# coding: utf-8 import pprint import re import six class PublishMessageRequestBody: """ Attributes: openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. """ sensitive_list = [] openapi_types = { 'subject': 'str', 'message': 'str', 'message_structure': 'str', 'message_template_name': 'str', 'tags': 'dict(str, str)', 'time_to_live': 'str' } attribute_map = { 'subject': 'subject', 'message': 'message', 'message_structure': 'message_structure', 'message_template_name': 'message_template_name', 'tags': 'tags', 'time_to_live': 'time_to_live' } def __init__(self, subject=None, message=None, message_structure=None, message_template_name=None, tags=None, time_to_live=None): """PublishMessageRequestBody - a model defined in huaweicloud sdk""" self._subject = None self._message = None self._message_structure = None self._message_template_name = None self._tags = None self._time_to_live = None self.discriminator = None if subject is not None: self.subject = subject if message is not None: self.message = message if message_structure is not None: self.message_structure = message_structure if message_template_name is not None: self.message_template_name = message_template_name if tags is not None: self.tags = tags if time_to_live is not None: self.time_to_live = time_to_live @property def subject(self): """Gets the subject of this PublishMessageRequestBody. 消息标题,给邮箱订阅者发送邮件时作为邮件主题,长度不能超过512个字节。 :return: The subject of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :rtype: str """ return self._subject @subject.setter def subject(self, subject): """Sets the subject of this PublishMessageRequestBody. 消息标题,给邮箱订阅者发送邮件时作为邮件主题,长度不能超过512个字节。 :param subject: The subject of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :type: str """ self._subject = subject @property def message(self): """Gets the message of this PublishMessageRequestBody. 发送的消息。消息体必须是UTF-8编码的字符串,大小至多256KB。如果订阅者是手机号码,长度不超过490个字符,超出部分系统自动截断。短信内容不能包含“[]”或者“【】”符号。 对于移动推送订阅者推送消息,message消息必须符合移动推送平台的消息格式,消息格式请参见application消息体格式。否则移动app无法收到消息,目前支持的平台有HMS、APNS、APNS_SANDBOX。 说明: 三种消息发送方式 message message_structure message_template_name 至少设置其中一个,如果同时设置,生效的优先级为 message_structure > message_template_name > message。 :return: The message of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :rtype: str """ return self._message @message.setter def message(self, message): """Sets the message of this PublishMessageRequestBody. 发送的消息。消息体必须是UTF-8编码的字符串,大小至多256KB。如果订阅者是手机号码,长度不超过490个字符,超出部分系统自动截断。短信内容不能包含“[]”或者“【】”符号。 对于移动推送订阅者推送消息,message消息必须符合移动推送平台的消息格式,消息格式请参见application消息体格式。否则移动app无法收到消息,目前支持的平台有HMS、APNS、APNS_SANDBOX。 说明: 三种消息发送方式 message message_structure message_template_name 至少设置其中一个,如果同时设置,生效的优先级为 message_structure > message_template_name > message。 :param message: The message of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :type: str """ self._message = message @property def message_structure(self): """Gets the message_structure of this PublishMessageRequestBody. Json格式的字符串。支持“email”、“sms”、 “http”、“https”、“dms”、“functionstage”、“HMS”、“APNS”以及“APNS_SANDBOX”。其中,“HMS”、“APNS”以及“APNS_SANDBOX”三种消息的格式请参见application消息体格式。必须设置默认的消息“default”,当匹配不到消息协议时,按“default”中的内容发送。 说明: 三种消息发送方式 message message_structure message_template_name 至少设置其中一个,如果同时设置,生效的优先级为 message_structure > message_template_name > message。 华为透传消息 { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 1, \"body\": { \"key\": \"value\" } } } } 华为系统通知栏消息 { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 3, \"body\": { \"content\": \"Push message content\", \"title\": \"Push message content\" }, \"action\": { \"type\": 1, \"param\": { \"intent\": \"#Intent;compo=com.rvr/.Activity;S.W=U;end\" } } }, \"ext\": { \"biTag\": \"Trump\", \"icon\": \"http://upload.w.org/00/150pxsvg.png\" } } } 苹果平台消息格式 { \"aps\": { \"alert\": \"hello world\" } } :return: The message_structure of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :rtype: str """ return self._message_structure @message_structure.setter def message_structure(self, message_structure): """Sets the message_structure of this PublishMessageRequestBody. Json格式的字符串。支持“email”、“sms”、 “http”、“https”、“dms”、“functionstage”、“HMS”、“APNS”以及“APNS_SANDBOX”。其中,“HMS”、“APNS”以及“APNS_SANDBOX”三种消息的格式请参见application消息体格式。必须设置默认的消息“default”,当匹配不到消息协议时,按“default”中的内容发送。 说明: 三种消息发送方式 message message_structure message_template_name 至少设置其中一个,如果同时设置,生效的优先级为 message_structure > message_template_name > message。 华为透传消息 { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 1, \"body\": { \"key\": \"value\" } } } } 华为系统通知栏消息 { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 3, \"body\": { \"content\": \"Push message content\", \"title\": \"Push message content\" }, \"action\": { \"type\": 1, \"param\": { \"intent\": \"#Intent;compo=com.rvr/.Activity;S.W=U;end\" } } }, \"ext\": { \"biTag\": \"Trump\", \"icon\": \"http://upload.w.org/00/150pxsvg.png\" } } } 苹果平台消息格式 { \"aps\": { \"alert\": \"hello world\" } } :param message_structure: The message_structure of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :type: str """ self._message_structure = message_structure @property def message_template_name(self): """Gets the message_template_name of this PublishMessageRequestBody. 消息模板名称,可通过[查询消息模板列表](https://support.huaweicloud.com/api-smn/smn_api_53004.html)获取名称。 说明: 三种消息发送方式: message message_structure message_template_name 至少设置其中一个,如果同时设置,生效的优先级为 message_structure > message_template_name > message。 :return: The message_template_name of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :rtype: str """ return self._message_template_name @message_template_name.setter def message_template_name(self, message_template_name): """Sets the message_template_name of this PublishMessageRequestBody. 消息模板名称,可通过[查询消息模板列表](https://support.huaweicloud.com/api-smn/smn_api_53004.html)获取名称。 说明: 三种消息发送方式: message message_structure message_template_name 至少设置其中一个,如果同时设置,生效的优先级为 message_structure > message_template_name > message。 :param message_template_name: The message_template_name of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :type: str """ self._message_template_name = message_template_name @property def tags(self): """Gets the tags of this PublishMessageRequestBody. tag以及替换tag的参数组成的字典。消息模板中的标签对应的值。使用消息模板方式的消息发布必须携带该参数。字典中的key为消息模板中的参数名称,不超过21个字符。字典中的value为消息模板中的参数被替换后的值,不超过1KB。 :return: The tags of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :rtype: dict(str, str) """ return self._tags @tags.setter def tags(self, tags): """Sets the tags of this PublishMessageRequestBody. tag以及替换tag的参数组成的字典。消息模板中的标签对应的值。使用消息模板方式的消息发布必须携带该参数。字典中的key为消息模板中的参数名称,不超过21个字符。字典中的value为消息模板中的参数被替换后的值,不超过1KB。 :param tags: The tags of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :type: dict(str, str) """ self._tags = tags @property def time_to_live(self): """Gets the time_to_live of this PublishMessageRequestBody. 指消息在SMN系统内部的最长存留时间。超过该存留时间,系统将不再发送该消息。单位是s,变量默认值是3600s,即一小时。值为正整数且小于等于3600*24。 :return: The time_to_live of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :rtype: str """ return self._time_to_live @time_to_live.setter def time_to_live(self, time_to_live): """Sets the time_to_live of this PublishMessageRequestBody. 指消息在SMN系统内部的最长存留时间。超过该存留时间,系统将不再发送该消息。单位是s,变量默认值是3600s,即一小时。值为正整数且小于等于3600*24。 :param time_to_live: The time_to_live of this PublishMessageRequestBody. :type: str """ self._time_to_live = time_to_live def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types): value = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(value, list): result[attr] = list(map( lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x, value )) elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"): result[attr] = value.to_dict() elif isinstance(value, dict): result[attr] = dict(map( lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict()) if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item, value.items() )) else: if attr in self.sensitive_list: result[attr] = "****" else: result[attr] = value return result def to_str(self): """Returns the string representation of the model""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict()) def __repr__(self): """For `print` and `pprint`""" return self.to_str() def __eq__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are equal""" if not isinstance(other, PublishMessageRequestBody): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are not equal""" return not self == other