<p>Please send bug reports straight to my email or forum. Your other ideas and comments are always welcome.</p>
<p>I don't really do chat, and I don't get caught up in the social stuff on twitter/tumblr. If you want to tell me something, please just send me a mail. I like to spend a day or so to think before replying to non-urgent emails, but I do reply to everything. If I said I was going to work on something you care about and seem to have forgotten about it, please do nudge me.</p>
<p>If you have a problem with something on someone's file repository, please, <spanclass="warning">do not come to me</span>, as I can in no way help with your problem. If your ex-gf's nudes have leaked onto the internet, or you find something terribly offensive, or you just plain hate the free flow of information, I cannot help you at all.</p>
<p>I try to make my work <ahref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_triangle">good and cheap</a>. As a result, I am not very fast. Whenever I say 'x should be done within a week', please don't believe my optimism.</p>