version 134
+ - updated to wx +
- fixed a critical media scrolling bug due to the wx update +
- improved some bad media scrolling code, sped things up a bit +
- fixed 'top' and 'bottom' media scrolling events +
- fixed a typo that meant the default fullscreen media browsing shortcuts were ctrl+ appended rather than working on their own +
- overly-verbose errors and other text popups are now cropped to 1KB for gui display, with a notice. the full message will be printed to the log as usual +
- improved how severe boot crashes are reported +
- fixed a bit of text-reporting code that wasn't handling non-text very well +
- improved handling of a weird popup message manager error +
- fixed an occasional overhasty cleanup error in the checkimportfolders daemon +
- added options for default values for the thread watcher's number of times to check and check period +
- fixed the thread watcher complaining about closing when the checking was finished +
- optimised some id generating code to stop spamming the id cache, which I think was overloading after a while and causing weird PyAssertionErrors +
- neatened autocomplete dropdown service storage and menu id generation +
- improved menu id generation for tagbox +
- fixed opening new petition page from view menu +
- added a 'this might take ages' warning yes/no dialog when trying to delete a tag service +
- added a little popup message info to report on progress when deleting a tag service +
- added some server db testing +
- fixed an error when double-clicking a tag in a page without search predicates +
- updated some help links from mediafire to the new github releases page +
- fixed a typo bug in server db's account flushing code +
version 133
- reworked the add file process to correct file repository file counts diff --git a/help/contact.html b/help/contact.html index f9745e82..14912aec 100755 --- a/help/contact.html +++ b/help/contact.html @@ -8,14 +8,15 @@
- Rockford, IL, 61126
contact and links
Please send bug reports straight to my email or forum. Your other ideas and comments are always welcome.
-I don't really do chat, and I don't get caught up in the social stuff on twitter/tumblr. If you want to tell me something, please just send me a mail. I like to spend a day or so to think before replying to non-urgent emails, but I do reply to everything. If I said I was going to work on something you care about and seem to have forgotten about it, please do nudge me.
-If you have a problem with something on someone's file repository, please, do not come to me, as I can in no way help with your problem. If your ex-gf's nudes have leaked onto the internet, or you find something terribly offensive, or you just plain hate the free flow of information, I cannot help you at all.
+I don't really do chat, and I don't get caught up in the social stuff on twitter/tumblr. I like to spend a day or so to think before replying to non-urgent emails, but I do reply to everything.
+I delete all tweets and resolved email conversations after three months. So, if you think you are waiting for a reply, or I said I was going to work on something you care about and seem to have forgotten, please do nudge me.
+If you have a problem with something on someone else's server, please, do not come to me, as I cannot help. If your ex-gf's nudes have leaked onto the internet, or you find something terribly offensive, or you just plain hate the free flow of information, I cannot help you at all.
If you would like to send me something physical, you can use my PO Box:
@@ -23,7 +24,6 @@
I try to make my work good and cheap. As a result, I am not very fast. Whenever I say 'x should be done within a week', please don't believe my optimism.