The PTR is under bandwidth stress right now. More options to sync are likely to come in the coming months. To jump the queue, you can download a mirror of the PTR's files here and import them under the services->import repository update files menu entry.
first off
I have purposely not pre-baked this into the client's install. You have to put it in yourself. The client won't connect anywhere until you tell it to.
access keys
@@ -23,4 +24,4 @@If you are an advanced user, you can manually export (services->review services->export updates if advanced mode is on) and import (services->import repository update files) the update files a repository gives your client to save you redownloading them elsewhere. If you want to set up a PTR client a bit quicker than usual (and you understand the processing routine and the delays it can expeience if it encounters thousands of new update files at once), check the update archive here.