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# coding: utf-8
import pprint
import re
import six
class PublishAppMessageRequestBody:
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.
sensitive_list = []
openapi_types = {
'message': 'str',
'message_structure': 'str',
'time_to_live': 'str'
attribute_map = {
'message': 'message',
'message_structure': 'message_structure',
'time_to_live': 'time_to_live'
def __init__(self, message=None, message_structure=None, time_to_live=None):
"""PublishAppMessageRequestBody - a model defined in huaweicloud sdk"""
self._message = None
self._message_structure = None
self._time_to_live = None
self.discriminator = None
if message is not None:
self.message = message
if message_structure is not None:
self.message_structure = message_structure
if time_to_live is not None:
self.time_to_live = time_to_live
def message(self):
"""Gets the message of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
message与message_structure二者选其一 message, App消息发布 message_structure, 使用消息结构体方式的App消息发布 app推送的消息内容当前支持的推送平台有HMSAPNSAPNS_SANDBOX HMS是为开发者提供的消息推送平台 APNS和APNS_SANDBOX是用于推送iOS消息的服务平台 HMS平台指定的消息内容不超过2K APNS和APNS_SANDBOX平台的消息内容不能超过4K 推送平台的消息内容格式要求详情见application消息体格式 华为透传消息 { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 1, \"body\": { \"key\": \"value\" } } } } 华为系统通知栏消息 { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 3, \"body\": { \"content\": \"Push message content\", \"title\": \"Push message content\" }, \"action\": { \"type\": 1, \"param\": { \"intent\": \"#Intent;compo=com.rvr/.Activity;S.W=U;end\" } } }, \"ext\": { \"biTag\": \"Trump\", \"icon\": \"\" } } } 苹果平台消息格式 { \"aps\": { \"alert\": \"hello world\" } }
:return: The message of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
:rtype: str
return self._message
def message(self, message):
"""Sets the message of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
message与message_structure二者选其一 message, App消息发布 message_structure, 使用消息结构体方式的App消息发布 app推送的消息内容当前支持的推送平台有HMSAPNSAPNS_SANDBOX HMS是为开发者提供的消息推送平台 APNS和APNS_SANDBOX是用于推送iOS消息的服务平台 HMS平台指定的消息内容不超过2K APNS和APNS_SANDBOX平台的消息内容不能超过4K 推送平台的消息内容格式要求详情见application消息体格式 华为透传消息 { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 1, \"body\": { \"key\": \"value\" } } } } 华为系统通知栏消息 { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 3, \"body\": { \"content\": \"Push message content\", \"title\": \"Push message content\" }, \"action\": { \"type\": 1, \"param\": { \"intent\": \"#Intent;compo=com.rvr/.Activity;S.W=U;end\" } } }, \"ext\": { \"biTag\": \"Trump\", \"icon\": \"\" } } } 苹果平台消息格式 { \"aps\": { \"alert\": \"hello world\" } }
:param message: The message of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
:type: str
self._message = message
def message_structure(self):
"""Gets the message_structure of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
app推送的消息内容当前支持的推送平台有HMSAPNSAPNS_SANDBOX HMS是为开发者提供的消息推送平台 APNS和APNS_SANDBOX是用于推送iOS消息的服务平台 HMS平台指定的消息内容不超过2K APNS和APNS_SANDBOX平台的消息内容不能超过4K 推送平台的消息内容格式要求详情见application消息体格式 华为透传消息 { \"HMS\": { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 1, \"body\": { \"key\": \"value\" } } } } } 华为系统通知栏消息 { \"HMS\": { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 3, \"body\": { \"content\": \"Push message content\", \"title\": \"Push message content\" }, \"action\": { \"type\": 1, \"param\": { \"intent\": \"#Intent;compo=com.rvr/.Activity;S.W=U;end\" } } }, \"ext\": { \"biTag\": \"Trump\", \"icon\": \"\" } } } } 苹果平台消息格式 { \"APNS\": { \"aps\": { \"alert\": \"hello world\" } } }
:return: The message_structure of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
:rtype: str
return self._message_structure
def message_structure(self, message_structure):
"""Sets the message_structure of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
app推送的消息内容当前支持的推送平台有HMSAPNSAPNS_SANDBOX HMS是为开发者提供的消息推送平台 APNS和APNS_SANDBOX是用于推送iOS消息的服务平台 HMS平台指定的消息内容不超过2K APNS和APNS_SANDBOX平台的消息内容不能超过4K 推送平台的消息内容格式要求详情见application消息体格式 华为透传消息 { \"HMS\": { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 1, \"body\": { \"key\": \"value\" } } } } } 华为系统通知栏消息 { \"HMS\": { \"hps\": { \"msg\": { \"type\": 3, \"body\": { \"content\": \"Push message content\", \"title\": \"Push message content\" }, \"action\": { \"type\": 1, \"param\": { \"intent\": \"#Intent;compo=com.rvr/.Activity;S.W=U;end\" } } }, \"ext\": { \"biTag\": \"Trump\", \"icon\": \"\" } } } } 苹果平台消息格式 { \"APNS\": { \"aps\": { \"alert\": \"hello world\" } } }
:param message_structure: The message_structure of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
:type: str
self._message_structure = message_structure
def time_to_live(self):
"""Gets the time_to_live of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
消息发送的生存时间是相对于发布时间的 SMN系统将移动推送消息转交给推送平台前会计算该消息在系统消耗的时间只有消耗的时间小于time_to_live时SMN才会将消息转交给推送平台并将time_to_live减去消耗的时间传递给推送平台否则消息废弃 time _to_live的单位是s变量默认值是3600s即一小时值为正整数且小于等于3600*24
:return: The time_to_live of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
:rtype: str
return self._time_to_live
def time_to_live(self, time_to_live):
"""Sets the time_to_live of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
消息发送的生存时间是相对于发布时间的 SMN系统将移动推送消息转交给推送平台前会计算该消息在系统消耗的时间只有消耗的时间小于time_to_live时SMN才会将消息转交给推送平台并将time_to_live减去消耗的时间传递给推送平台否则消息废弃 time _to_live的单位是s变量默认值是3600s即一小时值为正整数且小于等于3600*24
:param time_to_live: The time_to_live of this PublishAppMessageRequestBody.
:type: str
self._time_to_live = time_to_live
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, list):
result[attr] = list(map(
lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[attr] = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
if attr in self.sensitive_list:
result[attr] = "****"
result[attr] = value
return result
def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print` and `pprint`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, PublishAppMessageRequestBody):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other