = [ tag_data[ 'name' ] for tag_data in tags_data ] except Exception as e: HC.ShowException( e ) tags = [] return tags class DownloaderHentaiFoundry( Downloader ): def __init__( self, query_type, query, advanced_hentai_foundry_options ): self._query_type = query_type self._query = query self._advanced_hentai_foundry_options = advanced_hentai_foundry_options Downloader.__init__( self ) def _EstablishSession( self, connection ): cookies = 'hentai foundry' ) for ( key, value ) in cookies.items(): connection.SetCookie( key, value ) def _GetFileURLAndTags( self, url ): connection = self._GetConnection( url ) html = connection.geturl( url ) return self._ParseImagePage( html, url ) def _GetNextGalleryPageURL( self ): if self._query_type in ( 'artist', 'artist pictures' ): artist = self._query gallery_url = '' + artist return gallery_url + '/page/' + HC.u( self._num_pages_done + 1 ) elif self._query_type == 'artist scraps': artist = self._query gallery_url = '' + artist + '/scraps' return gallery_url + '/page/' + HC.u( self._num_pages_done + 1 ) elif self._query_type == 'tags': tags = self._query return '' + '+'.join( tags ) + '&search_in=all&scraps=-1&page=' + HC.u( self._num_pages_done + 1 ) # scraps = 0 hide # -1 means show both # 1 means scraps only. wetf def _ParseGalleryPage( self, html, url_base ): urls_set = set() soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup( html ) def correct_url( href ): # a good url is in the form "/pictures/user/artist_name/file_id/title" if href.count( '/' ) == 5 and href.startswith( '/pictures/user/' ): ( nothing, pictures, user, artist_name, file_id, title ) = href.split( '/' ) # /pictures/user/artist_name/page/3 if file_id != 'page': return True return False links = soup.find_all( 'a', href = correct_url ) urls = [ '' + link['href'] for link in links ] result_urls = [] for url in urls: if url not in urls_set: urls_set.add( url ) result_urls.append( ( url, ) ) # this is copied from old code. surely we can improve it? if 'class="next"' not in html: self._we_are_done = True return result_urls def _ParseImagePage( self, html, url_base ): # can't parse this easily normally because HF is a pain with the preview->click to see full size business. # find # then extend it to # the .jpg bit is what we really need, but whatever try: index = html.index( '' ) stuff = html[ index : index + 100 ] try: ( image_url, gumpf ) = stuff.split( '"', 1 ) except: ( image_url, gumpf ) = stuff.split( ''', 1 ) except: raise Exception( 'Could not parse image url!' ) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup( html ) tags = [] try: title = soup.find( 'title' ) ( data, nothing ) = HC.u( title.string ).split( ' - Hentai Foundry' ) data_reversed = data[::-1] # want to do it right-side first, because title might have ' by ' in it ( artist_reversed, title_reversed ) = data_reversed.split( ' yb ' ) artist = artist_reversed[::-1] title = title_reversed[::-1] tags.append( 'creator:' + artist ) tags.append( 'title:' + title ) except: pass tag_links = soup.find_all( 'a', rel = 'tag' ) for tag_link in tag_links: tags.append( tag_link.string ) return ( image_url, tags ) def GetFile( self, url ): ( file_url, tags ) = self._GetFileURLAndTags( url ) connection = self._GetConnection( file_url ) return connection.geturl( file_url ) def GetFileAndTags( self, url ): ( file_url, tags ) = self._GetFileURLAndTags( url ) connection = self._GetConnection( file_url ) file = connection.geturl( file_url ) return ( file, tags ) def GetTags( self, url ): ( file_url, tags ) = self._GetFileURLAndTags( url ) return tags def SetupGallerySearch( self ): connection = self._GetConnection( '' ) cookies = connection.GetCookies() raw_csrf = cookies[ 'YII_CSRF_TOKEN' ] # YII_CSRF_TOKEN=19b05b536885ec60b8b37650a32f8deb11c08cd1s%3A40%3A%222917dcfbfbf2eda2c1fbe43f4d4c4ec4b6902b32%22%3B processed_csrf = urllib.unquote( raw_csrf ) # 19b05b536885ec60b8b37650a32f8deb11c08cd1s:40:"2917dcfbfbf2eda2c1fbe43f4d4c4ec4b6902b32"; csrf_token = processed_csrf.split( '"' )[1] # the 2917... bit self._advanced_hentai_foundry_options[ 'YII_CSRF_TOKEN' ] = csrf_token body = urllib.urlencode( self._advanced_hentai_foundry_options ) headers = {} headers[ 'Content-Type' ] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' connection.request( 'POST', '/site/filters', headers = headers, body = body ) class DownloaderNewgrounds( Downloader ): def __init__( self, query ): self._query = query Downloader.__init__( self ) def _GetFileURLAndTags( self, url ): connection = self._GetConnection( url ) html = connection.geturl( url ) return self._ParseImagePage( html, url ) def _GetNextGalleryPageURLs( self ): artist = self._query gallery_urls = [] gallery_urls.append( 'http://' + artist + '' ) gallery_urls.append( 'http://' + artist + '' ) self._we_are_done = True return gallery_urls def _ParseGalleryPage( self, html, url_base ): soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup( html ) fatcol = soup.find( 'div', class_ = 'fatcol' ) links = fatcol.find_all( 'a' ) urls_set = set() result_urls = [] for link in links: try: url = link[ 'href' ] if url not in urls_set: if url.startswith( '' ): urls_set.add( url ) result_urls.append( ( url, ) ) except: pass return result_urls def _ParseImagePage( self, html, url_base ): soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup( html ) tags = set() author_links = soup.find( 'ul', class_ = 'authorlinks' ) if author_links is not None: authors = set() links = author_links.find_all( 'a' ) for link in links: try: href = link[ 'href' ] # creator = href.replace( 'http://', '' ).replace( '', '' ) tags.add( u'creator:' + creator ) except: pass try: title = soup.find( 'title' ) tags.add( u'title:' + title.string ) except: pass all_links = soup.find_all( 'a' ) for link in all_links: try: href = link[ 'href' ] if '/browse/tag/' in href: tags.add( link.string ) except: pass # try: components = html.split( '"' ) # there is sometimes another bit of api flash earlier on that we don't want # it is called if len( components ) == 2: flash_url = components[1] else: flash_url = components[2] flash_url = flash_url.split( '"', 1 )[0] flash_url = '' + flash_url except: raise Exception( 'Could not find the swf file! It was probably an mp4!' ) return ( flash_url, tags ) def GetFile( self, url ): ( file_url, tags ) = self._GetFileURLAndTags( url ) connection = self._GetConnection( file_url ) return connection.geturl( file_url ) def GetFileAndTags( self, url ): ( file_url, tags ) = self._GetFileURLAndTags( url ) connection = self._GetConnection( file_url ) file = connection.geturl( file_url ) return ( file, tags ) def GetTags( self, url ): ( file_url, tags ) = self._GetFileURLAndTags( url ) return tags class DownloaderPixiv( Downloader ): def __init__( self, query_type, query ): self._query_type = query_type self._query = query Downloader.__init__( self ) def _EstablishSession( self, connection ): cookies = 'pixiv' ) for ( key, value ) in cookies.items(): connection.SetCookie( key, value ) def _GetNextGalleryPageURL( self ): if self._query_type == 'artist': artist_id = self._query gallery_url = '' + HC.u( artist_id ) elif self._query_type == 'tag': tag = self._query tag = urllib.quote( tag.encode( 'utf-8' ) ) gallery_url = '' + tag + '&s_mode=s_tag_full&order=date_d' return gallery_url + '&p=' + HC.u( self._num_pages_done + 1 ) def _ParseGalleryPage( self, html, url_base ): results = [] soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup( html ) thumbnail_links = soup.find_all( class_ = 'work' ) for thumbnail_link in thumbnail_links: url = urlparse.urljoin( url_base, thumbnail_link[ 'href' ] ) # results.append( ( url, ) ) return results def _ParseImagePage( self, html, page_url ): soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup( html ) # # this is the page that holds the full size of the image. # pixiv won't serve the image unless it thinks this page is the referrer referral_url = page_url.replace( 'medium', 'big' ) # # works_display = soup.find( class_ = 'works_display' ) img = works_display.find( 'img' ) img_url = img[ 'src' ] # image_url = img_url.replace( '_m.', '.' ) # # tags = soup.find( 'ul', class_ = 'tags' ) tags = [ a_item.string for a_item in tags.find_all( 'a', class_ = 'text' ) ] user = soup.find( 'h1', class_ = 'user' ) tags.append( 'creator:' + user.string ) title_parent = soup.find( 'section', class_ = 'work-info' ) title = title_parent.find( 'h1', class_ = 'title' ) tags.append( 'title:' + title.string ) try: tags.append( 'creator:' + image_url.split( '/' )[ -2 ] ) # -> dnosuke except: pass return ( referral_url, image_url, tags ) def _GetReferralURLFileURLAndTags( self, page_url ): connection = self._GetConnection( page_url ) html = connection.geturl( page_url ) return self._ParseImagePage( html, page_url ) def GetFile( self, url ): ( referral_url, image_url, tags ) = self._GetReferralURLFileURLAndTags( url ) connection = self._GetConnection( image_url ) headers = { 'Referer' : referral_url } return connection.geturl( image_url, headers = headers ) def GetFileAndTags( self, url ): ( referral_url, image_url, tags ) = self._GetReferralURLFileURLAndTags( url ) connection = self._GetConnection( image_url ) headers = { 'Referer' : referral_url } file = connection.geturl( image_url, headers = headers ) return ( file, tags ) def GetTags( self, url ): ( referral_url, image_url, tags ) = self._GetReferralURLFileURLAndTags( url ) return tags class DownloaderTumblr( Downloader ): def __init__( self, username ): self._gallery_url = 'http://' + username + '' Downloader.__init__( self ) def _GetNextGalleryPageURL( self ): return self._gallery_url.replace( '%start%', HC.u( self._num_pages_done * 50 ) ) def _ParseGalleryPage( self, data, url_base ): processed_raw_json = data.split( 'var tumblr_api_read = ' )[1][:-2] # -2 takes a couple newline chars off at the end json_object = json.loads( processed_raw_json ) results = [] if 'posts' in json_object: for post in json_object[ 'posts' ]: if 'tags' in post: tags = post[ 'tags' ] else: tags = [] post_type = post[ 'type' ] if post_type == 'photo': if len( post[ 'photos' ] ) == 0: try: results.append( ( post[ 'photo-url-1280' ], tags ) ) except: pass else: for photo in post[ 'photos' ]: try: results.append( ( photo[ 'photo-url-1280' ], tags ) ) except: pass return results def GetTags( self, url, tags ): return tags