<li>date- and other kinds of namespace-parsing</li>
<li>drag and drop export, if I ever get round to learning shell programming</li>
<li>client file-sync over several computers</li>
<li>(given session management) http login form or background javascript so browsers can load images straight from a file repo</li>
<liclass="lololol">develop Hydrus CopyScan Technology™® to ensure no one ever ever violates copyright law®, ensuring intellectual property jobs stay in America, #1!</li>
<li>better download management</li>
<li>UPnP for auto-NAT traversal</li>
<li>cleverer downloads, with http resume (setting up support for larger, non-image files)</li>
<li>download rules (a bit like rss), so certain-tagged and -propertied files are automatically downloaded</li>
<li>hierarchical sync, so lib can sync files/tags from another version of lib</li>
<liclass="lololol">compiling statistics on users' files and submitting to a central repository, access to which I can sell to advertisers and market research groups</li>
<li>more view types, not just a grid of thumbs</li>
<li>mouse gestures? wx seems to support them, but I don't know how good they are</li>
<li>completely bug-free animated gif rendering (lol, not likely)</li>
<li>tag synonyms</li>
<li>tag children/parents</li>
<li>undo/redo on most basic operations</li>
<li>remote ratings</li>
<li>And much, much, more! My to-do list is perpetually overfull.</li>
<h3>a looooong way into the future</h3>
<li>efficiently-packed short animations with synched audio (noisy gifs)</li>