import BaseHTTPServer import ClientConstants as CC import collections import Cookie import hashlib import httplib import HydrusAudioHandling import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusDocumentHandling import HydrusExceptions import HydrusFileHandling import HydrusFlashHandling import HydrusImageHandling import HydrusServerResources import os import random import ServerConstants as SC import SocketServer import traceback import urllib import wx import yaml from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread from twisted.protocols import amp class HydrusAMPCommand( amp.Command ): errors = {} errors[ HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException ] = 'FORBIDDEN' errors[ HydrusExceptions.NetworkVersionException ] = 'NETWORK_VERSION' errors[ HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException ] = 'NOT_FOUND' errors[ HydrusExceptions.PermissionException ] = 'PERMISSION' errors[ HydrusExceptions.SessionException ] = 'SESSION' errors[ Exception ] = 'EXCEPTION' # IMFile, for aes-encrypted file transfers, as negotiated over otr messages # file_transfer_id (so we can match up the correct aes key) # file (this is complicated -- AMP should be little things, right? I need to check max packet size.) # so, this should be blocks. a block_id and a block # MMessageReceivedPing -- server to persistent client, saying someone just now sent you a message class IMLoginPersistent( HydrusAMPCommand ): arguments = [ ( 'network_version', amp.Integer() ), ( 'session_key', amp.String() ) ] class IMLoginTemporary( HydrusAMPCommand ): arguments = [ ( 'network_version', amp.Integer() ), ( 'identifier', amp.String() ), ( 'name', amp.String() ) ] class IMMessageClient( HydrusAMPCommand ): arguments = [ ( 'identifier_from', amp.String() ), ( 'name_from', amp.String() ), ( 'identifier_to', amp.String() ), ( 'name_to', amp.String() ), ( 'message', amp.String() ) ] class IMMessageServer( HydrusAMPCommand ): arguments = [ ( 'identifier_to', amp.String() ), ( 'name_to', amp.String() ), ( 'message', amp.String() ) ] class IMSessionKey( HydrusAMPCommand ): arguments = [ ( 'access_key', amp.String() ), ( 'name', amp.String() ) ] response = [ ( 'session_key', amp.String() ) ] class MPublicKey( HydrusAMPCommand ): arguments = [ ( 'identifier', amp.String() ) ] response = [ ( 'public_key', amp.String() ) ] class HydrusAMP( amp.AMP ): def _errbackHandleError( self, failure ): print( failure.getTraceback() ) normal_errors = [] normal_errors.append( HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException ) normal_errors.append( HydrusExceptions.NetworkVersionException ) normal_errors.append( HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException ) normal_errors.append( HydrusExceptions.PermissionException ) normal_errors.append( HydrusExceptions.SessionException ) if failure.type in normal_errors: failure.raiseException() else: raise Exception( failure.getTraceback() ) class MessagingClientProtocol( HydrusAMP ): def im_message( self, identifier_from, name_from, identifier_to, name_to, message ): def do_it( gumpf ): 'im_message_received', identifier_from, name_from, identifier_to, name_to, message ) return {} d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback( do_it ) d.addErrback( self._errbackHandleError ) reactor.callLater( 0, d.callback, None ) return d IMMessageClient.responder( im_message ) def connectionLost( self, reason ): # report to ui that the connection is lost pass class MessagingServiceProtocol( HydrusAMP ): def __init__( self ): amp.AMP.__init__( self ) self._identifier = None self._name = None def _check_network_version( self, network_version ): if network_version != HC.NETWORK_VERSION: if network_version < HC.NETWORK_VERSION: message = 'Your client is out of date; please download the latest release.' else: message = 'This server is out of date; please ask its admin to update to the latest release.' message = 'Network version mismatch! This server\'s network version is ' + HC.u( HC.NETWORK_VERSION ) + ', whereas your client\'s is ' + HC.u( network_version ) + '! ' + message raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkVersionException( message ) def im_login_persistent( self, network_version, session_key ): def do_it( gumpf ): self._check_network_version( network_version ) session_manager = 'messaging_sessions' ) ( identifier, name ) = session_manager.GetIdentityAndName( self.factory.service_identifier, session_key ) self._identifier = identifier self._name = name self.factory.AddConnection( True, self._identifier, self._name, self ) return {} d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback( do_it ) d.addErrback( self._errbackHandleError ) reactor.callLater( 0, d.callback, None ) return d IMLoginPersistent.responder( im_login_persistent ) def im_login_temporary( self, network_version, identifier, name ): def do_it( gumpf ): self._check_network_version( network_version ) self._identifier = identifier self._name = name self.factory.AddConnection( False, self._identifier, self._name, self ) return {} d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback( do_it ) d.addErrback( self._errbackHandleError ) reactor.callLater( 0, d.callback, None ) return d IMLoginTemporary.responder( im_login_temporary ) def im_message( self, identifier_to, name_to, message ): def do_it( gumpf ): if self._identifier is None or self._name is None: raise Exception() # who the hell are you? pls temp login connection = self.factory.GetConnection( identifier_to, name_to ) d = connection.callRemote( IMMessageClient, identifier_from = self._identifier, name_from = self._name, identifier_to = identifier_to, name_to = name_to, message = message ) return d d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback( do_it ) d.addErrback( self._errbackHandleError ) reactor.callLater( 0, d.callback, None ) return d IMMessageServer.responder( im_message ) def im_session_key( self, access_key, name ): def catch_session_key( session_key ): return { 'session_key' : session_key } def do_it( gumpf ): session_manager = 'messaging_sessions' ) d = deferToThread( session_manager.AddSession, self.factory.service_identifier, access_key, name ) d.addCallback( catch_session_key ) return d d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback( do_it ) d.addErrback( self._errbackHandleError ) reactor.callLater( 0, d.callback, None ) return d IMSessionKey.responder( im_session_key ) def m_public_key( self, identifier ): # this will not be useful until we have normal messaging sorted public_key = 'public key' return { 'public_key' : public_key } MPublicKey.responder( m_public_key ) def connectionLost( self, reason ): if self._identifier is not None: self.factory.RemoveConnection( self._identifier, self._name )