release 3.1.81 source code
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,220 @@
# 3.1.81 2024-02-07
### HuaweiCloud SDK GEIP
- _Features_
- Support `GEIP`
- _Bug Fix_
- None
- _Change_
- None
### HuaweiCloud SDK OrgID
- _Features_
- Support `OrgID`
- _Bug Fix_
- None
- _Change_
- None
### HuaweiCloud SDK eiHealth
- _Features_
- Support the APIs `CreateClusterJob`, `GeneratePocketFile`, `GenerateSurfacePoints`, `GenerateComplexCombine`
- _Bug Fix_
- None
- _Change_
- **CreateProject**
- changes of request param
- `+ is_new_bucket`
- `+ bucket_name`
- **ListComputingResourceFlavors**
- changes of response param
- `+ flavors.gpu_info`
- **ListDrugJob**
- changes of response param
- `* jobs.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* jobs.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- **ShowSynthesisJob**
- changes of response param
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- **CreateFepJob**
- changes of request param
- `+ params.pre_equilibrium_time`
- `+ params.equilibrium_time`
- **ShowFepJob**
- changes of response param
- `+ params.pre_equilibrium_time`
- `+ params.equilibrium_time`
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- **ShowPocketDetectionJob**
- changes of response param
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- **ShowAdmetJob**
- changes of response param
- `+ cluster_result`
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `+ models.value_range.lower_inclusive`
- `+ models.value_range.upper_inclusive`
- `* models.value_range.lower: float -> number`
- `* models.value_range.upper: float -> number`
- `* models.value_range: object<ValueRange2> -> object<ValueRange>`
- **CreatePocketMolDesignJob**
- changes of request param
- `+ num_trials`
- `+ optimization_mode: enum value [scaffold_hopping]`
- `+ receptor.remove_ligand`
- `+ receptor.add_hydrogen`
- `+ ligands.edited`
- `+ ligands.label_sites`
- `* ligands: list<DrugFile> -> list<PocketFragment>`
- **ShowPocketMolDesignJob**
- changes of response param
- `+ cluster_result`
- `+ num_trials`
- `+ optimization_mode: enum value [scaffold_hopping]`
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `+ receptor.remove_ligand`
- `+ receptor.add_hydrogen`
- `+ ligands.edited`
- `+ ligands.label_sites`
- `* ligands: list<DrugFile> -> list<PocketFragment>`
- `+ model_list.value_range.lower_inclusive`
- `+ model_list.value_range.upper_inclusive`
- `* model_list.value_range.lower: float -> number`
- `* model_list.value_range.upper: float -> number`
- `* model_list.value_range: object<ValueRange2> -> object<ValueRange>`
- **RunDrugReceptorPreprocess**
- changes of request param
- `+ add_hydrogen`
- `+ file.add_hydrogen`
- `* body: object<ReceptorDrugFile> -> object<ReceptorDrugFileReq>`
- **RecognizeDrugReceptorPocket**
- changes of request param
- `+ receptor_file.add_hydrogen`
- `* body: object<ReceptorDrugFile> -> object<ReceptorDrugFileReq>`
- **CreateDrugLigandInteraction2dSvg**
- changes of request param
- `+ receptor_file.add_hydrogen`
- `* body: object<ReceptorDrugFile> -> object<ReceptorDrugFileReq>`
- **CreateOptmJob**
- changes of request param
- `+ binding_site.add_hydrogen`
- **ShowOptmJob**
- changes of response param
- `+ cluster_result`
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `+ binding_site.add_hydrogen`
- `+ models.value_range.lower_inclusive`
- `+ models.value_range.upper_inclusive`
- `* models.value_range.lower: float -> number`
- `* models.value_range.upper: float -> number`
- `* models.value_range: object<ValueRange2> -> object<ValueRange>`
- **CreateDockingJob**
- changes of request param
- `+ receptors.add_hydrogen`
- **ShowDockingJob**
- changes of response param
- `+ cluster_result`
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `+ receptors.add_hydrogen`
- **ListDrugModel**
- changes of response param
- `+ models.losses`
- `+ models.metrics`
- `+ models.ModelMetric`
### HuaweiCloud SDK EIP
- _Features_
- Support the following APIs:
- `ListTenantVpcIgws`
- `CreateTenantVpcIgw`
- `ShowInternalVpcIgw`
- `UpdateTenantVpcIgw`
- `DeleteTenantVpcIgw`
- `ListProjectGeipBindings`
- _Bug Fix_
- None
- _Change_
- None
### HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDB
- _Features_
- Support the API `UpdateNewNodeAutoAddSwitch`
- _Bug Fix_
- None
- _Change_
- **CreateGaussMySqlProxy**
- changes of request param
- `+ new_node_auto_add_status`
- `+ new_node_weight`
- **ShowGaussMySqlProxyList**
- changes of response param
- `+ proxy_list.proxy.new_node_auto_add_status`
- `+ proxy_list.proxy.new_node_weight`
### HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforopenGauss
- _Features_
- Support the API `StopBackup`
- _Bug Fix_
- None
- _Change_
- None
### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting
- _Features_
- Support the APIs `SetProfileImage`, `SetUserProfileImage`
- _Bug Fix_
- None
- _Change_
- None
### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS
- _Features_
- Support the following APIs:
- `UpdateDatabaseOwner`
- `ExecutePrivilegeDatabaseUserRole`
- `ExecuteRevokeDatabaseUserRole`
- `ListDatabaseUserRole`
- `UpdatePostgresqlExtension`
- _Bug Fix_
- None
- _Change_
- **ListPostgresqlExtension**
- changes of response param
- `+ extensions.version_update`
### HuaweiCloud SDK VPN
- _Features_
- None
- _Bug Fix_
- None
- _Change_
- **UpdateVgwCertificate**
- changes of request param
- `* certificate: object<VpnGatewayCertificateRequestBodyContent> -> object<UpdateVpnGatewayCertificateRequestBodyContent>`
- `* body: object<VpnGatewayCertificateRequestBody> -> object<UpdateVpnGatewayCertificateRequestBody>`
- **CreateVgw**
- changes of response param
- `+ vpn_gateway.tags`
- **UpdateVgw**
- changes of response param
- `+ vpn_gateway.tags`
# 3.1.80 2024-02-01
### HuaweiCloud SDK AOM
@ -1,3 +1,220 @@
# 3.1.81 2024-02-07
### HuaweiCloud SDK GEIP
- _新增特性_
- 支持全域弹性公网IP服务
- _解决问题_
- 无
- _特性变更_
- 无
### HuaweiCloud SDK OrgID
- _新增特性_
- 支持组织成员账号服务
- _解决问题_
- 无
- _特性变更_
- 无
### HuaweiCloud SDK eiHealth
- _新增特性_
- 支持接口`CreateClusterJob`、`GeneratePocketFile`、`GenerateSurfacePoints`、`GenerateComplexCombine`
- _解决问题_
- 无
- _特性变更_
- **CreateProject**
- 请求参数变更
- `+ is_new_bucket`
- `+ bucket_name`
- **ListComputingResourceFlavors**
- 响应参数变更
- `+ flavors.gpu_info`
- **ListDrugJob**
- 响应参数变更
- `* jobs.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* jobs.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- **ShowSynthesisJob**
- 响应参数变更
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- **CreateFepJob**
- 请求参数变更
- `+ params.pre_equilibrium_time`
- `+ params.equilibrium_time`
- **ShowFepJob**
- 响应参数变更
- `+ params.pre_equilibrium_time`
- `+ params.equilibrium_time`
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- **ShowPocketDetectionJob**
- 响应参数变更
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- **ShowAdmetJob**
- 响应参数变更
- `+ cluster_result`
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `+ models.value_range.lower_inclusive`
- `+ models.value_range.upper_inclusive`
- `* models.value_range.lower: float -> number`
- `* models.value_range.upper: float -> number`
- `* models.value_range: object<ValueRange2> -> object<ValueRange>`
- **CreatePocketMolDesignJob**
- 请求参数变更
- `+ num_trials`
- `+ optimization_mode: enum value [scaffold_hopping]`
- `+ receptor.remove_ligand`
- `+ receptor.add_hydrogen`
- `+ ligands.edited`
- `+ ligands.label_sites`
- `* ligands: list<DrugFile> -> list<PocketFragment>`
- **ShowPocketMolDesignJob**
- 响应参数变更
- `+ cluster_result`
- `+ num_trials`
- `+ optimization_mode: enum value [scaffold_hopping]`
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `+ receptor.remove_ligand`
- `+ receptor.add_hydrogen`
- `+ ligands.edited`
- `+ ligands.label_sites`
- `* ligands: list<DrugFile> -> list<PocketFragment>`
- `+ model_list.value_range.lower_inclusive`
- `+ model_list.value_range.upper_inclusive`
- `* model_list.value_range.lower: float -> number`
- `* model_list.value_range.upper: float -> number`
- `* model_list.value_range: object<ValueRange2> -> object<ValueRange>`
- **RunDrugReceptorPreprocess**
- 请求参数变更
- `+ add_hydrogen`
- `+ file.add_hydrogen`
- `* body: object<ReceptorDrugFile> -> object<ReceptorDrugFileReq>`
- **RecognizeDrugReceptorPocket**
- 请求参数变更
- `+ receptor_file.add_hydrogen`
- `* body: object<ReceptorDrugFile> -> object<ReceptorDrugFileReq>`
- **CreateDrugLigandInteraction2dSvg**
- 请求参数变更
- `+ receptor_file.add_hydrogen`
- `* body: object<ReceptorDrugFile> -> object<ReceptorDrugFileReq>`
- **CreateOptmJob**
- 请求参数变更
- `+ binding_site.add_hydrogen`
- **ShowOptmJob**
- 响应参数变更
- `+ cluster_result`
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `+ binding_site.add_hydrogen`
- `+ models.value_range.lower_inclusive`
- `+ models.value_range.upper_inclusive`
- `* models.value_range.lower: float -> number`
- `* models.value_range.upper: float -> number`
- `* models.value_range: object<ValueRange2> -> object<ValueRange>`
- **CreateDockingJob**
- 请求参数变更
- `+ receptors.add_hydrogen`
- **ShowDockingJob**
- 响应参数变更
- `+ cluster_result`
- `* basic_info.expect_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `* basic_info.real_charge_num: int32 -> double`
- `+ receptors.add_hydrogen`
- **ListDrugModel**
- 响应参数变更
- `+ models.losses`
- `+ models.metrics`
- `+ models.ModelMetric`
### HuaweiCloud SDK EIP
- _新增特性_
- 支持以下接口:
- `ListTenantVpcIgws`
- `CreateTenantVpcIgw`
- `ShowInternalVpcIgw`
- `UpdateTenantVpcIgw`
- `DeleteTenantVpcIgw`
- `ListProjectGeipBindings`
- _解决问题_
- 无
- _特性变更_
- 无
### HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDB
- _新增特性_
- 支持接口`UpdateNewNodeAutoAddSwitch`
- _解决问题_
- 无
- _特性变更_
- **CreateGaussMySqlProxy**
- 请求参数变更
- `+ new_node_auto_add_status`
- `+ new_node_weight`
- **ShowGaussMySqlProxyList**
- 响应参数变更
- `+ proxy_list.proxy.new_node_auto_add_status`
- `+ proxy_list.proxy.new_node_weight`
### HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforopenGauss
- _新增特性_
- 支持接口`StopBackup`
- _解决问题_
- 无
- _特性变更_
- 无
### HuaweiCloud SDK Meeting
- _新增特性_
- 支持接口`SetProfileImage`、`SetUserProfileImage`
- _解决问题_
- 无
- _特性变更_
- 无
### HuaweiCloud SDK RDS
- _新增特性_
- 支持以下接口:
- `UpdateDatabaseOwner`
- `ExecutePrivilegeDatabaseUserRole`
- `ExecuteRevokeDatabaseUserRole`
- `ListDatabaseUserRole`
- `UpdatePostgresqlExtension`
- _解决问题_
- 无
- _特性变更_
- **ListPostgresqlExtension**
- 响应参数变更
- `+ extensions.version_update`
### HuaweiCloud SDK VPN
- _新增特性_
- 无
- _解决问题_
- 无
- _特性变更_
- **UpdateVgwCertificate**
- 请求参数变更
- `* certificate: object<VpnGatewayCertificateRequestBodyContent> -> object<UpdateVpnGatewayCertificateRequestBodyContent>`
- `* body: object<VpnGatewayCertificateRequestBody> -> object<UpdateVpnGatewayCertificateRequestBody>`
- **CreateVgw**
- 响应参数变更
- `+ vpn_gateway.tags`
- **UpdateVgw**
- 响应参数变更
- `+ vpn_gateway.tags`
# 3.1.80 2024-02-01
### HuaweiCloud SDK AOM
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkaad"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1,159 +1,161 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkaad == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkantiddos == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkaom == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkaos == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkapig == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkapm == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkas == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkasm == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkbcs == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkbms == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkbss == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkbssintl == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcae == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcampusgo == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcbh == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcbr == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcbs == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcc == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcce == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkccm == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcdm == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcdn == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkces == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcfw == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcgs == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkclassroom == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcloudide == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcloudpond == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcloudrtc == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcloudtable == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcloudtest == 3.1.80
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huaweicloudsdkcodeartscheck == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcodeartsdeploy == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcodeartsinspector == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcodeartspipeline == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcodecraft == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcodehub == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkconfig == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcph == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcpts == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcse == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcsms == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcss == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcts == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdas == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdataartsstudio == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdbss == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdc == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdcs == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkddm == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdds == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdeh == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdevsecurity == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdevstar == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdgc == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdis == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdlf == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdli == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdns == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdris == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdrs == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdsc == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdwr == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkdws == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkec == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkecs == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkedgesec == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkeg == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkeihealth == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkeip == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkelb == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkeps == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdker == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkevs == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkfrs == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkga == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkgaussdb == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkgaussdbfornosql == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkgaussdbforopengauss == 3.1.80
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huaweicloudsdkgsl == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkhilens == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkhss == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkiam == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkidentitycenter == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkidentitycenterstore == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkidme == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkidmeclassicapi == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkiec == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkief == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkimage == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkimagesearch == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkims == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkiotanalytics == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkiotda == 3.1.80
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huaweicloudsdkivs == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkkafka == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkkms == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkkoomessage == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkkps == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdklakeformation == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdklive == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdklts == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkmapds == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkmas == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkmeeting == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkmetastudio == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkmoderation == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkmpc == 3.1.80
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huaweicloudsdkmsgsms == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkmssi == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdknat == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdknlp == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkobs == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkocr == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkoctopus == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkoms == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkoptverse == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkorganizations == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkoroas == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkosm == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkpangulargemodels == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkprojectman == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkrabbitmq == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkram == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkrds == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkres == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkrgc == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkrms == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkrocketmq == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkroma == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdksa == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkscm == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdksdrs == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdksecmaster == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkservicestage == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdksfsturbo == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdksis == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdksmn == 3.1.80
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huaweicloudsdkugo == 3.1.80
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huaweicloudsdkvpc == 3.1.80
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huaweicloudsdkvpn == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkwaf == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkworkspace == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkworkspaceapp == 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkaad == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkantiddos == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkaom == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkaos == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkapig == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkapm == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkas == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkasm == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkbcs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkbms == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkbss == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkbssintl == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcae == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcampusgo == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcbh == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcbr == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcbs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcc == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcce == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkccm == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcdm == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcdn == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkces == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcfw == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcgs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkclassroom == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcloudide == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcloudpond == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcloudrtc == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcloudtable == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcloudtest == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcodeartsartifact == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcodeartsbuild == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcodeartscheck == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcodeartsdeploy == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcodeartsinspector == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcodeartspipeline == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcodecraft == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcodehub == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkconfig == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcph == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcpts == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcse == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcsms == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcss == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkcts == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdas == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdataartsstudio == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdbss == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdc == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdcs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkddm == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdds == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdeh == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdevsecurity == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdevstar == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdgc == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdis == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdlf == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdli == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdns == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdris == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdrs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdsc == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdwr == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkdws == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkec == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkecs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkedgesec == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkeg == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkeihealth == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkeip == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkelb == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkeps == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdker == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkevs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkfrs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkfunctiongraph == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkga == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkgaussdb == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkgaussdbfornosql == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkgaussdbforopengauss == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkgeip == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkges == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkgsl == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkhilens == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkhss == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkiam == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkidentitycenter == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkidentitycenterstore == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkidme == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkidmeclassicapi == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkiec == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkief == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkimage == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkimagesearch == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkims == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkiotanalytics == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkiotda == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkiotedge == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkivs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkkafka == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkkms == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkkoomessage == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkkps == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdklakeformation == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdklive == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdklts == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkmapds == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkmas == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkmeeting == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkmetastudio == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkmoderation == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkmpc == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkmrs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkmsgsms == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkmssi == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdknat == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdknlp == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkobs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkocr == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkoctopus == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkoms == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkoptverse == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkorganizations == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkorgid == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkoroas == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkosm == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkpangulargemodels == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkprojectman == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkrabbitmq == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkram == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkrds == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkres == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkrgc == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkrms == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkrocketmq == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkroma == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdksa == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkscm == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdksdrs == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdksecmaster == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkservicestage == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdksfsturbo == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdksis == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdksmn == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdksms == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkswr == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdktics == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdktms == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkugo == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkvas == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkvcm == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkvod == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkvpc == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkvpcep == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkvpn == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkwaf == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkworkspace == 3.1.81
huaweicloudsdkworkspaceapp == 3.1.81
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkall"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -34,165 +34,167 @@ with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkantiddos"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkaom"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkaos"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkapig"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkapm"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ class AsRegion:
EU_WEST_0 = Region("eu-west-0",
EU_WEST_101 = Region("eu-west-101",
static_fields = {
"af-south-1": AF_SOUTH_1,
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ class AsRegion:
"tr-west-1": TR_WEST_1,
"ap-southeast-4": AP_SOUTHEAST_4,
"eu-west-0": EU_WEST_0,
"eu-west-101": EU_WEST_101,
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkas"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkasm"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkbcs"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkbms"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkbss"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkbssintl"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkcae"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkcampusgo"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkcbh"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkcbr"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkcbs"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkcc"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkcce"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkccm"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -1 +1 @@
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.80
huaweicloudsdkcore >= 3.1.81
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from os import path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
NAME = "huaweicloudsdkcdm"
VERSION = "3.1.80"
VERSION = "3.1.81"
AUTHOR = "HuaweiCloud SDK"
URL = ""
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.80"]
REQUIRES = ["huaweicloudsdkcore>=3.1.81"]
'bdist_wheel': {
@ -13,37 +13,58 @@ from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_copy_domain_response import BatchCopyDomai
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_copy_error_rsp import BatchCopyErrorRsp
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_copy_error_rsp_error import BatchCopyErrorRspError
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_copy_result_vo import BatchCopyResultVo
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_delete_tags_request import BatchDeleteTagsRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_delete_tags_response import BatchDeleteTagsResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.cache_rules import CacheRules
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.cache_url_parameter_filter import CacheUrlParameterFilter
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.cache_url_parameter_filter_get_body import CacheUrlParameterFilterGetBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.cdn_ips import CdnIps
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.common_remote_auth import CommonRemoteAuth
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.compress import Compress
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.configs import Configs
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.configs_get_body import ConfigsGetBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_domain_request import CreateDomainRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_domain_request_body import CreateDomainRequestBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_domain_response import CreateDomainResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_domain_response_body_content import CreateDomainResponseBodyContent
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_preheating_tasks_request import CreatePreheatingTasksRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_preheating_tasks_response import CreatePreheatingTasksResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_refresh_tasks_request import CreateRefreshTasksRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_refresh_tasks_response import CreateRefreshTasksResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_tags_request import CreateTagsRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_tags_request_body import CreateTagsRequestBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_tags_response import CreateTagsResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.custom_args import CustomArgs
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.delete_domain_request import DeleteDomainRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.delete_domain_response import DeleteDomainResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.delete_tags_request_body import DeleteTagsRequestBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.disable_domain_request import DisableDomainRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.disable_domain_response import DisableDomainResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.domain_body import DomainBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.domain_origin_host import DomainOriginHost
from import Domains
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.domains_detail import DomainsDetail
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.domains_with_port import DomainsWithPort
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.download_region_carrier_excel_request import DownloadRegionCarrierExcelRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.download_region_carrier_excel_response import DownloadRegionCarrierExcelResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.download_statistics_excel_request import DownloadStatisticsExcelRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.download_statistics_excel_response import DownloadStatisticsExcelResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.enable_domain_request import EnableDomainRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.enable_domain_response import EnableDomainResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.ep_resource_tag import EpResourceTag
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.err_msg import ErrMsg
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.err_rsp import ErrRsp
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.error_code_cache import ErrorCodeCache
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.error_code_redirect_rules import ErrorCodeRedirectRules
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.flexible_origins import FlexibleOrigins
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.force_redirect import ForceRedirect
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.force_redirect_config import ForceRedirectConfig
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.hsts import Hsts
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.hsts_query import HstsQuery
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.http_get_body import HttpGetBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.http_put_body import HttpPutBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.http_response_header import HttpResponseHeader
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.https_detail import HttpsDetail
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.inherit_config import InheritConfig
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.inherit_config_query import InheritConfigQuery
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.ip_filter import IpFilter
@ -70,6 +91,8 @@ from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.set_charge_modes_request import SetChargeModesRe
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.set_charge_modes_response import SetChargeModesResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_bandwidth_calc_request import ShowBandwidthCalcRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_bandwidth_calc_response import ShowBandwidthCalcResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_certificates_https_info_request import ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_certificates_https_info_response import ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_charge_modes_request import ShowChargeModesRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_charge_modes_response import ShowChargeModesResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_domain_detail_by_name_request import ShowDomainDetailByNameRequest
@ -84,27 +107,46 @@ from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_history_task_details_request import ShowHis
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_history_task_details_response import ShowHistoryTaskDetailsResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_history_tasks_request import ShowHistoryTasksRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_history_tasks_response import ShowHistoryTasksResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_ip_info_request import ShowIpInfoRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_ip_info_response import ShowIpInfoResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_logs_request import ShowLogsRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_logs_response import ShowLogsResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_tags_request import ShowTagsRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_tags_response import ShowTagsResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_top_domain_names_request import ShowTopDomainNamesRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_top_domain_names_response import ShowTopDomainNamesResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_top_url_request import ShowTopUrlRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_top_url_response import ShowTopUrlResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_url_task_info_request import ShowUrlTaskInfoRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_url_task_info_response import ShowUrlTaskInfoResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_verify_domain_owner_info_request import ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_verify_domain_owner_info_response import ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.source_with_port import SourceWithPort
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.sources import Sources
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.sources_config import SourcesConfig
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.sources_domain_config import SourcesDomainConfig
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.tag_map import TagMap
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.tasks_object import TasksObject
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.top_refer_summary import TopReferSummary
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.top_url_summary import TopUrlSummary
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_full_config_request import UpdateDomainFullConfigRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_full_config_response import UpdateDomainFullConfigResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_multi_certificates_request import UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_multi_certificates_request_body import UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_multi_certificates_request_body_content import UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_multi_certificates_response import UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_multi_certificates_response_body_content import UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_private_bucket_access_body import UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_private_bucket_access_request import UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_private_bucket_access_response import UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.url_auth import UrlAuth
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.url_auth_get_body import UrlAuthGetBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.url_object import UrlObject
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.urls import Urls
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.user_agent_filter import UserAgentFilter
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.verify_domain_owner_request import VerifyDomainOwnerRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.verify_domain_owner_request_body import VerifyDomainOwnerRequestBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.verify_domain_owner_response import VerifyDomainOwnerResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.video_seek import VideoSeek
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.web_socket_seek import WebSocketSeek
@ -98,6 +98,136 @@ class CdnAsyncClient(Client):
return http_info
def batch_delete_tags_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for BatchDeleteTags
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.BatchDeleteTagsRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.BatchDeleteTagsResponse`
http_info = self._batch_delete_tags_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def batch_delete_tags_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._batch_delete_tags_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _batch_delete_tags_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "POST",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/tags/batch-delete",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "BatchDeleteTagsResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def create_domain_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for CreateDomain
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateDomainRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateDomainResponse`
http_info = self._create_domain_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def create_domain_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._create_domain_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _create_domain_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "POST",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "CreateDomainResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def create_preheating_tasks_async(self, request):
@ -232,6 +362,205 @@ class CdnAsyncClient(Client):
return http_info
def create_tags_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for CreateTags
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateTagsRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateTagsResponse`
http_info = self._create_tags_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def create_tags_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._create_tags_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _create_tags_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "POST",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/tags",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "CreateTagsResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def delete_domain_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for DeleteDomain
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DeleteDomainRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DeleteDomainResponse`
http_info = self._delete_domain_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def delete_domain_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._delete_domain_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _delete_domain_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "DELETE",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "DeleteDomainResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_id' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_id'] = local_var_params['domain_id']
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def disable_domain_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for DisableDomain
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DisableDomainRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DisableDomainResponse`
http_info = self._disable_domain_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def disable_domain_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._disable_domain_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _disable_domain_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "PUT",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}/disable",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "DisableDomainResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_id' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_id'] = local_var_params['domain_id']
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def download_region_carrier_excel_async(self, request):
@ -418,6 +747,73 @@ class CdnAsyncClient(Client):
return http_info
def enable_domain_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for EnableDomain
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.EnableDomainRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.EnableDomainResponse`
http_info = self._enable_domain_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def enable_domain_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._enable_domain_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _enable_domain_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "PUT",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}/enable",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "EnableDomainResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_id' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_id'] = local_var_params['domain_id']
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def list_cdn_domain_top_refers_async(self, request):
"""查询统计TOP100 referer数据明细
@ -744,6 +1140,79 @@ class CdnAsyncClient(Client):
return http_info
def show_certificates_https_info_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for ShowCertificatesHttpsInfo
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse`
http_info = self._show_certificates_https_info_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def show_certificates_https_info_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._show_certificates_https_info_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _show_certificates_https_info_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "GET",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/https-certificate-info",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
if 'page_size' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('page_size', local_var_params['page_size']))
if 'page_number' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('page_number', local_var_params['page_number']))
if 'domain_name' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('domain_name', local_var_params['domain_name']))
if 'user_domain_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('user_domain_id', local_var_params['user_domain_id']))
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def show_charge_modes_async(self, request):
@ -1307,6 +1776,73 @@ class CdnAsyncClient(Client):
return http_info
def show_ip_info_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for ShowIpInfo
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowIpInfoRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowIpInfoResponse`
http_info = self._show_ip_info_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def show_ip_info_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._show_ip_info_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _show_ip_info_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "GET",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/ip-info",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "ShowIpInfoResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
if 'ips' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('ips', local_var_params['ips']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def show_logs_async(self, request):
@ -1382,6 +1918,71 @@ class CdnAsyncClient(Client):
return http_info
def show_tags_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for ShowTags
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowTagsRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowTagsResponse`
http_info = self._show_tags_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def show_tags_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._show_tags_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _show_tags_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "GET",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/tags",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "ShowTagsResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
if 'resource_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('resource_id', local_var_params['resource_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def show_top_domain_names_async(self, request):
@ -1637,6 +2238,71 @@ class CdnAsyncClient(Client):
return http_info
def show_verify_domain_owner_info_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfo
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse`
http_info = self._show_verify_domain_owner_info_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def show_verify_domain_owner_info_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._show_verify_domain_owner_info_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _show_verify_domain_owner_info_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "GET",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/domains/{domain_name}/domain-verifies",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_name' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_name'] = local_var_params['domain_name']
query_params = []
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def update_domain_full_config_async(self, request):
@ -1706,6 +2372,209 @@ class CdnAsyncClient(Client):
return http_info
def update_domain_multi_certificates_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for UpdateDomainMultiCertificates
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse`
http_info = self._update_domain_multi_certificates_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def update_domain_multi_certificates_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._update_domain_multi_certificates_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _update_domain_multi_certificates_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "PUT",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/config-https-info",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def update_private_bucket_access_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for UpdatePrivateBucketAccess
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse`
http_info = self._update_private_bucket_access_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def update_private_bucket_access_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._update_private_bucket_access_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _update_private_bucket_access_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "PUT",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}/private-bucket-access",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_id' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_id'] = local_var_params['domain_id']
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def verify_domain_owner_async(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for VerifyDomainOwner
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.VerifyDomainOwnerRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.VerifyDomainOwnerResponse`
http_info = self._verify_domain_owner_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def verify_domain_owner_async_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._verify_domain_owner_http_info(request)
return AsyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _verify_domain_owner_http_info(self, request):
http_info = {
"method": "POST",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/domains/{domain_name}/verify-owner",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "VerifyDomainOwnerResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_name' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_name'] = local_var_params['domain_name']
query_params = []
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def _call_api(self, **kwargs):
kwargs["async_request"] = True
@ -98,6 +98,136 @@ class CdnClient(Client):
return http_info
def batch_delete_tags(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for BatchDeleteTags
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.BatchDeleteTagsRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.BatchDeleteTagsResponse`
http_info = self._batch_delete_tags_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def batch_delete_tags_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._batch_delete_tags_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _batch_delete_tags_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "POST",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/tags/batch-delete",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "BatchDeleteTagsResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def create_domain(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for CreateDomain
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateDomainRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateDomainResponse`
http_info = self._create_domain_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def create_domain_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._create_domain_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _create_domain_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "POST",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "CreateDomainResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def create_preheating_tasks(self, request):
@ -232,6 +362,205 @@ class CdnClient(Client):
return http_info
def create_tags(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for CreateTags
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateTagsRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateTagsResponse`
http_info = self._create_tags_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def create_tags_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._create_tags_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _create_tags_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "POST",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/tags",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "CreateTagsResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def delete_domain(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for DeleteDomain
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DeleteDomainRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DeleteDomainResponse`
http_info = self._delete_domain_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def delete_domain_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._delete_domain_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _delete_domain_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "DELETE",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "DeleteDomainResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_id' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_id'] = local_var_params['domain_id']
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def disable_domain(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for DisableDomain
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DisableDomainRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DisableDomainResponse`
http_info = self._disable_domain_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def disable_domain_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._disable_domain_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _disable_domain_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "PUT",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}/disable",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "DisableDomainResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_id' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_id'] = local_var_params['domain_id']
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def download_region_carrier_excel(self, request):
@ -418,6 +747,73 @@ class CdnClient(Client):
return http_info
def enable_domain(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for EnableDomain
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.EnableDomainRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.EnableDomainResponse`
http_info = self._enable_domain_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def enable_domain_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._enable_domain_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _enable_domain_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "PUT",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}/enable",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "EnableDomainResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_id' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_id'] = local_var_params['domain_id']
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def list_cdn_domain_top_refers(self, request):
"""查询统计TOP100 referer数据明细
@ -744,6 +1140,79 @@ class CdnClient(Client):
return http_info
def show_certificates_https_info(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for ShowCertificatesHttpsInfo
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse`
http_info = self._show_certificates_https_info_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def show_certificates_https_info_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._show_certificates_https_info_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _show_certificates_https_info_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "GET",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/https-certificate-info",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
if 'page_size' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('page_size', local_var_params['page_size']))
if 'page_number' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('page_number', local_var_params['page_number']))
if 'domain_name' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('domain_name', local_var_params['domain_name']))
if 'user_domain_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('user_domain_id', local_var_params['user_domain_id']))
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def show_charge_modes(self, request):
@ -1307,6 +1776,73 @@ class CdnClient(Client):
return http_info
def show_ip_info(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for ShowIpInfo
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowIpInfoRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowIpInfoResponse`
http_info = self._show_ip_info_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def show_ip_info_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._show_ip_info_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _show_ip_info_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "GET",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/ip-info",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "ShowIpInfoResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
if 'ips' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('ips', local_var_params['ips']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def show_logs(self, request):
@ -1382,6 +1918,71 @@ class CdnClient(Client):
return http_info
def show_tags(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for ShowTags
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowTagsRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowTagsResponse`
http_info = self._show_tags_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def show_tags_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._show_tags_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _show_tags_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "GET",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/tags",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "ShowTagsResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
if 'resource_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('resource_id', local_var_params['resource_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def show_top_domain_names(self, request):
@ -1637,6 +2238,71 @@ class CdnClient(Client):
return http_info
def show_verify_domain_owner_info(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfo
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse`
http_info = self._show_verify_domain_owner_info_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def show_verify_domain_owner_info_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._show_verify_domain_owner_info_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _show_verify_domain_owner_info_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "GET",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/domains/{domain_name}/domain-verifies",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_name' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_name'] = local_var_params['domain_name']
query_params = []
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def update_domain_full_config(self, request):
@ -1706,6 +2372,209 @@ class CdnClient(Client):
return http_info
def update_domain_multi_certificates(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for UpdateDomainMultiCertificates
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse`
http_info = self._update_domain_multi_certificates_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def update_domain_multi_certificates_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._update_domain_multi_certificates_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _update_domain_multi_certificates_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "PUT",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/config-https-info",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def update_private_bucket_access(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for UpdatePrivateBucketAccess
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse`
http_info = self._update_private_bucket_access_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def update_private_bucket_access_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._update_private_bucket_access_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _update_private_bucket_access_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "PUT",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}/private-bucket-access",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_id' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_id'] = local_var_params['domain_id']
query_params = []
if 'enterprise_project_id' in local_var_params:
query_params.append(('enterprise_project_id', local_var_params['enterprise_project_id']))
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def verify_domain_owner(self, request):
Please refer to HUAWEI cloud API Explorer for details.
:param request: Request instance for VerifyDomainOwner
:type request: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.VerifyDomainOwnerRequest`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.VerifyDomainOwnerResponse`
http_info = self._verify_domain_owner_http_info(request)
return self._call_api(**http_info)
def verify_domain_owner_invoker(self, request):
http_info = self._verify_domain_owner_http_info(request)
return SyncInvoker(self, http_info)
def _verify_domain_owner_http_info(cls, request):
http_info = {
"method": "POST",
"resource_path": "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/domains/{domain_name}/verify-owner",
"request_type": request.__class__.__name__,
"response_type": "VerifyDomainOwnerResponse"
local_var_params = {attr: getattr(request, attr) for attr in request.attribute_map if hasattr(request, attr)}
cname = None
collection_formats = {}
path_params = {}
if 'domain_name' in local_var_params:
path_params['domain_name'] = local_var_params['domain_name']
query_params = []
header_params = {}
form_params = {}
body = None
if 'body' in local_var_params:
body = local_var_params['body']
if isinstance(request, SdkStreamRequest):
body = request.get_file_stream()
response_headers = []
header_params['Content-Type'] = http_utils.select_header_content_type(
auth_settings = []
http_info["cname"] = cname
http_info["collection_formats"] = collection_formats
http_info["path_params"] = path_params
http_info["query_params"] = query_params
http_info["header_params"] = header_params
http_info["post_params"] = form_params
http_info["body"] = body
http_info["response_headers"] = response_headers
return http_info
def _call_api(self, **kwargs):
return self.do_http_request(**kwargs)
@ -11,37 +11,58 @@ from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_copy_domain_response import BatchCopyDomai
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_copy_error_rsp import BatchCopyErrorRsp
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_copy_error_rsp_error import BatchCopyErrorRspError
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_copy_result_vo import BatchCopyResultVo
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_delete_tags_request import BatchDeleteTagsRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.batch_delete_tags_response import BatchDeleteTagsResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.cache_rules import CacheRules
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.cache_url_parameter_filter import CacheUrlParameterFilter
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.cache_url_parameter_filter_get_body import CacheUrlParameterFilterGetBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.cdn_ips import CdnIps
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.common_remote_auth import CommonRemoteAuth
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.compress import Compress
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.configs import Configs
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.configs_get_body import ConfigsGetBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_domain_request import CreateDomainRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_domain_request_body import CreateDomainRequestBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_domain_response import CreateDomainResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_domain_response_body_content import CreateDomainResponseBodyContent
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_preheating_tasks_request import CreatePreheatingTasksRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_preheating_tasks_response import CreatePreheatingTasksResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_refresh_tasks_request import CreateRefreshTasksRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_refresh_tasks_response import CreateRefreshTasksResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_tags_request import CreateTagsRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_tags_request_body import CreateTagsRequestBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.create_tags_response import CreateTagsResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.custom_args import CustomArgs
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.delete_domain_request import DeleteDomainRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.delete_domain_response import DeleteDomainResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.delete_tags_request_body import DeleteTagsRequestBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.disable_domain_request import DisableDomainRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.disable_domain_response import DisableDomainResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.domain_body import DomainBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.domain_origin_host import DomainOriginHost
from import Domains
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.domains_detail import DomainsDetail
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.domains_with_port import DomainsWithPort
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.download_region_carrier_excel_request import DownloadRegionCarrierExcelRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.download_region_carrier_excel_response import DownloadRegionCarrierExcelResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.download_statistics_excel_request import DownloadStatisticsExcelRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.download_statistics_excel_response import DownloadStatisticsExcelResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.enable_domain_request import EnableDomainRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.enable_domain_response import EnableDomainResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.ep_resource_tag import EpResourceTag
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.err_msg import ErrMsg
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.err_rsp import ErrRsp
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.error_code_cache import ErrorCodeCache
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.error_code_redirect_rules import ErrorCodeRedirectRules
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.flexible_origins import FlexibleOrigins
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.force_redirect import ForceRedirect
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.force_redirect_config import ForceRedirectConfig
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.hsts import Hsts
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.hsts_query import HstsQuery
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.http_get_body import HttpGetBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.http_put_body import HttpPutBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.http_response_header import HttpResponseHeader
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.https_detail import HttpsDetail
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.inherit_config import InheritConfig
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.inherit_config_query import InheritConfigQuery
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.ip_filter import IpFilter
@ -68,6 +89,8 @@ from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.set_charge_modes_request import SetChargeModesRe
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.set_charge_modes_response import SetChargeModesResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_bandwidth_calc_request import ShowBandwidthCalcRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_bandwidth_calc_response import ShowBandwidthCalcResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_certificates_https_info_request import ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_certificates_https_info_response import ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_charge_modes_request import ShowChargeModesRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_charge_modes_response import ShowChargeModesResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_domain_detail_by_name_request import ShowDomainDetailByNameRequest
@ -82,26 +105,45 @@ from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_history_task_details_request import ShowHis
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_history_task_details_response import ShowHistoryTaskDetailsResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_history_tasks_request import ShowHistoryTasksRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_history_tasks_response import ShowHistoryTasksResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_ip_info_request import ShowIpInfoRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_ip_info_response import ShowIpInfoResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_logs_request import ShowLogsRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_logs_response import ShowLogsResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_tags_request import ShowTagsRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_tags_response import ShowTagsResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_top_domain_names_request import ShowTopDomainNamesRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_top_domain_names_response import ShowTopDomainNamesResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_top_url_request import ShowTopUrlRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_top_url_response import ShowTopUrlResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_url_task_info_request import ShowUrlTaskInfoRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_url_task_info_response import ShowUrlTaskInfoResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_verify_domain_owner_info_request import ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.show_verify_domain_owner_info_response import ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.source_with_port import SourceWithPort
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.sources import Sources
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.sources_config import SourcesConfig
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.sources_domain_config import SourcesDomainConfig
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.tag_map import TagMap
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.tasks_object import TasksObject
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.top_refer_summary import TopReferSummary
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.top_url_summary import TopUrlSummary
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_full_config_request import UpdateDomainFullConfigRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_full_config_response import UpdateDomainFullConfigResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_multi_certificates_request import UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_multi_certificates_request_body import UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_multi_certificates_request_body_content import UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_multi_certificates_response import UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_domain_multi_certificates_response_body_content import UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_private_bucket_access_body import UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_private_bucket_access_request import UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.update_private_bucket_access_response import UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.url_auth import UrlAuth
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.url_auth_get_body import UrlAuthGetBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.url_object import UrlObject
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.urls import Urls
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.user_agent_filter import UserAgentFilter
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.verify_domain_owner_request import VerifyDomainOwnerRequest
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.verify_domain_owner_request_body import VerifyDomainOwnerRequestBody
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.verify_domain_owner_response import VerifyDomainOwnerResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.video_seek import VideoSeek
from huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.model.web_socket_seek import WebSocketSeek
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class BatchDeleteTagsRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'body': 'DeleteTagsRequestBody'
attribute_map = {
'body': 'body'
def __init__(self, body=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param body: Body of the BatchDeleteTagsRequest
:type body: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DeleteTagsRequestBody`
self._body = None
self.discriminator = None
if body is not None:
self.body = body
def body(self):
"""Gets the body of this BatchDeleteTagsRequest.
:return: The body of this BatchDeleteTagsRequest.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DeleteTagsRequestBody`
return self._body
def body(self, body):
"""Sets the body of this BatchDeleteTagsRequest.
:param body: The body of this BatchDeleteTagsRequest.
:type body: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DeleteTagsRequestBody`
self._body = body
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, BatchDeleteTagsRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class BatchDeleteTagsResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
attribute_map = {
def __init__(self):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
super(BatchDeleteTagsResponse, self).__init__()
self.discriminator = None
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, BatchDeleteTagsResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class CdnIps:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'ip': 'str',
'belongs': 'bool',
'region': 'str',
'isp': 'str',
'platform': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'ip': 'ip',
'belongs': 'belongs',
'region': 'region',
'isp': 'isp',
'platform': 'platform'
def __init__(self, ip=None, belongs=None, region=None, isp=None, platform=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param ip: 需查询的IP地址。
:type ip: str
:param belongs: 是否是华为云CDN节点。(true:是华为云CDN节点,false:不是华为云CDN节点)
:type belongs: bool
:param region: IP归属地省份。(Unknown:表示未知归属地)
:type region: str
:param isp: 运营商名称。如果IP归属地未知,该字段返回null。
:type isp: str
:param platform: 平台。如果IP归属地未知,该字段返回null。
:type platform: str
self._ip = None
self._belongs = None
self._region = None
self._isp = None
self._platform = None
self.discriminator = None
if ip is not None:
self.ip = ip
if belongs is not None:
self.belongs = belongs
if region is not None:
self.region = region
if isp is not None:
self.isp = isp
if platform is not None:
self.platform = platform
def ip(self):
"""Gets the ip of this CdnIps.
:return: The ip of this CdnIps.
:rtype: str
return self._ip
def ip(self, ip):
"""Sets the ip of this CdnIps.
:param ip: The ip of this CdnIps.
:type ip: str
self._ip = ip
def belongs(self):
"""Gets the belongs of this CdnIps.
:return: The belongs of this CdnIps.
:rtype: bool
return self._belongs
def belongs(self, belongs):
"""Sets the belongs of this CdnIps.
:param belongs: The belongs of this CdnIps.
:type belongs: bool
self._belongs = belongs
def region(self):
"""Gets the region of this CdnIps.
:return: The region of this CdnIps.
:rtype: str
return self._region
def region(self, region):
"""Sets the region of this CdnIps.
:param region: The region of this CdnIps.
:type region: str
self._region = region
def isp(self):
"""Gets the isp of this CdnIps.
:return: The isp of this CdnIps.
:rtype: str
return self._isp
def isp(self, isp):
"""Sets the isp of this CdnIps.
:param isp: The isp of this CdnIps.
:type isp: str
self._isp = isp
def platform(self):
"""Gets the platform of this CdnIps.
:return: The platform of this CdnIps.
:rtype: str
return self._platform
def platform(self, platform):
"""Sets the platform of this CdnIps.
:param platform: The platform of this CdnIps.
:type platform: str
self._platform = platform
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, CdnIps):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class CreateDomainRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'body': 'CreateDomainRequestBody'
attribute_map = {
'body': 'body'
def __init__(self, body=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param body: Body of the CreateDomainRequest
:type body: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateDomainRequestBody`
self._body = None
self.discriminator = None
if body is not None:
self.body = body
def body(self):
"""Gets the body of this CreateDomainRequest.
:return: The body of this CreateDomainRequest.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateDomainRequestBody`
return self._body
def body(self, body):
"""Sets the body of this CreateDomainRequest.
:param body: The body of this CreateDomainRequest.
:type body: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateDomainRequestBody`
self._body = body
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, CreateDomainRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class CreateDomainRequestBody:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain': 'DomainBody'
attribute_map = {
'domain': 'domain'
def __init__(self, domain=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain:
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainBody`
self._domain = None
self.discriminator = None
self.domain = domain
def domain(self):
"""Gets the domain of this CreateDomainRequestBody.
:return: The domain of this CreateDomainRequestBody.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainBody`
return self._domain
def domain(self, domain):
"""Sets the domain of this CreateDomainRequestBody.
:param domain: The domain of this CreateDomainRequestBody.
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainBody`
self._domain = domain
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, CreateDomainRequestBody):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class CreateDomainResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain': 'CreateDomainResponseBodyContent'
attribute_map = {
'domain': 'domain'
def __init__(self, domain=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain:
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateDomainResponseBodyContent`
super(CreateDomainResponse, self).__init__()
self._domain = None
self.discriminator = None
if domain is not None:
self.domain = domain
def domain(self):
"""Gets the domain of this CreateDomainResponse.
:return: The domain of this CreateDomainResponse.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateDomainResponseBodyContent`
return self._domain
def domain(self, domain):
"""Sets the domain of this CreateDomainResponse.
:param domain: The domain of this CreateDomainResponse.
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateDomainResponseBodyContent`
self._domain = domain
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, CreateDomainResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class CreateDomainResponseBodyContent:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'id': 'str',
'domain_name': 'str',
'business_type': 'str',
'service_area': 'str',
'user_domain_id': 'str',
'domain_status': 'str',
'cname': 'str',
'sources': 'list[Sources]',
'domain_origin_host': 'DomainOriginHost',
'https_status': 'int',
'create_time': 'int',
'modify_time': 'int',
'disabled': 'int',
'locked': 'int',
'range_status': 'str',
'follow_status': 'str',
'origin_status': 'str',
'auto_refresh_preheat': 'int'
attribute_map = {
'id': 'id',
'domain_name': 'domain_name',
'business_type': 'business_type',
'service_area': 'service_area',
'user_domain_id': 'user_domain_id',
'domain_status': 'domain_status',
'cname': 'cname',
'sources': 'sources',
'domain_origin_host': 'domain_origin_host',
'https_status': 'https_status',
'create_time': 'create_time',
'modify_time': 'modify_time',
'disabled': 'disabled',
'locked': 'locked',
'range_status': 'range_status',
'follow_status': 'follow_status',
'origin_status': 'origin_status',
'auto_refresh_preheat': 'auto_refresh_preheat'
def __init__(self, id=None, domain_name=None, business_type=None, service_area=None, user_domain_id=None, domain_status=None, cname=None, sources=None, domain_origin_host=None, https_status=None, create_time=None, modify_time=None, disabled=None, locked=None, range_status=None, follow_status=None, origin_status=None, auto_refresh_preheat=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param id: 加速域名ID。
:type id: str
:param domain_name: 加速域名。
:type domain_name: str
:param business_type: 域名业务类型: - web:网站加速; - download:文件下载加速; - video:点播加速; - wholeSite:全站加速。
:type business_type: str
:param service_area: 域名服务范围,若为mainland_china,则表示服务范围为中国大陆;若为outside_mainland_china,则表示服务范围为中国大陆境外;若为global,则表示服务范围为全球。
:type service_area: str
:param user_domain_id: 域名所属用户的domain_id。
:type user_domain_id: str
:param domain_status: 加速域名状态。取值意义: - online表示“已开启” - offline表示“已停用” - configuring表示“配置中” - configure_failed表示“配置失败” - checking表示“审核中” - check_failed表示“审核未通过” - deleting表示“删除中”。
:type domain_status: str
:param cname: 加速域名对应的CNAME。
:type cname: str
:param sources: 源站信息。
:type sources: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.Sources`]
:param domain_origin_host:
:type domain_origin_host: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainOriginHost`
:param https_status: 是否开启HTTPS加速。
:type https_status: int
:param create_time: 域名创建时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:type create_time: int
:param modify_time: 域名修改时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:type modify_time: int
:param disabled: 封禁状态(0代表未禁用;1代表禁用)。
:type disabled: int
:param locked: 锁定状态(0代表未锁定;1代表锁定)。
:type locked: int
:param range_status: range状态,off:关闭,on:开启。
:type range_status: str
:param follow_status: follow302状态,off:关闭,on:开启。
:type follow_status: str
:param origin_status: 是否暂停源站回源(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:type origin_status: str
:param auto_refresh_preheat: 自动刷新预热(0代表关闭;1代表打开)。
:type auto_refresh_preheat: int
self._id = None
self._domain_name = None
self._business_type = None
self._service_area = None
self._user_domain_id = None
self._domain_status = None
self._cname = None
self._sources = None
self._domain_origin_host = None
self._https_status = None
self._create_time = None
self._modify_time = None
self._disabled = None
self._locked = None
self._range_status = None
self._follow_status = None
self._origin_status = None
self._auto_refresh_preheat = None
self.discriminator = None
if id is not None:
|||| = id
if domain_name is not None:
self.domain_name = domain_name
if business_type is not None:
self.business_type = business_type
if service_area is not None:
self.service_area = service_area
if user_domain_id is not None:
self.user_domain_id = user_domain_id
if domain_status is not None:
self.domain_status = domain_status
if cname is not None:
self.cname = cname
if sources is not None:
self.sources = sources
if domain_origin_host is not None:
self.domain_origin_host = domain_origin_host
if https_status is not None:
self.https_status = https_status
if create_time is not None:
self.create_time = create_time
if modify_time is not None:
self.modify_time = modify_time
if disabled is not None:
self.disabled = disabled
if locked is not None:
self.locked = locked
if range_status is not None:
self.range_status = range_status
if follow_status is not None:
self.follow_status = follow_status
if origin_status is not None:
self.origin_status = origin_status
if auto_refresh_preheat is not None:
self.auto_refresh_preheat = auto_refresh_preheat
def id(self):
"""Gets the id of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The id of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._id
def id(self, id):
"""Sets the id of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param id: The id of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type id: str
self._id = id
def domain_name(self):
"""Gets the domain_name of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The domain_name of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_name
def domain_name(self, domain_name):
"""Sets the domain_name of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param domain_name: The domain_name of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type domain_name: str
self._domain_name = domain_name
def business_type(self):
"""Gets the business_type of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
域名业务类型: - web:网站加速; - download:文件下载加速; - video:点播加速; - wholeSite:全站加速。
:return: The business_type of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._business_type
def business_type(self, business_type):
"""Sets the business_type of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
域名业务类型: - web:网站加速; - download:文件下载加速; - video:点播加速; - wholeSite:全站加速。
:param business_type: The business_type of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type business_type: str
self._business_type = business_type
def service_area(self):
"""Gets the service_area of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The service_area of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._service_area
def service_area(self, service_area):
"""Sets the service_area of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param service_area: The service_area of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type service_area: str
self._service_area = service_area
def user_domain_id(self):
"""Gets the user_domain_id of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The user_domain_id of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._user_domain_id
def user_domain_id(self, user_domain_id):
"""Sets the user_domain_id of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param user_domain_id: The user_domain_id of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type user_domain_id: str
self._user_domain_id = user_domain_id
def domain_status(self):
"""Gets the domain_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
加速域名状态。取值意义: - online表示“已开启” - offline表示“已停用” - configuring表示“配置中” - configure_failed表示“配置失败” - checking表示“审核中” - check_failed表示“审核未通过” - deleting表示“删除中”。
:return: The domain_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_status
def domain_status(self, domain_status):
"""Sets the domain_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
加速域名状态。取值意义: - online表示“已开启” - offline表示“已停用” - configuring表示“配置中” - configure_failed表示“配置失败” - checking表示“审核中” - check_failed表示“审核未通过” - deleting表示“删除中”。
:param domain_status: The domain_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type domain_status: str
self._domain_status = domain_status
def cname(self):
"""Gets the cname of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The cname of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._cname
def cname(self, cname):
"""Sets the cname of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param cname: The cname of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type cname: str
self._cname = cname
def sources(self):
"""Gets the sources of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The sources of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.Sources`]
return self._sources
def sources(self, sources):
"""Sets the sources of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param sources: The sources of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type sources: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.Sources`]
self._sources = sources
def domain_origin_host(self):
"""Gets the domain_origin_host of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The domain_origin_host of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainOriginHost`
return self._domain_origin_host
def domain_origin_host(self, domain_origin_host):
"""Sets the domain_origin_host of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param domain_origin_host: The domain_origin_host of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type domain_origin_host: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainOriginHost`
self._domain_origin_host = domain_origin_host
def https_status(self):
"""Gets the https_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The https_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._https_status
def https_status(self, https_status):
"""Sets the https_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param https_status: The https_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type https_status: int
self._https_status = https_status
def create_time(self):
"""Gets the create_time of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
域名创建时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:return: The create_time of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._create_time
def create_time(self, create_time):
"""Sets the create_time of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
域名创建时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:param create_time: The create_time of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type create_time: int
self._create_time = create_time
def modify_time(self):
"""Gets the modify_time of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
域名修改时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:return: The modify_time of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._modify_time
def modify_time(self, modify_time):
"""Sets the modify_time of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
域名修改时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:param modify_time: The modify_time of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type modify_time: int
self._modify_time = modify_time
def disabled(self):
"""Gets the disabled of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The disabled of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._disabled
def disabled(self, disabled):
"""Sets the disabled of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param disabled: The disabled of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type disabled: int
self._disabled = disabled
def locked(self):
"""Gets the locked of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The locked of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._locked
def locked(self, locked):
"""Sets the locked of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param locked: The locked of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type locked: int
self._locked = locked
def range_status(self):
"""Gets the range_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The range_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._range_status
def range_status(self, range_status):
"""Sets the range_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param range_status: The range_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type range_status: str
self._range_status = range_status
def follow_status(self):
"""Gets the follow_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The follow_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._follow_status
def follow_status(self, follow_status):
"""Sets the follow_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param follow_status: The follow_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type follow_status: str
self._follow_status = follow_status
def origin_status(self):
"""Gets the origin_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
是否暂停源站回源(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:return: The origin_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._origin_status
def origin_status(self, origin_status):
"""Sets the origin_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
是否暂停源站回源(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:param origin_status: The origin_status of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type origin_status: str
self._origin_status = origin_status
def auto_refresh_preheat(self):
"""Gets the auto_refresh_preheat of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:return: The auto_refresh_preheat of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._auto_refresh_preheat
def auto_refresh_preheat(self, auto_refresh_preheat):
"""Sets the auto_refresh_preheat of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:param auto_refresh_preheat: The auto_refresh_preheat of this CreateDomainResponseBodyContent.
:type auto_refresh_preheat: int
self._auto_refresh_preheat = auto_refresh_preheat
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, CreateDomainResponseBodyContent):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class CreateTagsRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'body': 'CreateTagsRequestBody'
attribute_map = {
'body': 'body'
def __init__(self, body=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param body: Body of the CreateTagsRequest
:type body: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateTagsRequestBody`
self._body = None
self.discriminator = None
if body is not None:
self.body = body
def body(self):
"""Gets the body of this CreateTagsRequest.
:return: The body of this CreateTagsRequest.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateTagsRequestBody`
return self._body
def body(self, body):
"""Sets the body of this CreateTagsRequest.
:param body: The body of this CreateTagsRequest.
:type body: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CreateTagsRequestBody`
self._body = body
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, CreateTagsRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class CreateTagsRequestBody:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'resource_id': 'str',
'tags': 'list[TagMap]'
attribute_map = {
'resource_id': 'resource_id',
'tags': 'tags'
def __init__(self, resource_id=None, tags=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param resource_id: 资源id。 > 域名ID
:type resource_id: str
:param tags: 标签列表。
:type tags: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.TagMap`]
self._resource_id = None
self._tags = None
self.discriminator = None
self.resource_id = resource_id
self.tags = tags
def resource_id(self):
"""Gets the resource_id of this CreateTagsRequestBody.
资源id。 > 域名ID
:return: The resource_id of this CreateTagsRequestBody.
:rtype: str
return self._resource_id
def resource_id(self, resource_id):
"""Sets the resource_id of this CreateTagsRequestBody.
资源id。 > 域名ID
:param resource_id: The resource_id of this CreateTagsRequestBody.
:type resource_id: str
self._resource_id = resource_id
def tags(self):
"""Gets the tags of this CreateTagsRequestBody.
:return: The tags of this CreateTagsRequestBody.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.TagMap`]
return self._tags
def tags(self, tags):
"""Sets the tags of this CreateTagsRequestBody.
:param tags: The tags of this CreateTagsRequestBody.
:type tags: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.TagMap`]
self._tags = tags
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, CreateTagsRequestBody):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class CreateTagsResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
attribute_map = {
def __init__(self):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
super(CreateTagsResponse, self).__init__()
self.discriminator = None
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, CreateTagsResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class DeleteDomainRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain_id': 'str',
'enterprise_project_id': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'domain_id': 'domain_id',
'enterprise_project_id': 'enterprise_project_id'
def __init__(self, domain_id=None, enterprise_project_id=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain_id: 加速域名ID。
:type domain_id: str
:param enterprise_project_id: 当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._domain_id = None
self._enterprise_project_id = None
self.discriminator = None
self.domain_id = domain_id
if enterprise_project_id is not None:
self.enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def domain_id(self):
"""Gets the domain_id of this DeleteDomainRequest.
:return: The domain_id of this DeleteDomainRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_id
def domain_id(self, domain_id):
"""Sets the domain_id of this DeleteDomainRequest.
:param domain_id: The domain_id of this DeleteDomainRequest.
:type domain_id: str
self._domain_id = domain_id
def enterprise_project_id(self):
"""Gets the enterprise_project_id of this DeleteDomainRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:return: The enterprise_project_id of this DeleteDomainRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._enterprise_project_id
def enterprise_project_id(self, enterprise_project_id):
"""Sets the enterprise_project_id of this DeleteDomainRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:param enterprise_project_id: The enterprise_project_id of this DeleteDomainRequest.
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, DeleteDomainRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class DeleteDomainResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain': 'DomainsWithPort'
attribute_map = {
'domain': 'domain'
def __init__(self, domain=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain:
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
super(DeleteDomainResponse, self).__init__()
self._domain = None
self.discriminator = None
if domain is not None:
self.domain = domain
def domain(self):
"""Gets the domain of this DeleteDomainResponse.
:return: The domain of this DeleteDomainResponse.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
return self._domain
def domain(self, domain):
"""Sets the domain of this DeleteDomainResponse.
:param domain: The domain of this DeleteDomainResponse.
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
self._domain = domain
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, DeleteDomainResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class DeleteTagsRequestBody:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'resource_id': 'str',
'tags': 'list[str]'
attribute_map = {
'resource_id': 'resource_id',
'tags': 'tags'
def __init__(self, resource_id=None, tags=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param resource_id: 资源id。 > 域名ID
:type resource_id: str
:param tags: 键列表
:type tags: list[str]
self._resource_id = None
self._tags = None
self.discriminator = None
self.resource_id = resource_id
self.tags = tags
def resource_id(self):
"""Gets the resource_id of this DeleteTagsRequestBody.
资源id。 > 域名ID
:return: The resource_id of this DeleteTagsRequestBody.
:rtype: str
return self._resource_id
def resource_id(self, resource_id):
"""Sets the resource_id of this DeleteTagsRequestBody.
资源id。 > 域名ID
:param resource_id: The resource_id of this DeleteTagsRequestBody.
:type resource_id: str
self._resource_id = resource_id
def tags(self):
"""Gets the tags of this DeleteTagsRequestBody.
:return: The tags of this DeleteTagsRequestBody.
:rtype: list[str]
return self._tags
def tags(self, tags):
"""Sets the tags of this DeleteTagsRequestBody.
:param tags: The tags of this DeleteTagsRequestBody.
:type tags: list[str]
self._tags = tags
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, DeleteTagsRequestBody):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class DisableDomainRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain_id': 'str',
'enterprise_project_id': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'domain_id': 'domain_id',
'enterprise_project_id': 'enterprise_project_id'
def __init__(self, domain_id=None, enterprise_project_id=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain_id: 加速域名ID。
:type domain_id: str
:param enterprise_project_id: 当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._domain_id = None
self._enterprise_project_id = None
self.discriminator = None
self.domain_id = domain_id
if enterprise_project_id is not None:
self.enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def domain_id(self):
"""Gets the domain_id of this DisableDomainRequest.
:return: The domain_id of this DisableDomainRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_id
def domain_id(self, domain_id):
"""Sets the domain_id of this DisableDomainRequest.
:param domain_id: The domain_id of this DisableDomainRequest.
:type domain_id: str
self._domain_id = domain_id
def enterprise_project_id(self):
"""Gets the enterprise_project_id of this DisableDomainRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:return: The enterprise_project_id of this DisableDomainRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._enterprise_project_id
def enterprise_project_id(self, enterprise_project_id):
"""Sets the enterprise_project_id of this DisableDomainRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:param enterprise_project_id: The enterprise_project_id of this DisableDomainRequest.
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, DisableDomainRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class DisableDomainResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain': 'DomainsWithPort'
attribute_map = {
'domain': 'domain'
def __init__(self, domain=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain:
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
super(DisableDomainResponse, self).__init__()
self._domain = None
self.discriminator = None
if domain is not None:
self.domain = domain
def domain(self):
"""Gets the domain of this DisableDomainResponse.
:return: The domain of this DisableDomainResponse.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
return self._domain
def domain(self, domain):
"""Sets the domain of this DisableDomainResponse.
:param domain: The domain of this DisableDomainResponse.
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
self._domain = domain
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, DisableDomainResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class DomainBody:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain_name': 'str',
'business_type': 'str',
'sources': 'list[Sources]',
'service_area': 'str',
'enterprise_project_id': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'domain_name': 'domain_name',
'business_type': 'business_type',
'sources': 'sources',
'service_area': 'service_area',
'enterprise_project_id': 'enterprise_project_id'
def __init__(self, domain_name=None, business_type=None, sources=None, service_area=None, enterprise_project_id=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain_name: 加速域名。( 由字母(A-Z,a-z,大小写等价)、数字(0-9)和连接符(-)组成,各级域名之间用(.)连接,域名长度不超过75个字符。连接符(-)不能作为域名的开头或结尾字符。)
:type domain_name: str
:param business_type: 域名业务类型,若为web,则表示类型为网页加速;若为download,则表示业务类型为文件下载加速;若为video,则表示业务类型为点播加速;若为wholeSite,则表示业务类型为全站加速。
:type business_type: str
:param sources: 源站配置。
:type sources: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.Sources`]
:param service_area: 域名服务范围,若为mainland_china,则表示服务范围为中国大陆;若为outside_mainland_china,则表示服务范围为中国大陆境外;若为global,则表示服务范围为全球。
:type service_area: str
:param enterprise_project_id: 当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示添加加速域名到该企业项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._domain_name = None
self._business_type = None
self._sources = None
self._service_area = None
self._enterprise_project_id = None
self.discriminator = None
self.domain_name = domain_name
self.business_type = business_type
self.sources = sources
self.service_area = service_area
if enterprise_project_id is not None:
self.enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def domain_name(self):
"""Gets the domain_name of this DomainBody.
加速域名。( 由字母(A-Z,a-z,大小写等价)、数字(0-9)和连接符(-)组成,各级域名之间用(.)连接,域名长度不超过75个字符。连接符(-)不能作为域名的开头或结尾字符。)
:return: The domain_name of this DomainBody.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_name
def domain_name(self, domain_name):
"""Sets the domain_name of this DomainBody.
加速域名。( 由字母(A-Z,a-z,大小写等价)、数字(0-9)和连接符(-)组成,各级域名之间用(.)连接,域名长度不超过75个字符。连接符(-)不能作为域名的开头或结尾字符。)
:param domain_name: The domain_name of this DomainBody.
:type domain_name: str
self._domain_name = domain_name
def business_type(self):
"""Gets the business_type of this DomainBody.
:return: The business_type of this DomainBody.
:rtype: str
return self._business_type
def business_type(self, business_type):
"""Sets the business_type of this DomainBody.
:param business_type: The business_type of this DomainBody.
:type business_type: str
self._business_type = business_type
def sources(self):
"""Gets the sources of this DomainBody.
:return: The sources of this DomainBody.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.Sources`]
return self._sources
def sources(self, sources):
"""Sets the sources of this DomainBody.
:param sources: The sources of this DomainBody.
:type sources: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.Sources`]
self._sources = sources
def service_area(self):
"""Gets the service_area of this DomainBody.
:return: The service_area of this DomainBody.
:rtype: str
return self._service_area
def service_area(self, service_area):
"""Sets the service_area of this DomainBody.
:param service_area: The service_area of this DomainBody.
:type service_area: str
self._service_area = service_area
def enterprise_project_id(self):
"""Gets the enterprise_project_id of this DomainBody.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示添加加速域名到该企业项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:return: The enterprise_project_id of this DomainBody.
:rtype: str
return self._enterprise_project_id
def enterprise_project_id(self, enterprise_project_id):
"""Sets the enterprise_project_id of this DomainBody.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示添加加速域名到该企业项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:param enterprise_project_id: The enterprise_project_id of this DomainBody.
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, DomainBody):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class DomainsDetail:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'id': 'str',
'domain_name': 'str',
'business_type': 'str',
'domain_status': 'str',
'cname': 'str',
'sources': 'list[SourcesDomainConfig]',
'https_status': 'int',
'create_time': 'int',
'update_time': 'int',
'disabled': 'int',
'locked': 'int',
'service_area': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'id': 'id',
'domain_name': 'domain_name',
'business_type': 'business_type',
'domain_status': 'domain_status',
'cname': 'cname',
'sources': 'sources',
'https_status': 'https_status',
'create_time': 'create_time',
'update_time': 'update_time',
'disabled': 'disabled',
'locked': 'locked',
'service_area': 'service_area'
def __init__(self, id=None, domain_name=None, business_type=None, domain_status=None, cname=None, sources=None, https_status=None, create_time=None, update_time=None, disabled=None, locked=None, service_area=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param id: 加速域名ID。
:type id: str
:param domain_name: 加速域名。
:type domain_name: str
:param business_type: 域名业务类型,若为web,则表示类型为网站加速;若为download,则表示业务类型为文件下载加速;若为video,则表示业务类型为点播加速;若为wholeSite,则表示类型为全站加速。
:type business_type: str
:param domain_status: 加速域名状态。取值意义: - online表示“已开启” - offline表示“已停用” - configuring表示“配置中” - configure_failed表示“配置失败” - checking表示“审核中” - check_failed表示“审核未通过” - deleting表示“删除中”。
:type domain_status: str
:param cname: 加速域名对应的CNAME。
:type cname: str
:param sources: 源站配置。
:type sources: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.SourcesDomainConfig`]
:param https_status: 是否开启HTTPS加速。 0:代表未开启HTTPS加速; 1:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为协议跟随; 2:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为HTTP; 3:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为HTTPS。
:type https_status: int
:param create_time: 域名创建时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:type create_time: int
:param update_time: 域名修改时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:type update_time: int
:param disabled: 封禁状态(0代表未禁用;1代表禁用)。
:type disabled: int
:param locked: 锁定状态(0代表未锁定;1代表锁定)。
:type locked: int
:param service_area: 华为云CDN提供的加速服务范围,包含:mainland_china中国大陆、outside_mainland_china中国大陆境外、global全球。
:type service_area: str
self._id = None
self._domain_name = None
self._business_type = None
self._domain_status = None
self._cname = None
self._sources = None
self._https_status = None
self._create_time = None
self._update_time = None
self._disabled = None
self._locked = None
self._service_area = None
self.discriminator = None
if id is not None:
|||| = id
if domain_name is not None:
self.domain_name = domain_name
if business_type is not None:
self.business_type = business_type
if domain_status is not None:
self.domain_status = domain_status
if cname is not None:
self.cname = cname
if sources is not None:
self.sources = sources
if https_status is not None:
self.https_status = https_status
if create_time is not None:
self.create_time = create_time
if update_time is not None:
self.update_time = update_time
if disabled is not None:
self.disabled = disabled
if locked is not None:
self.locked = locked
if service_area is not None:
self.service_area = service_area
def id(self):
"""Gets the id of this DomainsDetail.
:return: The id of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: str
return self._id
def id(self, id):
"""Sets the id of this DomainsDetail.
:param id: The id of this DomainsDetail.
:type id: str
self._id = id
def domain_name(self):
"""Gets the domain_name of this DomainsDetail.
:return: The domain_name of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_name
def domain_name(self, domain_name):
"""Sets the domain_name of this DomainsDetail.
:param domain_name: The domain_name of this DomainsDetail.
:type domain_name: str
self._domain_name = domain_name
def business_type(self):
"""Gets the business_type of this DomainsDetail.
:return: The business_type of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: str
return self._business_type
def business_type(self, business_type):
"""Sets the business_type of this DomainsDetail.
:param business_type: The business_type of this DomainsDetail.
:type business_type: str
self._business_type = business_type
def domain_status(self):
"""Gets the domain_status of this DomainsDetail.
加速域名状态。取值意义: - online表示“已开启” - offline表示“已停用” - configuring表示“配置中” - configure_failed表示“配置失败” - checking表示“审核中” - check_failed表示“审核未通过” - deleting表示“删除中”。
:return: The domain_status of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_status
def domain_status(self, domain_status):
"""Sets the domain_status of this DomainsDetail.
加速域名状态。取值意义: - online表示“已开启” - offline表示“已停用” - configuring表示“配置中” - configure_failed表示“配置失败” - checking表示“审核中” - check_failed表示“审核未通过” - deleting表示“删除中”。
:param domain_status: The domain_status of this DomainsDetail.
:type domain_status: str
self._domain_status = domain_status
def cname(self):
"""Gets the cname of this DomainsDetail.
:return: The cname of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: str
return self._cname
def cname(self, cname):
"""Sets the cname of this DomainsDetail.
:param cname: The cname of this DomainsDetail.
:type cname: str
self._cname = cname
def sources(self):
"""Gets the sources of this DomainsDetail.
:return: The sources of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.SourcesDomainConfig`]
return self._sources
def sources(self, sources):
"""Sets the sources of this DomainsDetail.
:param sources: The sources of this DomainsDetail.
:type sources: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.SourcesDomainConfig`]
self._sources = sources
def https_status(self):
"""Gets the https_status of this DomainsDetail.
是否开启HTTPS加速。 0:代表未开启HTTPS加速; 1:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为协议跟随; 2:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为HTTP; 3:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为HTTPS。
:return: The https_status of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: int
return self._https_status
def https_status(self, https_status):
"""Sets the https_status of this DomainsDetail.
是否开启HTTPS加速。 0:代表未开启HTTPS加速; 1:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为协议跟随; 2:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为HTTP; 3:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为HTTPS。
:param https_status: The https_status of this DomainsDetail.
:type https_status: int
self._https_status = https_status
def create_time(self):
"""Gets the create_time of this DomainsDetail.
域名创建时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:return: The create_time of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: int
return self._create_time
def create_time(self, create_time):
"""Sets the create_time of this DomainsDetail.
域名创建时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:param create_time: The create_time of this DomainsDetail.
:type create_time: int
self._create_time = create_time
def update_time(self):
"""Gets the update_time of this DomainsDetail.
域名修改时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:return: The update_time of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: int
return self._update_time
def update_time(self, update_time):
"""Sets the update_time of this DomainsDetail.
域名修改时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:param update_time: The update_time of this DomainsDetail.
:type update_time: int
self._update_time = update_time
def disabled(self):
"""Gets the disabled of this DomainsDetail.
:return: The disabled of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: int
return self._disabled
def disabled(self, disabled):
"""Sets the disabled of this DomainsDetail.
:param disabled: The disabled of this DomainsDetail.
:type disabled: int
self._disabled = disabled
def locked(self):
"""Gets the locked of this DomainsDetail.
:return: The locked of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: int
return self._locked
def locked(self, locked):
"""Sets the locked of this DomainsDetail.
:param locked: The locked of this DomainsDetail.
:type locked: int
self._locked = locked
def service_area(self):
"""Gets the service_area of this DomainsDetail.
:return: The service_area of this DomainsDetail.
:rtype: str
return self._service_area
def service_area(self, service_area):
"""Sets the service_area of this DomainsDetail.
:param service_area: The service_area of this DomainsDetail.
:type service_area: str
self._service_area = service_area
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, DomainsDetail):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -20,33 +20,51 @@ class DomainsWithPort:
'id': 'str',
'domain_name': 'str',
'business_type': 'str',
'user_domain_id': 'str',
'domain_status': 'str',
'cname': 'str',
'sources': 'list[SourcesDomainConfig]',
'sources': 'list[SourceWithPort]',
'domain_origin_host': 'DomainOriginHost',
'https_status': 'int',
'create_time': 'int',
'update_time': 'int',
'modify_time': 'int',
'disabled': 'int',
'locked': 'int',
'service_area': 'str'
'auto_refresh_preheat': 'int',
'service_area': 'str',
'range_status': 'str',
'follow_status': 'str',
'origin_status': 'str',
'banned_reason': 'str',
'locked_reason': 'str',
'enterprise_project_id': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'id': 'id',
'domain_name': 'domain_name',
'business_type': 'business_type',
'user_domain_id': 'user_domain_id',
'domain_status': 'domain_status',
'cname': 'cname',
'sources': 'sources',
'domain_origin_host': 'domain_origin_host',
'https_status': 'https_status',
'create_time': 'create_time',
'update_time': 'update_time',
'modify_time': 'modify_time',
'disabled': 'disabled',
'locked': 'locked',
'service_area': 'service_area'
'auto_refresh_preheat': 'auto_refresh_preheat',
'service_area': 'service_area',
'range_status': 'range_status',
'follow_status': 'follow_status',
'origin_status': 'origin_status',
'banned_reason': 'banned_reason',
'locked_reason': 'locked_reason',
'enterprise_project_id': 'enterprise_project_id'
def __init__(self, id=None, domain_name=None, business_type=None, domain_status=None, cname=None, sources=None, https_status=None, create_time=None, update_time=None, disabled=None, locked=None, service_area=None):
def __init__(self, id=None, domain_name=None, business_type=None, user_domain_id=None, domain_status=None, cname=None, sources=None, domain_origin_host=None, https_status=None, create_time=None, modify_time=None, disabled=None, locked=None, auto_refresh_preheat=None, service_area=None, range_status=None, follow_status=None, origin_status=None, banned_reason=None, locked_reason=None, enterprise_project_id=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
@ -57,24 +75,42 @@ class DomainsWithPort:
:type domain_name: str
:param business_type: 域名业务类型,若为web,则表示类型为网站加速;若为download,则表示业务类型为文件下载加速;若为video,则表示业务类型为点播加速;若为wholeSite,则表示类型为全站加速。
:type business_type: str
:param user_domain_id: 域名所属用户的domain_id。
:type user_domain_id: str
:param domain_status: 加速域名状态。取值意义: - online表示“已开启” - offline表示“已停用” - configuring表示“配置中” - configure_failed表示“配置失败” - checking表示“审核中” - check_failed表示“审核未通过” - deleting表示“删除中”。
:type domain_status: str
:param cname: 加速域名对应的CNAME。
:type cname: str
:param sources: 源站配置。
:type sources: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.SourcesDomainConfig`]
:type sources: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.SourceWithPort`]
:param domain_origin_host:
:type domain_origin_host: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainOriginHost`
:param https_status: 是否开启HTTPS加速。 0:代表未开启HTTPS加速; 1:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为协议跟随; 2:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为HTTP; 3:代表开启HTTPS加速,且回源方式为HTTPS。
:type https_status: int
:param create_time: 域名创建时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:type create_time: int
:param update_time: 域名修改时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:type update_time: int
:param modify_time: 域名修改时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:type modify_time: int
:param disabled: 封禁状态(0代表未禁用;1代表禁用)。
:type disabled: int
:param locked: 锁定状态(0代表未锁定;1代表锁定)。
:type locked: int
:param auto_refresh_preheat: 自动刷新预热(0代表关闭;1代表打开)。
:type auto_refresh_preheat: int
:param service_area: 华为云CDN提供的加速服务范围,包含:mainland_china中国大陆、outside_mainland_china中国大陆境外、global全球。
:type service_area: str
:param range_status: Range回源状态(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:type range_status: str
:param follow_status: 回源跟随状态(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:type follow_status: str
:param origin_status: 是否暂停源站回源(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:type origin_status: str
:param banned_reason: 域名禁用原因。 1:该域名涉嫌违规内容(涉黄/涉赌/涉毒/涉政)已被禁用; 2:该域名因备案失效已被禁用; 3:该域名遭受攻击,已被禁用; 150:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉黄已被禁用; 151:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉政已被禁用; 152:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉暴已被禁用; 153:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉赌已被禁用。
:type banned_reason: str
:param locked_reason: 域名锁定原因(Changing the config, please wait)。
:type locked_reason: str
:param enterprise_project_id: 当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,不传表示查询默认项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:type enterprise_project_id: str
@ -82,15 +118,24 @@ class DomainsWithPort:
self._id = None
self._domain_name = None
self._business_type = None
self._user_domain_id = None
self._domain_status = None
self._cname = None
self._sources = None
self._domain_origin_host = None
self._https_status = None
self._create_time = None
self._update_time = None
self._modify_time = None
self._disabled = None
self._locked = None
self._auto_refresh_preheat = None
self._service_area = None
self._range_status = None
self._follow_status = None
self._origin_status = None
self._banned_reason = None
self._locked_reason = None
self._enterprise_project_id = None
self.discriminator = None
if id is not None:
@ -99,24 +144,42 @@ class DomainsWithPort:
self.domain_name = domain_name
if business_type is not None:
self.business_type = business_type
if user_domain_id is not None:
self.user_domain_id = user_domain_id
if domain_status is not None:
self.domain_status = domain_status
if cname is not None:
self.cname = cname
if sources is not None:
self.sources = sources
if domain_origin_host is not None:
self.domain_origin_host = domain_origin_host
if https_status is not None:
self.https_status = https_status
if create_time is not None:
self.create_time = create_time
if update_time is not None:
self.update_time = update_time
if modify_time is not None:
self.modify_time = modify_time
if disabled is not None:
self.disabled = disabled
if locked is not None:
self.locked = locked
if auto_refresh_preheat is not None:
self.auto_refresh_preheat = auto_refresh_preheat
if service_area is not None:
self.service_area = service_area
if range_status is not None:
self.range_status = range_status
if follow_status is not None:
self.follow_status = follow_status
if origin_status is not None:
self.origin_status = origin_status
if banned_reason is not None:
self.banned_reason = banned_reason
if locked_reason is not None:
self.locked_reason = locked_reason
if enterprise_project_id is not None:
self.enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def id(self):
@ -184,6 +247,28 @@ class DomainsWithPort:
self._business_type = business_type
def user_domain_id(self):
"""Gets the user_domain_id of this DomainsWithPort.
:return: The user_domain_id of this DomainsWithPort.
:rtype: str
return self._user_domain_id
def user_domain_id(self, user_domain_id):
"""Sets the user_domain_id of this DomainsWithPort.
:param user_domain_id: The user_domain_id of this DomainsWithPort.
:type user_domain_id: str
self._user_domain_id = user_domain_id
def domain_status(self):
"""Gets the domain_status of this DomainsWithPort.
@ -235,7 +320,7 @@ class DomainsWithPort:
:return: The sources of this DomainsWithPort.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.SourcesDomainConfig`]
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.SourceWithPort`]
return self._sources
@ -246,10 +331,28 @@ class DomainsWithPort:
:param sources: The sources of this DomainsWithPort.
:type sources: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.SourcesDomainConfig`]
:type sources: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.SourceWithPort`]
self._sources = sources
def domain_origin_host(self):
"""Gets the domain_origin_host of this DomainsWithPort.
:return: The domain_origin_host of this DomainsWithPort.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainOriginHost`
return self._domain_origin_host
def domain_origin_host(self, domain_origin_host):
"""Sets the domain_origin_host of this DomainsWithPort.
:param domain_origin_host: The domain_origin_host of this DomainsWithPort.
:type domain_origin_host: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainOriginHost`
self._domain_origin_host = domain_origin_host
def https_status(self):
"""Gets the https_status of this DomainsWithPort.
@ -295,26 +398,26 @@ class DomainsWithPort:
self._create_time = create_time
def update_time(self):
"""Gets the update_time of this DomainsWithPort.
def modify_time(self):
"""Gets the modify_time of this DomainsWithPort.
域名修改时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:return: The update_time of this DomainsWithPort.
:return: The modify_time of this DomainsWithPort.
:rtype: int
return self._update_time
return self._modify_time
def update_time(self, update_time):
"""Sets the update_time of this DomainsWithPort.
def modify_time(self, modify_time):
"""Sets the modify_time of this DomainsWithPort.
域名修改时间,相对于UTC 1970-01-01到当前时间相隔的毫秒数。
:param update_time: The update_time of this DomainsWithPort.
:type update_time: int
:param modify_time: The modify_time of this DomainsWithPort.
:type modify_time: int
self._update_time = update_time
self._modify_time = modify_time
def disabled(self):
@ -360,6 +463,28 @@ class DomainsWithPort:
self._locked = locked
def auto_refresh_preheat(self):
"""Gets the auto_refresh_preheat of this DomainsWithPort.
:return: The auto_refresh_preheat of this DomainsWithPort.
:rtype: int
return self._auto_refresh_preheat
def auto_refresh_preheat(self, auto_refresh_preheat):
"""Sets the auto_refresh_preheat of this DomainsWithPort.
:param auto_refresh_preheat: The auto_refresh_preheat of this DomainsWithPort.
:type auto_refresh_preheat: int
self._auto_refresh_preheat = auto_refresh_preheat
def service_area(self):
"""Gets the service_area of this DomainsWithPort.
@ -382,6 +507,138 @@ class DomainsWithPort:
self._service_area = service_area
def range_status(self):
"""Gets the range_status of this DomainsWithPort.
Range回源状态(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:return: The range_status of this DomainsWithPort.
:rtype: str
return self._range_status
def range_status(self, range_status):
"""Sets the range_status of this DomainsWithPort.
Range回源状态(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:param range_status: The range_status of this DomainsWithPort.
:type range_status: str
self._range_status = range_status
def follow_status(self):
"""Gets the follow_status of this DomainsWithPort.
回源跟随状态(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:return: The follow_status of this DomainsWithPort.
:rtype: str
return self._follow_status
def follow_status(self, follow_status):
"""Sets the follow_status of this DomainsWithPort.
回源跟随状态(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:param follow_status: The follow_status of this DomainsWithPort.
:type follow_status: str
self._follow_status = follow_status
def origin_status(self):
"""Gets the origin_status of this DomainsWithPort.
是否暂停源站回源(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:return: The origin_status of this DomainsWithPort.
:rtype: str
return self._origin_status
def origin_status(self, origin_status):
"""Sets the origin_status of this DomainsWithPort.
是否暂停源站回源(off代表关闭 on代表开启)。
:param origin_status: The origin_status of this DomainsWithPort.
:type origin_status: str
self._origin_status = origin_status
def banned_reason(self):
"""Gets the banned_reason of this DomainsWithPort.
域名禁用原因。 1:该域名涉嫌违规内容(涉黄/涉赌/涉毒/涉政)已被禁用; 2:该域名因备案失效已被禁用; 3:该域名遭受攻击,已被禁用; 150:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉黄已被禁用; 151:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉政已被禁用; 152:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉暴已被禁用; 153:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉赌已被禁用。
:return: The banned_reason of this DomainsWithPort.
:rtype: str
return self._banned_reason
def banned_reason(self, banned_reason):
"""Sets the banned_reason of this DomainsWithPort.
域名禁用原因。 1:该域名涉嫌违规内容(涉黄/涉赌/涉毒/涉政)已被禁用; 2:该域名因备案失效已被禁用; 3:该域名遭受攻击,已被禁用; 150:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉黄已被禁用; 151:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉政已被禁用; 152:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉暴已被禁用; 153:该域名涉嫌违规内容涉赌已被禁用。
:param banned_reason: The banned_reason of this DomainsWithPort.
:type banned_reason: str
self._banned_reason = banned_reason
def locked_reason(self):
"""Gets the locked_reason of this DomainsWithPort.
域名锁定原因(Changing the config, please wait)。
:return: The locked_reason of this DomainsWithPort.
:rtype: str
return self._locked_reason
def locked_reason(self, locked_reason):
"""Sets the locked_reason of this DomainsWithPort.
域名锁定原因(Changing the config, please wait)。
:param locked_reason: The locked_reason of this DomainsWithPort.
:type locked_reason: str
self._locked_reason = locked_reason
def enterprise_project_id(self):
"""Gets the enterprise_project_id of this DomainsWithPort.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,不传表示查询默认项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:return: The enterprise_project_id of this DomainsWithPort.
:rtype: str
return self._enterprise_project_id
def enterprise_project_id(self, enterprise_project_id):
"""Sets the enterprise_project_id of this DomainsWithPort.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,不传表示查询默认项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:param enterprise_project_id: The enterprise_project_id of this DomainsWithPort.
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class EnableDomainRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain_id': 'str',
'enterprise_project_id': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'domain_id': 'domain_id',
'enterprise_project_id': 'enterprise_project_id'
def __init__(self, domain_id=None, enterprise_project_id=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain_id: 加速域名ID。
:type domain_id: str
:param enterprise_project_id: 当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,\"all\"表示所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._domain_id = None
self._enterprise_project_id = None
self.discriminator = None
self.domain_id = domain_id
if enterprise_project_id is not None:
self.enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def domain_id(self):
"""Gets the domain_id of this EnableDomainRequest.
:return: The domain_id of this EnableDomainRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_id
def domain_id(self, domain_id):
"""Sets the domain_id of this EnableDomainRequest.
:param domain_id: The domain_id of this EnableDomainRequest.
:type domain_id: str
self._domain_id = domain_id
def enterprise_project_id(self):
"""Gets the enterprise_project_id of this EnableDomainRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,\"all\"表示所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:return: The enterprise_project_id of this EnableDomainRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._enterprise_project_id
def enterprise_project_id(self, enterprise_project_id):
"""Sets the enterprise_project_id of this EnableDomainRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,\"all\"表示所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:param enterprise_project_id: The enterprise_project_id of this EnableDomainRequest.
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, EnableDomainRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class EnableDomainResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain': 'DomainsWithPort'
attribute_map = {
'domain': 'domain'
def __init__(self, domain=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain:
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
super(EnableDomainResponse, self).__init__()
self._domain = None
self.discriminator = None
if domain is not None:
self.domain = domain
def domain(self):
"""Gets the domain of this EnableDomainResponse.
:return: The domain of this EnableDomainResponse.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
return self._domain
def domain(self, domain):
"""Sets the domain of this EnableDomainResponse.
:param domain: The domain of this EnableDomainResponse.
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
self._domain = domain
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, EnableDomainResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class FlexibleOrigins:
:type match_type: str
:param match_pattern: file_extension(文件后缀): 支持所有格式的文件类型。 输入首字符为“.”,以“;”进行分隔。 输入的文件后缀名总数不能超过20个。 file_path(目录路径):输入要求以“/”作为首字符,以“;”进行分隔,输入的目录路径总数不能超过20个。
:type match_pattern: str
:param priority: 优先级取值范围为1~100,数值越大优先级越高。
:param priority: 优先级取值范围为1-100,数值越大优先级越高。
:type priority: int
:param back_sources: 回源信息。 > 每个目录的回源源站数量不超过1个。
:type back_sources: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.BackSources`]
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class FlexibleOrigins:
def priority(self):
"""Gets the priority of this FlexibleOrigins.
:return: The priority of this FlexibleOrigins.
:rtype: int
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class FlexibleOrigins:
def priority(self, priority):
"""Sets the priority of this FlexibleOrigins.
:param priority: The priority of this FlexibleOrigins.
:type priority: int
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class ForceRedirect:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'switch': 'int',
'redirect_type': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'switch': 'switch',
'redirect_type': 'redirect_type'
def __init__(self, switch=None, redirect_type=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param switch: 强制跳转开关。1打开。0关闭。
:type switch: int
:param redirect_type: 强制跳转类型。http:强制跳转HTTP。https:强制跳转HTTPS。
:type redirect_type: str
self._switch = None
self._redirect_type = None
self.discriminator = None
self.switch = switch
if redirect_type is not None:
self.redirect_type = redirect_type
def switch(self):
"""Gets the switch of this ForceRedirect.
:return: The switch of this ForceRedirect.
:rtype: int
return self._switch
def switch(self, switch):
"""Sets the switch of this ForceRedirect.
:param switch: The switch of this ForceRedirect.
:type switch: int
self._switch = switch
def redirect_type(self):
"""Gets the redirect_type of this ForceRedirect.
:return: The redirect_type of this ForceRedirect.
:rtype: str
return self._redirect_type
def redirect_type(self, redirect_type):
"""Sets the redirect_type of this ForceRedirect.
:param redirect_type: The redirect_type of this ForceRedirect.
:type redirect_type: str
self._redirect_type = redirect_type
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, ForceRedirect):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class Hsts:
:param status: 状态,on:打开,off:关闭。
:type status: str
:param max_age: 过期时间,即:响应头“Strict-Transport-Security”在客户端的缓存时间。单位:秒,取值范围:0~63072000。 > status参数为on时,必传。
:param max_age: 过期时间,即:响应头“Strict-Transport-Security”在客户端的缓存时间。单位:秒,取值范围:0-63072000。 > status参数为on时,必传。
:type max_age: int
:param include_subdomains: 包含子域名,on:包含,off:不包含。 > status参数为on时,必传。
:type include_subdomains: str
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class Hsts:
def max_age(self):
"""Gets the max_age of this Hsts.
过期时间,即:响应头“Strict-Transport-Security”在客户端的缓存时间。单位:秒,取值范围:0~63072000。 > status参数为on时,必传。
过期时间,即:响应头“Strict-Transport-Security”在客户端的缓存时间。单位:秒,取值范围:0-63072000。 > status参数为on时,必传。
:return: The max_age of this Hsts.
:rtype: int
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class Hsts:
def max_age(self, max_age):
"""Sets the max_age of this Hsts.
过期时间,即:响应头“Strict-Transport-Security”在客户端的缓存时间。单位:秒,取值范围:0~63072000。 > status参数为on时,必传。
过期时间,即:响应头“Strict-Transport-Security”在客户端的缓存时间。单位:秒,取值范围:0-63072000。 > status参数为on时,必传。
:param max_age: The max_age of this Hsts.
:type max_age: int
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ class HttpResponseHeader:
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param name: 设置HTTP响应头参数。取值:\"Content-Disposition\", \"Content-Language\", \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\",\"Access-Control-Allow-Methods\", \"Access-Control-Max-Age\", \"Access-Control-Expose-Headers\"或自定义头部。格式要求:长度1~100,以字母开头,可以使用字母、数字和短横杠。
:param name: 设置HTTP响应头参数。取值:\"Content-Disposition\", \"Content-Language\", \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\",\"Access-Control-Allow-Methods\", \"Access-Control-Max-Age\", \"Access-Control-Expose-Headers\"或自定义头部。格式要求:长度1-100,以字母开头,可以使用字母、数字和短横杠。
:type name: str
:param value: 设置HTTP响应头参数的值。自定义HTTP响应头参数长度范围1~256,支持字母、数字和特定字符(.-_*#!&+|^~'\"/:;,=@?<>)。
:param value: 设置HTTP响应头参数的值。自定义HTTP响应头参数长度范围1-256,支持字母、数字和特定字符(.-_*#!&+|^~'\"/:;,=@?<>)。
:type value: str
:param action: 设置http响应头操作类型,取值“set/delete”。set代表设置,delete代表删除。
:type action: str
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class HttpResponseHeader:
def name(self):
"""Gets the name of this HttpResponseHeader.
设置HTTP响应头参数。取值:\"Content-Disposition\", \"Content-Language\", \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\",\"Access-Control-Allow-Methods\", \"Access-Control-Max-Age\", \"Access-Control-Expose-Headers\"或自定义头部。格式要求:长度1~100,以字母开头,可以使用字母、数字和短横杠。
设置HTTP响应头参数。取值:\"Content-Disposition\", \"Content-Language\", \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\",\"Access-Control-Allow-Methods\", \"Access-Control-Max-Age\", \"Access-Control-Expose-Headers\"或自定义头部。格式要求:长度1-100,以字母开头,可以使用字母、数字和短横杠。
:return: The name of this HttpResponseHeader.
:rtype: str
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class HttpResponseHeader:
def name(self, name):
"""Sets the name of this HttpResponseHeader.
设置HTTP响应头参数。取值:\"Content-Disposition\", \"Content-Language\", \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\",\"Access-Control-Allow-Methods\", \"Access-Control-Max-Age\", \"Access-Control-Expose-Headers\"或自定义头部。格式要求:长度1~100,以字母开头,可以使用字母、数字和短横杠。
设置HTTP响应头参数。取值:\"Content-Disposition\", \"Content-Language\", \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\",\"Access-Control-Allow-Methods\", \"Access-Control-Max-Age\", \"Access-Control-Expose-Headers\"或自定义头部。格式要求:长度1-100,以字母开头,可以使用字母、数字和短横杠。
:param name: The name of this HttpResponseHeader.
:type name: str
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class HttpResponseHeader:
def value(self):
"""Gets the value of this HttpResponseHeader.
:return: The value of this HttpResponseHeader.
:rtype: str
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class HttpResponseHeader:
def value(self, value):
"""Sets the value of this HttpResponseHeader.
:param value: The value of this HttpResponseHeader.
:type value: str
@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class HttpsDetail:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain_id': 'str',
'domain_name': 'str',
'cert_name': 'str',
'certificate': 'str',
'private_key': 'str',
'certificate_type': 'int',
'expiration_time': 'int',
'https_status': 'int',
'force_redirect_https': 'int',
'force_redirect_config': 'ForceRedirect',
'http2': 'int'
attribute_map = {
'domain_id': 'domain_id',
'domain_name': 'domain_name',
'cert_name': 'cert_name',
'certificate': 'certificate',
'private_key': 'private_key',
'certificate_type': 'certificate_type',
'expiration_time': 'expiration_time',
'https_status': 'https_status',
'force_redirect_https': 'force_redirect_https',
'force_redirect_config': 'force_redirect_config',
'http2': 'http2'
def __init__(self, domain_id=None, domain_name=None, cert_name=None, certificate=None, private_key=None, certificate_type=None, expiration_time=None, https_status=None, force_redirect_https=None, force_redirect_config=None, http2=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain_id: 域名id。
:type domain_id: str
:param domain_name: 绑定该证书的域名。
:type domain_name: str
:param cert_name: 证书名字。
:type cert_name: str
:param certificate: 证书内容。
:type certificate: str
:param private_key: 私钥内容。
:type private_key: str
:param certificate_type: 0:自有证书 1:云托管证书。
:type certificate_type: int
:param expiration_time: 证书过期时间。
:type expiration_time: int
:param https_status: HTTPS证书是否启用,取值0:不启用;1:启用HTTPS加速并协议跟随回源;2:启用HTTPS加速并HTTP回源。
:type https_status: int
:param force_redirect_https: 客户端请求是否强制重定向。1是,0否。(如果为2,表示强制跳转HTTP)
:type force_redirect_https: int
:param force_redirect_config:
:type force_redirect_config: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ForceRedirect`
:param http2: 是否使用HTTP2.0。(1是,0否。)
:type http2: int
self._domain_id = None
self._domain_name = None
self._cert_name = None
self._certificate = None
self._private_key = None
self._certificate_type = None
self._expiration_time = None
self._https_status = None
self._force_redirect_https = None
self._force_redirect_config = None
self._http2 = None
self.discriminator = None
if domain_id is not None:
self.domain_id = domain_id
if domain_name is not None:
self.domain_name = domain_name
if cert_name is not None:
self.cert_name = cert_name
if certificate is not None:
self.certificate = certificate
if private_key is not None:
self.private_key = private_key
if certificate_type is not None:
self.certificate_type = certificate_type
if expiration_time is not None:
self.expiration_time = expiration_time
if https_status is not None:
self.https_status = https_status
if force_redirect_https is not None:
self.force_redirect_https = force_redirect_https
if force_redirect_config is not None:
self.force_redirect_config = force_redirect_config
if http2 is not None:
self.http2 = http2
def domain_id(self):
"""Gets the domain_id of this HttpsDetail.
:return: The domain_id of this HttpsDetail.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_id
def domain_id(self, domain_id):
"""Sets the domain_id of this HttpsDetail.
:param domain_id: The domain_id of this HttpsDetail.
:type domain_id: str
self._domain_id = domain_id
def domain_name(self):
"""Gets the domain_name of this HttpsDetail.
:return: The domain_name of this HttpsDetail.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_name
def domain_name(self, domain_name):
"""Sets the domain_name of this HttpsDetail.
:param domain_name: The domain_name of this HttpsDetail.
:type domain_name: str
self._domain_name = domain_name
def cert_name(self):
"""Gets the cert_name of this HttpsDetail.
:return: The cert_name of this HttpsDetail.
:rtype: str
return self._cert_name
def cert_name(self, cert_name):
"""Sets the cert_name of this HttpsDetail.
:param cert_name: The cert_name of this HttpsDetail.
:type cert_name: str
self._cert_name = cert_name
def certificate(self):
"""Gets the certificate of this HttpsDetail.
:return: The certificate of this HttpsDetail.
:rtype: str
return self._certificate
def certificate(self, certificate):
"""Sets the certificate of this HttpsDetail.
:param certificate: The certificate of this HttpsDetail.
:type certificate: str
self._certificate = certificate
def private_key(self):
"""Gets the private_key of this HttpsDetail.
:return: The private_key of this HttpsDetail.
:rtype: str
return self._private_key
def private_key(self, private_key):
"""Sets the private_key of this HttpsDetail.
:param private_key: The private_key of this HttpsDetail.
:type private_key: str
self._private_key = private_key
def certificate_type(self):
"""Gets the certificate_type of this HttpsDetail.
0:自有证书 1:云托管证书。
:return: The certificate_type of this HttpsDetail.
:rtype: int
return self._certificate_type
def certificate_type(self, certificate_type):
"""Sets the certificate_type of this HttpsDetail.
0:自有证书 1:云托管证书。
:param certificate_type: The certificate_type of this HttpsDetail.
:type certificate_type: int
self._certificate_type = certificate_type
def expiration_time(self):
"""Gets the expiration_time of this HttpsDetail.
:return: The expiration_time of this HttpsDetail.
:rtype: int
return self._expiration_time
def expiration_time(self, expiration_time):
"""Sets the expiration_time of this HttpsDetail.
:param expiration_time: The expiration_time of this HttpsDetail.
:type expiration_time: int
self._expiration_time = expiration_time
def https_status(self):
"""Gets the https_status of this HttpsDetail.
:return: The https_status of this HttpsDetail.
:rtype: int
return self._https_status
def https_status(self, https_status):
"""Sets the https_status of this HttpsDetail.
:param https_status: The https_status of this HttpsDetail.
:type https_status: int
self._https_status = https_status
def force_redirect_https(self):
"""Gets the force_redirect_https of this HttpsDetail.
:return: The force_redirect_https of this HttpsDetail.
:rtype: int
return self._force_redirect_https
def force_redirect_https(self, force_redirect_https):
"""Sets the force_redirect_https of this HttpsDetail.
:param force_redirect_https: The force_redirect_https of this HttpsDetail.
:type force_redirect_https: int
self._force_redirect_https = force_redirect_https
def force_redirect_config(self):
"""Gets the force_redirect_config of this HttpsDetail.
:return: The force_redirect_config of this HttpsDetail.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ForceRedirect`
return self._force_redirect_config
def force_redirect_config(self, force_redirect_config):
"""Sets the force_redirect_config of this HttpsDetail.
:param force_redirect_config: The force_redirect_config of this HttpsDetail.
:type force_redirect_config: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ForceRedirect`
self._force_redirect_config = force_redirect_config
def http2(self):
"""Gets the http2 of this HttpsDetail.
:return: The http2 of this HttpsDetail.
:rtype: int
return self._http2
def http2(self, http2):
"""Sets the http2 of this HttpsDetail.
:param http2: The http2 of this HttpsDetail.
:type http2: int
self._http2 = http2
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, HttpsDetail):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class OriginRequestHeader:
:param name: 设置回源请求头参数。格式要求:由数字,大小写字母,中划线组成,只能以字母开头。
:type name: str
:param value: 设置回源请求头参数的值。当为删除动作时,可不填。格式要求:长度1~512。不支持中文,不支持变量配置,如:$client_ip,$remote_port等。
:param value: 设置回源请求头参数的值。当为删除动作时,可不填。格式要求:长度1-512。不支持中文,不支持变量配置,如:$client_ip,$remote_port等。
:type value: str
:param action: 回源请求头设置类型。delete:删除,set:设置。同一个请求头字段只允许删除或者设置。设置:若原始回源请求中不存在该字段,先执行新增再执行设置。
:type action: str
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class OriginRequestHeader:
def value(self):
"""Gets the value of this OriginRequestHeader.
:return: The value of this OriginRequestHeader.
:rtype: str
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class OriginRequestHeader:
def value(self, value):
"""Sets the value of this OriginRequestHeader.
:param value: The value of this OriginRequestHeader.
:type value: str
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class OriginRequestUrlRewrite:
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param priority: 回源URL改写规则的优先级。 优先级设置具有唯一性,不支持多条回源URL改写规则设置同一优先级,且优先级不能输入为空。 多条规则下,不同规则中的相同资源内容,CDN按照优先级高的规则执行URL改写。 取值为1~100之间的整数,数值越大优先级越高。
:param priority: 回源URL改写规则的优先级。 优先级设置具有唯一性,不支持多条回源URL改写规则设置同一优先级,且优先级不能输入为空。 多条规则下,不同规则中的相同资源内容,CDN按照优先级高的规则执行URL改写。 取值为1-100之间的整数,数值越大优先级越高。
:type priority: int
:param match_type: 匹配类型, all:所有文件, file_path:URL路径, wildcard:通配符, full_path: 全路径。
:type match_type: str
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class OriginRequestUrlRewrite:
def priority(self):
"""Gets the priority of this OriginRequestUrlRewrite.
回源URL改写规则的优先级。 优先级设置具有唯一性,不支持多条回源URL改写规则设置同一优先级,且优先级不能输入为空。 多条规则下,不同规则中的相同资源内容,CDN按照优先级高的规则执行URL改写。 取值为1~100之间的整数,数值越大优先级越高。
回源URL改写规则的优先级。 优先级设置具有唯一性,不支持多条回源URL改写规则设置同一优先级,且优先级不能输入为空。 多条规则下,不同规则中的相同资源内容,CDN按照优先级高的规则执行URL改写。 取值为1-100之间的整数,数值越大优先级越高。
:return: The priority of this OriginRequestUrlRewrite.
:rtype: int
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class OriginRequestUrlRewrite:
def priority(self, priority):
"""Sets the priority of this OriginRequestUrlRewrite.
回源URL改写规则的优先级。 优先级设置具有唯一性,不支持多条回源URL改写规则设置同一优先级,且优先级不能输入为空。 多条规则下,不同规则中的相同资源内容,CDN按照优先级高的规则执行URL改写。 取值为1~100之间的整数,数值越大优先级越高。
回源URL改写规则的优先级。 优先级设置具有唯一性,不支持多条回源URL改写规则设置同一优先级,且优先级不能输入为空。 多条规则下,不同规则中的相同资源内容,CDN按照优先级高的规则执行URL改写。 取值为1-100之间的整数,数值越大优先级越高。
:param priority: The priority of this OriginRequestUrlRewrite.
:type priority: int
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class RemoteAuthRuleVo:
:type auth_failed_status: str
:param response_status: 设置鉴权失败时CDN节点返回给用户的状态码。取值范围:2xx/3xx/4xx/5xx。
:type response_status: str
:param timeout: 设置鉴权超时时间,即从CDN转发鉴权请求开始,到CDN节点收到远程鉴权服务器返回的结果的时间。单位为毫秒,值为0或50~3000。
:param timeout: 设置鉴权超时时间,即从CDN转发鉴权请求开始,到CDN节点收到远程鉴权服务器返回的结果的时间。单位为毫秒,值为0或50-3000。
:type timeout: int
:param timeout_action: 设置鉴权超时后,CDN节点如何处理用户请求。 pass(鉴权失败放过):鉴权超时后允许用户请求,返回对应的资源。 forbid(鉴权失败拒绝):鉴权超时后拒绝用户请求,返回配置的响应自定义状态码给用户。
:type timeout_action: str
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ class RemoteAuthRuleVo:
def timeout(self):
"""Gets the timeout of this RemoteAuthRuleVo.
:return: The timeout of this RemoteAuthRuleVo.
:rtype: int
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ class RemoteAuthRuleVo:
def timeout(self, timeout):
"""Sets the timeout of this RemoteAuthRuleVo.
:param timeout: The timeout of this RemoteAuthRuleVo.
:type timeout: int
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'page_size': 'int',
'page_number': 'int',
'domain_name': 'str',
'user_domain_id': 'str',
'enterprise_project_id': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'page_size': 'page_size',
'page_number': 'page_number',
'domain_name': 'domain_name',
'user_domain_id': 'user_domain_id',
'enterprise_project_id': 'enterprise_project_id'
def __init__(self, page_size=None, page_number=None, domain_name=None, user_domain_id=None, enterprise_project_id=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param page_size: 每页的数量,取值范围1-10000,不设值时默认值为30。
:type page_size: int
:param page_number: 查询的页码。取值范围1-65535,不设值时默认值为1。
:type page_number: int
:param domain_name: 加速域名。
:type domain_name: str
:param user_domain_id: 域名所属用户的domain_id。
:type user_domain_id: str
:param enterprise_project_id: 当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,\"all\"表示所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._page_size = None
self._page_number = None
self._domain_name = None
self._user_domain_id = None
self._enterprise_project_id = None
self.discriminator = None
if page_size is not None:
self.page_size = page_size
if page_number is not None:
self.page_number = page_number
if domain_name is not None:
self.domain_name = domain_name
if user_domain_id is not None:
self.user_domain_id = user_domain_id
if enterprise_project_id is not None:
self.enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def page_size(self):
"""Gets the page_size of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:return: The page_size of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:rtype: int
return self._page_size
def page_size(self, page_size):
"""Sets the page_size of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:param page_size: The page_size of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:type page_size: int
self._page_size = page_size
def page_number(self):
"""Gets the page_number of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:return: The page_number of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:rtype: int
return self._page_number
def page_number(self, page_number):
"""Sets the page_number of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:param page_number: The page_number of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:type page_number: int
self._page_number = page_number
def domain_name(self):
"""Gets the domain_name of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:return: The domain_name of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_name
def domain_name(self, domain_name):
"""Sets the domain_name of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:param domain_name: The domain_name of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:type domain_name: str
self._domain_name = domain_name
def user_domain_id(self):
"""Gets the user_domain_id of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:return: The user_domain_id of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._user_domain_id
def user_domain_id(self, user_domain_id):
"""Sets the user_domain_id of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:param user_domain_id: The user_domain_id of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:type user_domain_id: str
self._user_domain_id = user_domain_id
def enterprise_project_id(self):
"""Gets the enterprise_project_id of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,\"all\"表示所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:return: The enterprise_project_id of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._enterprise_project_id
def enterprise_project_id(self, enterprise_project_id):
"""Sets the enterprise_project_id of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,\"all\"表示所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:param enterprise_project_id: The enterprise_project_id of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest.
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'total': 'int',
'https': 'list[HttpsDetail]'
attribute_map = {
'total': 'total',
'https': 'https'
def __init__(self, total=None, https=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param total: 查询结果总数
:type total: int
:param https: https配置。
:type https: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.HttpsDetail`]
super(ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse, self).__init__()
self._total = None
self._https = None
self.discriminator = None
if total is not None:
|||| = total
if https is not None:
self.https = https
def total(self):
"""Gets the total of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse.
:return: The total of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse.
:rtype: int
return self._total
def total(self, total):
"""Sets the total of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse.
:param total: The total of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse.
:type total: int
self._total = total
def https(self):
"""Gets the https of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse.
:return: The https of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.HttpsDetail`]
return self._https
def https(self, https):
"""Sets the https of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse.
:param https: The https of this ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse.
:type https: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.HttpsDetail`]
self._https = https
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, ShowCertificatesHttpsInfoResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class ShowDomainDetailByNameResponse(SdkResponse):
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain': 'DomainsWithPort'
'domain': 'DomainsDetail'
attribute_map = {
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class ShowDomainDetailByNameResponse(SdkResponse):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain:
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsDetail`
super(ShowDomainDetailByNameResponse, self).__init__()
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ShowDomainDetailByNameResponse(SdkResponse):
"""Gets the domain of this ShowDomainDetailByNameResponse.
:return: The domain of this ShowDomainDetailByNameResponse.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsDetail`
return self._domain
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class ShowDomainDetailByNameResponse(SdkResponse):
"""Sets the domain of this ShowDomainDetailByNameResponse.
:param domain: The domain of this ShowDomainDetailByNameResponse.
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsWithPort`
:type domain: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.DomainsDetail`
self._domain = domain
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class ShowIpInfoRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'enterprise_project_id': 'str',
'ips': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'enterprise_project_id': 'enterprise_project_id',
'ips': 'ips'
def __init__(self, enterprise_project_id=None, ips=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param enterprise_project_id: 当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,\"all\"表示所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:type enterprise_project_id: str
:param ips: IP地址列表,以“,”分割,最多20个。
:type ips: str
self._enterprise_project_id = None
self._ips = None
self.discriminator = None
if enterprise_project_id is not None:
self.enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
self.ips = ips
def enterprise_project_id(self):
"""Gets the enterprise_project_id of this ShowIpInfoRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,\"all\"表示所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:return: The enterprise_project_id of this ShowIpInfoRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._enterprise_project_id
def enterprise_project_id(self, enterprise_project_id):
"""Sets the enterprise_project_id of this ShowIpInfoRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示查询资源所属项目,\"all\"表示所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:param enterprise_project_id: The enterprise_project_id of this ShowIpInfoRequest.
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def ips(self):
"""Gets the ips of this ShowIpInfoRequest.
:return: The ips of this ShowIpInfoRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._ips
def ips(self, ips):
"""Sets the ips of this ShowIpInfoRequest.
:param ips: The ips of this ShowIpInfoRequest.
:type ips: str
self._ips = ips
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, ShowIpInfoRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class ShowIpInfoResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'cdn_ips': 'list[CdnIps]'
attribute_map = {
'cdn_ips': 'cdn_ips'
def __init__(self, cdn_ips=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param cdn_ips: IP归属信息列表。
:type cdn_ips: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CdnIps`]
super(ShowIpInfoResponse, self).__init__()
self._cdn_ips = None
self.discriminator = None
if cdn_ips is not None:
self.cdn_ips = cdn_ips
def cdn_ips(self):
"""Gets the cdn_ips of this ShowIpInfoResponse.
:return: The cdn_ips of this ShowIpInfoResponse.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CdnIps`]
return self._cdn_ips
def cdn_ips(self, cdn_ips):
"""Sets the cdn_ips of this ShowIpInfoResponse.
:param cdn_ips: The cdn_ips of this ShowIpInfoResponse.
:type cdn_ips: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.CdnIps`]
self._cdn_ips = cdn_ips
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, ShowIpInfoResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class ShowTagsRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'resource_id': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'resource_id': 'resource_id'
def __init__(self, resource_id=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param resource_id: 资源id。 > 域名ID
:type resource_id: str
self._resource_id = None
self.discriminator = None
self.resource_id = resource_id
def resource_id(self):
"""Gets the resource_id of this ShowTagsRequest.
资源id。 > 域名ID
:return: The resource_id of this ShowTagsRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._resource_id
def resource_id(self, resource_id):
"""Sets the resource_id of this ShowTagsRequest.
资源id。 > 域名ID
:param resource_id: The resource_id of this ShowTagsRequest.
:type resource_id: str
self._resource_id = resource_id
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, ShowTagsRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class ShowTagsResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'tags': 'list[TagMap]'
attribute_map = {
'tags': 'tags'
def __init__(self, tags=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param tags: 标签列表
:type tags: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.TagMap`]
super(ShowTagsResponse, self).__init__()
self._tags = None
self.discriminator = None
if tags is not None:
self.tags = tags
def tags(self):
"""Gets the tags of this ShowTagsResponse.
:return: The tags of this ShowTagsResponse.
:rtype: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.TagMap`]
return self._tags
def tags(self, tags):
"""Sets the tags of this ShowTagsResponse.
:param tags: The tags of this ShowTagsResponse.
:type tags: list[:class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.TagMap`]
self._tags = tags
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, ShowTagsResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain_name': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'domain_name': 'domain_name'
def __init__(self, domain_name=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain_name: 域名
:type domain_name: str
self._domain_name = None
self.discriminator = None
self.domain_name = domain_name
def domain_name(self):
"""Gets the domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoRequest.
:return: The domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_name
def domain_name(self, domain_name):
"""Sets the domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoRequest.
:param domain_name: The domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoRequest.
:type domain_name: str
self._domain_name = domain_name
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'dns_verify_type': 'str',
'dns_verify_name': 'str',
'file_verify_url': 'str',
'domain_name': 'str',
'verify_domain_name': 'str',
'file_verify_filename': 'str',
'verify_content': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'dns_verify_type': 'dns_verify_type',
'dns_verify_name': 'dns_verify_name',
'file_verify_url': 'file_verify_url',
'domain_name': 'domain_name',
'verify_domain_name': 'verify_domain_name',
'file_verify_filename': 'file_verify_filename',
'verify_content': 'verify_content'
def __init__(self, dns_verify_type=None, dns_verify_name=None, file_verify_url=None, domain_name=None, verify_domain_name=None, file_verify_filename=None, verify_content=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param dns_verify_type: DNS探测类型
:type dns_verify_type: str
:param dns_verify_name: DNS记录名称
:type dns_verify_name: str
:param file_verify_url: 文件探测地址
:type file_verify_url: str
:param domain_name: 域名
:type domain_name: str
:param verify_domain_name: 探测域名
:type verify_domain_name: str
:param file_verify_filename: 探测文件名
:type file_verify_filename: str
:param verify_content: 探测内容,DNS值或者文件内容,时间加uuid
:type verify_content: str
super(ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse, self).__init__()
self._dns_verify_type = None
self._dns_verify_name = None
self._file_verify_url = None
self._domain_name = None
self._verify_domain_name = None
self._file_verify_filename = None
self._verify_content = None
self.discriminator = None
if dns_verify_type is not None:
self.dns_verify_type = dns_verify_type
if dns_verify_name is not None:
self.dns_verify_name = dns_verify_name
if file_verify_url is not None:
self.file_verify_url = file_verify_url
if domain_name is not None:
self.domain_name = domain_name
if verify_domain_name is not None:
self.verify_domain_name = verify_domain_name
if file_verify_filename is not None:
self.file_verify_filename = file_verify_filename
if verify_content is not None:
self.verify_content = verify_content
def dns_verify_type(self):
"""Gets the dns_verify_type of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:return: The dns_verify_type of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._dns_verify_type
def dns_verify_type(self, dns_verify_type):
"""Sets the dns_verify_type of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:param dns_verify_type: The dns_verify_type of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:type dns_verify_type: str
self._dns_verify_type = dns_verify_type
def dns_verify_name(self):
"""Gets the dns_verify_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:return: The dns_verify_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._dns_verify_name
def dns_verify_name(self, dns_verify_name):
"""Sets the dns_verify_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:param dns_verify_name: The dns_verify_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:type dns_verify_name: str
self._dns_verify_name = dns_verify_name
def file_verify_url(self):
"""Gets the file_verify_url of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:return: The file_verify_url of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._file_verify_url
def file_verify_url(self, file_verify_url):
"""Sets the file_verify_url of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:param file_verify_url: The file_verify_url of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:type file_verify_url: str
self._file_verify_url = file_verify_url
def domain_name(self):
"""Gets the domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:return: The domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_name
def domain_name(self, domain_name):
"""Sets the domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:param domain_name: The domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:type domain_name: str
self._domain_name = domain_name
def verify_domain_name(self):
"""Gets the verify_domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:return: The verify_domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._verify_domain_name
def verify_domain_name(self, verify_domain_name):
"""Sets the verify_domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:param verify_domain_name: The verify_domain_name of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:type verify_domain_name: str
self._verify_domain_name = verify_domain_name
def file_verify_filename(self):
"""Gets the file_verify_filename of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:return: The file_verify_filename of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._file_verify_filename
def file_verify_filename(self, file_verify_filename):
"""Sets the file_verify_filename of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:param file_verify_filename: The file_verify_filename of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:type file_verify_filename: str
self._file_verify_filename = file_verify_filename
def verify_content(self):
"""Gets the verify_content of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:return: The verify_content of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:rtype: str
return self._verify_content
def verify_content(self, verify_content):
"""Sets the verify_content of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:param verify_content: The verify_content of this ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse.
:type verify_content: str
self._verify_content = verify_content
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, ShowVerifyDomainOwnerInfoResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class SourceWithPort:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain_id': 'str',
'ip_or_domain': 'str',
'origin_type': 'str',
'active_standby': 'int',
'enable_obs_web_hosting': 'int',
'http_port': 'int',
'https_port': 'int'
attribute_map = {
'domain_id': 'domain_id',
'ip_or_domain': 'ip_or_domain',
'origin_type': 'origin_type',
'active_standby': 'active_standby',
'enable_obs_web_hosting': 'enable_obs_web_hosting',
'http_port': 'http_port',
'https_port': 'https_port'
def __init__(self, domain_id=None, ip_or_domain=None, origin_type=None, active_standby=None, enable_obs_web_hosting=None, http_port=None, https_port=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain_id: 加速域名id。
:type domain_id: str
:param ip_or_domain: 源站IP(非内网IP)或者域名。
:type ip_or_domain: str
:param origin_type: 源站类型,ipaddr:源站IP、 domain:源站域名、obs_bucket:OBS桶域名。
:type origin_type: str
:param active_standby: 主备状态(1代表主源站;0代表备源站)。
:type active_standby: int
:param enable_obs_web_hosting: 是否开OBS托管(0表示关闭,1表示则为开启),源站类型为obs_bucket时传递。
:type enable_obs_web_hosting: int
:param http_port: HTTP端口,默认80
:type http_port: int
:param https_port: HTTPS端口,默认443
:type https_port: int
self._domain_id = None
self._ip_or_domain = None
self._origin_type = None
self._active_standby = None
self._enable_obs_web_hosting = None
self._http_port = None
self._https_port = None
self.discriminator = None
if domain_id is not None:
self.domain_id = domain_id
self.ip_or_domain = ip_or_domain
self.origin_type = origin_type
self.active_standby = active_standby
if enable_obs_web_hosting is not None:
self.enable_obs_web_hosting = enable_obs_web_hosting
if http_port is not None:
self.http_port = http_port
if https_port is not None:
self.https_port = https_port
def domain_id(self):
"""Gets the domain_id of this SourceWithPort.
:return: The domain_id of this SourceWithPort.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_id
def domain_id(self, domain_id):
"""Sets the domain_id of this SourceWithPort.
:param domain_id: The domain_id of this SourceWithPort.
:type domain_id: str
self._domain_id = domain_id
def ip_or_domain(self):
"""Gets the ip_or_domain of this SourceWithPort.
:return: The ip_or_domain of this SourceWithPort.
:rtype: str
return self._ip_or_domain
def ip_or_domain(self, ip_or_domain):
"""Sets the ip_or_domain of this SourceWithPort.
:param ip_or_domain: The ip_or_domain of this SourceWithPort.
:type ip_or_domain: str
self._ip_or_domain = ip_or_domain
def origin_type(self):
"""Gets the origin_type of this SourceWithPort.
源站类型,ipaddr:源站IP、 domain:源站域名、obs_bucket:OBS桶域名。
:return: The origin_type of this SourceWithPort.
:rtype: str
return self._origin_type
def origin_type(self, origin_type):
"""Sets the origin_type of this SourceWithPort.
源站类型,ipaddr:源站IP、 domain:源站域名、obs_bucket:OBS桶域名。
:param origin_type: The origin_type of this SourceWithPort.
:type origin_type: str
self._origin_type = origin_type
def active_standby(self):
"""Gets the active_standby of this SourceWithPort.
:return: The active_standby of this SourceWithPort.
:rtype: int
return self._active_standby
def active_standby(self, active_standby):
"""Sets the active_standby of this SourceWithPort.
:param active_standby: The active_standby of this SourceWithPort.
:type active_standby: int
self._active_standby = active_standby
def enable_obs_web_hosting(self):
"""Gets the enable_obs_web_hosting of this SourceWithPort.
:return: The enable_obs_web_hosting of this SourceWithPort.
:rtype: int
return self._enable_obs_web_hosting
def enable_obs_web_hosting(self, enable_obs_web_hosting):
"""Sets the enable_obs_web_hosting of this SourceWithPort.
:param enable_obs_web_hosting: The enable_obs_web_hosting of this SourceWithPort.
:type enable_obs_web_hosting: int
self._enable_obs_web_hosting = enable_obs_web_hosting
def http_port(self):
"""Gets the http_port of this SourceWithPort.
:return: The http_port of this SourceWithPort.
:rtype: int
return self._http_port
def http_port(self, http_port):
"""Sets the http_port of this SourceWithPort.
:param http_port: The http_port of this SourceWithPort.
:type http_port: int
self._http_port = http_port
def https_port(self):
"""Gets the https_port of this SourceWithPort.
:return: The https_port of this SourceWithPort.
:rtype: int
return self._https_port
def https_port(self, https_port):
"""Sets the https_port of this SourceWithPort.
:param https_port: The https_port of this SourceWithPort.
:type https_port: int
self._https_port = https_port
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, SourceWithPort):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class TagMap:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'key': 'str',
'value': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'key': 'key',
'value': 'value'
def __init__(self, key=None, value=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param key: 标签键。长度1-128个字符, 可用 UTF-8 格式表示的字母(包含中文)、数字和空格,以及以下字符: _ . : = + - @
:type key: str
:param value: 标签值。长度0-255个字符, 可用 UTF-8 格式表示的字母(包含中文)、数字和空格,以及以下字符: _ . : / = + - @
:type value: str
self._key = None
self._value = None
self.discriminator = None
self.key = key
if value is not None:
self.value = value
def key(self):
"""Gets the key of this TagMap.
标签键。长度1-128个字符, 可用 UTF-8 格式表示的字母(包含中文)、数字和空格,以及以下字符: _ . : = + - @
:return: The key of this TagMap.
:rtype: str
return self._key
def key(self, key):
"""Sets the key of this TagMap.
标签键。长度1-128个字符, 可用 UTF-8 格式表示的字母(包含中文)、数字和空格,以及以下字符: _ . : = + - @
:param key: The key of this TagMap.
:type key: str
self._key = key
def value(self):
"""Gets the value of this TagMap.
标签值。长度0-255个字符, 可用 UTF-8 格式表示的字母(包含中文)、数字和空格,以及以下字符: _ . : / = + - @
:return: The value of this TagMap.
:rtype: str
return self._value
def value(self, value):
"""Sets the value of this TagMap.
标签值。长度0-255个字符, 可用 UTF-8 格式表示的字母(包含中文)、数字和空格,以及以下字符: _ . : / = + - @
:param value: The value of this TagMap.
:type value: str
self._value = value
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, TagMap):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'enterprise_project_id': 'str',
'body': 'UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody'
attribute_map = {
'enterprise_project_id': 'enterprise_project_id',
'body': 'body'
def __init__(self, enterprise_project_id=None, body=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param enterprise_project_id: 当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:type enterprise_project_id: str
:param body: Body of the UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest
:type body: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody`
self._enterprise_project_id = None
self._body = None
self.discriminator = None
if enterprise_project_id is not None:
self.enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
if body is not None:
self.body = body
def enterprise_project_id(self):
"""Gets the enterprise_project_id of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:return: The enterprise_project_id of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._enterprise_project_id
def enterprise_project_id(self, enterprise_project_id):
"""Sets the enterprise_project_id of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:param enterprise_project_id: The enterprise_project_id of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest.
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def body(self):
"""Gets the body of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest.
:return: The body of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody`
return self._body
def body(self, body):
"""Sets the body of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest.
:param body: The body of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest.
:type body: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody`
self._body = body
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'https': 'UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent'
attribute_map = {
'https': 'https'
def __init__(self, https=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param https:
:type https: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent`
self._https = None
self.discriminator = None
if https is not None:
self.https = https
def https(self):
"""Gets the https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody.
:return: The https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent`
return self._https
def https(self, https):
"""Sets the https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody.
:param https: The https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody.
:type https: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent`
self._https = https
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBody):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain_name': 'str',
'https_switch': 'int',
'access_origin_way': 'int',
'force_redirect_https': 'int',
'force_redirect_config': 'ForceRedirect',
'http2': 'int',
'cert_name': 'str',
'certificate': 'str',
'private_key': 'str',
'certificate_type': 'int'
attribute_map = {
'domain_name': 'domain_name',
'https_switch': 'https_switch',
'access_origin_way': 'access_origin_way',
'force_redirect_https': 'force_redirect_https',
'force_redirect_config': 'force_redirect_config',
'http2': 'http2',
'cert_name': 'cert_name',
'certificate': 'certificate',
'private_key': 'private_key',
'certificate_type': 'certificate_type'
def __init__(self, domain_name=None, https_switch=None, access_origin_way=None, force_redirect_https=None, force_redirect_config=None, http2=None, cert_name=None, certificate=None, private_key=None, certificate_type=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain_name: 域名列表,逗号分割,上限50个域名
:type domain_name: str
:param https_switch: https开关(0:\"关闭\";1:\"设置证书\" https_switch为1时,证书参数不能为空)
:type https_switch: int
:param access_origin_way: 回源方式:1:\"回源跟随\";2:\"http\"(默认),3:\"https\" 为空值时默认设置为http
:type access_origin_way: int
:param force_redirect_https: 强制跳转HTTPS(0:不强制;1:强制) 为空值时默认设置为关闭。(此参数即将下线,建议使用force_redirect_config修改配置)
:type force_redirect_https: int
:param force_redirect_config:
:type force_redirect_config: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ForceRedirect`
:param http2: http2.0(0:关闭;1:开启) 为空值时默认设置为关闭
:type http2: int
:param cert_name: 证书名称(设置证书必填)(长度限制为3-64字符)。
:type cert_name: str
:param certificate: HTTPS协议使用的SSL证书内容,仅支持PEM编码格式。不启用证书则无需输入。初次配置证书时必传。
:type certificate: str
:param private_key: HTTPS协议使用的SSL证书私钥内容,仅支持PEM编码格式。不启用证书则无需输入。初次配置证书时必传。
:type private_key: str
:param certificate_type: 证书类型(0为自有证书 ;1为托管证书,此时不必不传入证书内容和私钥,自动根据证书名称匹配;不传默认为自有证书)
:type certificate_type: int
self._domain_name = None
self._https_switch = None
self._access_origin_way = None
self._force_redirect_https = None
self._force_redirect_config = None
self._http2 = None
self._cert_name = None
self._certificate = None
self._private_key = None
self._certificate_type = None
self.discriminator = None
self.domain_name = domain_name
self.https_switch = https_switch
if access_origin_way is not None:
self.access_origin_way = access_origin_way
if force_redirect_https is not None:
self.force_redirect_https = force_redirect_https
if force_redirect_config is not None:
self.force_redirect_config = force_redirect_config
if http2 is not None:
self.http2 = http2
if cert_name is not None:
self.cert_name = cert_name
if certificate is not None:
self.certificate = certificate
if private_key is not None:
self.private_key = private_key
if certificate_type is not None:
self.certificate_type = certificate_type
def domain_name(self):
"""Gets the domain_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:return: The domain_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_name
def domain_name(self, domain_name):
"""Sets the domain_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:param domain_name: The domain_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:type domain_name: str
self._domain_name = domain_name
def https_switch(self):
"""Gets the https_switch of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
https开关(0:\"关闭\";1:\"设置证书\" https_switch为1时,证书参数不能为空)
:return: The https_switch of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._https_switch
def https_switch(self, https_switch):
"""Sets the https_switch of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
https开关(0:\"关闭\";1:\"设置证书\" https_switch为1时,证书参数不能为空)
:param https_switch: The https_switch of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:type https_switch: int
self._https_switch = https_switch
def access_origin_way(self):
"""Gets the access_origin_way of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
回源方式:1:\"回源跟随\";2:\"http\"(默认),3:\"https\" 为空值时默认设置为http
:return: The access_origin_way of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._access_origin_way
def access_origin_way(self, access_origin_way):
"""Sets the access_origin_way of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
回源方式:1:\"回源跟随\";2:\"http\"(默认),3:\"https\" 为空值时默认设置为http
:param access_origin_way: The access_origin_way of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:type access_origin_way: int
self._access_origin_way = access_origin_way
def force_redirect_https(self):
"""Gets the force_redirect_https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
强制跳转HTTPS(0:不强制;1:强制) 为空值时默认设置为关闭。(此参数即将下线,建议使用force_redirect_config修改配置)
:return: The force_redirect_https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._force_redirect_https
def force_redirect_https(self, force_redirect_https):
"""Sets the force_redirect_https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
强制跳转HTTPS(0:不强制;1:强制) 为空值时默认设置为关闭。(此参数即将下线,建议使用force_redirect_config修改配置)
:param force_redirect_https: The force_redirect_https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:type force_redirect_https: int
self._force_redirect_https = force_redirect_https
def force_redirect_config(self):
"""Gets the force_redirect_config of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:return: The force_redirect_config of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ForceRedirect`
return self._force_redirect_config
def force_redirect_config(self, force_redirect_config):
"""Sets the force_redirect_config of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:param force_redirect_config: The force_redirect_config of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:type force_redirect_config: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ForceRedirect`
self._force_redirect_config = force_redirect_config
def http2(self):
"""Gets the http2 of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
http2.0(0:关闭;1:开启) 为空值时默认设置为关闭
:return: The http2 of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._http2
def http2(self, http2):
"""Sets the http2 of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
http2.0(0:关闭;1:开启) 为空值时默认设置为关闭
:param http2: The http2 of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:type http2: int
self._http2 = http2
def cert_name(self):
"""Gets the cert_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:return: The cert_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._cert_name
def cert_name(self, cert_name):
"""Sets the cert_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:param cert_name: The cert_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:type cert_name: str
self._cert_name = cert_name
def certificate(self):
"""Gets the certificate of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:return: The certificate of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._certificate
def certificate(self, certificate):
"""Sets the certificate of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:param certificate: The certificate of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:type certificate: str
self._certificate = certificate
def private_key(self):
"""Gets the private_key of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:return: The private_key of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._private_key
def private_key(self, private_key):
"""Sets the private_key of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:param private_key: The private_key of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:type private_key: str
self._private_key = private_key
def certificate_type(self):
"""Gets the certificate_type of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
证书类型(0为自有证书 ;1为托管证书,此时不必不传入证书内容和私钥,自动根据证书名称匹配;不传默认为自有证书)
:return: The certificate_type of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._certificate_type
def certificate_type(self, certificate_type):
"""Sets the certificate_type of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
证书类型(0为自有证书 ;1为托管证书,此时不必不传入证书内容和私钥,自动根据证书名称匹配;不传默认为自有证书)
:param certificate_type: The certificate_type of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent.
:type certificate_type: int
self._certificate_type = certificate_type
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesRequestBodyContent):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'https': 'UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent'
attribute_map = {
'https': 'https'
def __init__(self, https=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param https:
:type https: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent`
super(UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse, self).__init__()
self._https = None
self.discriminator = None
if https is not None:
self.https = https
def https(self):
"""Gets the https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse.
:return: The https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent`
return self._https
def https(self, https):
"""Sets the https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse.
:param https: The https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse.
:type https: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent`
self._https = https
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'domain_name': 'str',
'https_switch': 'int',
'access_origin_way': 'int',
'force_redirect_https': 'int',
'force_redirect_config': 'ForceRedirect',
'http2': 'int',
'cert_name': 'str',
'certificate': 'str',
'certificate_type': 'int',
'expiration_time': 'int'
attribute_map = {
'domain_name': 'domain_name',
'https_switch': 'https_switch',
'access_origin_way': 'access_origin_way',
'force_redirect_https': 'force_redirect_https',
'force_redirect_config': 'force_redirect_config',
'http2': 'http2',
'cert_name': 'cert_name',
'certificate': 'certificate',
'certificate_type': 'certificate_type',
'expiration_time': 'expiration_time'
def __init__(self, domain_name=None, https_switch=None, access_origin_way=None, force_redirect_https=None, force_redirect_config=None, http2=None, cert_name=None, certificate=None, certificate_type=None, expiration_time=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param domain_name: 域名列表。
:type domain_name: str
:param https_switch: https开关(0:\"关闭\";1:\"设置证书\")。
:type https_switch: int
:param access_origin_way: 回源方式:1:\"回源跟随\";2:\"HTTP\"(默认),3:https(自建)。
:type access_origin_way: int
:param force_redirect_https: 强制跳转HTTPS(0:不强制;1:强制) 。
:type force_redirect_https: int
:param force_redirect_config:
:type force_redirect_config: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ForceRedirect`
:param http2: http2.0(0:关闭;1:开启)
:type http2: int
:param cert_name: 证书名称。
:type cert_name: str
:param certificate: 证书内容。
:type certificate: str
:param certificate_type: 证书类型(0为自有证书 , 1为托管证书)。
:type certificate_type: int
:param expiration_time: 证书过期时间。
:type expiration_time: int
self._domain_name = None
self._https_switch = None
self._access_origin_way = None
self._force_redirect_https = None
self._force_redirect_config = None
self._http2 = None
self._cert_name = None
self._certificate = None
self._certificate_type = None
self._expiration_time = None
self.discriminator = None
self.domain_name = domain_name
if https_switch is not None:
self.https_switch = https_switch
if access_origin_way is not None:
self.access_origin_way = access_origin_way
if force_redirect_https is not None:
self.force_redirect_https = force_redirect_https
if force_redirect_config is not None:
self.force_redirect_config = force_redirect_config
if http2 is not None:
self.http2 = http2
if cert_name is not None:
self.cert_name = cert_name
if certificate is not None:
self.certificate = certificate
if certificate_type is not None:
self.certificate_type = certificate_type
if expiration_time is not None:
self.expiration_time = expiration_time
def domain_name(self):
"""Gets the domain_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:return: The domain_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_name
def domain_name(self, domain_name):
"""Sets the domain_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:param domain_name: The domain_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:type domain_name: str
self._domain_name = domain_name
def https_switch(self):
"""Gets the https_switch of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:return: The https_switch of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._https_switch
def https_switch(self, https_switch):
"""Sets the https_switch of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:param https_switch: The https_switch of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:type https_switch: int
self._https_switch = https_switch
def access_origin_way(self):
"""Gets the access_origin_way of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:return: The access_origin_way of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._access_origin_way
def access_origin_way(self, access_origin_way):
"""Sets the access_origin_way of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:param access_origin_way: The access_origin_way of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:type access_origin_way: int
self._access_origin_way = access_origin_way
def force_redirect_https(self):
"""Gets the force_redirect_https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
强制跳转HTTPS(0:不强制;1:强制) 。
:return: The force_redirect_https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._force_redirect_https
def force_redirect_https(self, force_redirect_https):
"""Sets the force_redirect_https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
强制跳转HTTPS(0:不强制;1:强制) 。
:param force_redirect_https: The force_redirect_https of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:type force_redirect_https: int
self._force_redirect_https = force_redirect_https
def force_redirect_config(self):
"""Gets the force_redirect_config of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:return: The force_redirect_config of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ForceRedirect`
return self._force_redirect_config
def force_redirect_config(self, force_redirect_config):
"""Sets the force_redirect_config of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:param force_redirect_config: The force_redirect_config of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:type force_redirect_config: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.ForceRedirect`
self._force_redirect_config = force_redirect_config
def http2(self):
"""Gets the http2 of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:return: The http2 of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._http2
def http2(self, http2):
"""Sets the http2 of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:param http2: The http2 of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:type http2: int
self._http2 = http2
def cert_name(self):
"""Gets the cert_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:return: The cert_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._cert_name
def cert_name(self, cert_name):
"""Sets the cert_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:param cert_name: The cert_name of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:type cert_name: str
self._cert_name = cert_name
def certificate(self):
"""Gets the certificate of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:return: The certificate of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: str
return self._certificate
def certificate(self, certificate):
"""Sets the certificate of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:param certificate: The certificate of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:type certificate: str
self._certificate = certificate
def certificate_type(self):
"""Gets the certificate_type of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
证书类型(0为自有证书 , 1为托管证书)。
:return: The certificate_type of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._certificate_type
def certificate_type(self, certificate_type):
"""Sets the certificate_type of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
证书类型(0为自有证书 , 1为托管证书)。
:param certificate_type: The certificate_type of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:type certificate_type: int
self._certificate_type = certificate_type
def expiration_time(self):
"""Gets the expiration_time of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:return: The expiration_time of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:rtype: int
return self._expiration_time
def expiration_time(self, expiration_time):
"""Sets the expiration_time of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:param expiration_time: The expiration_time of this UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent.
:type expiration_time: int
self._expiration_time = expiration_time
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, UpdateDomainMultiCertificatesResponseBodyContent):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'status': 'bool'
attribute_map = {
'status': 'status'
def __init__(self, status=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param status: 桶开启关闭状态(true:开启;false:关闭)
:type status: bool
self._status = None
self.discriminator = None
if status is not None:
self.status = status
def status(self):
"""Gets the status of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody.
:return: The status of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody.
:rtype: bool
return self._status
def status(self, status):
"""Sets the status of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody.
:param status: The status of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody.
:type status: bool
self._status = status
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'enterprise_project_id': 'str',
'domain_id': 'str',
'body': 'UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody'
attribute_map = {
'enterprise_project_id': 'enterprise_project_id',
'domain_id': 'domain_id',
'body': 'body'
def __init__(self, enterprise_project_id=None, domain_id=None, body=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param enterprise_project_id: 当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:type enterprise_project_id: str
:param domain_id: 加速域名id。
:type domain_id: str
:param body: Body of the UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest
:type body: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody`
self._enterprise_project_id = None
self._domain_id = None
self._body = None
self.discriminator = None
if enterprise_project_id is not None:
self.enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
self.domain_id = domain_id
if body is not None:
self.body = body
def enterprise_project_id(self):
"""Gets the enterprise_project_id of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:return: The enterprise_project_id of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._enterprise_project_id
def enterprise_project_id(self, enterprise_project_id):
"""Sets the enterprise_project_id of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
当用户开启企业项目功能时,该参数生效,表示修改当前企业项目下加速域名的配置,\"all\"代表所有项目。注意:当使用子帐号调用接口时,该参数必传。 您可以通过调用企业项目管理服务(EPS)的查询企业项目列表接口(ListEnterpriseProject)查询企业项目id。
:param enterprise_project_id: The enterprise_project_id of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
:type enterprise_project_id: str
self._enterprise_project_id = enterprise_project_id
def domain_id(self):
"""Gets the domain_id of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
:return: The domain_id of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
:rtype: str
return self._domain_id
def domain_id(self, domain_id):
"""Sets the domain_id of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
:param domain_id: The domain_id of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
:type domain_id: str
self._domain_id = domain_id
def body(self):
"""Gets the body of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
:return: The body of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
:rtype: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody`
return self._body
def body(self, body):
"""Sets the body of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
:param body: The body of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest.
:type body: :class:`huaweicloudsdkcdn.v2.UpdatePrivateBucketAccessBody`
self._body = body
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, UpdatePrivateBucketAccessRequest):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# coding: utf-8
import six
from huaweicloudsdkcore.sdk_response import SdkResponse
from huaweicloudsdkcore.utils.http_utils import sanitize_for_serialization
class UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse(SdkResponse):
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'status': 'bool'
attribute_map = {
'status': 'status'
def __init__(self, status=None):
The model defined in huaweicloud sdk
:param status: 桶开启关闭状态(true:开启;false:关闭)
:type status: bool
super(UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse, self).__init__()
self._status = None
self.discriminator = None
if status is not None:
self.status = status
def status(self):
"""Gets the status of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse.
:return: The status of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse.
:rtype: bool
return self._status
def status(self, status):
"""Sets the status of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse.
:param status: The status of this UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse.
:type status: bool
self._status = status
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
import simplejson as json
if six.PY2:
import sys
return json.dumps(sanitize_for_serialization(self), ensure_ascii=False)
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, UpdatePrivateBucketAccessResponse):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other
@ -84,8 +84,10 @@ class UrlAuth:
self.discriminator = None
self.status = status
self.type = type
self.expire_time = expire_time
if type is not None:
self.type = type
if expire_time is not None:
self.expire_time = expire_time
if sign_method is not None:
self.sign_method = sign_method
if match_type is not None:
@ -98,7 +100,8 @@ class UrlAuth:
self.backup_key = backup_key
if sign_arg is not None:
self.sign_arg = sign_arg
self.time_format = time_format
if time_format is not None:
self.time_format = time_format
def status(self):
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue