# 3.0.53 2021-07-26 ### HuaweiCloud SDK CDN - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Remove the response parameters `urls`, `task_id` of the interface `ShowHistoryTasks`. - Remove the response parameters `task_id`, `process_reason`, modify the type of the request parameter `process_reason`:`integer`->`string` - Remove the request parameters `user_domain_id`, `task_id` of the interface `ShowTopUrl`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK CloudPipeline - _Features_ - Support the interface `ShowPlans`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Cloudtest - _Features_ - Support the interface `ListPipelineSimpleInfo`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DCS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the request parameter `dcs_cluster_proxy2_node` to the interface `UpdateConfigurations`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK DDM - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Remove the request parameter `extend_authority` of the interface `UpdateUser`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK DDS - _Features_ - Support the interface `UpdateClientNetwork`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Change the request parameters `start_time`,`stop_time` from `optional` to `required` of the interface `SetBalancerWindow`. - Add the request parameter `port` and response parameter `port` to the interface `CreateInstance`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph - _Features_ - Support the interface `EnableLtsLogs`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the response parameters `concurrent_num`,`id`,`encrypted_user_data`. - Add the response parameters `func_vpc_id`,`encrypted_user_data`,`long_time`,`log_group_id`,`log_stream_id`,`type` to the interface `ListFunctions`, and remove the response parameters `version_description`,`last_modified_utc`,`dependencies` of this interface. - Remove the request parameter `name`,`last_modified`,`alias_urn` of the interface `UpdateVersionAlias`. - Add the response parameters `encrypted_user_data`,`long_time`,`log_group_id`,`log_stream_id`,`type` of the interface `ShowFunctionConfig`, and remove the response parameters `version_description`,`concurrency` of this interface. - Add the response parameters `encrypted_user_data`,`long_time`,`log_group_id`,`log_stream_id`,`type` to the interface `ListFunctionVersions`, and remove the response parameters `version_description`,`concurrency`,`depend_list`. - Add the response parameters `encrypted_user_data`,`long_time`,`log_group_id`,`log_stream_id`,`type` to the interface `ListFunctionVersions`, remove the response parameters `last_modified_utc`,`concurrency`. - Modify the type of the request parameter `size` of the interface `UpdateTrigger`: `string`->`integer` - Modify the type of the response parameter `size` of the interface `ShowDependency`: `string`->`integer` - Modify the type of the response parameter `size` of the interface `UpdateDependency`: `string`->`integer` ### HuaweiCloud SDK HSS - _Features_ - Support the interface `ListEvents`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IEC - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Remove the request parameters `pool_id_v6`,`ipv6_bandwidth_enable` of the interface `CreateDeployment`. - Remove the response parameters `ipv6_enable`,`ipv6_bandwidth_enable`,`pool_id_v6` of the interface `ShowEdgeCloud`. - Remove the response parameters `shared`,`charge_mode` of the interface `ListSites`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK Live - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Remove the response parameter `domain_source` of the interface `ShowDomain`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the request parameters `offset`,`limit` to the interface `ShowRecordingFileDownloadUrls`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK MPC - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Remove the response parameter `language` of the interface `ListTranscodeDetail`. - Remove the request parameter `project_id`,`tenant_project_id`,`domain_name`,`canonical_grant_id` of the interface `CreateThumbnailsTask`. - Add the response parameter `audit_report` to the interface `ListTranscodeDetail`. - Remove the response parameter `output_url` of the interface `QueryTranscodingsTask`. - Add the request parameter `audit` to the interface, and remove the request parameter `special_effect`,`quality_enhance`,`template_extend` of this interface. - Remove the response parameter `template_id`,`error` of the interface `ListWatermarkTemplate`. - Remove the request parameter `multidrm`,`preview_duration` of the interface `CreateVodTranscodingTask`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK VOD - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of the request parameter `auto_publish` of the interface `CreateAssetByFileUpload`, and configure the optional values `0`,`1`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK WAF - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of the response parameters `response_time`,`response_size` of the interface `ListEvent`: `string`->`integer`. # 3.0.52 2021-07-16 ### HuaweiCloud SDK AS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the request parameter `description` to the interface `CreateScalingV2Policy`. - Add the response parameter `description` to the interfaces `ShowScalingV2Policy`, `ShowScalingGroup`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK DCS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: - `CreateDiagnosisTask` - `CreateRedislog` - `CreateRedislogDownloadLink` - `ListDiagnosisTasks` - `ListRedislog` - `ListSlowlog` - `ShowDiagnosisTaskDetails` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the request parameter `include_delete` to the interface `ListInstances`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK IMS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - [Issue 40](https://github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-java-v3/issues/40): Fix the issue that the type of the response parameter `__lazyloading` is incorrectly defined. - _Change_ - None # 3.0.51 2021-07-09 ### HuaweiCloud SDK BMS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the issue that the data structure of the response parameter `addresses` of the interface `ListBareMetalServers` is incorrectly defined. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CBR - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the response parameters `smn_notify`,`threshold` to the interface `ListProtectable`. - Add the request parameter `add_policy_ids` and the response parameters `without_any_tag`,`smn_notify`,`threshold` to the interface `AssociateVaultPolicy`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK CCE - _Features_ - Support the interfaces `RemoveNode`,`MigrateNode`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the request parameter `tobedeleted` to the interface `DeleteCluster`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK CCM - _Features_ - Support the `Cloud Certificate Manager` service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CDN - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Change the request parameters `start_time`,`end_time` from optional to required of the interface `ShowTopUrl`, and add the optional value `outside_mainland_china` to the request parameter `domain_name`. - Add the request parameter `service_area` to the interface `ShowDomainItemDetails`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK DDM - _Features_ - Support the `Distributed Database Middleware` service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DNS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of the response parameters `masters`, `zones` of the interface `CreatePublicZone`: `string`->`array` ### HuaweiCloud SDK EIP - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the response parameter `publicip_border_group` to the interfaces `CreateSharedBandwidth`,`ListBandwidths`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK IMS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the response parameters `__root_origin`,`checksum`,`size` to the interfaces `GlanceCreateImageMetadata`. - Remove the request parameters `deleted`, `deleted_at` of the interface `GlanceAddImageMember`, and add the following request parameters: - `__lazyloading` - `__os_feature_list` - `__root_origin` - `__sequence_num` - `__support_agent_list` - `__system__cmkid` - `active_at` - `hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled` - `max_ram` - `__image_location` - `__is_config_init` - `__account_code` ### HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the response parameters `edge_node_ids`, `last_update_time` to the interface `ListRules`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK LTS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of the response parameter `context` of the interface `ListStructuredLogsWithTimeRange`: `string`->`array` - Modify the name of the interfaces:: - `UpdateLogContents`->`ListLogs` - `UpdateLogContents2`->`ListQueryStructuredLogs` - `UpdateLogContents3`->`ListStructuredLogsWithTimeRange` ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of the response parameters `startTime`、`endTime` of the interface `CreateMeeting`: `string`->`integer` - Modify the name of the request parameter of the interface `ShowWebinar`: `conferenceId`->`conference_id` ### HuaweiCloud SDK SWR - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the response parameters `domain_id`,`priority` to the interface `ShowRepository`. - Add the response parameter `template` to the interface `CreateRetention`. # 3.0.50 2021-06-29 ### HuaweiCloud SDK CCE - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add a request parameter `storage` to interfaces `CreateNodePool`,`ShowNodePool`,`UpdateNodePool`,`DeleteNodePool`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK DRS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of the parameter `selected` of the interface `BatchUpdateUser`: `string`->`boolean` ### HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforNoSQL - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of the response parameter `port` of the interface `ListInstances`: `string`->`integer`. - Modify the name of response parameter of the interface `ListInstances`: `storage_engine`->`mode` - Remove a response parameter `node_name` and add a response parameter `time` to the interface `ListSlowLogs`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK NAT - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the issue that the request parameter `project_id` of the interface `ListNatGateways` is duplicated. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of response parameters `port`,`node_num` of the interface `ShowInformationAboutDatabaseProxy`: `string`->`integer` # 3.0.49 2021-06-25 ### HuaweiCloud SDK APIG - _Features_ - Support more ineterfaces: - `ListGatewayResponsesV2` - `UpdateGatewayResponseV2` - `DeleteGatewayResponseV2` - `UpdateGatewayResponseTypeV2` - `DeleteGatewayResponseTypeV2` - `DeleteInstancesV2` - `UpdateInstanceV2` - `ListInstancesV2` - `RemoveEipV2` - `UpdateEngressEipV2` - `RemoveEngressEipV2` - `ListFeaturesV2` - `UpdateDomainV2` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK BMS - _Features_ - Support interface `ChangeBaremetalServerOs`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the name of reponse parameter of interface `ChangeBaremetalServerName`: `server_tags`->`sys_tags`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK CDN - _Features_ - Support interface `ShowQuota`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of request parameter `url` of interface `ShowHistoryTaskDetails`: `integer`->`string`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK DRS - _Features_ - Support interface `ShowQuotas`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of request parameters `is_transfer`,`selected` of interface `BatchUpdateUser`: `string`->`boolean`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK IAM - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add request parameters`permission_type`,`display_name`,`catalog`,`type` of interface `KeystoneListPermissions`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK LTS - _Features_ - Support `Log Tank Service`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - Support interface `InviteShare`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add request parameter `multiPicSaveOnly` to interface `SetMultiPicture`. - Add reponse parameter `leftReason` to interface `SearchHisMeetings`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK VOD - _Features_ - Support `Video on Demand` service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK WAF - _Features_ - Support `Web Application Firewall` service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.48 2021-06-21 ### HuaweiCloud SDK BMS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add response parameters `server_tags`,`enterprise_project_id`,`group` to interface `ChangeBaremetalServerName`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK CCE - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - [Issue 22](https://github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/issues/22): Modify the optional value of response parameter `status` of interface `ListAddonInstances`. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CDN - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Remove the request parameter `user_domain_id` of interface `ListDomains`. - Modify the name of interface: `ShowRefer` -> `ShowReferer`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK CloudPipeline - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add request parameters to interface `ShowTemplateDetail`: - `template_url` - `create_time` - `last_modify_time` - `can_update` - `can_delete` - `need_hub` ### HuaweiCloud SDK Live - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: - `CreateRecordCallbackConfig` - `ShowRecordCallbackConfig` - `UpdateRecordCallbackConfig` - `DeleteRecordCallbackConfig` - `ListRecordCallbackConfigs` - `UpdateRecordRule` - `ShowRecordRule` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the name of some interfaces: - `CreateRecordConfig` -> `CreateRecordRule` - `DeleteRecordConfig` -> `DeleteRecordRule` - `ListRecordConfigs` -> `ListRecordRules` - Remove some interfaces: - `ShowTraffic` - `ShowBandwidth` - `ShowOnlineUsers` ### HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of response parameter `partitions` of interface `ShowGroups`: `array[string]` -> `array[integer]` ### HuaweiCloud SDK RabbitMQ - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the issue of compilation failure. - _Change_ - None # 3.0.47 2021-06-10 ### HuaweiCloud SDK BSS - _Features_ - Support interfaces `ListFreeResources`,`ListFreeResourceUsages`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK BSSINTL - _Features_ - Support interfaces `ListFreeResources`,`ListFreeResourceUsages`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Cloudtest - _Features_ - Support interfaces `CreateApiTestSuiteByRepoFile`,`ListEnvironments`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DRS - _Features_ - Support `Data Replication Service`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph - _Features_ - Support interfaces - `ImportFunction` - `ExportFunction` - `AsyncInvokeReservedFunction` - `DeleteReservedInstanceById` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - Support more interfaces - `CreateWebinar` - `ShowWebinar` - `UpdateWebinar` - `DeleteWebinar` - `ListOngoingWebinars` - `ListHistoryWebinars` - `ListUpComingWebinars` - `UploadFile` - `ShowRoomSetting` - `UpdateRoomSetting` - `SearchCorpResources` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add a request parameter `vmrMode` to interface `SearchCorpVmr`. - Remove the interface `SearchMemberVmrByCloudLink`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK OSM - _Features_ - Support `Online Service Management`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - Support interfaces `SetBinlogClearPolicy`,`ShowBinlogClearPolicy`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add request parameters `offset`,`limit` to interface `ListOffSiteInstances`. # 3.0.46 2021-06-04 ### HuaweiCloud SDK CCE - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - [Issue 20](https://github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/issues/20): Fix the issue that the type of `extendParam` is defined incorrectly. - _Change_ - Add the request parameter `tobedeleted` to the interface `DeleteCluster`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK CDN - _Features_ - Support `Content Delivery Network` service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DDS - _Features_ - Support the interface `ShowQuotas` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IEC - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the name of request parameter of the interface `CreatePublicIp`: `pool_id` -> `type` ### HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA - _Features_ - Support interface `ListComplexQueryDevice`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforNoSQL - _Features_ - Support `GaussDBforNoSQL` service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - Support the interface `ShowQuotas` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the type of request parameter `restart` of the interface `StartInstanceRestartAction`: string -> object # 3.0.45 2021-05-25 ### HuaweiCloud SDK AS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: - `ListApiVersions` - `ShowApiVersion` - `BatchProtectScalingInstances` - `BatchRemoveScalingInstances` - `CreateScalingTagInfo` - `BatchResumeScalingPolicies` - `BatchPauseScalingPolicies` - `PauseScalingGroup` - `BatchSetScalingInstancesStandby` - `BatchUnsetScalingInstancesStandby` - `ResumeScalingPolicy` - `PauseScalingPolicy` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the operation name of the following interfaces: - from `ExecuteScalingPolicies` to `BatchDeleteScalingPolicies` - from `EnableOrDisableScalingGroup` to `ResumeScalingGroup` - from `UpdateScalingGroupInstance` to `BatchAddScalingInstances` - from `CompleteLifecycleAction` to `AttachCallbackInstanceLifeCycleHook` - Remove the interface: `DeleteScalingTags` - Add the parameter `enterprise_project_id` to the interface `ListScalingGroups`. - Add the parameter `log_id` to the interface `ListScalingActivityV2Logs`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK BSS - _Features_ - Support interface `ListCustomerBillsMonthlyBreakDown` and `ListOrderDiscounts`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add query parameter _bill_date_begin_ and _bill_date_end_ to interface `ListSubCustomerResFeeRecords`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK CloudPipeline - _Features_ - Support interface: `StopPipelineNew`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Remove interfaces `StartPipeline`, `StopPipeline`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK DMS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the name of interface from `ShowProjectTags` to `ShowQueueProjectTags`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK EPS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Change request parameter `offset` of interface `ListEnterpriseProject` from required to optional. ### HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: - `ListFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig` - `ShowFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig` - `DeleteFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig` - `UpdateFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the name of request parameter of interfaces `DeleteVersionAlias`,`UpdateVersionAlias` ,`ShowVersionAlias`: `name` -> `alias_name` - Modify the name of request parameter of interfaces `DeleteFunctionTrigger`,`UpdateTrigger` ,`ShowFunctionTrigger`: `triggerId` -> `trigger_id` ### HuaweiCloud SDK IAM - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the parameter `access_mode` to interface `CreateUsers`. - Change the parameter `authentication_code` of interface `DeleteBindingDevice` from required to optional. ### HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: - `CreateInstanceUser` - `BatchDeleteInstanceUsers` - `ShowInstanceUsers` - `ShowTopicAccessPolicy` - `UpdateTopicAccessPolicy` - `ShowKafkaTopicPartitionDiskusage` - `ShowInstanceMessages` - `ResetUserPassword` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the name of the interface: - from `ShowInstanceTags` to `ShowKafkaTags` - from `ShowProjectTags` to `ShowKafkaProjectTags` - from `BatchCreateOrDeleteInstanceTag` to `BatchCreateOrDeleteKafkaTag` - Modify the request body name of the interface: - from `BatchCreateOrDeleteInstanceTagRequestBody` to `BatchCreateOrDeleteKafkaTagRequestBody` - Modify the data type of parameter `sink_max_tasks` in the request body of interface `UpdateSinkTaskQuota` from String to Integer. ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: - `ShowRecordingFileDownloadUrls` - `SearchQosParticipantDetail` - `SearchMemberVmrByCloudLink` - `SearchQosHistoryMeetings` - `UpdateStartedConfConfig` - `SearchQosParticipants` - `InviteUser` - `CreateWebSocketToken` - `CreateAppIdToken` - `SearchQosOnlineMeetings` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the data type of parameter `X-Login-Type` of interface `CreateConfToken` from Integer to String. - Delete the unused parameter `forceEditFlag` of interface `UpdateResource` and `DeleteResource`. - Delete the unused parameter `forceDelete` of interface `DeleteCorp`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK OMS - _Features_ - Support `Object Storage Migration Service`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK RabbitMQ - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the name of the following interfaces: - from `BatchCreateOrDeleteInstanceTag` to `BatchCreateOrDeleteRabbitMqTag`; - from `ShowProjectTags` to `ShowRabbitMqProjectTags`; - from `ShowInstanceTags` to `ShowRabbitMqTags`. - Modify the request body name of interface `BatchCreateOrDeleteInstanceTag` from `BatchCreateOrDeleteInstanceTagRequestBody` to `BatchCreateOrDeleteRabbitMqTagRequestBody`. # 3.0.43-rc 2021-05-14 ### HuaweiCloud SDK ECS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Solve the issue of abnormal parsing result when using interface `NovaShowKeypair` to obtain the secret key. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add new result values `CLOUDSSD` and `LOCALSSD` to response field `type` of interface `ListInstances`. - Add an optional request parameter `complete_version` to interface `ListBackups`. - Change request parameter `type` of interface `ListSlowlogStatistics` from optional to required. # 3.0.42-rc 2021-05-10 ### HuaweiCloud SDK BMS - _Features_ - Support interface `BatchCreateBaremetalServerTags`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DDS - _Features_ - Support interfaces `MigrateAz`, `ListAz2Migrate`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK EPS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - [Issue 17](https://github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/issues/17): Fix the issue that `EpDetailType` enum is defined incorrectly. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IEC - _Features_ - Support `Intelligent EdgeCloud` service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the name of response body of interface `ListOffSiteInstances`: `OffSiteInstanceListResponse` -> `OffSiteInstanceListResponseBody` - Modify the name of response field of interface `ListOffSiteInstances`: `offsite_backup_instances` -> `offsite_backup_instance` # 3.0.41-rc 2021-04-30 ### HuaweiCloud SDK BCS - _Features_ - Support interface `ListOpRecord` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DDS - _Features_ - Support interfaces: - `ShowShardingBalancer` - `SetBalancerSwitch` - `SetBalancerWindow` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK HSS - _Features_ - Support interface `ListHosts` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IAM - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add optional values to request parameter `type` of the interface `ShowDomainQuota`: - `assigment_group_mp` - `assigment_agency_mp` - `assigment_group_ep` - `assigment_user_ep` ### HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Remove interfaces: - `ListSubscriptions` - `CreateSubscription` - `UpdateSubscription` - `ShowSubscription` - `DeleteSubscription` ### HuaweiCloud SDK MPC - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add request parameters `language`、`sky_switch` to the interface `CreateMpeCallBack`. - Update optional values of request parameter `subtitle_type` of interface `CreateTranscodingTask`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK ProjectMan - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add a field `project_code` to response body of the interface `ShowProjectInfoV4`. # 3.0.40-rc 2021-04-15 ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces about database management operations. - `CreateSqlserverDatabase` - `DeleteSqlserverDatabase` - `ListSqlserverDatabases` - Support more interfaces about user management operations. - `CreateSqlserverDbUser` - `ListSqlserverDbUsers` - `ListAuthorizedSqlserverDbUsers` - `DeleteSqlserverDbUser` - `AllowSqlserverDbUserPrivilege` - `RevokeSqlserverDbUserPrivilege` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DDS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces `DeleteDatabaseUser`,`DeleteDatabaseRole`,`ShowConnectionStatistics`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK ProjectMan - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add fields `closed_time` ,`id` ,`created_time` to reponse body of interfaces `ListIssuesV4`, `ListChildIssuesV4`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK AOM - _Features_ - Support `Application Operations Management` service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK OCR - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Standardize the naming of interface parameters. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK VPC - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the bug, open the tags of the VPC and subnet. - _Change_ - None # 3.0.39-rc 2021-03-30 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the issue that the interface for querying messages does not contain the timestamp field. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Moderation - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add request parameters `moderation_rule` and `ad_glossaries` to interface `RunImageModeration`. - Change the parameter `category_suggestion` to `category_suggestions` of the interface `RunTextModeration`. - Change the type of the response parameter `confidence` to `object` of the interface `RunImageModeration `. ### HuaweiCloud SDK ProjectMan - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add the attribute `name` to the response body `IssueResponseV4` of the interfaces `ShowIssueV4` and `UpdateIssueV4`. - Change the attribute `work_time` to `work_date` in `ShowProjectWorkHoursResponseBody` in the response body of the interfaces `ShowProjectWorkHours` and `ListProjectWorkHours`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK SMN - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Change the request parameter `protocol` of the interface `PublishMessage` from mandatory to optional. - Change the attribute `subject` of the class `PublishMessageRequestBody` in the request body of the interface `PublishMessage` from mandatory to optional. # 3.0.38-rc 2021-03-26 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Live - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the problem of deserialization error of the response of interface `ListLiveStreamsOnline`. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the problem that some fields in the response body of interface `ListSlowlogStatistics` are empty. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK SMN - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Change the property `protocol` in `ListMessageTemplates` from required to optional. # 3.0.37-rc 2021-03-19 ### HuaweiCloud SDK ECS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the problem of deserialization failure of response body of interface `ListFlavors`. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - Support more interfaces related to active code management. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.36-rc 2021-03-16 ### HuaweiCloud SDK EIP - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Add request field `enterprise_project_id` in interface `CreatePrePaidPublicip`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK ProjectMan - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the problem that the SDK can not be used. - _Change_ - None # 3.0.35-rc 2021-03-15 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - If the `endpoint` input by the user does not contain a protocol prefix, the `https` prefix will be automatically added. - Do not support the default values of the optional parameters anymore. ### HuaweiCloud SDK CES - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Class adjustment in interface `CreateAlarmRequestBody`: change class definition of property `metric` from `MetricInfoForAlarm` to `MetricForAlarm`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK DDS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: - `RestoreNewInstance` - `ListSessions` - `DeleteSession` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK ECS - _Features_ - Support more interface: `ShowServerGroup`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Change the interface name from `ShowWindowsServerPassword` to `ShowServerPassword`. - Change the interface name from `DeleteWindowsServerPassword` to `DeleteServerPassword`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK ELB - _Features_ - Support more interface: `ListAllMembers`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Interface `ListDependencies` adjustment: change the data type of property `size` of the response definition from string to int. ### HuaweiCloud SDK IAM - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: - `KeystoneShowIdentityProvider` - `KeystoneCreateIdentityProvider` - `KeystoneUpdateIdentityProvider` - `KeystoneDeleteIdentityProvider` - `CreateTokenWithIdToken` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Do not support interface `CreateUnscopeTokenByIdpInitiated` anymore. ### HuaweiCloud SDK IMS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: - `ListImageByTags` which mead list images queried by tags. - `ListImagesTags` which means list all tags of all images in current account. - `ListImageTags` which means list all tags of specified image. - `AddImageTag` - `DeleteImageTag` - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK ProjectMan - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: - `CreateCustomfields` - `ShowBugsPerDeveloper` - `ShowCompletionRate` - `ShowBugDensityV2` - `ShowProjectInfoV4` - _Bug Fix_ - Change the incorrect name of interface from `ShowtIssueCompletionRate` to `ShowIssueCompletionRate`. - _Change_ - Change the data type of property `created_time` and `updated_time` in class `ListProjectV4ResponseBody` from string to int. ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - Support `Postgresql` related interfaces. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.34-rc 2021-02-27 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Optimize the description of `README` and the format of `CHANGELOG`. - Support to use method `to_json_object()` to get response object of your requests. ### HuaweiCloud SDK BMS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Correct operation name from `WindowsBaremetalServerCleanPwd` to `DeleteWindowsBareMetalServerPassword`. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CES - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the problem of circular dependency in the `CreateAlarmResponse` class. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DDS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: `DownloadSlowlog` and `DownloadErrorlog`. - _Bug Fix_ - Correct operation name from `ModifyConfigurationParameter` to `UpdateConfigurationParameter`, change the class name of this operation from `ModifyConfigurationParameterRequestBody` to `UpdateConfigurationParameterRequestBody` . - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DGC - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Correct operation name from `ModifyJob` to `UpdateJob`. - Correct operation name from `ModifyScript` to `UpdateScript`. - Correct operation name from `ModifyResource` to `UpdateResource`. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK ELB - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Correct operation name from `ListMenbers` to `ListMembers`. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK EPS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Correct operation name from `ModifyEnterpriseProject` to `UpdateEnterpriseProject`. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IAM - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Correct property from `pwd_stength` to `pwd_strength` in class `KeystoneUserResult`. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA - _Features_ - Offline the following interfaces: - CreateAppCertificate - ListAppCertificates - ShowAppCertificate - UpdateAppCertificate - DeleteAppCertificate - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Hide the internal fields `Sp-Auth-Token` and `Stage-Auth-Token` of all interfaces which doesn't affect actual use in SDK. ### HuaweiCloud SDK IMS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Delete the default value `disk_format='vhd'` in the class `ListImagesRequest`. - Delete the default value `disk_format='vhd'` in the class `GlanceListImagesRequest`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Correct operation name from `EditMeeting` to `UpdateMeeting`. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Correct operation name from `DoManualBackup` to `CreateManualBackup`. - Correct operation name from `ModifyConfiguration` to `UpdateConfiguration`. - Correct operation name from `ModifyInstanceConfiguration` to `UpdateInstanceConfiguration`. - Fix the problem of circular dependency in the classes of `CreateInstanceResponse` and `CreateConfigurationResponse`. - _Change_ - Add property `is_auto_pay` to the operation `StartInstanceAction` in the scenario of changing a single-node system to a primary/standby mode. # 3.0.33-rc 2021-02-07 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Add default config of `HttpConfig` when initialing a service client using function `build()`. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IMS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Interface `ListOsVersions` adjustment: change the data type of `os_bit` which is the property of response of the interface from string to integer. ### HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: ListAsyncCommands, ListAsyncHistoryCommands, CreateAppCertificate, ListAppCertificates, ShowAppCertificate, UpdateAppCertificate, DeleteAppCertificate - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - SDK of interface `DeviceManagement` deprecated.(It's not supported any more in SDK, but you can also using it by customized coding using API.) ### HuaweiCloud SDK Live - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: ListLiveSampleLogs, CreateDomain, DeleteDomain, UpdateDomain, ShowDomain, CreateDomainMapping, DeleteDomainMapping - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK OCR - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Interfaces adjustment: change the class name of response of all interfaces from `xxResultBody` or `xxResultResponse` or `xxResponseBodyItems` to `xxResult`. # 3.0.32-rc 2021-01-30 ### HuaweiCloud SDK DNS - _Features_ - Support `Domain Name Service`. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK ECS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Change interface name from `UpdateAutoTerminateTimeServer` to `UpdateServerAutoTerminateTime`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK EVS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Interface `CinderCreateVolume` is supported to specify the id of dedicated storage pool using property `OS-SCH-HNT:scheduler_hints`. - Modify property type of `allocated` of class `QuotaDetails` from `String` to `Integer`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK IAM - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Increases the property `access_mode` of response class of interface `ShowUser`. # 3.0.31-rc.1 2021-01-26 ### HuaweiCloud SDK CCE - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Modify file `cce_region.py`. - _Change_ - None # 3.0.31-rc 2021-01-25 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - The default value of `ConnectionTimeout` is set to 60 seconds. - The default value of `ReadTimeout` is set to 120 seconds. ### HuaweiCloud SDK BSS - _Features_ - Support more interface: ListOrderDiscounts. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK ECS - _Features_ - Support more interface: UpdateAutoTerminateTimeServer. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.30-rc 2021-01-15 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - Support function `value_of` to get region information. - _Bug Fix_ - Fix response exception when using temporary AK/SK. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IAM - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the data type of response field `is_domain_owner` from string to boolean of interface `ShowUser` and `CreateUser`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - Support more interface: ShowOrgRes - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Interface `CreateMeeting` supports parameter `allowGuestStartConf`. - Add response fields of `ShowMeetingDetail`: `appId`, `isAutoInvite`, `isNotOverlayPidName`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: ShowOffSiteBackupPolicy, SetOffSiteBackupPolicy, ListOffSiteBackups, ListOffSiteRestoreTimes, ListOffSiteRestoreTimes - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK SWR - _Features_ - Support `Software Repository for Container` service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.29-beta 2020-12-31 ### HuaweiCloud SDK CloudIDE - _Features_ - Support more interface: ShowAccountStatus - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DCS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Modify the interface return data type to prevent deserialization failure: - ListSlowlog: change data type of `Tags` from Tag to ResourceTag. - ListInstances: change data type of `duration` from int32 to string. - ShowBigkeyScanTaskDetails: change data type of `db` from int32 to string. - ShowHotkeyTaskDetails: change data type of `db` from int32 to string. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DGC - _Features_ - Support `Data Lake Governance Center` service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Interface modification: response type of interface `CreateInstance` adjustment. ### HuaweiCloud SDK SMN - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Modify the request parameters of interface `PublishMessage` from Object to Map - _Change_ - None # 3.0.28-beta 2020-12-28 ### HuaweiCloud SDK DCS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Change property type of `port` from string to integer. - _Change_ - None # 3.0.27-beta 2020-12-25 ### HuaweiCloud SDK DCS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Query parameter in interface `ListInstances` modification: id → instance_id. ### HuaweiCloud SDK RMS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: `Resources` related interfaces and `Region` related interfaces. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.26-beta 2020-12-23 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - Support Endpoint Resolver: it's supported to use {Service}Region when initializing {ServiceClient} which can automatically backfill endpoint. After choosing a region, the projectId/domainId will be backfilled automatically. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK BSS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: ListMeasureUnits. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CES - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Update interface: ShowMetricData ### HuaweiCloud SDK DLI - _Features_ - Support Data Lake Insight service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Live - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: ShowStreamPortrait. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK MPC - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: QualityEnhanceTemplate related interfaces and MergeChannelsTask related interfaces. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS - _Features_ - Support Relational Database Service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK SMN - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Update field type in message_template_name. # 3.0.25-beta 2020-12-15 ### HuaweiCloud SDK CCE - _Features_ - Support Cloud Container Engine service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK ELB - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the problem that sending request to interface `CreateListener` returns empty response. - Fix the problem that sending request to interface `CreateListener` returns response with wrong type. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: UpdateFunctionReservedInstances. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: CreatePortalRefNonce. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK NAT - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the problem that using interface `BatchCreateNatGatewayDnatRules` failed. - _Change_ - None # 3.0.24-beta 2020-12-04 ### HuaweiCloud SDK SMN - _Features_ - Support Simple Message Notification service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.23-beta 2020-11-30 ### HuaweiCloud SDK BCS - _Features_ - Support BlockChain Service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK BMS - _Features_ - Support Bare Metal Server service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK BSS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: ListUsageTypes, ModPeriodToOnDemand. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CBR - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: MigrateVaultResource. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CES - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: - ListEvents - ListEventDetail - CreateResourceGroup - UpdateResourceGroup - DeleteResourceGroup - ListResourceGroup - UpdateAlarm - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK ECS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - [Issue 21](https://github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-java-v3/issues/21) Open related interface. ### HuaweiCloud SDK IAM - _Features_ - Support more interfaces. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Live - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Name of service client modification: LiveAPIClient → LiveClient. ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Property of interface `CreateMeeting` adjustment: increase property `callInRestriction`. - Property of interface `EditMeeting` adjustment: increase property `callInRestriction`. # 3.0.22-beta 2020-11-17 ### HuaweiCloud SDK DMS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Type of property adjustment: type of property `created` and type of `eff_date` are changed from `string` to `integer64`. ### HuaweiCloud SDK ECS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Property adjustment: increase property `dry_run` in interfaces `CreatePostPaidServers` and `CreateServers` which means whether parameters will be checked before sending real requests. ### HuaweiCloud SDK NAT - _Features_ - Support NAT Gateway service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Name of interface adjustment: UpdateInstanceCrossVPCIP → UpdateInstanceCrossVpcIp ### HuaweiCloud SDK RMS - _Features_ - Support Resource Manager Service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK VPC - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: interfaces related to Network ACLs. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.21-beta 2020-11-11 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the problem of parameter conversion error when special characters exclude `-` and `_` are in query paramters. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CBR - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Interface adjustment: property `object_type` in interface `CreateVault` support key `turbo`. - Interface adjustment: property `description` in interface `UpdatePolicy` is removed. ### HuaweiCloud SDK CES - _Features_ - Add examples of interface response and adjust some filed description. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CloudPipeline - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify the name of generated Client class: devcloudpipeline_client → cloudpipeline_client, devcloudpipeline_async_client → cloudpipeline_async_client ### HuaweiCloud SDK DevStar - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify interface parameters and adjust sample code. # 3.0.20-beta 2020-11-02 ### HuaweiCloud SDK CES - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Interface adjustment: property `alarm_type` in class `CreateAlarmRequestBody` support key `RESOURCE_GROUP`. - Interface adjustment: property `meta_data` in class `ListAlarmHistoriesResponse` only returns total number of alarm histories. ### HuaweiCloud SDK ELB - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Modify wrong parameter in class `CreateL7ruleRequestBody`. - _Change_ - None # 3.0.19-beta 2020-10-31 ### HuaweiCloud SDK CBR - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: interfaces related to `TAG`. - _Bug Fix_ - [Issue 17](https://github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-java-v3/issues/17) fix the problem of interface: ListBackups. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CTS - _Features_ - Support more interface: ListQuotas - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK EPS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Adjust interfaces' names, replace abbreviations of `EP` with `EnterpriseProject`, the involved interfaces are: 1. ListEP → ListEnterpriseProject 2. CreateEP → CreateEnterpriseProject 3. ShowEP → ShowEnterpriseProject 4. ModifyEP → ModifyEnterpriseProject 5. EnableEP → EnableEnterpriseProject 6. ShowEPQuota → ShowEnterpriseProjectQuota 7. ShowResourceBindEP → ShowResourceBindEnterpriseProject 8. DisableEP → DisableEnterpriseProject ### HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: UpdateTrigger, ListFunctionStatistics, ListStatistics, ListQuotas - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IAM - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Adjust interfaces' names, the involved interfaces are: 1. KeystoneCreateUserTokenByPasswordAndMFA → KeystoneCreateUserTokenByPasswordAndMfa 2. CreateUnscopeTokenByIDPInitiated → CreateUnscopeTokenByIdpInitiated ### HuaweiCloud SDK ProjectMan - _Features_ - Support more interfaces: iteration information, user information, project members, project information, project indicators, project statistics, etc. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.18-beta 2020-10-20 ### HuaweiCloud SDK DCS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Remove redundant `Dcs` in interfaces. ### HuaweiCloud SDK ELB - _Features_ - Support more interfaces of version v2. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA - _Features_ - Support more interfaces related to rules. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - Support more interfaces. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.17-beta 2020-10-14 ### HuaweiCloud SDK BSS - _Features_ - Partner center supports exporting product catalog prices. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK DCS - _Features_ - Support more interfaces. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Live - _Features_ - Support more interfaces of version v2 of Live. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.16-beta 2020-10-12 ### HuaweiCloud SDK CTS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Delete deprecated interfaces of version v1. ### HuaweiCloud SDK DevStar - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Modify the credential type of DevStarClient: the correct credential type is GlobalCredentials. - _Change_ - None # 3.0.15-beta 2020-09-30 ### HuaweiCloud SDK ELB - _Features_ - Support Elastic Load Balance service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK EIP - _Features_ - Support Elastic IP service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.14-beta 2020-09-24 ### HuaweiCloud SDK BSS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the problem that the class `BssClient` cannot be loaded. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK TestHub - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - The original service name `TestHub` has been changed to `CloudTest`, because `TestHub` couldn't be published in SDK Center successfully. # 3.0.13-beta 2020-09-16 ### HuaweiCloud SDK ECS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix parameter type of interfaces. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK BSS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Update interfaces. ### HuaweiCloud SDK Live - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Adjust descriptions of banned interface. # 3.0.12-beta 2020-09-11 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix failed to create credentials - _Change_ - None # 3.0.11-beta 2020-09-09 ### HuaweiCloud SDK DMS - _Features_ - Support Distributed Message Services, provide Kafka premium instances and RabbitMQ premium instances with dedicated resources. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - Support more APIs: Meeting Control / Meeting Management. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK VPC - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the problem that security group related interfaces have wrong data type. - _Change_ - None # 3.0.10-beta 2020-09-04 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix the problem that the enumeration code cannot be generated for integer enumeration parameters without format defined in yaml. - _Change_ - Modify User Agent of Http Request header. # 3.0.9-beta 2020-08-28 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Solve the problem of losing innermost type when data types are nested in multiple layers. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK BSS - _Features_ - Support Business Support System service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CloudPipeline - _Features_ - Support CloudPipeline service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Modify service name, change abbreviation FGS to full name FunctionGraph. ### HuaweiCloud SDK IAM - _Features_ - Support more APIs: consistency of console related APIs. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA - _Features_ - Support more APIs: batch operation related APIs and asynchronous related APIs. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - Support more APIs: meeting minutes related APIs. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK ProjectMan - _Features_ - Support Project Management service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK VPC - _Features_ - Support more APIs: security group, security group rules, available IP count related APIs. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.8-beta 2020-8-14 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - Support temporary AK/SK authentication mode. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK APIG - _Features_ - Support API Gateway service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK CloudIDE - _Features_ - Support Cloud IDE service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK KMS - _Features_ - Support Key Management Service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK Live - _Features_ - Support Live Service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK MPC - _Features_ - Support Media Processing Center. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK ServiceStage - _Features_ - Support ServiceStage. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.7-beta 2020-07-30 ### HuaweiCloud SDK CBR - _Features_ - Support Cloud Backup and Recovery Service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK ECS - _Features_ - Publish new interfaces, such as ChangeServerOs and ResetServerPassword. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK VPC - _Features_ - Support interfaces of version v3. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.6-beta 2020-07-15 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - Support file upload and download. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ## Example - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - [Issue #1](https://github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-python-v3/issues/1): Fix test vpc example. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IAM - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - Fix parsing failure of response body of interface keystoneListVersions. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Support related interfaces of application management. ### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting - _Features_ - Support cloud meeting management and control services. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK EPS - _Features_ - Support Enterprise Project Management Service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK EVS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - [Issue #3](https://github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-java-v3/issues/3): Fix call error of interface ShowVolume. - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK TMS - _Features_ - Support Tag Management Service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.5-beta 2020-6-30 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Use with_http_handler to replace with_enable_http_log to support users to customize the request log output in the troubleshooting scenario. ### HuaweiCloud SDK CTS - _Features_ - Support Cloud Trace Service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None ### HuaweiCloud SDK EVS - _Features_ - None - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - Support full service interface. ### HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA - _Features_ - Support IoT Device Access Service. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None # 3.0.3-beta 2020-06-15 ### HuaweiCloud SDK Core - _Features_ - Support async client. - Support logs. - Support enable http logs for troubleshooting. - _Bug Fix_ - None - _Change_ - None