first off
I have purposely not pre-baked this into the client's install. You have to put it in yourself. The client won't connect anywhere until you tell it to.
access keys
If this stuff be-fuzzles you, you can now go help->i don't know what I am doing->just set up some repositories for me, please and you _should_ be all set up automatically.
I run a public, objective tag repository that you are welcome to contribute to. I also run a read-only file repository that you can search to get a feel for the interface. The files on my file repo are appropriately tagged in my tag repo.
Here's the info so you can copy it:
- public tag repository:
- read-only file repository:
Tags are rich, cpu-intensive metadata. My repository has millions of mappings (about 70MB of network data, at last count), so expect your computer to take hours to synchronise fully. You can close the client at any time, and it will continue where it left off when it next boots. If it is slowing your normal browsing, you can pause it at services->pause->repositories synchronisation.