# useful template here https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Python.gitignore # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files __pycache__/ *.py[cod] *$py.class ### IDE's ## IntelliJ and related IDE's (RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm) *.iml # Directory-based project format: .idea/ ## Eclipse *.pydevproject .metadata .gradle tmp/ *.tmp *.bak *.swp *~.nib local.properties .settings/ .loadpath # Eclipse Core .project # External tool builders .externalToolBuilders/ # Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations" *.launch ### Some rules to keep out installation-specific stuff that's generated when Hydrus is run from source logs/ crash.log # user's db files # I nonetheless recommend you use the -d switch to put your db somewhere else if you run and update from git source /db/*.db /db/*.db-shm /db/*.db-wal /db/*.crt /db/*.key /db/*.log /db/*.conf /db/client_files/ /db/server_files/ /db/missing_and_invalid_files/ # in case user adds their own /bin/ffmpeg.exe /mpv-1.dll /mpv-2.dll /sqlite3.dll # Environments .env .venv env/ venv/ ENV/ env.bak/ venv.bak/ # User-changeable files /client-user.bat # docs builds /site/ /help/