1435 lines
54 KiB
1435 lines
54 KiB
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class ShowFunctionConfigResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'func_id': 'str',
'resource_id': 'str',
'func_urn': 'str',
'func_name': 'str',
'domain_id': 'str',
'namespace': 'str',
'project_name': 'str',
'package': 'str',
'runtime': 'str',
'timeout': 'int',
'handler': 'str',
'memory_size': 'int',
'gpu_memory': 'int',
'cpu': 'int',
'code_type': 'str',
'code_url': 'str',
'code_filename': 'str',
'code_size': 'int',
'user_data': 'str',
'encrypted_user_data': 'str',
'digest': 'str',
'version': 'str',
'image_name': 'str',
'xrole': 'str',
'app_xrole': 'str',
'description': 'str',
'last_modified': 'datetime',
'ephemeral_storage': 'int',
'func_vpc': 'FuncVpc',
'mount_config': 'MountConfig',
'depend_list': 'list[str]',
'depend_version_list': 'list[str]',
'strategy_config': 'StrategyConfig',
'dependencies': 'list[Dependency]',
'initializer_handler': 'str',
'initializer_timeout': 'int',
'pre_stop_handler': 'str',
'pre_stop_timeout': 'int',
'enterprise_project_id': 'str',
'long_time': 'bool',
'log_group_id': 'str',
'log_stream_id': 'str',
'type': 'str',
'enable_dynamic_memory': 'bool',
'is_stateful_function': 'bool',
'enable_auth_in_header': 'bool',
'custom_image': 'CustomImage'
attribute_map = {
'func_id': 'func_id',
'resource_id': 'resource_id',
'func_urn': 'func_urn',
'func_name': 'func_name',
'domain_id': 'domain_id',
'namespace': 'namespace',
'project_name': 'project_name',
'package': 'package',
'runtime': 'runtime',
'timeout': 'timeout',
'handler': 'handler',
'memory_size': 'memory_size',
'gpu_memory': 'gpu_memory',
'cpu': 'cpu',
'code_type': 'code_type',
'code_url': 'code_url',
'code_filename': 'code_filename',
'code_size': 'code_size',
'user_data': 'user_data',
'encrypted_user_data': 'encrypted_user_data',
'digest': 'digest',
'version': 'version',
'image_name': 'image_name',
'xrole': 'xrole',
'app_xrole': 'app_xrole',
'description': 'description',
'last_modified': 'last_modified',
'ephemeral_storage': 'ephemeral_storage',
'func_vpc': 'func_vpc',
'mount_config': 'mount_config',
'depend_list': 'depend_list',
'depend_version_list': 'depend_version_list',
'strategy_config': 'strategy_config',
'dependencies': 'dependencies',
'initializer_handler': 'initializer_handler',
'initializer_timeout': 'initializer_timeout',
'pre_stop_handler': 'pre_stop_handler',
'pre_stop_timeout': 'pre_stop_timeout',
'enterprise_project_id': 'enterprise_project_id',
'long_time': 'long_time',
'log_group_id': 'log_group_id',
'log_stream_id': 'log_stream_id',
'type': 'type',
'enable_dynamic_memory': 'enable_dynamic_memory',
'is_stateful_function': 'is_stateful_function',
'enable_auth_in_header': 'enable_auth_in_header',
'custom_image': 'custom_image'
def __init__(self, func_id=None, resource_id=None, func_urn=None, func_name=None, domain_id=None, namespace=None, project_name=None, package=None, runtime=None, timeout=None, handler=None, memory_size=None, gpu_memory=None, cpu=None, code_type=None, code_url=None, code_filename=None, code_size=None, user_data=None, encrypted_user_data=None, digest=None, version=None, image_name=None, xrole=None, app_xrole=None, description=None, last_modified=None, ephemeral_storage=None, func_vpc=None, mount_config=None, depend_list=None, depend_version_list=None, strategy_config=None, dependencies=None, initializer_handler=None, initializer_timeout=None, pre_stop_handler=None, pre_stop_timeout=None, enterprise_project_id=None, long_time=None, log_group_id=None, log_stream_id=None, type=None, enable_dynamic_memory=None, is_stateful_function=None, enable_auth_in_header=None, custom_image=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param func_id: 函数id,唯一标识函数。
:type func_id: str
:param resource_id: 资源id。
:type resource_id: str
:param func_urn: 函数的URN(Uniform Resource Name),唯一标识函数。
:type func_urn: str
:param func_name: 函数名称。
:type func_name: str
:param domain_id: 域名id。
:type domain_id: str
:param namespace: 租户的project id。
:type namespace: str
:param project_name: 租户的project name。
:type project_name: str
:param package: 函数所属的分组Package,用于用户针对函数的自定义分组。
:type package: str
:param runtime: FunctionGraph函数的执行环境 Python2.7: Python语言2.7版本。 Python3.6: Pyton语言3.6版本。 Python3.9: Python语言3.9版本。 Go1.8: Go语言1.8版本。 Go1.x: Go语言1.x版本。 Java8: Java语言8版本。 Java11: Java语言11版本。 Node.js6.10: Nodejs语言6.10版本。 Node.js8.10: Nodejs语言8.10版本。 Node.js10.16: Nodejs语言10.16版本。 Node.js12.13: Nodejs语言12.13版本。 Node.js14.18: Nodejs语言14.18版本。 C#(.NET Core 2.0): C#语言2.0版本。 C#(.NET Core 2.1): C#语言2.1版本。 C#(.NET Core 3.1): C#语言3.1版本。 Custom: 自定义运行时。 PHP7.3: Php语言7.3版本。 http: HTTP函数。
:type runtime: str
:param timeout: 函数执行超时时间,超时函数将被强行停止,范围3~900秒,可以通过白名单配置延长到12小时,具体可以咨询客服进行配置
:type timeout: int
:param handler: 函数执行入口 规则:xx.xx,必须包含“. ” 举例:对于node.js函数:myfunction.handler,则表示函数的文件名为myfunction.js,执行的入口函数名为handler。
:type handler: str
:param memory_size: 函数消耗的内存。 单位M。 取值范围为:128、256、512、768、1024、1280、1536、1792、2048、2560、3072、3584、4096。 最小值为128,最大值为4096。
:type memory_size: int
:param gpu_memory: 函数消耗的显存,只支持自定义运行时与自定义镜像函数配置GPU。 单位MB。 取值范围为:1024、2048、3072、4096、5120、6144、7168、8192、9216、10240、11264、12288、13312、14336、15360、16384。 最小值为1024,最大值为16384。
:type gpu_memory: int
:param cpu: 函数占用的cpu资源。 单位为millicore(1 core=1000 millicores)。 取值与MemorySize成比例,默认是128M内存占0.1个核(100 millicores)。
:type cpu: int
:param code_type: 函数代码类型,取值有4种。 inline: UI在线编辑代码。 zip: 函数代码为zip包。 obs: 函数代码来源于obs存储。 jar: 函数代码为jar包,主要针对Java函数。
:type code_type: str
:param code_url: 当CodeType为obs时,该值为函数代码包在OBS上的地址,CodeType为其他值时,该字段为空。
:type code_url: str
:param code_filename: 函数的文件名,当CodeType为jar/zip时必须提供该字段,inline和obs不需要提供。
:type code_filename: str
:param code_size: 函数大小,单位:字节。
:type code_size: int
:param user_data: 用户自定义的name/value信息。 在函数中使用的参数。 举例:如函数要访问某个主机,可以设置自定义参数:Host={host_ip},最多定义20个,总长度不超过4KB。
:type user_data: str
:param encrypted_user_data: 用户自定义的name/value信息,用于需要加密的配置。
:type encrypted_user_data: str
:param digest: 函数代码SHA512 hash值,用于判断函数是否变化。
:type digest: str
:param version: 函数版本号,由系统自动生成,规则:vYYYYMMDD-HHMMSS(v+年月日-时分秒)。
:type version: str
:param image_name: 函数版本的内部标识。
:type image_name: str
:param xrole: 函数使用的权限委托名称,需要IAM支持,并在IAM界面创建委托,当函数需要访问其他服务时,必须提供该字段。
:type xrole: str
:param app_xrole: 函数app使用的权限委托名称,需要IAM支持,并在IAM界面创建委托,当函数需要访问其他服务时,必须提供该字段。
:type app_xrole: str
:param description: 函数描述。
:type description: str
:param last_modified: 函数最后一次更新时间。
:type last_modified: datetime
:param ephemeral_storage: 临时存储大小。
:type ephemeral_storage: int
:param func_vpc:
:type func_vpc: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.FuncVpc`
:param mount_config:
:type mount_config: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.MountConfig`
:param depend_list: 依赖id列表
:type depend_list: list[str]
:param depend_version_list: 依赖版本id列表
:type depend_version_list: list[str]
:param strategy_config:
:type strategy_config: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.StrategyConfig`
:param dependencies: 函数依赖代码包列表。
:type dependencies: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.Dependency`]
:param initializer_handler: 函数初始化入口,规则:xx.xx,必须包含“. ”。 举例:对于node.js函数:myfunction.initializer,则表示函数的文件名为myfunction.js,初始化的入口函数名为initializer。
:type initializer_handler: str
:param initializer_timeout: 初始化超时时间,超时函数将被强行停止,范围1~300秒。
:type initializer_timeout: int
:param pre_stop_handler: 函数预停止函数的入口,规则:xx.xx,必须包含“. ”。 举例:对于node.js函数:myfunction.pre_stop_handler,则表示函数的文件名为myfunction.js,初始化的入口函数名为pre_stop_handler。
:type pre_stop_handler: str
:param pre_stop_timeout: 初始化超时时间,超时函数将被强行停止,范围1~90秒。
:type pre_stop_timeout: int
:param enterprise_project_id: 企业项目ID,在企业用户创建函数时必填。
:type enterprise_project_id: str
:param long_time: 是否允许进行长时间超时设置。
:type long_time: bool
:param log_group_id: 自定义日志查询组id
:type log_group_id: str
:param log_stream_id: 自定义日志查询流id
:type log_stream_id: str
:param type: v2表示为公测版本,v1为原来版本。
:type type: str
:param enable_dynamic_memory: 是否允许动态内存配置
:type enable_dynamic_memory: bool
:param is_stateful_function: 是否支持有状态,如果需要支持,需要固定传参为true,v2版本支持
:type is_stateful_function: bool
:param enable_auth_in_header: 是否允许在请求头中添加鉴权信息
:type enable_auth_in_header: bool
:param custom_image:
:type custom_image: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.CustomImage`
super(ShowFunctionConfigResponse, self).__init__()
self._func_id = None
self._resource_id = None
self._func_urn = None
self._func_name = None
self._domain_id = None
self._namespace = None
self._project_name = None
self._package = None
self._runtime = None
self._timeout = None
self._handler = None
self._memory_size = None
self._gpu_memory = None
self._cpu = None
self._code_type = None
self._code_url = None
self._code_filename = None
self._code_size = None
self._user_data = None
self._encrypted_user_data = None
self._digest = None
self._version = None
self._image_name = None
self._xrole = None
self._app_xrole = None
self._description = None
self._last_modified = None
self._ephemeral_storage = None
self._func_vpc = None
self._mount_config = None
self._depend_list = None
self._depend_version_list = None
self._strategy_config = None
self._dependencies = None
self._initializer_handler = None
self._initializer_timeout = None
self._pre_stop_handler = None
self._pre_stop_timeout = None
self._enterprise_project_id = None
self._long_time = None
self._log_group_id = None
self._log_stream_id = None
self._type = None
self._enable_dynamic_memory = None
self._is_stateful_function = None
self._enable_auth_in_header = None
self._custom_image = None
self.discriminator = None
if func_id is not None:
self.func_id = func_id
if resource_id is not None:
self.resource_id = resource_id
if func_urn is not None:
self.func_urn = func_urn
if func_name is not None:
self.func_name = func_name
if domain_id is not None:
self.domain_id = domain_id
if namespace is not None:
self.namespace = namespace
if project_name is not None:
self.project_name = project_name
if package is not None:
self.package = package
if runtime is not None:
self.runtime = runtime
if timeout is not None:
self.timeout = timeout
if handler is not None:
self.handler = handler
if memory_size is not None:
self.memory_size = memory_size
if gpu_memory is not None:
self.gpu_memory = gpu_memory
if cpu is not None:
self.cpu = cpu
if code_type is not None:
self.code_type = code_type
if code_url is not None:
self.code_url = code_url
if code_filename is not None:
self.code_filename = code_filename
if code_size is not None:
self.code_size = code_size
if user_data is not None:
self.user_data = user_data
if encrypted_user_data is not None:
self.encrypted_user_data = encrypted_user_data
if digest is not None:
self.digest = digest
if version is not None:
self.version = version
if image_name is not None:
self.image_name = image_name
if xrole is not None:
self.xrole = xrole
if app_xrole is not None:
self.app_xrole = app_xrole
if description is not None:
self.description = description
if last_modified is not None:
self.last_modified = last_modified
if ephemeral_storage is not None:
self.ephemeral_storage = ephemeral_storage
if func_vpc is not None:
self.func_vpc = func_vpc
if mount_config is not None:
self.mount_config = mount_config
if depend_list is not None:
self.depend_list = depend_list
if depend_version_list is not None:
self.depend_version_list = depend_version_list
if strategy_config is not None:
self.strategy_config = strategy_config
if dependencies is not None:
self.dependencies = dependencies
if initializer_handler is not None:
self.initializer_handler = initializer_handler
if initializer_timeout is not None:
self.initializer_timeout = initializer_timeout
if pre_stop_handler is not None:
self.pre_stop_handler = pre_stop_handler
if pre_stop_timeout is not None:
self.pre_stop_timeout = pre_stop_timeout
if enterprise_project_id is not None:
self.enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
if long_time is not None:
self.long_time = long_time
if log_group_id is not None:
self.log_group_id = log_group_id
if log_stream_id is not None:
self.log_stream_id = log_stream_id
if type is not None:
self.type = type
if enable_dynamic_memory is not None:
self.enable_dynamic_memory = enable_dynamic_memory
if is_stateful_function is not None:
self.is_stateful_function = is_stateful_function
if enable_auth_in_header is not None:
self.enable_auth_in_header = enable_auth_in_header
if custom_image is not None:
self.custom_image = custom_image
def func_id(self):
"""Gets the func_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The func_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._func_id
def func_id(self, func_id):
"""Sets the func_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param func_id: The func_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type func_id: str
self._func_id = func_id
def resource_id(self):
"""Gets the resource_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The resource_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._resource_id
def resource_id(self, resource_id):
"""Sets the resource_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param resource_id: The resource_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type resource_id: str
self._resource_id = resource_id
def func_urn(self):
"""Gets the func_urn of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数的URN(Uniform Resource Name),唯一标识函数。
:return: The func_urn of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._func_urn
def func_urn(self, func_urn):
"""Sets the func_urn of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数的URN(Uniform Resource Name),唯一标识函数。
:param func_urn: The func_urn of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type func_urn: str
self._func_urn = func_urn
def func_name(self):
"""Gets the func_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The func_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._func_name
def func_name(self, func_name):
"""Sets the func_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param func_name: The func_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type func_name: str
self._func_name = func_name
def domain_id(self):
"""Gets the domain_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The domain_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_id
def domain_id(self, domain_id):
"""Sets the domain_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param domain_id: The domain_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type domain_id: str
self._domain_id = domain_id
def namespace(self):
"""Gets the namespace of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
租户的project id。
:return: The namespace of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._namespace
def namespace(self, namespace):
"""Sets the namespace of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
租户的project id。
:param namespace: The namespace of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type namespace: str
self._namespace = namespace
def project_name(self):
"""Gets the project_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
租户的project name。
:return: The project_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._project_name
def project_name(self, project_name):
"""Sets the project_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
租户的project name。
:param project_name: The project_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type project_name: str
self._project_name = project_name
def package(self):
"""Gets the package of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The package of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._package
def package(self, package):
"""Sets the package of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param package: The package of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type package: str
self._package = package
def runtime(self):
"""Gets the runtime of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
FunctionGraph函数的执行环境 Python2.7: Python语言2.7版本。 Python3.6: Pyton语言3.6版本。 Python3.9: Python语言3.9版本。 Go1.8: Go语言1.8版本。 Go1.x: Go语言1.x版本。 Java8: Java语言8版本。 Java11: Java语言11版本。 Node.js6.10: Nodejs语言6.10版本。 Node.js8.10: Nodejs语言8.10版本。 Node.js10.16: Nodejs语言10.16版本。 Node.js12.13: Nodejs语言12.13版本。 Node.js14.18: Nodejs语言14.18版本。 C#(.NET Core 2.0): C#语言2.0版本。 C#(.NET Core 2.1): C#语言2.1版本。 C#(.NET Core 3.1): C#语言3.1版本。 Custom: 自定义运行时。 PHP7.3: Php语言7.3版本。 http: HTTP函数。
:return: The runtime of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._runtime
def runtime(self, runtime):
"""Sets the runtime of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
FunctionGraph函数的执行环境 Python2.7: Python语言2.7版本。 Python3.6: Pyton语言3.6版本。 Python3.9: Python语言3.9版本。 Go1.8: Go语言1.8版本。 Go1.x: Go语言1.x版本。 Java8: Java语言8版本。 Java11: Java语言11版本。 Node.js6.10: Nodejs语言6.10版本。 Node.js8.10: Nodejs语言8.10版本。 Node.js10.16: Nodejs语言10.16版本。 Node.js12.13: Nodejs语言12.13版本。 Node.js14.18: Nodejs语言14.18版本。 C#(.NET Core 2.0): C#语言2.0版本。 C#(.NET Core 2.1): C#语言2.1版本。 C#(.NET Core 3.1): C#语言3.1版本。 Custom: 自定义运行时。 PHP7.3: Php语言7.3版本。 http: HTTP函数。
:param runtime: The runtime of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type runtime: str
self._runtime = runtime
def timeout(self):
"""Gets the timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: int
return self._timeout
def timeout(self, timeout):
"""Sets the timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param timeout: The timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type timeout: int
self._timeout = timeout
def handler(self):
"""Gets the handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数执行入口 规则:xx.xx,必须包含“. ” 举例:对于node.js函数:myfunction.handler,则表示函数的文件名为myfunction.js,执行的入口函数名为handler。
:return: The handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._handler
def handler(self, handler):
"""Sets the handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数执行入口 规则:xx.xx,必须包含“. ” 举例:对于node.js函数:myfunction.handler,则表示函数的文件名为myfunction.js,执行的入口函数名为handler。
:param handler: The handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type handler: str
self._handler = handler
def memory_size(self):
"""Gets the memory_size of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数消耗的内存。 单位M。 取值范围为:128、256、512、768、1024、1280、1536、1792、2048、2560、3072、3584、4096。 最小值为128,最大值为4096。
:return: The memory_size of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: int
return self._memory_size
def memory_size(self, memory_size):
"""Sets the memory_size of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数消耗的内存。 单位M。 取值范围为:128、256、512、768、1024、1280、1536、1792、2048、2560、3072、3584、4096。 最小值为128,最大值为4096。
:param memory_size: The memory_size of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type memory_size: int
self._memory_size = memory_size
def gpu_memory(self):
"""Gets the gpu_memory of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数消耗的显存,只支持自定义运行时与自定义镜像函数配置GPU。 单位MB。 取值范围为:1024、2048、3072、4096、5120、6144、7168、8192、9216、10240、11264、12288、13312、14336、15360、16384。 最小值为1024,最大值为16384。
:return: The gpu_memory of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: int
return self._gpu_memory
def gpu_memory(self, gpu_memory):
"""Sets the gpu_memory of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数消耗的显存,只支持自定义运行时与自定义镜像函数配置GPU。 单位MB。 取值范围为:1024、2048、3072、4096、5120、6144、7168、8192、9216、10240、11264、12288、13312、14336、15360、16384。 最小值为1024,最大值为16384。
:param gpu_memory: The gpu_memory of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type gpu_memory: int
self._gpu_memory = gpu_memory
def cpu(self):
"""Gets the cpu of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数占用的cpu资源。 单位为millicore(1 core=1000 millicores)。 取值与MemorySize成比例,默认是128M内存占0.1个核(100 millicores)。
:return: The cpu of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: int
return self._cpu
def cpu(self, cpu):
"""Sets the cpu of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数占用的cpu资源。 单位为millicore(1 core=1000 millicores)。 取值与MemorySize成比例,默认是128M内存占0.1个核(100 millicores)。
:param cpu: The cpu of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type cpu: int
self._cpu = cpu
def code_type(self):
"""Gets the code_type of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数代码类型,取值有4种。 inline: UI在线编辑代码。 zip: 函数代码为zip包。 obs: 函数代码来源于obs存储。 jar: 函数代码为jar包,主要针对Java函数。
:return: The code_type of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._code_type
def code_type(self, code_type):
"""Sets the code_type of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数代码类型,取值有4种。 inline: UI在线编辑代码。 zip: 函数代码为zip包。 obs: 函数代码来源于obs存储。 jar: 函数代码为jar包,主要针对Java函数。
:param code_type: The code_type of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type code_type: str
self._code_type = code_type
def code_url(self):
"""Gets the code_url of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The code_url of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._code_url
def code_url(self, code_url):
"""Sets the code_url of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param code_url: The code_url of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type code_url: str
self._code_url = code_url
def code_filename(self):
"""Gets the code_filename of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The code_filename of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._code_filename
def code_filename(self, code_filename):
"""Sets the code_filename of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param code_filename: The code_filename of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type code_filename: str
self._code_filename = code_filename
def code_size(self):
"""Gets the code_size of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The code_size of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: int
return self._code_size
def code_size(self, code_size):
"""Sets the code_size of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param code_size: The code_size of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type code_size: int
self._code_size = code_size
def user_data(self):
"""Gets the user_data of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
用户自定义的name/value信息。 在函数中使用的参数。 举例:如函数要访问某个主机,可以设置自定义参数:Host={host_ip},最多定义20个,总长度不超过4KB。
:return: The user_data of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._user_data
def user_data(self, user_data):
"""Sets the user_data of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
用户自定义的name/value信息。 在函数中使用的参数。 举例:如函数要访问某个主机,可以设置自定义参数:Host={host_ip},最多定义20个,总长度不超过4KB。
:param user_data: The user_data of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type user_data: str
self._user_data = user_data
def encrypted_user_data(self):
"""Gets the encrypted_user_data of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The encrypted_user_data of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._encrypted_user_data
def encrypted_user_data(self, encrypted_user_data):
"""Sets the encrypted_user_data of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param encrypted_user_data: The encrypted_user_data of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type encrypted_user_data: str
self._encrypted_user_data = encrypted_user_data
def digest(self):
"""Gets the digest of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数代码SHA512 hash值,用于判断函数是否变化。
:return: The digest of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._digest
def digest(self, digest):
"""Sets the digest of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数代码SHA512 hash值,用于判断函数是否变化。
:param digest: The digest of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type digest: str
self._digest = digest
def version(self):
"""Gets the version of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The version of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._version
def version(self, version):
"""Sets the version of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param version: The version of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type version: str
self._version = version
def image_name(self):
"""Gets the image_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The image_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._image_name
def image_name(self, image_name):
"""Sets the image_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param image_name: The image_name of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type image_name: str
self._image_name = image_name
def xrole(self):
"""Gets the xrole of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The xrole of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._xrole
def xrole(self, xrole):
"""Sets the xrole of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param xrole: The xrole of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type xrole: str
self._xrole = xrole
def app_xrole(self):
"""Gets the app_xrole of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The app_xrole of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._app_xrole
def app_xrole(self, app_xrole):
"""Sets the app_xrole of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param app_xrole: The app_xrole of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type app_xrole: str
self._app_xrole = app_xrole
def description(self):
"""Gets the description of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The description of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._description
def description(self, description):
"""Sets the description of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param description: The description of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type description: str
self._description = description
def last_modified(self):
"""Gets the last_modified of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The last_modified of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: datetime
return self._last_modified
def last_modified(self, last_modified):
"""Sets the last_modified of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param last_modified: The last_modified of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type last_modified: datetime
self._last_modified = last_modified
def ephemeral_storage(self):
"""Gets the ephemeral_storage of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The ephemeral_storage of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: int
return self._ephemeral_storage
def ephemeral_storage(self, ephemeral_storage):
"""Sets the ephemeral_storage of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param ephemeral_storage: The ephemeral_storage of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type ephemeral_storage: int
self._ephemeral_storage = ephemeral_storage
def func_vpc(self):
"""Gets the func_vpc of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The func_vpc of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.FuncVpc`
return self._func_vpc
def func_vpc(self, func_vpc):
"""Sets the func_vpc of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param func_vpc: The func_vpc of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type func_vpc: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.FuncVpc`
self._func_vpc = func_vpc
def mount_config(self):
"""Gets the mount_config of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The mount_config of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.MountConfig`
return self._mount_config
def mount_config(self, mount_config):
"""Sets the mount_config of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param mount_config: The mount_config of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type mount_config: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.MountConfig`
self._mount_config = mount_config
def depend_list(self):
"""Gets the depend_list of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The depend_list of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: list[str]
return self._depend_list
def depend_list(self, depend_list):
"""Sets the depend_list of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param depend_list: The depend_list of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type depend_list: list[str]
self._depend_list = depend_list
def depend_version_list(self):
"""Gets the depend_version_list of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The depend_version_list of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: list[str]
return self._depend_version_list
def depend_version_list(self, depend_version_list):
"""Sets the depend_version_list of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param depend_version_list: The depend_version_list of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type depend_version_list: list[str]
self._depend_version_list = depend_version_list
def strategy_config(self):
"""Gets the strategy_config of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The strategy_config of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.StrategyConfig`
return self._strategy_config
def strategy_config(self, strategy_config):
"""Sets the strategy_config of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param strategy_config: The strategy_config of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type strategy_config: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.StrategyConfig`
self._strategy_config = strategy_config
def dependencies(self):
"""Gets the dependencies of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The dependencies of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.Dependency`]
return self._dependencies
def dependencies(self, dependencies):
"""Sets the dependencies of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param dependencies: The dependencies of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type dependencies: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.Dependency`]
self._dependencies = dependencies
def initializer_handler(self):
"""Gets the initializer_handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数初始化入口,规则:xx.xx,必须包含“. ”。 举例:对于node.js函数:myfunction.initializer,则表示函数的文件名为myfunction.js,初始化的入口函数名为initializer。
:return: The initializer_handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._initializer_handler
def initializer_handler(self, initializer_handler):
"""Sets the initializer_handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数初始化入口,规则:xx.xx,必须包含“. ”。 举例:对于node.js函数:myfunction.initializer,则表示函数的文件名为myfunction.js,初始化的入口函数名为initializer。
:param initializer_handler: The initializer_handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type initializer_handler: str
self._initializer_handler = initializer_handler
def initializer_timeout(self):
"""Gets the initializer_timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The initializer_timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: int
return self._initializer_timeout
def initializer_timeout(self, initializer_timeout):
"""Sets the initializer_timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param initializer_timeout: The initializer_timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type initializer_timeout: int
self._initializer_timeout = initializer_timeout
def pre_stop_handler(self):
"""Gets the pre_stop_handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数预停止函数的入口,规则:xx.xx,必须包含“. ”。 举例:对于node.js函数:myfunction.pre_stop_handler,则表示函数的文件名为myfunction.js,初始化的入口函数名为pre_stop_handler。
:return: The pre_stop_handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._pre_stop_handler
def pre_stop_handler(self, pre_stop_handler):
"""Sets the pre_stop_handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
函数预停止函数的入口,规则:xx.xx,必须包含“. ”。 举例:对于node.js函数:myfunction.pre_stop_handler,则表示函数的文件名为myfunction.js,初始化的入口函数名为pre_stop_handler。
:param pre_stop_handler: The pre_stop_handler of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type pre_stop_handler: str
self._pre_stop_handler = pre_stop_handler
def pre_stop_timeout(self):
"""Gets the pre_stop_timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The pre_stop_timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: int
return self._pre_stop_timeout
def pre_stop_timeout(self, pre_stop_timeout):
"""Sets the pre_stop_timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param pre_stop_timeout: The pre_stop_timeout of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type pre_stop_timeout: int
self._pre_stop_timeout = pre_stop_timeout
def enterprise_project_id(self):
"""Gets the enterprise_project_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The enterprise_project_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._enterprise_project_id
def enterprise_project_id(self, enterprise_project_id):
"""Sets the enterprise_project_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param enterprise_project_id: The enterprise_project_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def long_time(self):
"""Gets the long_time of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The long_time of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: bool
return self._long_time
def long_time(self, long_time):
"""Sets the long_time of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param long_time: The long_time of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type long_time: bool
self._long_time = long_time
def log_group_id(self):
"""Gets the log_group_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The log_group_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._log_group_id
def log_group_id(self, log_group_id):
"""Sets the log_group_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param log_group_id: The log_group_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type log_group_id: str
self._log_group_id = log_group_id
def log_stream_id(self):
"""Gets the log_stream_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The log_stream_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._log_stream_id
def log_stream_id(self, log_stream_id):
"""Sets the log_stream_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param log_stream_id: The log_stream_id of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type log_stream_id: str
self._log_stream_id = log_stream_id
def type(self):
"""Gets the type of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The type of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._type
def type(self, type):
"""Sets the type of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param type: The type of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type type: str
self._type = type
def enable_dynamic_memory(self):
"""Gets the enable_dynamic_memory of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The enable_dynamic_memory of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: bool
return self._enable_dynamic_memory
def enable_dynamic_memory(self, enable_dynamic_memory):
"""Sets the enable_dynamic_memory of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param enable_dynamic_memory: The enable_dynamic_memory of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type enable_dynamic_memory: bool
self._enable_dynamic_memory = enable_dynamic_memory
def is_stateful_function(self):
"""Gets the is_stateful_function of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The is_stateful_function of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: bool
return self._is_stateful_function
def is_stateful_function(self, is_stateful_function):
"""Sets the is_stateful_function of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param is_stateful_function: The is_stateful_function of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type is_stateful_function: bool
self._is_stateful_function = is_stateful_function
def enable_auth_in_header(self):
"""Gets the enable_auth_in_header of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The enable_auth_in_header of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: bool
return self._enable_auth_in_header
def enable_auth_in_header(self, enable_auth_in_header):
"""Sets the enable_auth_in_header of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param enable_auth_in_header: The enable_auth_in_header of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type enable_auth_in_header: bool
self._enable_auth_in_header = enable_auth_in_header
def custom_image(self):
"""Gets the custom_image of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:return: The custom_image of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.CustomImage`
return self._custom_image
def custom_image(self, custom_image):
"""Sets the custom_image of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:param custom_image: The custom_image of this ShowFunctionConfigResponse.
:type custom_image: :class:`huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph.v2.CustomImage`
self._custom_image = custom_image
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, ShowFunctionConfigResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other