import ClientConstants as CC import httplib import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusServer import HydrusServerResources import itertools import os import ServerConstants as SC import shutil import stat import TestConstants import time import threading import unittest from twisted.internet import reactor class TestServer( unittest.TestCase ): @classmethod def setUpClass( self ): threading.Thread( target =, kwargs = { 'installSignalHandlers' : 0 } ).start() services = [] self._local_service_identifier = HC.ServerServiceIdentifier( 'local file', HC.LOCAL_FILE ) self._file_service_identifier = HC.ServerServiceIdentifier( 'file service', HC.FILE_REPOSITORY ) self._tag_service_identifier = HC.ServerServiceIdentifier( 'tag service', HC.TAG_REPOSITORY ) permissions = [ HC.GET_DATA, HC.POST_DATA, HC.POST_PETITIONS, HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS, HC.MANAGE_USERS, HC.GENERAL_ADMIN, HC.EDIT_SERVICES ] account_id = 1 account_type = HC.AccountType( 'account', permissions, ( None, None ) ) created = HC.GetNow() - 100000 expires = None used_data = ( 0, 0 ) self._account = HC.Account( account_id, account_type, created, expires, used_data ) self._access_key = os.urandom( 32 ) self._file_hash = os.urandom( 32 ) def TWISTEDSetup(): reactor.listenTCP( HC.DEFAULT_SERVER_ADMIN_PORT, HydrusServer.HydrusServiceAdmin( HC.SERVER_ADMIN_IDENTIFIER, 'hello' ) ) reactor.listenTCP( HC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_FILE_PORT, HydrusServer.HydrusServiceLocal( self._local_service_identifier, 'hello' ) ) reactor.listenTCP( HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT, HydrusServer.HydrusServiceRepositoryFile( self._file_service_identifier, 'hello' ) ) reactor.listenTCP( HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT + 1, HydrusServer.HydrusServiceRepositoryTag( self._tag_service_identifier, 'hello' ) ) reactor.callFromThread( TWISTEDSetup ) time.sleep( 1 ) @classmethod def tearDownClass( self ): reactor.callFromThread( reactor.stop ) def _test_basics( self, host, port ): connection = httplib.HTTPConnection( host, port, timeout = 10 ) # connection.request( 'GET', '/' ) response = connection.getresponse() data = p1 = data == HydrusServerResources.CLIENT_ROOT_MESSAGE p2 = data == HydrusServerResources.ROOT_MESSAGE_BEGIN + 'hello' + HydrusServerResources.ROOT_MESSAGE_END self.assertTrue( p1 or p2 ) # with open( HC.STATIC_DIR + os.path.sep + 'hydrus.ico', 'rb' ) as f: favicon = connection.request( 'GET', '/favicon.ico' ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( data, favicon ) def _test_local_file( self, host, port ): connection = httplib.HTTPConnection( host, port, timeout = 10 ) # path = CC.GetExpectedFilePath( self._file_hash, HC.IMAGE_JPEG ) with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( 'file' ) connection.request( 'GET', '/file?hash=' + self._file_hash.encode( 'hex' ) ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( data, 'file' ) try: os.remove( path ) except: pass # path = CC.GetExpectedThumbnailPath( self._file_hash ) with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( 'thumb' ) connection.request( 'GET', '/thumbnail?hash=' + self._file_hash.encode( 'hex' ) ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( data, 'thumb' ) try: os.remove( path ) except: pass def _test_file_repo( self, host, port ): # set up connection service_identifier = HC.ClientServiceIdentifier( os.urandom( 32 ), HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, 'service' ) credentials = CC.Credentials( host, port, self._access_key ) connection = CC.ConnectionToService( service_identifier, credentials ) file_connection = httplib.HTTPConnection( host, port, timeout = 10 ) # file path = SC.GetExpectedPath( 'file', self._file_hash ) with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( 'file' ) response = connection.Get( 'file', hash = self._file_hash.encode( 'hex' ) ) self.assertEqual( response, 'file' ) try: os.remove( path ) except: pass path = HC.STATIC_DIR + os.path.sep + 'hydrus.png' with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: file = connection.Post( 'file', file = file ) written = 'file' ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = written ( written_service_identifier, written_account, written_file_dict ) = args self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'hash' ], '\xadm5\x99\xa6\xc4\x89\xa5u\xeb\x19\xc0&\xfa\xce\x97\xa9\xcdey\xe7G(\xb0\xce\x94\xa6\x01\xd22\xf3\xc3' ) self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'ip' ], '' ) self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'height' ], 200 ) self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'width' ], 200 ) self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'mime' ], 2 ) self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'size' ], 5270 ) # ip ( ip, timestamp ) = ( '', HC.GetNow() - 100000 ) 'ip', ( ip, timestamp ) ) response = connection.Get( 'ip', hash = self._file_hash.encode( 'hex' ) ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'ip' ], ip ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'timestamp' ], timestamp ) # thumbnail path = SC.GetExpectedPath( 'thumbnail', self._file_hash ) with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( 'thumb' ) response = connection.Get( 'thumbnail', hash = self._file_hash.encode( 'hex' ) ) self.assertEqual( response, 'thumb' ) try: os.remove( path ) except: pass def _test_repo( self, host, port, service_type ): # set up connection service_identifier = HC.ClientServiceIdentifier( os.urandom( 32 ), service_type, 'service' ) credentials = CC.Credentials( host, port, self._access_key ) connection = CC.ConnectionToService( service_identifier, credentials ) # news news = 'this is the news' connection.Post( 'news', news = news ) written = 'news' ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = written ( written_service_identifier, written_news ) = args self.assertEqual( news, written_news ) # num_petitions num_petitions = 23 'num_petitions', num_petitions ) response = connection.Get( 'num_petitions' ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'num_petitions' ], num_petitions ) # petition petition = 'petition' 'petition', petition ) response = connection.Get( 'petition' ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'petition' ], petition ) # update update = 'update' update_key = os.urandom( 32 ) path = SC.GetExpectedPath( 'update', update_key ) with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( update ) 'update_key', update_key ) response = connection.Get( 'update', begin = 100 ) self.assertEqual( response, update ) try: os.remove( path ) except: pass connection.Post( 'update', update = update ) written = 'update' ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = written ( written_service_identifier, written_account, written_update ) = args self.assertEqual( update, written_update ) def _test_restricted( self, host, port, service_type ): # access_key registration_key = os.urandom( 32 ) 'access_key', self._access_key ) connection = HC.get_connection( host = host, port = port ) headers = {} headers[ 'Hydrus-Key' ] = registration_key.encode( 'hex' ) response = connection.request( 'GET', '/access_key', headers = headers ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'access_key' ], self._access_key ) # set up connection service_identifier = HC.ClientServiceIdentifier( os.urandom( 32 ), service_type, 'service' ) credentials = CC.Credentials( host, port, self._access_key ) connection = CC.ConnectionToService( service_identifier, credentials ) # set up session last_error = 0 account = self._account service_for_session_manager = CC.ServiceRemoteRestricted( service_identifier, credentials, last_error, account ) 'service', service_for_session_manager ) 'account', self._account ) # account response = connection.Get( 'account' ) self.assertEqual( repr( response[ 'account' ] ), repr( self._account ) ) # account_info account_info = { 'message' : 'hello' } 'account_info', account_info ) response = connection.Get( 'account_info', subject_account_id = 1 ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'account_info' ], account_info ) response = connection.Get( 'account_info', subject_access_key = os.urandom( 32 ).encode( 'hex' ) ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'account_info' ], account_info ) response = connection.Get( 'account_info', subject_hash = os.urandom( 32 ).encode( 'hex' ) ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'account_info' ], account_info ) response = connection.Get( 'account_info', subject_hash = os.urandom( 32 ).encode( 'hex' ), subject_tag = 'hello'.encode( 'hex' ) ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'account_info' ], account_info ) # account_types account_types = { 'message' : 'hello' } 'account_types', account_types ) response = connection.Get( 'account_types' ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'account_types' ], account_types ) edit_log = 'blah' connection.Post( 'account_types', edit_log = edit_log ) written = 'account_types' ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = written ( written_service_identifier, written_edit_log ) = args self.assertEqual( edit_log, written_edit_log ) # registration_keys registration_key = os.urandom( 32 ) 'registration_keys', [ registration_key ] ) response = connection.Get( 'registration_keys', num = 1, title = 'blah' ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'registration_keys' ], [ registration_key ] ) response = connection.Get( 'registration_keys', num = 1, title = 'blah', expiration = 100 ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'registration_keys' ], [ registration_key ] ) # stats stats = { 'message' : 'hello' } 'stats', stats ) response = connection.Get( 'stats' ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'stats' ], stats ) def _test_server_admin( self, host, port ): # set up init connection service_identifier = HC.ClientServiceIdentifier( os.urandom( 32 ), HC.SERVER_ADMIN, 'server admin' ) credentials = CC.Credentials( host, port ) connection = CC.ConnectionToService( service_identifier, credentials ) # init access_key = os.urandom( 32 ) 'init', access_key ) response = connection.Get( 'init' ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'access_key' ], access_key ) # set up connection credentials = CC.Credentials( host, port, self._access_key ) connection = CC.ConnectionToService( service_identifier, credentials ) # backup response = connection.Post( 'backup' ) # services services = { 'message' : 'hello' } 'services', services ) response = connection.Get( 'services' ) self.assertEqual( response[ 'services_info' ], services ) edit_log = 'blah' connection.Post( 'services', edit_log = edit_log ) written = 'services' ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = written ( written_service_identifier, written_edit_log ) = args self.assertEqual( edit_log, written_edit_log ) def _test_tag_repo( self, host, port ): pass def test_local_service( self ): host = '' port = HC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_FILE_PORT self._test_basics( host, port ) self._test_local_file( host, port ) def test_repository_file( self ): host = '' port = HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT self._test_basics( host, port ) self._test_restricted( host, port, HC.FILE_REPOSITORY ) self._test_repo( host, port, HC.FILE_REPOSITORY ) self._test_file_repo( host, port ) def test_repository_tag( self ): host = '' port = HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT + 1 self._test_basics( host, port ) self._test_restricted( host, port, HC.TAG_REPOSITORY ) self._test_repo( host, port, HC.TAG_REPOSITORY ) self._test_tag_repo( host, port ) def test_server_admin( self ): host = '' port = HC.DEFAULT_SERVER_ADMIN_PORT self._test_basics( host, port ) self._test_restricted( host, port, HC.SERVER_ADMIN ) self._test_server_admin( host, port )