setting up a server

Would you—

If so, you may wish to try running your own server. But first:

still keen?

If this stuff be-fuzzles you, and you just want a simple server set up on the same computer you run the client, you can now go help->i don't know what I am doing->just set up the server on this computer, please and you _should_ be all set up with an admin service and tag/file repos automatically.

In discussing the hydrus network's server, I shall use two terms, server and service, to mean two distinct concepts:

Setting up a hydrus server is easy compared to, say, Apache. There are no .conf files to mess about with, and everything is controlled through the client. When started, the server does nothing more visible than placing an icon in your system tray. Right click that, and you only get an option to exit.

The basic process for setting up a server is thus:

Let us look at these steps in more detail:

start the server

Since the server and client have so much common code, I have packaged them together. If you have the client, you have the server. To start it, you can hit the shortcut in your start menu or just go straight for server.exe/.pyw in the install directory. It will first try to take port 45870 or its administration interface, so make sure that is free. Open your firewall as appropriate.

set up the client

In the services->manage services dialog, go to the servers admin tab, give your server admin interface a nickname and set the credentials to whatever-hostname:45870. Don't enter any access key. Ok those changes, and go to review services.

On the tab+page for your new server, hit the initialise button. If you have everything set right, the server should generate its first administrator account and return the access key, which the client will automatically set to the account for you.


If you lose your admin access key, there is no way to get it back, and if you are not sqlite-proficient, you'll have to restart from the beginning by deleting your server's database files.

If the client can't connect to the server, it is either not running or you have a firewall/port-mapping problem. If you want a quick way to test the server's visibility, just put its host:port into your browser; if working, it should return some simple html identifying itself.

set up the server

You should notice a new menu, 'admin', in the client gui. This is where you control most server-wide stuff. admin->your server->options does exactly what you think.

admin->your server->manage services lets you add, edit, and delete the services your server runs. Every time you add one, you will also be added as that service's first administrator.

Once you add a new service, the admin menu should give you another entry. Everything is fairly self-explanatory.

making accounts

Go admin->your service->create new accounts to create new registration keys. Send the registration keys to the users you want to give these new accounts. Remember that a registration key will only work once, so if you want to give several people the same account, they will have to share the access key amongst themselves once one of them has registered the account. (Or, you can register the account yourself and send them all the access key. Do what you like!)

Go admin->manage account types to add, remove, or edit account types. Make sure everyone has at least downloader (get_data) permissions so they can stay synchronised.

You can create as many accounts of whatever kind you like, and distribute them the same. Depending on your usage scenario, you may want to have all uploaders, one uploader and many downloaders, or just a single administrator. There are many combinations.

It is your server, so do what you like.

On that note: python is simple enough that changes to the source are easy. If you want to auto-ban anyone who does not fit a certain quota, it is not that hard to find where the magic happens and alter it. Just do not test your changes on a live repository!


The most important part is to have fun! There are no losers on the INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY.


I honestly hope you can get some benefit out of my code, whether just as a backup or as part of a far more complex system. Please mail me your comments as I am keen to make improvements.

btw, how to backup a repo's db

All of a server's files and options are stored in its accompanying .db file and respective subdirectories, which are created on first startup (just like with the client). You can backup and restore these files just by copying them about, but you have to be careful how you do it with a server; when it is running, it has a live connection to its database, and all sorts of things could be written or read at any time. If you just try to copy the .db somewhere and someone uploads a file, something might break. Instead, you have two options:


If you get to a point where you can no longer boot the repository, try running SQLite Studio and opening server.db. If the issue is simple—like manually changing the port number—you may be in luck. Send me an email if it is tricky.

If you somehow damage your computer and want to blame me, try taking some responsibility for your mistakes. Everything is breaking all the time. Make backups.