550 lines
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550 lines
23 KiB
# coding: utf-8
import re
import six
class CreateServers:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'image_ref': 'str',
'flavor_ref': 'str',
'name': 'str',
'metadata': 'MetaDataInfo',
'user_data': 'str',
'admin_pass': 'str',
'key_name': 'str',
'security_groups': 'list[SecurityGroupsInfo]',
'nics': 'list[Nics]',
'availability_zone': 'str',
'vpcid': 'str',
'publicip': 'PublicIp',
'count': 'int',
'root_volume': 'RootVolume',
'data_volumes': 'list[DataVolumes]',
'extendparam': 'ExtendParam',
'scheduler_hints': 'CreateSchedulerHints',
'server_tags': 'list[SystemTags]'
attribute_map = {
'image_ref': 'imageRef',
'flavor_ref': 'flavorRef',
'name': 'name',
'metadata': 'metadata',
'user_data': 'user_data',
'admin_pass': 'adminPass',
'key_name': 'key_name',
'security_groups': 'security_groups',
'nics': 'nics',
'availability_zone': 'availability_zone',
'vpcid': 'vpcid',
'publicip': 'publicip',
'count': 'count',
'root_volume': 'root_volume',
'data_volumes': 'data_volumes',
'extendparam': 'extendparam',
'scheduler_hints': 'schedulerHints',
'server_tags': 'server_tags'
def __init__(self, image_ref=None, flavor_ref=None, name=None, metadata=None, user_data=None, admin_pass=None, key_name=None, security_groups=None, nics=None, availability_zone=None, vpcid=None, publicip=None, count=None, root_volume=None, data_volumes=None, extendparam=None, scheduler_hints=None, server_tags=None):
"""CreateServers - a model defined in huaweicloud sdk"""
self._image_ref = None
self._flavor_ref = None
self._name = None
self._metadata = None
self._user_data = None
self._admin_pass = None
self._key_name = None
self._security_groups = None
self._nics = None
self._availability_zone = None
self._vpcid = None
self._publicip = None
self._count = None
self._root_volume = None
self._data_volumes = None
self._extendparam = None
self._scheduler_hints = None
self._server_tags = None
self.discriminator = None
self.image_ref = image_ref
self.flavor_ref = flavor_ref
self.name = name
self.metadata = metadata
if user_data is not None:
self.user_data = user_data
if admin_pass is not None:
self.admin_pass = admin_pass
if key_name is not None:
self.key_name = key_name
if security_groups is not None:
self.security_groups = security_groups
self.nics = nics
self.availability_zone = availability_zone
self.vpcid = vpcid
if publicip is not None:
self.publicip = publicip
if count is not None:
self.count = count
if root_volume is not None:
self.root_volume = root_volume
if data_volumes is not None:
self.data_volumes = data_volumes
self.extendparam = extendparam
if scheduler_hints is not None:
self.scheduler_hints = scheduler_hints
if server_tags is not None:
self.server_tags = server_tags
def image_ref(self):
"""Gets the image_ref of this CreateServers.
裸金属服务器使用的镜像ID或者镜像资源的URL。ID格式为通用唯一识别码(Universally Unique Identifier,简称UUID)。镜像ID可以从镜像服务控制台获取,或者参考《镜像服务API参考》的“查询镜像列表”章节查询。在使用“查询镜像列表”API查询时,可以添加过滤字段“?virtual_env_type=Ironic”来筛选裸金属服务器镜像。
:return: The image_ref of this CreateServers.
:rtype: str
return self._image_ref
def image_ref(self, image_ref):
"""Sets the image_ref of this CreateServers.
裸金属服务器使用的镜像ID或者镜像资源的URL。ID格式为通用唯一识别码(Universally Unique Identifier,简称UUID)。镜像ID可以从镜像服务控制台获取,或者参考《镜像服务API参考》的“查询镜像列表”章节查询。在使用“查询镜像列表”API查询时,可以添加过滤字段“?virtual_env_type=Ironic”来筛选裸金属服务器镜像。
:param image_ref: The image_ref of this CreateServers.
:type: str
self._image_ref = image_ref
def flavor_ref(self):
"""Gets the flavor_ref of this CreateServers.
裸金属服务器使用的规格ID,格式为physical.x.x。规格ID可以从裸金属服务器控制台获取,也可以通过7.7.1-查询裸金属服务器规格信息列表(OpenStack原生)API查询。 说明:裸金属服务器规格与镜像间的约束关系请参见裸金属服务器类型与支持的操作系统版本。对于physical.x.x.hba类型的规格,申请的租户只能是DeC租户,且只能挂载DESS卷。
:return: The flavor_ref of this CreateServers.
:rtype: str
return self._flavor_ref
def flavor_ref(self, flavor_ref):
"""Sets the flavor_ref of this CreateServers.
裸金属服务器使用的规格ID,格式为physical.x.x。规格ID可以从裸金属服务器控制台获取,也可以通过7.7.1-查询裸金属服务器规格信息列表(OpenStack原生)API查询。 说明:裸金属服务器规格与镜像间的约束关系请参见裸金属服务器类型与支持的操作系统版本。对于physical.x.x.hba类型的规格,申请的租户只能是DeC租户,且只能挂载DESS卷。
:param flavor_ref: The flavor_ref of this CreateServers.
:type: str
self._flavor_ref = flavor_ref
def name(self):
"""Gets the name of this CreateServers.
:return: The name of this CreateServers.
:rtype: str
return self._name
def name(self, name):
"""Sets the name of this CreateServers.
:param name: The name of this CreateServers.
:type: str
self._name = name
def metadata(self):
"""Gets the metadata of this CreateServers.
:return: The metadata of this CreateServers.
:rtype: MetaDataInfo
return self._metadata
def metadata(self, metadata):
"""Sets the metadata of this CreateServers.
:param metadata: The metadata of this CreateServers.
:type: MetaDataInfo
self._metadata = metadata
def user_data(self):
"""Gets the user_data of this CreateServers.
创建裸金属服务器过程中待注入的用户数据。支持注入文本、文本文件或gzip文件。约束:注入内容,需要进行base64格式编码。注入内容(编码之前的内容)最大长度32KB。当key_name没有指定时,user_data注入的数据默认为裸金属服务器root帐户的登录密码。创建密码方式鉴权的Linux裸金属服务器时为必填项,为root用户注入自定义初始化密码。建议密码复杂度如下:长度为8-26位。密码至少必须包含大写字母(A-Z)、小写字母(a-z)、数字(0-9)和特殊字符(!@$%^-_=+[{}]:,./?)中的三种。示例:使用明文密码(存在安全风险),以密码cloud.1234为例:#!/bin/bash echo 'root:Cloud.1234' | chpasswd ;使用密码:#!/bin/bash echo 'root:$6$V6azyeLwcD3CHlpY$BN3VVq18fmCkj66B4zdHLWevqcxlig' | chpasswd -e其中,$6$V6azyeLwcD3CHlpY$BN3VVq18fmCkj66B4zdHLWevqcxlig为密文密码
:return: The user_data of this CreateServers.
:rtype: str
return self._user_data
def user_data(self, user_data):
"""Sets the user_data of this CreateServers.
创建裸金属服务器过程中待注入的用户数据。支持注入文本、文本文件或gzip文件。约束:注入内容,需要进行base64格式编码。注入内容(编码之前的内容)最大长度32KB。当key_name没有指定时,user_data注入的数据默认为裸金属服务器root帐户的登录密码。创建密码方式鉴权的Linux裸金属服务器时为必填项,为root用户注入自定义初始化密码。建议密码复杂度如下:长度为8-26位。密码至少必须包含大写字母(A-Z)、小写字母(a-z)、数字(0-9)和特殊字符(!@$%^-_=+[{}]:,./?)中的三种。示例:使用明文密码(存在安全风险),以密码cloud.1234为例:#!/bin/bash echo 'root:Cloud.1234' | chpasswd ;使用密码:#!/bin/bash echo 'root:$6$V6azyeLwcD3CHlpY$BN3VVq18fmCkj66B4zdHLWevqcxlig' | chpasswd -e其中,$6$V6azyeLwcD3CHlpY$BN3VVq18fmCkj66B4zdHLWevqcxlig为密文密码
:param user_data: The user_data of this CreateServers.
:type: str
self._user_data = user_data
def admin_pass(self):
"""Gets the admin_pass of this CreateServers.
:return: The admin_pass of this CreateServers.
:rtype: str
return self._admin_pass
def admin_pass(self, admin_pass):
"""Sets the admin_pass of this CreateServers.
:param admin_pass: The admin_pass of this CreateServers.
:type: str
self._admin_pass = admin_pass
def key_name(self):
"""Gets the key_name of this CreateServers.
:return: The key_name of this CreateServers.
:rtype: str
return self._key_name
def key_name(self, key_name):
"""Sets the key_name of this CreateServers.
:param key_name: The key_name of this CreateServers.
:type: str
self._key_name = key_name
def security_groups(self):
"""Gets the security_groups of this CreateServers.
指定裸金属服务器的安全组。详情请参见表 security_groups字段数据结构说明。
:return: The security_groups of this CreateServers.
:rtype: list[SecurityGroupsInfo]
return self._security_groups
def security_groups(self, security_groups):
"""Sets the security_groups of this CreateServers.
指定裸金属服务器的安全组。详情请参见表 security_groups字段数据结构说明。
:param security_groups: The security_groups of this CreateServers.
:type: list[SecurityGroupsInfo]
self._security_groups = security_groups
def nics(self):
"""Gets the nics of this CreateServers.
指定裸金属服务器的网卡信息。详情请参见表 nics字段数据结构说明。约束:一个裸金属服务器最多挂载2个网卡,参数中第一个网卡会作为裸金属服务器的主网卡。若用户指定了多组网卡参数,需保证各组参数都属于同一VPC。
:return: The nics of this CreateServers.
:rtype: list[Nics]
return self._nics
def nics(self, nics):
"""Sets the nics of this CreateServers.
指定裸金属服务器的网卡信息。详情请参见表 nics字段数据结构说明。约束:一个裸金属服务器最多挂载2个网卡,参数中第一个网卡会作为裸金属服务器的主网卡。若用户指定了多组网卡参数,需保证各组参数都属于同一VPC。
:param nics: The nics of this CreateServers.
:type: list[Nics]
self._nics = nics
def availability_zone(self):
"""Gets the availability_zone of this CreateServers.
:return: The availability_zone of this CreateServers.
:rtype: str
return self._availability_zone
def availability_zone(self, availability_zone):
"""Sets the availability_zone of this CreateServers.
:param availability_zone: The availability_zone of this CreateServers.
:type: str
self._availability_zone = availability_zone
def vpcid(self):
"""Gets the vpcid of this CreateServers.
:return: The vpcid of this CreateServers.
:rtype: str
return self._vpcid
def vpcid(self, vpcid):
"""Sets the vpcid of this CreateServers.
:param vpcid: The vpcid of this CreateServers.
:type: str
self._vpcid = vpcid
def publicip(self):
"""Gets the publicip of this CreateServers.
:return: The publicip of this CreateServers.
:rtype: PublicIp
return self._publicip
def publicip(self, publicip):
"""Sets the publicip of this CreateServers.
:param publicip: The publicip of this CreateServers.
:type: PublicIp
self._publicip = publicip
def count(self):
"""Gets the count of this CreateServers.
:return: The count of this CreateServers.
:rtype: int
return self._count
def count(self, count):
"""Sets the count of this CreateServers.
:param count: The count of this CreateServers.
:type: int
self._count = count
def root_volume(self):
"""Gets the root_volume of this CreateServers.
:return: The root_volume of this CreateServers.
:rtype: RootVolume
return self._root_volume
def root_volume(self, root_volume):
"""Sets the root_volume of this CreateServers.
:param root_volume: The root_volume of this CreateServers.
:type: RootVolume
self._root_volume = root_volume
def data_volumes(self):
"""Gets the data_volumes of this CreateServers.
裸金属服务器对应数据盘相关配置。每一个数据结构代表一个待创建的数据盘。详情请参见表 data_volumes字段数据结构说明。约束:目前裸金属服务器最多可挂载60块云硬盘(包括系统盘和数据盘)。
:return: The data_volumes of this CreateServers.
:rtype: list[DataVolumes]
return self._data_volumes
def data_volumes(self, data_volumes):
"""Sets the data_volumes of this CreateServers.
裸金属服务器对应数据盘相关配置。每一个数据结构代表一个待创建的数据盘。详情请参见表 data_volumes字段数据结构说明。约束:目前裸金属服务器最多可挂载60块云硬盘(包括系统盘和数据盘)。
:param data_volumes: The data_volumes of this CreateServers.
:type: list[DataVolumes]
self._data_volumes = data_volumes
def extendparam(self):
"""Gets the extendparam of this CreateServers.
:return: The extendparam of this CreateServers.
:rtype: ExtendParam
return self._extendparam
def extendparam(self, extendparam):
"""Sets the extendparam of this CreateServers.
:param extendparam: The extendparam of this CreateServers.
:type: ExtendParam
self._extendparam = extendparam
def scheduler_hints(self):
"""Gets the scheduler_hints of this CreateServers.
:return: The scheduler_hints of this CreateServers.
:rtype: CreateSchedulerHints
return self._scheduler_hints
def scheduler_hints(self, scheduler_hints):
"""Sets the scheduler_hints of this CreateServers.
:param scheduler_hints: The scheduler_hints of this CreateServers.
:type: CreateSchedulerHints
self._scheduler_hints = scheduler_hints
def server_tags(self):
"""Gets the server_tags of this CreateServers.
裸金属服务器的标签。详情请参见表 server_tags字段数据结构说明。 说明:创建裸金属服务器时,一台裸金属服务器最多可以添加10个标签。其中,__type_baremetal为系统内部标签,因此实际能添加的标签为9个。
:return: The server_tags of this CreateServers.
:rtype: list[SystemTags]
return self._server_tags
def server_tags(self, server_tags):
"""Sets the server_tags of this CreateServers.
裸金属服务器的标签。详情请参见表 server_tags字段数据结构说明。 说明:创建裸金属服务器时,一台裸金属服务器最多可以添加10个标签。其中,__type_baremetal为系统内部标签,因此实际能添加的标签为9个。
:param server_tags: The server_tags of this CreateServers.
:type: list[SystemTags]
self._server_tags = server_tags
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
import simplejson as json
return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print` and `pprint`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, CreateServers):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other