import HydrusConstants as HC import ClientConstants as CC import ClientConstantsMessages import ClientGUICommon import ClientGUIDialogs import ClientGUIMedia import cStringIO import hashlib import HydrusMessageHandling import os import random import threading import traceback import webbrowser import wx import wx.html import wx.richtext import wx.lib.scrolledpanel import yaml from wx.lib.mixins.listctrl import ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin from wx.lib.mixins.listctrl import ColumnSorterMixin # Sizer Flags FLAGS_NONE = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ) FLAGS_SMALL_INDENT = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ) FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Expand() FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS = wx.SizerFlags( 2 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Expand() FLAGS_EXPAND_DEPTH_ONLY = wx.SizerFlags( 2 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL ) FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Expand() FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS = wx.SizerFlags( 2 ).Expand() FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_DEPTH_ONLY = wx.SizerFlags( 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL ) FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZERS = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_RIGHT ) FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_RIGHT ) FLAGS_MIXED = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL ) class ConversationsListCtrl( wx.ListCtrl, ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin, ColumnSorterMixin ): def __init__( self, parent, page_key, identity, conversations ): wx.ListCtrl.__init__( self, parent, style = wx.LC_REPORT | wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL ) ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin.__init__( self ) ColumnSorterMixin.__init__( self, 8 ) self._page_key = page_key self._identity = identity image_list = wx.ImageList( 16, 16, True, 2 ) image_list.Add( CC.GlobalBMPs.transparent_bmp ) image_list.Add( CC.GlobalBMPs.inbox_bmp ) self.AssignImageList( image_list, wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL ) self.InsertColumn( 0, 'inbox', width = 30 ) self.InsertColumn( 1, 'subject' ) self.InsertColumn( 2, 'creator', width = 90 ) self.InsertColumn( 3, 'to', width = 100 ) self.InsertColumn( 4, 'messages', width = 60 ) self.InsertColumn( 5, 'unread', width = 60 ) self.InsertColumn( 6, 'created', width = 130 ) self.InsertColumn( 7, 'updated', width = 130 ) self.setResizeColumn( 2 ) # subject self._SetConversations( conversations ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.EventSelected ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED, self.EventSelected ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, self.EventShowMenu ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_MENU, self.EventMenu ) self.RefreshAcceleratorTable() HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'SetConversations', 'set_conversations' ) HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'ArchiveConversation', 'archive_conversation_gui' ) HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'InboxConversation', 'inbox_conversation_gui' ) HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'DeleteConversation', 'delete_conversation_gui' ) HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'UpdateMessageStatuses', 'message_statuses_gui' ) HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'RefreshAcceleratorTable', 'options_updated' ) def RefreshAcceleratorTable( self ): entries = [ ( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_DELETE, CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetId( 'delete' ) ), ( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DELETE, CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetId( 'delete' ) ) ] for ( modifier, key_dict ) in HC.options[ 'shortcuts' ].items(): entries.extend( [ ( modifier, key, CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetId( action ) ) for ( key, action ) in key_dict.items() ] ) self.SetAcceleratorTable( wx.AcceleratorTable( entries ) ) def _GetIndexFromConversationKey( self, conversation_key ): for i in range( self.GetItemCount() ): data_index = self.GetItemData( i ) conversation = self._data_indices_to_conversations[ data_index ] if conversation.GetConversationKey() == conversation_key: return i return None def _GetPrettyStatus( self ): if len( self._conversations ) == 1: return '1 conversation' else: return HC.u( len( self._conversations ) ) + ' conversations' def _SetConversations( self, conversations ): self._conversations = list( conversations ) self.DeleteAllItems() self.itemDataMap = {} self._data_indices_to_conversations = {} i = 0 cmp_conversations = lambda c1, c2: cmp( c1.GetUpdated(), c2.GetUpdated() ) self._conversations.sort( cmp = cmp_conversations, reverse = True ) # order by newest change first for conversation in self._conversations: ( conversation_key, inbox, subject, name_from, participants, message_count, unread_count, created, updated ) = conversation.GetListCtrlTuple() if created is None: created_string = '' updated_string = '' else: created_string = HC.ConvertTimestampToHumanPrettyTime( created ) updated_string = HC.ConvertTimestampToHumanPrettyTime( updated ) self.Append( ( '', subject, name_from, ', '.join( [ contact.GetName() for contact in participants if contact.GetName() != name_from ] ), HC.u( message_count ), HC.u( unread_count ), created_string, updated_string ) ) data_index = i self.SetItemData( i, data_index ) if inbox: self.SetItemImage( i, 1 ) # inbox else: self.SetItemImage( i, 0 ) # transparent self.itemDataMap[ data_index ] = ( inbox, subject, name_from, len( participants ), message_count, unread_count, created, updated ) self._data_indices_to_conversations[ data_index ] = conversation i += 1 'conversation_focus', self._page_key, None ) 'new_page_status', self._page_key, self._GetPrettyStatus() ) def _UpdateConversationItem( self, conversation_key ): selection = self._GetIndexFromConversationKey( conversation_key ) if selection is not None: conversation = self._data_indices_to_conversations[ self.GetItemData( selection ) ] ( conversation_key, inbox, subject, name_from, participants, message_count, unread_count, created, updated ) = conversation.GetListCtrlTuple() selection = self._GetIndexFromConversationKey( conversation_key ) data_index = self.GetItemData( selection ) self.itemDataMap[ data_index ] = ( inbox, subject, name_from, len( participants ), message_count, unread_count, created, updated ) if inbox: self.SetItemImage( selection, 1 ) else: self.SetItemImage( selection, 0 ) self.SetStringItem( selection, 4, HC.u( message_count ) ) self.SetStringItem( selection, 5, HC.u( unread_count ) ) if created is None: created_string = '' updated_string = '' else: created_string = HC.ConvertTimestampToHumanPrettyTime( created ) updated_string = HC.ConvertTimestampToHumanPrettyTime( updated ) self.SetStringItem( selection, 6, created_string ) self.SetStringItem( selection, 7, updated_string ) def ArchiveConversation( self, conversation_key ): self._UpdateConversationItem( conversation_key ) def DeleteConversation( self, conversation_key ): selection = self._GetIndexFromConversationKey( conversation_key ) if selection is not None: conversation = self._data_indices_to_conversations[ self.GetItemData( selection ) ] self._conversations.remove( conversation ) self.DeleteItem( selection ) def EventMenu( self, event ): action = CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetAction( event.GetId() ) if action is not None: ( command, data ) = action selection = self.GetFirstSelected() conversation = self._data_indices_to_conversations[ self.GetItemData( selection ) ] conversation_key = conversation.GetConversationKey() identity_contact_key = self._identity.GetContactKey() if command == 'archive': 'archive_conversation', conversation_key ) elif command == 'inbox': 'inbox_conversation', conversation_key ) elif command == 'read': message_keys = conversation.GetMessageKeysWithDestination( ( self._identity, 'sent' ) ) for message_key in message_keys: 'message_statuses', message_key, [ ( identity_contact_key, 'read' ) ] ) elif command == 'unread': message_keys = conversation.GetMessageKeysWithDestination( ( self._identity, 'read' ) ) for message_key in message_keys: 'message_statuses', message_key, [ ( identity_contact_key, 'sent' ) ] ) elif command == 'delete': with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Are you sure you want to delete this conversation?' ) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: 'delete_conversation', conversation_key ) else: event.Skip() def EventSelected( self, event ): selection = self.GetFirstSelected() if selection == wx.NOT_FOUND: 'conversation_focus', self._page_key, None ) else: 'conversation_focus', self._page_key, self._data_indices_to_conversations[ self.GetItemData( selection ) ] ) def EventShowMenu( self, event ): conversation = self._data_indices_to_conversations[ self.GetItemData( event.GetIndex() ) ] menu = wx.Menu() if conversation.IsInbox(): menu.Append( CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetId( 'archive' ), 'archive' ) else: menu.Append( CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetId( 'inbox' ), 'return to inbox' ) if conversation.HasUnread(): menu.Append( CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetId( 'read' ), 'set all as read' ) if conversation.HasRead(): menu.Append( CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetId( 'unread' ), 'set all as unread' ) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append( CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetId( 'delete' ), 'delete' ) self.PopupMenu( menu ) menu.Destroy() def GetListCtrl( self ): return self def InboxConversation( self, conversation_key ): self._UpdateConversationItem( conversation_key ) def SetConversations( self, page_key, conversations ): if page_key == self._page_key: try: self._SetConversations( conversations ) except: wx.MessageBox( traceback.format_exc() ) def UpdateMessageStatuses( self, message_key, updates ): for conversation in self._data_indices_to_conversations.values(): if conversation.HasMessageKey( message_key ): conversation_key = conversation.GetConversationKey() self._UpdateConversationItem( conversation_key ) class ConversationPanel( wx.Panel ): def __init__( self, parent, page_key, identity, conversation ): wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent, style = wx.SIMPLE_BORDER ) self.SetBackgroundColour( wx.WHITE ) self._identity = identity self._page_key = page_key self._conversation = conversation self._vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) self._message_keys_to_message_panels = {} self._draft_keys_to_draft_panels = {} self._scrolling_messages_window = wx.lib.scrolledpanel.ScrolledPanel( self ) self._scrolling_messages_window.SetupScrolling() self._scrolling_messages_window.SetScrollRate( 0, 50 ) self._window_vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) self._messages_vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) self._drafts_vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) self._window_vbox.AddF( self._messages_vbox, FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR ) self._window_vbox.AddF( self._drafts_vbox, FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR ) self._DrawConversation() self.SetSizer( self._vbox ) HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'DeleteDraft', 'delete_draft_gui' ) HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'NewMessage', 'new_message' ) def _DrawConversation( self ): # fix it so this stuff is reusable? self._messages_vbox.DeleteWindows() self._drafts_vbox.DeleteWindows() self._convo_frame = wx.Panel( self ) convo_vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) subject_static_text = wx.StaticText( self._convo_frame, label = self._conversation.GetSubject() ) f = subject_static_text.GetFont() f.SetWeight( wx.BOLD ) subject_static_text.SetFont( f ) convo_vbox.AddF( subject_static_text, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) convo_vbox.AddF( wx.StaticText( self._convo_frame, label = ', '.join( contact.GetName() for contact in self._conversation.GetParticipants() ) ), FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) self._convo_frame.SetSizer( convo_vbox ) # archive_all # set all as read # delete all button, eventually ( messages, drafts ) = self._conversation.GetMessages() for message in messages: message_panel = MessagePanel( self._scrolling_messages_window, message, self._identity ) self._message_keys_to_message_panels[ message.GetMessageKey() ] = message_panel self._messages_vbox.AddF( message_panel, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) for draft in drafts: draft_panel = DraftPanel( self._scrolling_messages_window, draft ) self._draft_keys_to_draft_panels[ draft.GetDraftKey() ] = draft_panel self._drafts_vbox.AddF( draft_panel, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) self._reply_button = wx.Button( self._scrolling_messages_window, label = 'reply' ) self._reply_button.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.EventReply ) self._reply_button.Disable() if len( messages ) > 0 and self._conversation.GetStartedBy().GetName() != 'Anonymous': self._reply_button.Enable() if self._conversation.GetStartedBy() == self._identity: self._reply_button.Enable() self._window_vbox.AddF( self._reply_button, FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON ) self._scrolling_messages_window.SetSizer( self._window_vbox ) self._vbox.AddF( self._convo_frame, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) self._vbox.AddF( self._scrolling_messages_window, FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) self.SetSizer( self._vbox ) def DeleteDraft( self, draft_key ): if draft_key in self._draft_keys_to_draft_panels: draft_panel = self._draft_keys_to_draft_panels[ draft_key ] del self._draft_keys_to_draft_panels[ draft_key ] self._drafts_vbox.Detach( draft_panel ) draft_panel.Close() self._scrolling_messages_window.FitInside() def EventReply( self, event ): draft_key = os.urandom( 32 ) conversation_key = self._conversation.GetConversationKey() subject = self._conversation.GetSubject() contact_from = self._identity participants = self._conversation.GetParticipants() contact_names_to = [ contact.GetName() for contact in participants if contact is not None and contact.GetName() != 'Anonymous' and contact != contact_from ] recipients_visible = True body = '' attachment_hashes = [] draft = ClientConstantsMessages.DraftMessage( draft_key, conversation_key, subject, contact_from, contact_names_to, recipients_visible, body, attachment_hashes, is_new = True ) self._conversation.AddDraft( draft ) draft_panel = DraftPanel( self._scrolling_messages_window, draft ) self._draft_keys_to_draft_panels[ draft_key ] = draft_panel self._drafts_vbox.AddF( draft_panel, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) self._scrolling_messages_window.FitInside() def NewMessage( self, conversation_key, message ): if self._conversation is not None and conversation_key == self._conversation.GetConversationKey(): message_key = message.GetMessageKey() if message_key not in self._message_keys_to_message_panels: # if not already here! message_panel = MessagePanel( self._scrolling_messages_window, message, self._identity ) self._message_keys_to_message_panels[ message_key ] = message_panel self._messages_vbox.AddF( message_panel, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) self._conversation.AddMessage( message ) self._scrolling_messages_window.FitInside() class ConversationSplitter( wx.SplitterWindow ): def __init__( self, parent, page_key, identity, conversations = [] ): wx.SplitterWindow.__init__( self, parent ) self._page_key = page_key self._identity = identity self._conversations = conversations self.SetMinimumPaneSize( 180 ) self.SetSashGravity( 0.0 ) self._InitConversationsPanel() self._InitConversationPanel() wx.CallAfter( self.SplitHorizontally, self._conversations_panel, self._conversation_panel, 180 ) wx.CallAfter( self._conversation_panel.Refresh ) HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'SetConversationFocus', 'conversation_focus' ) def _InitConversationsPanel( self ): self._conversations_panel = ConversationsListCtrl( self, self._page_key, self._identity, self._conversations ) def _InitConversationPanel( self ): self._conversation_panel = wx.Window( self ) def SetConversationFocus( self, page_key, conversation ): if page_key == self._page_key: with wx.FrozenWindow( self ): if conversation is None: new_panel = wx.Window( self ) else: new_panel = ConversationPanel( self, self._page_key, self._identity, conversation ) self.ReplaceWindow( self._conversation_panel, new_panel ) self._conversation_panel.Close() self._conversation_panel = new_panel class DestinationPanel( wx.Panel ): def __init__( self, parent, message_key, contact, status, identity ): wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent ) self.SetBackgroundColour( CC.COLOUR_MESSAGE ) self._message_key = message_key self._contact = contact self._contact_key = contact.GetContactKey() self._identity = identity self._status = status name = contact.GetName() name_static_text = wx.StaticText( self, label = name ) if self._contact == self._identity: f = name_static_text.GetFont() f.SetWeight( wx.BOLD ) name_static_text.SetFont( f ) if self._status == 'sent': self._status = 'unread' self._status_panel = self._CreateStatusPanel() self._hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) self._hbox.AddF( name_static_text, FLAGS_MIXED ) self._hbox.AddF( self._status_panel, FLAGS_MIXED ) self.SetSizer( self._hbox ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_MENU, self.EventMenu ) def _CreateStatusPanel( self ): if self._status == 'failed': status_text = wx.StaticText( self, label = self._status ) status_text.SetForegroundColour( ( 128, 0, 0 ) ) status_text.SetCursor( wx.StockCursor( wx.CURSOR_HAND ) ) status_text.Bind( wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.EventRetryMenu ) elif self._status == 'unread': status_text = wx.StaticText( self, label = self._status ) status_text.SetForegroundColour( wx.SystemSettings.GetColour( wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT ) ) status_text.SetCursor( wx.StockCursor( wx.CURSOR_HAND ) ) status_text.Bind( wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.EventReadMenu ) elif self._status == 'read': status_text = wx.StaticText( self, label = self._status ) status_text.SetForegroundColour( wx.SystemSettings.GetColour( wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT ) ) status_text.SetCursor( wx.StockCursor( wx.CURSOR_HAND ) ) status_text.Bind( wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.EventUnreadMenu ) else: status_text = wx.StaticText( self, label = self._status ) status_text.SetForegroundColour( wx.SystemSettings.GetColour( wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT ) ) return status_text def EventMenu( self, event ): action = CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetAction( event.GetId() ) if action is not None: ( command, data ) = action if command in ( 'retry', 'read', 'unread' ): if command == 'retry': status = 'pending' elif command == 'read': status = 'read' elif command == 'unread': status = 'sent' my_message_depot = 'service', self._identity ) connection = my_message_depot.GetConnection() my_public_key = self._identity.GetPublicKey() my_contact_key = self._identity.GetContactKey() contacts_contact_key = self._contact.GetContactKey() status_updates = [] status_key = hashlib.sha256( contacts_contact_key + self._message_key ).digest() packaged_status = HydrusMessageHandling.PackageStatusForDelivery( ( self._message_key, contacts_contact_key, status ), my_public_key ) status_updates = ( ( status_key, packaged_status ), ) connection.Post( 'message_statuses', contact_key = my_contact_key, statuses = status_updates ) 'message_statuses', self._message_key, [ ( self._contact_key, status ) ] ) else: event.Skip() def EventReadMenu( self, event ): menu = wx.Menu() menu.Append( CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetId( 'read' ), 'read' ) self.PopupMenu( menu ) menu.Destroy() def EventRetryMenu( self, event ): menu = wx.Menu() menu.Append( CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetId( 'retry' ), 'retry' ) self.PopupMenu( menu ) menu.Destroy() def EventUnreadMenu( self, event ): menu = wx.Menu() menu.Append( CC.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetId( 'unread' ), 'unread' ) self.PopupMenu( menu ) menu.Destroy() def SetStatus( self, status ): if self._contact == self._identity and status == 'sent': status = 'unread' self._status = status new_status_panel = self._CreateStatusPanel() self._hbox.Replace( self._status_panel, new_status_panel ) self._status_panel.Close() self._status_panel = new_status_panel class DestinationsPanel( wx.Panel ): def __init__( self, parent, message_key, destinations, identity ): wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent ) self.SetBackgroundColour( CC.COLOUR_MESSAGE ) self._message_key = message_key self._my_panels = {} vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) for ( contact, status ) in destinations: destination_panel = DestinationPanel( self, message_key, contact, status, identity ) vbox.AddF( destination_panel, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) self._my_panels[ contact.GetContactKey() ] = destination_panel self.SetSizer( vbox ) HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'UpdateMessageStatuses', 'message_statuses_gui' ) def UpdateMessageStatuses( self, message_key, updates ): if message_key == self._message_key: with wx.FrozenWindow( self ): for ( contact_key, status ) in updates: if contact_key in self._my_panels: self._my_panels[ contact_key ].SetStatus( status ) # doing replace on the destpanels' tricky sizer is a huge pain, hence the size event # has to be postevent, not processevent wx.PostEvent( self.GetParent(), wx.SizeEvent() ) # A whole bunch of this is cribbed from/inspired by the excellent rtc example in the wxPython Demo class DraftBodyPanel( wx.Panel ): ID_BOLD = 0 ID_ITALIC = 1 ID_UNDERLINE = 2 ID_ALIGN_LEFT = 3 ID_ALIGN_CENTER = 4 ID_ALIGN_RIGHT = 5 ID_ALIGN_JUSTIFY = 6 # rtc doesn't yet support this, sadly ID_INDENT_LESS = 7 ID_INDENT_MORE = 8 ID_FONT = 9 ID_FONT_COLOUR = 10 ID_LINK = 11 ID_LINK_BREAK = 12 def __init__( self, parent, xml ): wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent ) self._CreateToolBar() self._CreateRTC( xml ) vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) vbox.AddF( self._toolbar, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) vbox.AddF( self._rtc, FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) self.SetSizer( vbox ) self.SetAcceleratorTable( wx.AcceleratorTable( [ ( wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord( 'b' ), self.ID_BOLD ), ( wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord( 'i' ), self.ID_ITALIC ), ( wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord( 'u' ), self.ID_UNDERLINE ) ] ) ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_TOOL, self.EventToolBar ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI, self.EventUpdateUI ) def _CreateToolBar( self ): self._toolbar = wx.ToolBar( self ) self._toolbar.SetToolBitmapSize( ( 16, 16 ) ) self._toolbar.AddCheckTool( self.ID_BOLD, CC.GlobalBMPs.bold_bmp ) self._toolbar.AddCheckTool( self.ID_ITALIC, CC.GlobalBMPs.italic_bmp ) self._toolbar.AddCheckTool( self.ID_UNDERLINE, CC.GlobalBMPs.underline_bmp ) self._toolbar.AddSeparator() self._toolbar.AddRadioTool( self.ID_ALIGN_LEFT, CC.GlobalBMPs.align_left_bmp ) self._toolbar.AddRadioTool( self.ID_ALIGN_CENTER, CC.GlobalBMPs.align_center_bmp ) self._toolbar.AddRadioTool( self.ID_ALIGN_RIGHT, CC.GlobalBMPs.align_right_bmp ) self._toolbar.AddSeparator() self._toolbar.AddLabelTool( self.ID_INDENT_LESS, 'indent less', CC.GlobalBMPs.indent_less_bmp ) self._toolbar.AddLabelTool( self.ID_INDENT_MORE, 'indent more', CC.GlobalBMPs.indent_more_bmp ) self._toolbar.AddSeparator() self._toolbar.AddLabelTool( self.ID_FONT, 'font', CC.GlobalBMPs.font_bmp ) self._toolbar.AddLabelTool( self.ID_FONT_COLOUR, 'font colour', CC.GlobalBMPs.colour_bmp, shortHelp = 'font colour' ) # font background # message background? self._toolbar.AddSeparator() self._toolbar.AddLabelTool( self.ID_LINK, 'link', CC.GlobalBMPs.link_bmp ) self._toolbar.AddLabelTool( self.ID_LINK_BREAK, 'break link', CC.GlobalBMPs.link_break_bmp ) self._toolbar.Realize() def _CreateRTC( self, xml ): self._rtc = wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl( self, size = ( -1, 300 ), style = wx.WANTS_CHARS | wx.richtext.RE_MULTILINE ) if len( xml ) > 0: xml_handler = wx.richtext.RichTextXMLHandler() stream = cStringIO.StringIO( xml ) xml_handler.LoadStream( self._rtc.GetBuffer(), stream ) def EventUpdateUI( self, event ): self._toolbar.ToggleTool( self.ID_BOLD, self._rtc.IsSelectionBold() ) self._toolbar.ToggleTool( self.ID_ITALIC, self._rtc.IsSelectionItalics() ) self._toolbar.ToggleTool( self.ID_UNDERLINE, self._rtc.IsSelectionUnderlined() ) if self._rtc.IsSelectionAligned( wx.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT ): self._toolbar.ToggleTool( self.ID_ALIGN_LEFT, True ) elif self._rtc.IsSelectionAligned( wx.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER ): self._toolbar.ToggleTool( self.ID_ALIGN_CENTER, True ) elif self._rtc.IsSelectionAligned( wx.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT ): self._toolbar.ToggleTool( self.ID_ALIGN_RIGHT, True ) event.Skip() def EventToolBar( self, event ): id = event.GetId() if id == self.ID_BOLD: self._rtc.ApplyBoldToSelection() elif id == self.ID_ITALIC: self._rtc.ApplyItalicToSelection() elif id == self.ID_UNDERLINE: self._rtc.ApplyUnderlineToSelection() elif id == self.ID_ALIGN_LEFT: self._rtc.ApplyAlignmentToSelection( wx.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT ) elif id == self.ID_ALIGN_CENTER: self._rtc.ApplyAlignmentToSelection( wx.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTRE ) elif id == self.ID_ALIGN_RIGHT: self._rtc.ApplyAlignmentToSelection( wx.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT ) elif id == self.ID_INDENT_LESS: text_attribute = wx.TEXTAttrEx() text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT ) ip = self._rtc.GetInsertionPoint() if self._rtc.GetStyle( ip, text_attribute ): # this copies the current style into text_attribute, returning true if successful if self._rtc.HasSelection(): selection_range = self._rtc.GetSelectionRange() else: selection_range = wx.richtext.RichTextRange( ip, ip ) if text_attribute.GetLeftIndent() >= 100: text_attribute.SetLeftIndent( text_attribute.GetLeftIndent() - 100 ) text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT ) self._rtc.SetStyle( selection_range, text_attribute ) elif id == self.ID_INDENT_MORE: text_attribute = wx.richtext.TextAttrEx() text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT ) ip = self._rtc.GetInsertionPoint() if self._rtc.GetStyle( ip, text_attribute ): # this copies the current style into text_attribute, returning true if successful if self._rtc.HasSelection(): selection_range = self._rtc.GetSelectionRange() else: selection_range = wx.richtext.RichTextRange( ip, ip ) text_attribute.SetLeftIndent( text_attribute.GetLeftIndent() + 100 ) text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT ) self._rtc.SetStyle( selection_range, text_attribute ) elif id == self.ID_FONT: font_data = wx.FontData() font_data.EnableEffects( False ) text_attribute = wx.richtext.TextAttrEx() text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_FONT ) if self._rtc.GetStyle( self._rtc.GetInsertionPoint(), text_attribute ): font_data.SetInitialFont( text_attribute.GetFont() ) with wx.FontDialog( self, font_data ) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: font_data = dlg.GetFontData() font = font_data.GetChosenFont() if not self._rtc.HasSelection(): self._rtc.BeginFont( font ) else: selection_range = self._rtc.GetSelectionRange() text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_FONT ) text_attribute.SetFont( font ) self._rtc.SetStyle( selection_range, text_attribute ) elif id == self.ID_FONT_COLOUR: colour_data = wx.ColourData() text_attribute = wx.richtext.TextAttrEx() text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_TEXT_COLOUR ) if self._rtc.GetStyle( self._rtc.GetInsertionPoint(), text_attribute ): colour_data.SetColour( text_attribute.GetTextColour() ) with wx.ColourDialog( self, colour_data ) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: colour_data = dlg.GetColourData() colour = colour_data.GetColour() if colour: if not self._rtc.HasSelection(): self._rtc.BeginTextColour( colour ) else: selection_range = self._rtc.GetSelectionRange() text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_TEXT_COLOUR ) text_attribute.SetTextColour( colour ) self._rtc.SetStyle( selection_range, text_attribute ) elif id == self.ID_LINK: text_attribute = wx.richtext.TextAttrEx() text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_URL ) ip = self._rtc.GetInsertionPoint() self._rtc.GetStyle( self._rtc.GetInsertionPoint(), text_attribute ) if text_attribute.HasURL(): initial_url = text_attribute.GetURL() else: initial_url = 'http://' with wx.TextEntryDialog( self, 'Enter url', defaultValue = initial_url ) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: url = dlg.GetValue() if self._rtc.HasSelection(): selection_range = self._rtc.GetSelectionRange() else: selection_range = wx.richtext.RichTextRange( ip, ip ) text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_TEXT_COLOUR ) text_attribute.SetTextColour( wx.SystemSettings.GetColour( wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT ) ) text_attribute.SetFontUnderlined( True ) text_attribute.SetURL( url ) self._rtc.SetStyle( selection_range, text_attribute ) elif id == self.ID_LINK_BREAK: if self._rtc.HasSelection(): selection_range = self._rtc.GetSelectionRange() else: selection_range = wx.richtext.RichTextRange( ip, ip ) text_attribute = wx.richtext.TextAttrEx() text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_TEXT_COLOUR ) text_attribute.SetTextColour( wx.SystemSettings.GetColour( wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT ) ) text_attribute.SetFontUnderlined( False ) self._rtc.SetStyle( selection_range, text_attribute ) text_attribute = wx.richtext.TextAttrEx() text_attribute.SetFlags( wx.TEXT_ATTR_URL ) self._rtc.SetStyleEx( selection_range, text_attribute, wx.richtext.RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_REMOVE ) def GetXMLHTML( self ): xml_handler = wx.richtext.RichTextXMLHandler() stream = cStringIO.StringIO() xml_handler.SaveStream( self._rtc.GetBuffer(), stream ) 0 ) xml = html_handler = wx.richtext.RichTextHTMLHandler() html_handler.SetFlags( wx.richtext.RICHTEXT_HANDLER_SAVE_IMAGES_TO_MEMORY ) html_handler.SetFontSizeMapping( [7,9,11,12,14,22,100] ) stream = cStringIO.StringIO() html_handler.SaveStream( self._rtc.GetBuffer(), stream ) 0 ) html = return yaml.safe_dump( ( xml, html ) ) class DraftPanel( wx.Panel ): def __init__( self, parent, draft_message ): wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent ) self.SetBackgroundColour( CC.COLOUR_MESSAGE ) self._compose_key = os.urandom( 32 ) self._draft_message = draft_message ( self._draft_key, self._conversation_key, subject, self._contact_from, contacts_to, recipients_visible, body, attachment_hashes ) = self._draft_message.GetInfo() is_new = self._draft_message.IsNew() self._from = wx.StaticText( self, label = self._contact_from.GetName() ) if not self._draft_message.IsReply(): self._to_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'to' ) self._recipients_list = wx.ListCtrl( self._to_panel, style = wx.LC_LIST | wx.LC_NO_HEADER | wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL ) self._recipients_list.InsertColumn( 0, 'contacts' ) for name in contacts_to: self._recipients_list.Append( ( name, ) ) self._recipients_list.Bind( wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.EventRemove ) self._new_recipient = ClientGUICommon.AutoCompleteDropdownContacts( self._to_panel, self._compose_key, self._contact_from ) self._recipients_visible = wx.CheckBox( self._to_panel ) self._recipients_visible.SetValue( recipients_visible ) self._recipients_visible.Bind( wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.EventChanged ) self._subject_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'subject' ) self._subject = wx.TextCtrl( self._subject_panel, value = subject ) self._subject.Bind( wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.EventChanged ) if body == '': xml = '' else: ( xml, html ) = yaml.safe_load( body ) self._body = DraftBodyPanel( self, xml ) self.Bind( wx.richtext.EVT_RICHTEXT_STYLE_CHANGED, self.EventChanged ) self.Bind( wx.richtext.EVT_RICHTEXT_CHARACTER, self.EventChanged ) self.Bind( wx.richtext.EVT_RICHTEXT_RETURN, self.EventChanged ) self.Bind( wx.richtext.EVT_RICHTEXT_DELETE, self.EventChanged ) self._attachments = wx.TextCtrl( self, value = os.linesep.join( [ hash.encode( 'hex' ) for hash in attachment_hashes ] ), style = wx.TE_MULTILINE ) self._attachments.Bind( wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.EventChanged ) # do thumbnails later! for now, do a listbox or whatever self._send = wx.Button( self, label = 'send' ) self._send.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.EventSend ) self._send.SetForegroundColour( ( 0, 128, 0 ) ) if len( contacts_to ) == 0: self._send.Disable() self._delete_draft = wx.Button( self, label = 'delete' ) self._delete_draft.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.EventDeleteDraft ) self._delete_draft.SetForegroundColour( ( 128, 0, 0 ) ) self._save_draft = wx.Button( self, label = 'save' ) self._save_draft.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.EventSaveDraft ) if is_new: self._draft_changed = True self._delete_draft.SetLabel( 'discard' ) else: self._draft_changed = False self._save_draft.SetLabel( 'saved' ) self._save_draft.Disable() vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) vbox.AddF( self._from, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) if not self._draft_message.IsReply(): recipients_hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) recipients_hbox.AddF( wx.StaticText( self._to_panel, label = 'recipients can see each other' ), FLAGS_MIXED ) recipients_hbox.AddF( self._recipients_visible, FLAGS_MIXED ) self._to_panel.AddF( self._recipients_list, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) self._to_panel.AddF( self._new_recipient, FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON ) self._to_panel.AddF( recipients_hbox, FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZERS ) self._subject_panel.AddF( self._subject, FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) vbox.AddF( self._to_panel, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) vbox.AddF( self._subject_panel, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) vbox.AddF( self._body, FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) #vbox.AddF( wx.StaticText( self, label = 'attachment hashes:' ), FLAGS_MIXED ) #vbox.AddF( self._attachments, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) self._attachments.Hide() button_hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) button_hbox.AddF( self._send, FLAGS_MIXED ) button_hbox.AddF( self._delete_draft, FLAGS_MIXED ) button_hbox.AddF( self._save_draft, FLAGS_MIXED ) vbox.AddF( button_hbox, FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZERS ) self.SetSizer( vbox ) HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'AddContact', 'add_contact' ) HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'DraftSaved', 'draft_saved' ) if not self._draft_message.IsReply(): wx.CallAfter( self._new_recipient.SetFocus ) def _GetDraftMessage( self ): ( self._draft_key, self._conversation_key, subject, self._contact_from, contacts_to, recipients_visible, body, attachment_hashes ) = self._draft_message.GetInfo() if not self._draft_message.IsReply(): subject = self._subject.GetValue() contacts_to = [ self._recipients_list.GetItemText( i ) for i in range( self._recipients_list.GetItemCount() ) ] recipients_visible = self._recipients_visible.GetValue() body = self._body.GetXMLHTML() try: raw_attachments = self._attachments.GetValue() attachment_hashes = [ hash.decode( 'hex' ) for hash in raw_attachments.split( os.linesep ) if hash != '' ] except: attachment_hashes = [] wx.MessageBox( 'Could not parse attachments!' ) return ClientConstantsMessages.DraftMessage( self._draft_key, self._conversation_key, subject, self._contact_from, contacts_to, recipients_visible, body, attachment_hashes ) def AddContact( self, compose_key, name ): if compose_key == self._compose_key: index = self._recipients_list.FindItem( -1, name ) if index == -1: self._recipients_list.Append( ( name, ) ) else: self._recipients_list.DeleteItem( index ) self.EventChanged( None ) def DraftSaved( self, draft_key, draft_message ): if draft_key == self._draft_key: self._draft_changed = False self._save_draft.SetLabel( 'saved' ) self._save_draft.Disable() self._delete_draft.SetLabel( 'delete' ) self._draft_message.Saved() def EventChanged( self, event ): if not self._draft_changed: self._draft_changed = True self._send.Enable() self._save_draft.Enable() if event is not None: event.Skip() def EventDeleteDraft( self, event ): 'delete_draft', self._draft_key ) def EventSend( self, event ): draft_message = self._GetDraftMessage() transport_messages = 'transport_messages_from_draft', draft_message ) if self._contact_from.GetName() != 'Anonymous': try: my_message_depot = 'service', self._contact_from ) connection = my_message_depot.GetConnection() my_public_key = self._contact_from.GetPublicKey() my_contact_key = self._contact_from.GetContactKey() for transport_message in transport_messages: packaged_message = HydrusMessageHandling.PackageMessageForDelivery( transport_message, my_public_key ) connection.Post( 'message', contact_key = my_contact_key, message = packaged_message ) message_key = transport_message.GetMessageKey() status_updates = [] for contact_to in transport_message.GetContactsTo(): contact_to_key = contact_to.GetContactKey() status_key = hashlib.sha256( contact_to_key + message_key ).digest() status = HydrusMessageHandling.PackageStatusForDelivery( ( message_key, contact_to_key, 'pending' ), my_public_key ) status_updates.append( ( status_key, status ) ) connection.Post( 'message_statuses', contact_key = my_contact_key, statuses = status_updates ) except: message = 'The hydrus client could not connect to your message depot, so the message could not be sent!' HC.ShowText( message ) return for transport_message in transport_messages: 'message', transport_message, forced_status = 'pending' ) draft_key = draft_message.GetDraftKey() 'delete_draft', draft_key ) def EventSaveDraft( self, event ): draft_message = self._GetDraftMessage() 'draft_message', draft_message ) def EventRemove( self, event ): selection = self._recipients_list.GetFirstSelected() if selection != wx.NOT_FOUND: self._recipients_list.DeleteItem( selection ) self.EventChanged( None ) def GetConversationKey( self ): return self._conversation_key def GetDraftKey( self ): return self._draft_key class MessageHTML( wx.html.HtmlWindow ): def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): kwargs[ 'style' ] = wx.html.HW_SCROLLBAR_NEVER wx.html.HtmlWindow.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, self.EventScroll ) self.SetRelatedFrame( wx.GetTopLevelParent( self ), '%s' ) self.SetRelatedStatusBar( 0 ) def EventScroll( self, event ): sw = self.GetParent().GetParent() sw.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent( event ) def GetClientSize( self ): return self.GetSize() def OnLinkClicked( self, link ): link.GetHref() ) def OnOpeningURL( self, type, url, redirect ): return wx.html.HTML_BLOCK class MessagePanel( wx.Panel ): def __init__( self, parent, message, identity ): wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent ) self.SetBackgroundColour( CC.COLOUR_MESSAGE ) self._message = message self._identity = identity vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) contact_from = self._message.GetContactFrom() if contact_from is None: name = 'Anonymous' else: name = self._message.GetContactFrom().GetName() #vbox.AddF( wx.StaticText( self, label = name + ', ' + HC.ConvertTimestampToPrettyAgo( self._message.GetTimestamp() ) ), FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) vbox.AddF( ClientGUICommon.AnimatedStaticTextTimestamp( self, name + ', ', HC.ConvertTimestampToPrettyAgo, self._message.GetTimestamp(), '' ), FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) body = self._message.GetBody() display_body = not ( body is None or body == '' ) if display_body: self._body_panel = wx.Panel( self ) wx.CallAfter( self.SetBody, body ) else: self._body_panel = wx.StaticText( self, label = 'no body' ) self._message_key = self._message.GetMessageKey() destinations = self._message.GetDestinations() self._destinations_panel = DestinationsPanel( self, self._message_key, destinations, identity ) self._hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) self._hbox.AddF( self._body_panel, FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) self._hbox.AddF( self._destinations_panel, FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) vbox.AddF( self._hbox, FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS ) # vbox.AddF( some kind of attachment window! ) self.SetSizer( vbox ) def SetBody( self, body ): with wx.FrozenWindow( self ): ( width, height ) = self._body_panel.GetClientSize() body_panel = MessageHTML( self, size = ( width, -1 ) ) body_panel.SetPage( body ) internal = body_panel.GetInternalRepresentation() body_panel.SetSize( ( -1, internal.GetHeight() ) ) self._hbox.Replace( self._body_panel, body_panel ) self._body_panel.Close() self._body_panel = body_panel self.Layout() self.GetParent().FitInside()