import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusExceptions import os import socket import subprocess import threading import traceback from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread from twisted.python import log # new stuff starts here if HC.PLATFORM_LINUX: upnpc_path = '"' + HC.BIN_DIR + os.path.sep + 'upnpc_linux"' elif HC.PLATFORM_OSX: upnpc_path = '"' + HC.BIN_DIR + os.path.sep + 'upnpc_osx"' elif HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS: upnpc_path = '"' + HC.BIN_DIR + os.path.sep + 'upnpc_win32.exe"' EXTERNAL_IP = {} EXTERNAL_IP[ 'ip' ] = None EXTERNAL_IP[ 'time' ] = 0 def GetExternalIP(): if HC.GetNow() - EXTERNAL_IP[ 'time' ] > 3600 * 24: EXTERNAL_IP[ 'time' ] = HC.GetNow() command = upnpc_path + ' -l' p = subprocess.Popen( command, shell = True, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE ) p.wait() ( output, error ) = p.communicate() if error is not None and len( error ) > 0: raise Exception( 'Problem while trying to fetch External IP:' + os.linesep + os.linesep + HC.u( error ) ) else: try: lines = output.split( os.linesep ) i = lines.index( ' i protocol exPort->inAddr:inPort description remoteHost leaseTime' ) '''ExternalIPAddress = ip''' ( gumpf, EXTERNAL_IP[ 'ip' ] ) = lines[ i - 1 ].split( ' = ' ) except: raise Exception( 'Problem while trying to fetch External IP.' ) return EXTERNAL_IP[ 'ip' ] def GetLocalIP(): return socket.gethostbyname( socket.gethostname() ) # old, win32 only stuff ''' if HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS: import win32com.client def GetStaticPortMappingCollection(): try: dispatcher = win32com.client.Dispatch( 'HNetCfg.NATUPnP' ) static_port_mappings = dispatcher.StaticPortMappingCollection except: raise Exception( 'Could not fetch UPnP Manager!' ) if static_port_mappings is None: raise Exception( 'Could not fetch UPnP info!' + os.linesep + 'Make sure UPnP is enabled for your computer and router, or try restarting your router.' ) return static_port_mappings def GetUPnPMappings(): static_port_mappings = GetStaticPortMappingCollection() mappings = [] for i in range( len( static_port_mappings ) ): static_port_mapping = static_port_mappings[i] description = static_port_mapping.Description internal_client = static_port_mapping.InternalClient internal_port = static_port_mapping.InternalPort external_ip_address = static_port_mapping.ExternalIPAddress external_port = static_port_mapping.ExternalPort protocol = static_port_mapping.Protocol enabled = static_port_mapping.Enabled mappings.append( ( description, internal_client, internal_port, external_ip_address, external_port, protocol, enabled ) ) return mappings def AddUPnPMapping( external_port, protocol, internal_port, description ): internal_client = GetLocalIP() enabled = True static_port_mappings = GetStaticPortMappingCollection() try: static_port_mappings.Add( external_port, protocol, internal_port, internal_client, enabled, description ) except: raise Exception( 'Attempt to add a UPnP mapping failed; that mapping probably already exists as a UPnP mapping or static port forward already.' ) def RemoveUPnPMapping( external_port, protocol ): static_port_mappings = GetStaticPortMappingCollection() try: static_port_mappings.Remove( external_port, protocol ) except: raise Exception( 'Attempt to remove UPnP mapping failed.' ) ''' def AddUPnPMapping( internal_client, internal_port, external_port, protocol, description, duration = 3600 ): command = upnpc_path + ' -e "' + description + '" -a ' + internal_client + ' ' + str( internal_port ) + ' ' + str( external_port ) + ' ' + protocol + ' ' + str( duration ) p = subprocess.Popen( command, shell = True, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE ) p.wait() ( output, error ) = p.communicate() if error is not None and len( error ) > 0: raise Exception( 'Problem while trying to add UPnP mapping:' + os.linesep + os.linesep + HC.u( error ) ) def GetUPnPMappings(): command = upnpc_path + ' -l' p = subprocess.Popen( command, shell = True, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE ) p.wait() ( output, error ) = p.communicate() if error is not None and len( error ) > 0: raise Exception( 'Problem while trying to fetch UPnP mappings:' + os.linesep + os.linesep + HC.u( error ) ) else: try: lines = output.split( os.linesep ) i = lines.index( ' i protocol exPort->inAddr:inPort description remoteHost leaseTime' ) '''ExternalIPAddress = ip''' ( gumpf, external_ip_address ) = lines[ i - 1 ].split( ' = ' ) data_lines = [] i += 1 while i < len( lines ): if not lines[ i ][0] in ( ' ', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' ): break data_lines.append( lines[ i ] ) i += 1 processed_data = [] for line in data_lines: ''' 0 UDP 65533-> 'Skype UDP at (2665)' '' 0''' while ' ' in line: line = line.replace( ' ', ' ' ) if line.startswith( ' ' ): ( empty, number, protocol, mapping_data, rest_of_line ) = line.split( ' ', 4 ) else: ( number, protocol, mapping_data, rest_of_line ) = line.split( ' ', 3 ) ( external_port, rest_of_mapping_data ) = mapping_data.split( '->' ) external_port = int( external_port ) ( internal_client, internal_port ) = rest_of_mapping_data.split( ':' ) internal_port = int( internal_port ) ( empty, description, space, remote_host, rest_of_line ) = rest_of_line.split( '\'', 4 ) lease_time = int( rest_of_line[1:] ) processed_data.append( ( description, internal_client, internal_port, external_ip_address, external_port, protocol, lease_time ) ) return processed_data except Exception as e: print( traceback.format_exc() ) raise Exception( 'Problem while trying to parse UPnP mappings:' + os.linesep + os.linesep + HC.u( e ) ) def RemoveUPnPMapping( external_port, protocol ): command = upnpc_path + ' -d ' + str( external_port ) + ' ' + protocol p = subprocess.Popen( command, shell = True, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE ) p.wait() ( output, error ) = p.communicate() if error is not None and len( error ) > 0: raise Exception( 'Problem while trying to remove UPnP mapping:' + os.linesep + os.linesep + HC.u( error ) )