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# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class ConferenceInfo:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'conference_id': 'str',
'subject': 'str',
'size': 'int',
'time_zone_id': 'str',
'start_time': 'str',
'end_time': 'str',
'media_types': 'str',
'conference_state': 'str',
'language': 'str',
'access_number': 'str',
'password_entry': 'list[PasswordEntry]',
'user_uuid': 'str',
'scheduser_name': 'str',
'conference_type': 'int',
'conf_type': 'str',
'cycle_params': 'CycleParams',
'is_auto_mute': 'int',
'is_auto_record': 'int',
'chair_join_uri': 'str',
'guest_join_uri': 'str',
'audience_join_uri': 'str',
'record_type': 'int',
'aux_address': 'str',
'live_address': 'str',
'record_aux_stream': 'int',
'record_auth_type': 'int',
'live_url': 'str',
'conf_config_info': 'RestConfConfigDTO',
'vmr_flag': 'int',
'is_has_record_file': 'bool',
'vmr_conference_id': 'str',
'conf_uuid': 'str',
'part_attendee_info': 'list[PartAttendee]',
'terminl_count': 'int',
'normal_count': 'int',
'dept_name': 'str',
'vmr_id': 'str',
'role': 'str',
'webinar': 'bool',
'online_attendee_amount': 'int',
'multi_stream_flag': 'int',
'conf_mode': 'str',
'schedule_vmr': 'bool',
'concurrent_participants': 'int',
'support_simultaneous_interpretation': 'bool',
'pic_display': 'MultiPicDisplayDO',
'sub_confs': 'list[CycleSubConf]',
'cycle_sub_conf_id': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'conference_id': 'conferenceID',
'subject': 'subject',
'size': 'size',
'time_zone_id': 'timeZoneID',
'start_time': 'startTime',
'end_time': 'endTime',
'media_types': 'mediaTypes',
'conference_state': 'conferenceState',
'language': 'language',
'access_number': 'accessNumber',
'password_entry': 'passwordEntry',
'user_uuid': 'userUUID',
'scheduser_name': 'scheduserName',
'conference_type': 'conferenceType',
'conf_type': 'confType',
'cycle_params': 'cycleParams',
'is_auto_mute': 'isAutoMute',
'is_auto_record': 'isAutoRecord',
'chair_join_uri': 'chairJoinUri',
'guest_join_uri': 'guestJoinUri',
'audience_join_uri': 'audienceJoinUri',
'record_type': 'recordType',
'aux_address': 'auxAddress',
'live_address': 'liveAddress',
'record_aux_stream': 'recordAuxStream',
'record_auth_type': 'recordAuthType',
'live_url': 'liveUrl',
'conf_config_info': 'confConfigInfo',
'vmr_flag': 'vmrFlag',
'is_has_record_file': 'isHasRecordFile',
'vmr_conference_id': 'vmrConferenceID',
'conf_uuid': 'confUUID',
'part_attendee_info': 'partAttendeeInfo',
'terminl_count': 'terminlCount',
'normal_count': 'normalCount',
'dept_name': 'deptName',
'vmr_id': 'vmrID',
'role': 'role',
'webinar': 'webinar',
'online_attendee_amount': 'onlineAttendeeAmount',
'multi_stream_flag': 'multiStreamFlag',
'conf_mode': 'confMode',
'schedule_vmr': 'scheduleVmr',
'concurrent_participants': 'concurrentParticipants',
'support_simultaneous_interpretation': 'supportSimultaneousInterpretation',
'pic_display': 'picDisplay',
'sub_confs': 'subConfs',
'cycle_sub_conf_id': 'cycleSubConfID'
def __init__(self, conference_id=None, subject=None, size=None, time_zone_id=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, media_types=None, conference_state=None, language=None, access_number=None, password_entry=None, user_uuid=None, scheduser_name=None, conference_type=None, conf_type=None, cycle_params=None, is_auto_mute=None, is_auto_record=None, chair_join_uri=None, guest_join_uri=None, audience_join_uri=None, record_type=None, aux_address=None, live_address=None, record_aux_stream=None, record_auth_type=None, live_url=None, conf_config_info=None, vmr_flag=None, is_has_record_file=None, vmr_conference_id=None, conf_uuid=None, part_attendee_info=None, terminl_count=None, normal_count=None, dept_name=None, vmr_id=None, role=None, webinar=None, online_attendee_amount=None, multi_stream_flag=None, conf_mode=None, schedule_vmr=None, concurrent_participants=None, support_simultaneous_interpretation=None, pic_display=None, sub_confs=None, cycle_sub_conf_id=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param conference_id: 会议ID。
:type conference_id: str
:param subject: 会议主题。
:type subject: str
:param size: 会议预约时添加的会议者数量。
:type size: int
:param time_zone_id: 会议通知中会议时间的时区信息。时区信息,参考[[时区映射关系](](tag:hws)[[时区映射关系](](tag:hk)。
:type time_zone_id: str
:param start_time: 会议起始时间 (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM )。
:type start_time: str
:param end_time: 会议结束时间 (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM )。
:type end_time: str
:param media_types: 会议的媒体类型。 由1个或多个枚举String组成多个枚举时每个枚举值之间通过”,”逗号分隔。 - Voice: 语音 - Video: 标清视频 - HDVideo: 高清视频 - Data: 数据
:type media_types: str
:param conference_state: 会议状态。 - Schedule: 预定状态 - Creating: 正在创建状态 - Created: 会议已经被创建,并正在召开 - Destroyed: 会议已经关闭
:type conference_state: str
:param language: 会议通知短信或邮件的语言。默认中文。 * zh-CN中文 * en-US英文
:type language: str
:param access_number: 会议接入的SIP号码。
:type access_number: str
:param password_entry: 会议密码。 > * 创建会议时,返回主持人密码和来宾密码 > * 主持人查询会议时,返回主持人密码和来宾密码来 > * 宾查询会议时,返回来宾密码
:type password_entry: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.PasswordEntry`]
:param user_uuid: 会议预订者的用户UUID。
:type user_uuid: str
:param scheduser_name: 会议预订者名称。
:type scheduser_name: str
:param conference_type: 会议类型。 - 0: 普通会议 - 2: 周期性会议
:type conference_type: int
:param conf_type: 会议类型。 - FUTURE将来开始的会议创建时 - IMMEDIATELY立即开始的会议创建时 - CYCLE周期会议
:type conf_type: str
:param cycle_params:
:type cycle_params: :class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.CycleParams`
:param is_auto_mute: 是否入会自动静音。 - 0: 不自动静音 - 1: 自动静音
:type is_auto_mute: int
:param is_auto_record: 是否自动开启云录制。 - 0: 不自动启动 - 1: 自动启动
:type is_auto_record: int
:param chair_join_uri: 主持人会议链接地址。
:type chair_join_uri: str
:param guest_join_uri: 普通与会者会议链接地址。
:type guest_join_uri: str
:param audience_join_uri: 网络研讨会观众会议链接地址。
:type audience_join_uri: str
:param record_type: 录播类型。 - 0: 禁用 - 1: 直播 - 2: 录播 - 3: 直播+录播
:type record_type: int
:param aux_address: 辅流直播推流地址。
:type aux_address: str
:param live_address: 主流直播推流地址。
:type live_address: str
:param record_aux_stream: 是否录制辅流。 - 0: 否 - 1: 是
:type record_aux_stream: int
:param record_auth_type: 观看/下载录播的鉴权方式。 - 0: 可通过链接观看/下载 - 1: 企业用户可观看/下载 - 2: 与会者可观看/下载
:type record_auth_type: int
:param live_url: 直播观看地址。
:type live_url: str
:param conf_config_info:
:type conf_config_info: :class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.RestConfConfigDTO`
:param vmr_flag: 是否使用云会议室或个人会议ID召开预约会议。 - 0: 不使用云会议室或个人会议ID - 1: 使用云会议室或个人会议ID
:type vmr_flag: int
:param is_has_record_file: 是否有会议录制文件。仅历史会议查询时返回。 - true: 有录制文件 - false: 没有录制文件
:type is_has_record_file: bool
:param vmr_conference_id: 云会议室会议ID或个人会议ID如果vmrFlag为\"1\",则该字段不为空。
:type vmr_conference_id: str
:param conf_uuid: 会议的UUID。 > * 只有创建立即开始的会议才返回UUID如果是预约未来的会议不会返回UUID > * 可以通过[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hk)获取历史会议的UUID
:type conf_uuid: str
:param part_attendee_info: 被邀请的部分与会者信息。 > * 只返回被邀请的前20条软终端与会者信息和前20条硬终端与会者信息 > * 不返回会中主动加入的与会者信息 > * “[[查询会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询会议列表](](tag:hk)”和“[[查询会议详情](](tag:hws)[[查询会议详情](](tag:hk)”接口,返回预约会议时邀请的与会者和会中主持人邀请的与会者 > * “[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hk)”、“[[查询在线会议详情](](tag:hws)[[查询在线会议详情](](tag:hk)”、“[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hk)”和“[[查询历史会议详情](](tag:hws)[[查询历史会议详情](](tag:hk) ”接口返回预约会议时邀请的与会者。不返回会中主持人邀请的与会者
:type part_attendee_info: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.PartAttendee`]
:param terminl_count: 硬终端个数如IdeaHubTE30等。
:type terminl_count: int
:param normal_count: 软终端个数如PC端、手机端App等。
:type normal_count: int
:param dept_name: 会议预定者的企业名称。
:type dept_name: str
:param vmr_id: 云会议室的ID。
:type vmr_id: str
:param role: 与会者角色。 * chair :主持人 * general :来宾 * audience 观众 > * 仅在查询会议详情时返回 > * 返回查询者本身的角色
:type role: str
:param webinar: 是否是网络研讨会。
:type webinar: bool
:param online_attendee_amount: 当前在线与会人数。包含被邀入会和主动入会的与会者。 > 仅在“[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hk)”接口中返回。
:type online_attendee_amount: int
:param multi_stream_flag: 标识是否为多流视频会议。 * 1多流会议
:type multi_stream_flag: int
:param conf_mode: 会议类型模型。 * COMMONMCU会议 * RTCMMR会议
:type conf_mode: str
:param schedule_vmr: VMR预约记录。 true: VMR预约记录 false普通会议 > 该参数将废弃,请勿使用。
:type schedule_vmr: bool
:param concurrent_participants: 会议最大与会人数。默认值0。 * 0无限制 * 大于0会议最大与会人数
:type concurrent_participants: int
:param support_simultaneous_interpretation: 会议是否支持同声传译。默认值false。 * true:支持 * false:不支持
:type support_simultaneous_interpretation: bool
:param pic_display:
:type pic_display: :class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.MultiPicDisplayDO`
:param sub_confs: 周期子会议列表。
:type sub_confs: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.CycleSubConf`]
:param cycle_sub_conf_id: 第一个周期子会议的UUID。
:type cycle_sub_conf_id: str
self._conference_id = None
self._subject = None
self._size = None
self._time_zone_id = None
self._start_time = None
self._end_time = None
self._media_types = None
self._conference_state = None
self._language = None
self._access_number = None
self._password_entry = None
self._user_uuid = None
self._scheduser_name = None
self._conference_type = None
self._conf_type = None
self._cycle_params = None
self._is_auto_mute = None
self._is_auto_record = None
self._chair_join_uri = None
self._guest_join_uri = None
self._audience_join_uri = None
self._record_type = None
self._aux_address = None
self._live_address = None
self._record_aux_stream = None
self._record_auth_type = None
self._live_url = None
self._conf_config_info = None
self._vmr_flag = None
self._is_has_record_file = None
self._vmr_conference_id = None
self._conf_uuid = None
self._part_attendee_info = None
self._terminl_count = None
self._normal_count = None
self._dept_name = None
self._vmr_id = None
self._role = None
self._webinar = None
self._online_attendee_amount = None
self._multi_stream_flag = None
self._conf_mode = None
self._schedule_vmr = None
self._concurrent_participants = None
self._support_simultaneous_interpretation = None
self._pic_display = None
self._sub_confs = None
self._cycle_sub_conf_id = None
self.discriminator = None
if conference_id is not None:
self.conference_id = conference_id
if subject is not None:
self.subject = subject
if size is not None:
self.size = size
if time_zone_id is not None:
self.time_zone_id = time_zone_id
if start_time is not None:
self.start_time = start_time
if end_time is not None:
self.end_time = end_time
if media_types is not None:
self.media_types = media_types
if conference_state is not None:
self.conference_state = conference_state
if language is not None:
self.language = language
if access_number is not None:
self.access_number = access_number
if password_entry is not None:
self.password_entry = password_entry
if user_uuid is not None:
self.user_uuid = user_uuid
if scheduser_name is not None:
self.scheduser_name = scheduser_name
if conference_type is not None:
self.conference_type = conference_type
if conf_type is not None:
self.conf_type = conf_type
if cycle_params is not None:
self.cycle_params = cycle_params
if is_auto_mute is not None:
self.is_auto_mute = is_auto_mute
if is_auto_record is not None:
self.is_auto_record = is_auto_record
if chair_join_uri is not None:
self.chair_join_uri = chair_join_uri
if guest_join_uri is not None:
self.guest_join_uri = guest_join_uri
if audience_join_uri is not None:
self.audience_join_uri = audience_join_uri
if record_type is not None:
self.record_type = record_type
if aux_address is not None:
self.aux_address = aux_address
if live_address is not None:
self.live_address = live_address
if record_aux_stream is not None:
self.record_aux_stream = record_aux_stream
if record_auth_type is not None:
self.record_auth_type = record_auth_type
if live_url is not None:
self.live_url = live_url
if conf_config_info is not None:
self.conf_config_info = conf_config_info
if vmr_flag is not None:
self.vmr_flag = vmr_flag
if is_has_record_file is not None:
self.is_has_record_file = is_has_record_file
if vmr_conference_id is not None:
self.vmr_conference_id = vmr_conference_id
if conf_uuid is not None:
self.conf_uuid = conf_uuid
if part_attendee_info is not None:
self.part_attendee_info = part_attendee_info
if terminl_count is not None:
self.terminl_count = terminl_count
if normal_count is not None:
self.normal_count = normal_count
if dept_name is not None:
self.dept_name = dept_name
if vmr_id is not None:
self.vmr_id = vmr_id
if role is not None:
self.role = role
if webinar is not None:
self.webinar = webinar
if online_attendee_amount is not None:
self.online_attendee_amount = online_attendee_amount
if multi_stream_flag is not None:
self.multi_stream_flag = multi_stream_flag
if conf_mode is not None:
self.conf_mode = conf_mode
if schedule_vmr is not None:
self.schedule_vmr = schedule_vmr
if concurrent_participants is not None:
self.concurrent_participants = concurrent_participants
if support_simultaneous_interpretation is not None:
self.support_simultaneous_interpretation = support_simultaneous_interpretation
if pic_display is not None:
self.pic_display = pic_display
if sub_confs is not None:
self.sub_confs = sub_confs
if cycle_sub_conf_id is not None:
self.cycle_sub_conf_id = cycle_sub_conf_id
def conference_id(self):
"""Gets the conference_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The conference_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._conference_id
def conference_id(self, conference_id):
"""Sets the conference_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:param conference_id: The conference_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:type conference_id: str
self._conference_id = conference_id
def subject(self):
"""Gets the subject of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The subject of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._subject
def subject(self, subject):
"""Sets the subject of this ConferenceInfo.
:param subject: The subject of this ConferenceInfo.
:type subject: str
self._subject = subject
def size(self):
"""Gets the size of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The size of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._size
def size(self, size):
"""Sets the size of this ConferenceInfo.
:param size: The size of this ConferenceInfo.
:type size: int
self._size = size
def time_zone_id(self):
"""Gets the time_zone_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The time_zone_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._time_zone_id
def time_zone_id(self, time_zone_id):
"""Sets the time_zone_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:param time_zone_id: The time_zone_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:type time_zone_id: str
self._time_zone_id = time_zone_id
def start_time(self):
"""Gets the start_time of this ConferenceInfo.
会议起始时间 (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM )。
:return: The start_time of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._start_time
def start_time(self, start_time):
"""Sets the start_time of this ConferenceInfo.
会议起始时间 (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM )。
:param start_time: The start_time of this ConferenceInfo.
:type start_time: str
self._start_time = start_time
def end_time(self):
"""Gets the end_time of this ConferenceInfo.
会议结束时间 (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM )。
:return: The end_time of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._end_time
def end_time(self, end_time):
"""Sets the end_time of this ConferenceInfo.
会议结束时间 (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM )。
:param end_time: The end_time of this ConferenceInfo.
:type end_time: str
self._end_time = end_time
def media_types(self):
"""Gets the media_types of this ConferenceInfo.
会议的媒体类型。 由1个或多个枚举String组成多个枚举时每个枚举值之间通过”,”逗号分隔。 - Voice: 语音 - Video: 标清视频 - HDVideo: 高清视频 - Data: 数据
:return: The media_types of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._media_types
def media_types(self, media_types):
"""Sets the media_types of this ConferenceInfo.
会议的媒体类型。 由1个或多个枚举String组成多个枚举时每个枚举值之间通过”,”逗号分隔。 - Voice: 语音 - Video: 标清视频 - HDVideo: 高清视频 - Data: 数据
:param media_types: The media_types of this ConferenceInfo.
:type media_types: str
self._media_types = media_types
def conference_state(self):
"""Gets the conference_state of this ConferenceInfo.
会议状态。 - Schedule: 预定状态 - Creating: 正在创建状态 - Created: 会议已经被创建,并正在召开 - Destroyed: 会议已经关闭
:return: The conference_state of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._conference_state
def conference_state(self, conference_state):
"""Sets the conference_state of this ConferenceInfo.
会议状态。 - Schedule: 预定状态 - Creating: 正在创建状态 - Created: 会议已经被创建,并正在召开 - Destroyed: 会议已经关闭
:param conference_state: The conference_state of this ConferenceInfo.
:type conference_state: str
self._conference_state = conference_state
def language(self):
"""Gets the language of this ConferenceInfo.
会议通知短信或邮件的语言。默认中文。 * zh-CN中文 * en-US英文
:return: The language of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._language
def language(self, language):
"""Sets the language of this ConferenceInfo.
会议通知短信或邮件的语言。默认中文。 * zh-CN中文 * en-US英文
:param language: The language of this ConferenceInfo.
:type language: str
self._language = language
def access_number(self):
"""Gets the access_number of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The access_number of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._access_number
def access_number(self, access_number):
"""Sets the access_number of this ConferenceInfo.
:param access_number: The access_number of this ConferenceInfo.
:type access_number: str
self._access_number = access_number
def password_entry(self):
"""Gets the password_entry of this ConferenceInfo.
会议密码。 > * 创建会议时,返回主持人密码和来宾密码 > * 主持人查询会议时,返回主持人密码和来宾密码来 > * 宾查询会议时,返回来宾密码
:return: The password_entry of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.PasswordEntry`]
return self._password_entry
def password_entry(self, password_entry):
"""Sets the password_entry of this ConferenceInfo.
会议密码。 > * 创建会议时,返回主持人密码和来宾密码 > * 主持人查询会议时,返回主持人密码和来宾密码来 > * 宾查询会议时,返回来宾密码
:param password_entry: The password_entry of this ConferenceInfo.
:type password_entry: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.PasswordEntry`]
self._password_entry = password_entry
def user_uuid(self):
"""Gets the user_uuid of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The user_uuid of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._user_uuid
def user_uuid(self, user_uuid):
"""Sets the user_uuid of this ConferenceInfo.
:param user_uuid: The user_uuid of this ConferenceInfo.
:type user_uuid: str
self._user_uuid = user_uuid
def scheduser_name(self):
"""Gets the scheduser_name of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The scheduser_name of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._scheduser_name
def scheduser_name(self, scheduser_name):
"""Sets the scheduser_name of this ConferenceInfo.
:param scheduser_name: The scheduser_name of this ConferenceInfo.
:type scheduser_name: str
self._scheduser_name = scheduser_name
def conference_type(self):
"""Gets the conference_type of this ConferenceInfo.
会议类型。 - 0: 普通会议 - 2: 周期性会议
:return: The conference_type of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._conference_type
def conference_type(self, conference_type):
"""Sets the conference_type of this ConferenceInfo.
会议类型。 - 0: 普通会议 - 2: 周期性会议
:param conference_type: The conference_type of this ConferenceInfo.
:type conference_type: int
self._conference_type = conference_type
def conf_type(self):
"""Gets the conf_type of this ConferenceInfo.
会议类型。 - FUTURE将来开始的会议创建时 - IMMEDIATELY立即开始的会议创建时 - CYCLE周期会议
:return: The conf_type of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._conf_type
def conf_type(self, conf_type):
"""Sets the conf_type of this ConferenceInfo.
会议类型。 - FUTURE将来开始的会议创建时 - IMMEDIATELY立即开始的会议创建时 - CYCLE周期会议
:param conf_type: The conf_type of this ConferenceInfo.
:type conf_type: str
self._conf_type = conf_type
def cycle_params(self):
"""Gets the cycle_params of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The cycle_params of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.CycleParams`
return self._cycle_params
def cycle_params(self, cycle_params):
"""Sets the cycle_params of this ConferenceInfo.
:param cycle_params: The cycle_params of this ConferenceInfo.
:type cycle_params: :class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.CycleParams`
self._cycle_params = cycle_params
def is_auto_mute(self):
"""Gets the is_auto_mute of this ConferenceInfo.
是否入会自动静音。 - 0: 不自动静音 - 1: 自动静音
:return: The is_auto_mute of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._is_auto_mute
def is_auto_mute(self, is_auto_mute):
"""Sets the is_auto_mute of this ConferenceInfo.
是否入会自动静音。 - 0: 不自动静音 - 1: 自动静音
:param is_auto_mute: The is_auto_mute of this ConferenceInfo.
:type is_auto_mute: int
self._is_auto_mute = is_auto_mute
def is_auto_record(self):
"""Gets the is_auto_record of this ConferenceInfo.
是否自动开启云录制。 - 0: 不自动启动 - 1: 自动启动
:return: The is_auto_record of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._is_auto_record
def is_auto_record(self, is_auto_record):
"""Sets the is_auto_record of this ConferenceInfo.
是否自动开启云录制。 - 0: 不自动启动 - 1: 自动启动
:param is_auto_record: The is_auto_record of this ConferenceInfo.
:type is_auto_record: int
self._is_auto_record = is_auto_record
def chair_join_uri(self):
"""Gets the chair_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The chair_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._chair_join_uri
def chair_join_uri(self, chair_join_uri):
"""Sets the chair_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:param chair_join_uri: The chair_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:type chair_join_uri: str
self._chair_join_uri = chair_join_uri
def guest_join_uri(self):
"""Gets the guest_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The guest_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._guest_join_uri
def guest_join_uri(self, guest_join_uri):
"""Sets the guest_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:param guest_join_uri: The guest_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:type guest_join_uri: str
self._guest_join_uri = guest_join_uri
def audience_join_uri(self):
"""Gets the audience_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The audience_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._audience_join_uri
def audience_join_uri(self, audience_join_uri):
"""Sets the audience_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:param audience_join_uri: The audience_join_uri of this ConferenceInfo.
:type audience_join_uri: str
self._audience_join_uri = audience_join_uri
def record_type(self):
"""Gets the record_type of this ConferenceInfo.
录播类型。 - 0: 禁用 - 1: 直播 - 2: 录播 - 3: 直播+录播
:return: The record_type of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._record_type
def record_type(self, record_type):
"""Sets the record_type of this ConferenceInfo.
录播类型。 - 0: 禁用 - 1: 直播 - 2: 录播 - 3: 直播+录播
:param record_type: The record_type of this ConferenceInfo.
:type record_type: int
self._record_type = record_type
def aux_address(self):
"""Gets the aux_address of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The aux_address of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._aux_address
def aux_address(self, aux_address):
"""Sets the aux_address of this ConferenceInfo.
:param aux_address: The aux_address of this ConferenceInfo.
:type aux_address: str
self._aux_address = aux_address
def live_address(self):
"""Gets the live_address of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The live_address of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._live_address
def live_address(self, live_address):
"""Sets the live_address of this ConferenceInfo.
:param live_address: The live_address of this ConferenceInfo.
:type live_address: str
self._live_address = live_address
def record_aux_stream(self):
"""Gets the record_aux_stream of this ConferenceInfo.
是否录制辅流。 - 0: 否 - 1: 是
:return: The record_aux_stream of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._record_aux_stream
def record_aux_stream(self, record_aux_stream):
"""Sets the record_aux_stream of this ConferenceInfo.
是否录制辅流。 - 0: 否 - 1: 是
:param record_aux_stream: The record_aux_stream of this ConferenceInfo.
:type record_aux_stream: int
self._record_aux_stream = record_aux_stream
def record_auth_type(self):
"""Gets the record_auth_type of this ConferenceInfo.
观看/下载录播的鉴权方式。 - 0: 可通过链接观看/下载 - 1: 企业用户可观看/下载 - 2: 与会者可观看/下载
:return: The record_auth_type of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._record_auth_type
def record_auth_type(self, record_auth_type):
"""Sets the record_auth_type of this ConferenceInfo.
观看/下载录播的鉴权方式。 - 0: 可通过链接观看/下载 - 1: 企业用户可观看/下载 - 2: 与会者可观看/下载
:param record_auth_type: The record_auth_type of this ConferenceInfo.
:type record_auth_type: int
self._record_auth_type = record_auth_type
def live_url(self):
"""Gets the live_url of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The live_url of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._live_url
def live_url(self, live_url):
"""Sets the live_url of this ConferenceInfo.
:param live_url: The live_url of this ConferenceInfo.
:type live_url: str
self._live_url = live_url
def conf_config_info(self):
"""Gets the conf_config_info of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The conf_config_info of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.RestConfConfigDTO`
return self._conf_config_info
def conf_config_info(self, conf_config_info):
"""Sets the conf_config_info of this ConferenceInfo.
:param conf_config_info: The conf_config_info of this ConferenceInfo.
:type conf_config_info: :class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.RestConfConfigDTO`
self._conf_config_info = conf_config_info
def vmr_flag(self):
"""Gets the vmr_flag of this ConferenceInfo.
是否使用云会议室或个人会议ID召开预约会议。 - 0: 不使用云会议室或个人会议ID - 1: 使用云会议室或个人会议ID
:return: The vmr_flag of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._vmr_flag
def vmr_flag(self, vmr_flag):
"""Sets the vmr_flag of this ConferenceInfo.
是否使用云会议室或个人会议ID召开预约会议。 - 0: 不使用云会议室或个人会议ID - 1: 使用云会议室或个人会议ID
:param vmr_flag: The vmr_flag of this ConferenceInfo.
:type vmr_flag: int
self._vmr_flag = vmr_flag
def is_has_record_file(self):
"""Gets the is_has_record_file of this ConferenceInfo.
是否有会议录制文件。仅历史会议查询时返回。 - true: 有录制文件 - false: 没有录制文件
:return: The is_has_record_file of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: bool
return self._is_has_record_file
def is_has_record_file(self, is_has_record_file):
"""Sets the is_has_record_file of this ConferenceInfo.
是否有会议录制文件。仅历史会议查询时返回。 - true: 有录制文件 - false: 没有录制文件
:param is_has_record_file: The is_has_record_file of this ConferenceInfo.
:type is_has_record_file: bool
self._is_has_record_file = is_has_record_file
def vmr_conference_id(self):
"""Gets the vmr_conference_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The vmr_conference_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._vmr_conference_id
def vmr_conference_id(self, vmr_conference_id):
"""Sets the vmr_conference_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:param vmr_conference_id: The vmr_conference_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:type vmr_conference_id: str
self._vmr_conference_id = vmr_conference_id
def conf_uuid(self):
"""Gets the conf_uuid of this ConferenceInfo.
会议的UUID。 > * 只有创建立即开始的会议才返回UUID如果是预约未来的会议不会返回UUID > * 可以通过[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hk)获取历史会议的UUID
:return: The conf_uuid of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._conf_uuid
def conf_uuid(self, conf_uuid):
"""Sets the conf_uuid of this ConferenceInfo.
会议的UUID。 > * 只有创建立即开始的会议才返回UUID如果是预约未来的会议不会返回UUID > * 可以通过[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hk)获取历史会议的UUID
:param conf_uuid: The conf_uuid of this ConferenceInfo.
:type conf_uuid: str
self._conf_uuid = conf_uuid
def part_attendee_info(self):
"""Gets the part_attendee_info of this ConferenceInfo.
被邀请的部分与会者信息。 > * 只返回被邀请的前20条软终端与会者信息和前20条硬终端与会者信息 > * 不返回会中主动加入的与会者信息 > * “[[查询会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询会议列表](](tag:hk)”和“[[查询会议详情](](tag:hws)[[查询会议详情](](tag:hk)”接口,返回预约会议时邀请的与会者和会中主持人邀请的与会者 > * “[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hk)”、“[[查询在线会议详情](](tag:hws)[[查询在线会议详情](](tag:hk)”、“[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hk)”和“[[查询历史会议详情](](tag:hws)[[查询历史会议详情](](tag:hk) ”接口返回预约会议时邀请的与会者。不返回会中主持人邀请的与会者
:return: The part_attendee_info of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.PartAttendee`]
return self._part_attendee_info
def part_attendee_info(self, part_attendee_info):
"""Sets the part_attendee_info of this ConferenceInfo.
被邀请的部分与会者信息。 > * 只返回被邀请的前20条软终端与会者信息和前20条硬终端与会者信息 > * 不返回会中主动加入的与会者信息 > * “[[查询会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询会议列表](](tag:hk)”和“[[查询会议详情](](tag:hws)[[查询会议详情](](tag:hk)”接口,返回预约会议时邀请的与会者和会中主持人邀请的与会者 > * “[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hk)”、“[[查询在线会议详情](](tag:hws)[[查询在线会议详情](](tag:hk)”、“[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询历史会议列表](](tag:hk)”和“[[查询历史会议详情](](tag:hws)[[查询历史会议详情](](tag:hk) ”接口返回预约会议时邀请的与会者。不返回会中主持人邀请的与会者
:param part_attendee_info: The part_attendee_info of this ConferenceInfo.
:type part_attendee_info: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.PartAttendee`]
self._part_attendee_info = part_attendee_info
def terminl_count(self):
"""Gets the terminl_count of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The terminl_count of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._terminl_count
def terminl_count(self, terminl_count):
"""Sets the terminl_count of this ConferenceInfo.
:param terminl_count: The terminl_count of this ConferenceInfo.
:type terminl_count: int
self._terminl_count = terminl_count
def normal_count(self):
"""Gets the normal_count of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The normal_count of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._normal_count
def normal_count(self, normal_count):
"""Sets the normal_count of this ConferenceInfo.
:param normal_count: The normal_count of this ConferenceInfo.
:type normal_count: int
self._normal_count = normal_count
def dept_name(self):
"""Gets the dept_name of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The dept_name of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._dept_name
def dept_name(self, dept_name):
"""Sets the dept_name of this ConferenceInfo.
:param dept_name: The dept_name of this ConferenceInfo.
:type dept_name: str
self._dept_name = dept_name
def vmr_id(self):
"""Gets the vmr_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The vmr_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._vmr_id
def vmr_id(self, vmr_id):
"""Sets the vmr_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:param vmr_id: The vmr_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:type vmr_id: str
self._vmr_id = vmr_id
def role(self):
"""Gets the role of this ConferenceInfo.
与会者角色。 * chair :主持人 * general :来宾 * audience 观众 > * 仅在查询会议详情时返回 > * 返回查询者本身的角色
:return: The role of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._role
def role(self, role):
"""Sets the role of this ConferenceInfo.
与会者角色。 * chair :主持人 * general :来宾 * audience 观众 > * 仅在查询会议详情时返回 > * 返回查询者本身的角色
:param role: The role of this ConferenceInfo.
:type role: str
self._role = role
def webinar(self):
"""Gets the webinar of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The webinar of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: bool
return self._webinar
def webinar(self, webinar):
"""Sets the webinar of this ConferenceInfo.
:param webinar: The webinar of this ConferenceInfo.
:type webinar: bool
self._webinar = webinar
def online_attendee_amount(self):
"""Gets the online_attendee_amount of this ConferenceInfo.
当前在线与会人数。包含被邀入会和主动入会的与会者。 > 仅在“[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hk)”接口中返回。
:return: The online_attendee_amount of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._online_attendee_amount
def online_attendee_amount(self, online_attendee_amount):
"""Sets the online_attendee_amount of this ConferenceInfo.
当前在线与会人数。包含被邀入会和主动入会的与会者。 > 仅在“[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hws)[[查询在线会议列表](](tag:hk)”接口中返回。
:param online_attendee_amount: The online_attendee_amount of this ConferenceInfo.
:type online_attendee_amount: int
self._online_attendee_amount = online_attendee_amount
def multi_stream_flag(self):
"""Gets the multi_stream_flag of this ConferenceInfo.
标识是否为多流视频会议。 * 1多流会议
:return: The multi_stream_flag of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._multi_stream_flag
def multi_stream_flag(self, multi_stream_flag):
"""Sets the multi_stream_flag of this ConferenceInfo.
标识是否为多流视频会议。 * 1多流会议
:param multi_stream_flag: The multi_stream_flag of this ConferenceInfo.
:type multi_stream_flag: int
self._multi_stream_flag = multi_stream_flag
def conf_mode(self):
"""Gets the conf_mode of this ConferenceInfo.
会议类型模型。 * COMMONMCU会议 * RTCMMR会议
:return: The conf_mode of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._conf_mode
def conf_mode(self, conf_mode):
"""Sets the conf_mode of this ConferenceInfo.
会议类型模型。 * COMMONMCU会议 * RTCMMR会议
:param conf_mode: The conf_mode of this ConferenceInfo.
:type conf_mode: str
self._conf_mode = conf_mode
def schedule_vmr(self):
"""Gets the schedule_vmr of this ConferenceInfo.
VMR预约记录。 true: VMR预约记录 false普通会议 > 该参数将废弃,请勿使用。
:return: The schedule_vmr of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: bool
return self._schedule_vmr
def schedule_vmr(self, schedule_vmr):
"""Sets the schedule_vmr of this ConferenceInfo.
VMR预约记录。 true: VMR预约记录 false普通会议 > 该参数将废弃,请勿使用。
:param schedule_vmr: The schedule_vmr of this ConferenceInfo.
:type schedule_vmr: bool
self._schedule_vmr = schedule_vmr
def concurrent_participants(self):
"""Gets the concurrent_participants of this ConferenceInfo.
会议最大与会人数。默认值0。 * 0无限制 * 大于0会议最大与会人数
:return: The concurrent_participants of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: int
return self._concurrent_participants
def concurrent_participants(self, concurrent_participants):
"""Sets the concurrent_participants of this ConferenceInfo.
会议最大与会人数。默认值0。 * 0无限制 * 大于0会议最大与会人数
:param concurrent_participants: The concurrent_participants of this ConferenceInfo.
:type concurrent_participants: int
self._concurrent_participants = concurrent_participants
def support_simultaneous_interpretation(self):
"""Gets the support_simultaneous_interpretation of this ConferenceInfo.
会议是否支持同声传译。默认值false。 * true:支持 * false:不支持
:return: The support_simultaneous_interpretation of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: bool
return self._support_simultaneous_interpretation
def support_simultaneous_interpretation(self, support_simultaneous_interpretation):
"""Sets the support_simultaneous_interpretation of this ConferenceInfo.
会议是否支持同声传译。默认值false。 * true:支持 * false:不支持
:param support_simultaneous_interpretation: The support_simultaneous_interpretation of this ConferenceInfo.
:type support_simultaneous_interpretation: bool
self._support_simultaneous_interpretation = support_simultaneous_interpretation
def pic_display(self):
"""Gets the pic_display of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The pic_display of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.MultiPicDisplayDO`
return self._pic_display
def pic_display(self, pic_display):
"""Sets the pic_display of this ConferenceInfo.
:param pic_display: The pic_display of this ConferenceInfo.
:type pic_display: :class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.MultiPicDisplayDO`
self._pic_display = pic_display
def sub_confs(self):
"""Gets the sub_confs of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The sub_confs of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.CycleSubConf`]
return self._sub_confs
def sub_confs(self, sub_confs):
"""Sets the sub_confs of this ConferenceInfo.
:param sub_confs: The sub_confs of this ConferenceInfo.
:type sub_confs: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkmeeting.v1.CycleSubConf`]
self._sub_confs = sub_confs
def cycle_sub_conf_id(self):
"""Gets the cycle_sub_conf_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:return: The cycle_sub_conf_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:rtype: str
return self._cycle_sub_conf_id
def cycle_sub_conf_id(self, cycle_sub_conf_id):
"""Sets the cycle_sub_conf_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:param cycle_sub_conf_id: The cycle_sub_conf_id of this ConferenceInfo.
:type cycle_sub_conf_id: str
self._cycle_sub_conf_id = cycle_sub_conf_id
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, ConferenceInfo):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other