import HydrusConstants as HC import Queue import threading import traceback import weakref import wx import wx.lib.newevent ( PubSubEvent, EVT_PUBSUB ) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() class HydrusPubSub(): def __init__( self ): self._pubsubs = Queue.Queue() self._lock = threading.Lock() self._topics_to_objects = {} self._topics_to_method_names = {} def GetQueue( self ): return self._pubsubs def pub( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ): with self._lock: if topic in self._topics_to_objects: try: objects = self._topics_to_objects[ topic ] for object in objects: method_names = self._topics_to_method_names[ topic ] for method_name in method_names: if hasattr( object, method_name ): try: self._pubsubs.put( ( getattr( object, method_name ), args, kwargs ) ) wx.PostEvent(, PubSubEvent() ) except wx.PyDeadObjectError: pass except Exception as e: raise e except: pass def pubimmediate( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ): with self._lock: if topic in self._topics_to_objects: try: objects = self._topics_to_objects[ topic ] for object in objects: method_names = self._topics_to_method_names[ topic ] for method_name in method_names: if hasattr( object, method_name ): try: getattr( object, method_name )( *args, **kwargs ) except wx.PyDeadObjectError: pass except Exception as e: raise e except RuntimeError: pass # sometimes the set changes size during iteration, which is a bug I haven't tracked down except wx.PyDeadObjectError: pass except TypeError: pass except Exception as e: raise e def sub( self, object, method_name, topic ): with self._lock: if topic not in self._topics_to_objects: self._topics_to_objects[ topic ] = weakref.WeakSet() if topic not in self._topics_to_method_names: self._topics_to_method_names[ topic ] = set() self._topics_to_objects[ topic ].add( object ) self._topics_to_method_names[ topic ].add( method_name )