
569 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The go-python Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package bind
import (
var (
universe *symtab
func hash(s string) string {
h := fnv.New32a()
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%d", h.Sum32())
// symkind describes the kinds of symbol
type symkind int
const (
skConst symkind = 1 << iota
// symbol is an exported symbol in a go package
type symbol struct {
kind symkind
goobj types.Object
doc string
id string // mangled name of entity (eg: <pkg>_<name>)
goname string // name of go entity
cgoname string // name of entity for cgo
cpyname string // name of entity for cpython
// for types only
pyfmt string // format string for PyArg_ParseTuple
pysig string // type string for doc-signatures
c2py string // name of c->py converter function
py2c string // name of py->c converter function
func (s symbol) isType() bool {
return s.kind == skType
func (s symbol) isBasic() bool {
_, ok := s.goobj.Type().(*types.Basic)
return ok
func (s symbol) isArray() bool {
_, ok := s.goobj.Type().(*types.Array)
return ok
func (s symbol) isSlice() bool {
_, ok := s.goobj.Type().(*types.Slice)
return ok
func (s symbol) isStruct() bool {
typ, ok := s.goobj.(*types.TypeName)
if !ok {
return false
_, ok = typ.Type().Underlying().(*types.Struct)
return ok
func (s symbol) hasConverter() bool {
return s.c2py != "" || s.py2c != ""
func (s symbol) cgotypename() string {
typ := s.goobj.Type()
switch typ := typ.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
n := typ.Name()
if strings.HasPrefix(n, "untyped ") {
n = string(n[len("untyped "):])
return n
case *types.Named:
obj := s.goobj
switch typ.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Struct:
return s.cgoname
case *types.Interface:
if obj.Name() == "error" {
return "error"
return s.cgoname
// symtab is a table of symbols in a go package
type symtab struct {
pkg *types.Package
syms map[string]*symbol
parent *symtab
func newSymtab(pkg *types.Package, parent *symtab) *symtab {
if parent == nil {
parent = universe
s := &symtab{
pkg: pkg,
syms: make(map[string]*symbol),
parent: parent,
return s
func (sym *symtab) names() []string {
names := make([]string, 0, len(sym.syms))
for n := range sym.syms {
names = append(names, n)
return names
func (sym *symtab) sym(n string) *symbol {
s, ok := sym.syms[n]
if ok {
return s
if sym.parent != nil {
return sym.parent.sym(n)
return nil
func (sym *symtab) typeof(n string) *symbol {
s := sym.sym(n)
switch s.kind {
case skVar, skConst:
tname := sym.typename(s.goobj.Type())
return sym.sym(tname)
case skFunc:
//FIXME(sbinet): really?
return s
case skType:
return s
panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled symbol kind (%v)", s.kind))
func (sym *symtab) typename(t types.Type) string {
return types.TypeString(t, types.RelativeTo(sym.pkg))
func (sym *symtab) symtype(t types.Type) *symbol {
tname := sym.typename(t)
s := sym.sym(tname)
if s != nil {
return s
switch typ := t.(type) {
case *types.Pointer:
s = sym.symtype(typ.Elem())
if s == nil {
return nil
sym.addType(s.goobj, typ)
return sym.sym(tname)
func (sym *symtab) addSymbol(obj types.Object) {
n := obj.Name()
pkg := obj.Pkg()
id := n
if pkg != nil {
id = pkg.Name() + "_" + n
switch obj.(type) {
case *types.Const:
sym.syms[n] = &symbol{
goobj: obj,
kind: skConst,
id: id,
goname: n,
cgoname: "cgo_const_" + id,
cpyname: "cpy_const_" + id,
sym.addType(obj, obj.Type())
case *types.Var:
sym.syms[n] = &symbol{
goobj: obj,
kind: skVar,
id: id,
goname: n,
cgoname: "cgo_var_" + id,
cpyname: "cpy_var_" + id,
sym.addType(obj, obj.Type())
case *types.Func:
sym.syms[n] = &symbol{
goobj: obj,
kind: skFunc,
id: id,
goname: n,
cgoname: "cgo_func_" + id,
cpyname: "cpy_func_" + id,
case *types.TypeName:
sym.addType(obj, obj.Type())
func (sym *symtab) addType(obj types.Object, t types.Type) {
n := sym.typename(t)
pkg := obj.Pkg()
id := n
if pkg != nil {
id = pkg.Name() + "_" + n
kind := skType
switch typ := t.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
styp := sym.symtype(typ)
if styp == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("builtin type not already known [%s]!", n))
case *types.Array:
enam := sym.typename(typ.Elem())
elt := sym.sym(enam)
if elt.goname == "" {
eobj := sym.pkg.Scope().Lookup(enam)
if eobj == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("could not look-up %q!\n", enam))
elt = sym.typeof(enam)
id := hash(id)
sym.syms[n] = &symbol{
goobj: obj,
kind: kind,
id: id,
goname: n,
cgoname: "cgo_type_" + id,
cpyname: "cpy_type_" + id,
pyfmt: "O&",
pysig: "[]" + elt.pysig,
c2py: "cgopy_cnv_c2py_" + id,
py2c: "cgopy_cnv_py2c_" + id,
case *types.Slice:
enam := sym.typename(typ.Elem())
elt := sym.sym(enam)
if elt.goname == "" {
eobj := sym.pkg.Scope().Lookup(enam)
if eobj == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("could not look-up %q!\n", enam))
elt = sym.typeof(enam)
id := hash(id)
sym.syms[n] = &symbol{
goobj: obj,
kind: kind,
id: id,
goname: n,
cgoname: "cgo_type_" + id,
cpyname: "cpy_type_" + id,
pyfmt: "O&",
pysig: "[]" + elt.pysig,
c2py: "cgopy_cnv_c2py_" + id,
py2c: "cgopy_cnv_py2c_" + id,
case *types.Named:
switch typ.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Struct:
sym.syms[n] = &symbol{
goobj: obj,
kind: kind,
id: id,
goname: n,
cgoname: "cgo_type_" + id,
cpyname: "cpy_type_" + id,
pyfmt: "O&",
pysig: "object",
c2py: "cgopy_cnv_c2py_" + id,
py2c: "cgopy_cnv_py2c_" + id,
panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled named-type: [%T]\n%#v\n", obj, t))
case *types.Pointer:
// FIXME(sbinet): better handling?
elm := sym.symtype(typ.Elem())
sym.syms[n] = elm
panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled obj [%T]\ntype [%#v]", obj, t))
func init() {
look := types.Universe.Lookup
syms := map[string]*symbol{
"bool": {
goobj: look("bool"),
kind: skType,
goname: "bool",
cgoname: "GoUint8",
cpyname: "GoUint8",
pyfmt: "O&",
pysig: "bool",
c2py: "cgopy_cnv_c2py_bool",
py2c: "cgopy_cnv_py2c_bool",
"byte": {
goobj: look("byte"),
kind: skType,
goname: "byte",
cpyname: "uint8_t",
cgoname: "GoUint8",
pyfmt: "b",
pysig: "int", // FIXME(sbinet) py2/py3
"int": {
goobj: look("int"),
kind: skType,
goname: "int",
cpyname: "int",
cgoname: "GoInt",
pyfmt: "i",
pysig: "int",
"int8": {
goobj: look("int8"),
kind: skType,
goname: "int8",
cpyname: "int8_t",
cgoname: "GoInt8",
pyfmt: "c",
pysig: "int",
"int16": {
goobj: look("int16"),
kind: skType,
goname: "int16",
cpyname: "int16_t",
cgoname: "GoInt16",
pyfmt: "h",
pysig: "int",
"int32": {
goobj: look("int32"),
kind: skType,
goname: "int32",
cpyname: "int32_t",
cgoname: "GoInt32",
pyfmt: "i",
pysig: "long",
"int64": {
goobj: look("int64"),
kind: skType,
goname: "int64",
cpyname: "int64_t",
cgoname: "GoInt64",
pyfmt: "k",
pysig: "long",
"uint": {
goobj: look("uint"),
kind: skType,
goname: "uint",
cpyname: "unsigned int",
cgoname: "GoUint",
pyfmt: "I",
pysig: "int",
"uint8": {
goobj: look("uint8"),
kind: skType,
goname: "uint8",
cpyname: "uint8_t",
cgoname: "GoUint8",
pyfmt: "b",
pysig: "int",
"uint16": {
goobj: look("uint16"),
kind: skType,
goname: "uint16",
cpyname: "uint16_t",
cgoname: "GoUint16",
pyfmt: "H",
pysig: "int",
"uint32": {
goobj: look("uint32"),
kind: skType,
goname: "uint32",
cpyname: "uint32_t",
cgoname: "GoUint32",
pyfmt: "I",
pysig: "long",
"uint64": {
goobj: look("uint64"),
kind: skType,
goname: "uint64",
cpyname: "uint64_t",
cgoname: "GoUint64",
pyfmt: "K",
pysig: "long",
"float32": {
goobj: look("float32"),
kind: skType,
goname: "float32",
cpyname: "float",
cgoname: "GoFloat32",
pyfmt: "f",
pysig: "float",
"float64": {
goobj: look("float64"),
kind: skType,
goname: "float64",
cpyname: "double",
cgoname: "GoFloat64",
pyfmt: "d",
pysig: "float",
"complex64": {
goobj: look("complex64"),
kind: skType,
goname: "complex64",
cpyname: "float complex",
cgoname: "GoComplex64",
pyfmt: "D",
pysig: "float",
"complex128": {
goobj: look("complex128"),
kind: skType,
goname: "complex128",
cpyname: "double complex",
cgoname: "GoComplex128",
pyfmt: "D",
pysig: "float",
"string": {
goobj: look("string"),
kind: skType,
goname: "string",
cpyname: "GoString",
cgoname: "GoString",
pyfmt: "O&",
pysig: "str",
c2py: "cgopy_cnv_c2py_string",
py2c: "cgopy_cnv_py2c_string",
"rune": { // FIXME(sbinet) py2/py3
goobj: look("rune"),
kind: skType,
goname: "rune",
cpyname: "GoRune",
cgoname: "GoRune",
pyfmt: "O&",
pysig: "str",
c2py: "cgopy_cnv_c2py_rune",
py2c: "cgopy_cnv_py2c_rune",
"error": &symbol{
goobj: look("error"),
kind: skType,
goname: "error",
cgoname: "GoInterface",
cpyname: "GoInterface",
pyfmt: "O&",
pysig: "object",
c2py: "cgopy_cnv_c2py_error",
py2c: "cgopy_cnv_py2c_error",
if reflect.TypeOf(int(0)).Size() == 8 {
syms["int"] = &symbol{
goobj: look("int"),
kind: skType,
goname: "int",
cpyname: "int64_t",
cgoname: "GoInt",
pyfmt: "k",
pysig: "int",
syms["uint"] = &symbol{
goobj: look("uint"),
kind: skType,
goname: "uint",
cpyname: "uint64_t",
cgoname: "GoUint",
pyfmt: "K",
pysig: "int",
for _, o := range []struct {
kind types.BasicKind
tname string
uname string
{types.UntypedBool, "bool", "bool"},
{types.UntypedInt, "int", "int"},
{types.UntypedRune, "rune", "rune"},
{types.UntypedFloat, "float64", "float"},
{types.UntypedComplex, "complex128", "complex"},
{types.UntypedString, "string", "string"},
//FIXME(sbinet): what should be the python equivalent?
//{types.UntypedNil, "nil", "nil"},
} {
sym := *syms[o.tname]
n := "untyped " + o.uname
syms[n] = &sym
universe = &symtab{
pkg: nil,
syms: syms,
parent: nil,