# # Copyright (c) 2018, Salesforce, Inc. # The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import time import os import torch import random import numpy as np import logging from .utils import generic_dataset logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def tokenizer(s): return s.split() def get_context_question(ex, context, question, field): return ex.context_special + ex.context + ex.question_special + ex.question def preprocess_examples(args, tasks, splits, field, logger=None, train=True): min_length = 1 max_context_length = args.max_train_context_length if train else args.max_val_context_length is_too_long = lambda ex: (len(ex.answer) > args.max_answer_length or len(ex.context)>max_context_length) is_too_short = lambda ex: (len(ex.answer) < min_length or len(ex.context) {len(s.examples)}') l = len(s.examples) s.examples = [ex for ex in s.examples if not is_too_short(ex)] if len(s.examples) < l: if logger is not None: logger.info(f'Filtering out short {task} examples: {l} -> {len(s.examples)}') l = len(s.examples) s.examples = [ex for ex in s.examples if 'This page includes the show' not in ex.answer] if len(s.examples) < l: if logger is not None: logger.info(f'Filtering {task} examples with a dummy summary: {l} -> {len(s.examples)} ') if logger is not None: context_lengths = [len(ex.context) for ex in s.examples] question_lengths = [len(ex.question) for ex in s.examples] answer_lengths = [len(ex.answer) for ex in s.examples] logger.info(f'{task} context lengths (min, mean, max): {np.min(context_lengths)}, {int(np.mean(context_lengths))}, {np.max(context_lengths)}') logger.info(f'{task} question lengths (min, mean, max): {np.min(question_lengths)}, {int(np.mean(question_lengths))}, {np.max(question_lengths)}') logger.info(f'{task} answer lengths (min, mean, max): {np.min(answer_lengths)}, {int(np.mean(answer_lengths))}, {np.max(answer_lengths)}') for x in s.examples: x.context_question = get_context_question(x, x.context, x.question, field) if logger is not None: logger.info('Tokenized examples:') for ex in s.examples[:10]: logger.info('Context: ' + ' '.join([token.strip() for token in ex.context])) logger.info('Question: ' + ' '.join([token.strip() for token in ex.question])) logger.info(' '.join([token.strip() for token in ex.context_question])) logger.info('Answer: ' + ' '.join([token.strip() for token in ex.answer])) def set_seed(args, rank=None): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): ordinal = -1 elif rank is None and len(args.devices) > 0: ordinal = args.devices[0] else: ordinal = args.devices[rank] device = torch.device(f'cuda:{ordinal}' if ordinal > -1 else 'cpu') # device = torch.device(f'cuda:{ordinal}' if ordinal > -1 else 'cpu') logger.debug(f'device: {device}') np.random.seed(args.seed) random.seed(args.seed) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) with torch.cuda.device(ordinal): torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.seed) return device def count_params(params): def mult(ps): r = 0 for p in ps: this_r = 1 for s in p.size(): this_r *= s r += this_r return r return mult(params) def get_trainable_params(model): return list(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters())) def elapsed_time(log): t = time.time() - log.start day = int(t // (24 * 3600)) t = t % (24 * 3600) hour = int(t // 3600) t %= 3600 minutes = int(t // 60) t %= 60 seconds = int(t) return f'{day:02}:{hour:02}:{minutes:02}:{seconds:02}' def get_splits(args, task, FIELD, **kwargs): kwargs['skip_cache_bool'] = args.skip_cache_bool kwargs['cached_path'] = args.cached if 'multi30k' in task: src, trg = ['.'+x for x in task.split('.')[1:]] split = generic_dataset.Multi30k.splits(exts=(src, trg), fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif 'iwslt' in task: src, trg = ['.'+x for x in task.split('.')[1:]] split = generic_dataset.IWSLT.splits(exts=(src, trg), fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif 'almond' in task: split = generic_dataset.Almond.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, reverse_task=args.reverse_task_bool, **kwargs) elif 'squad' in task: split = generic_dataset.SQuAD.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, description=task, **kwargs) elif 'wikisql' in task: split = generic_dataset.WikiSQL.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, query_as_question='query_as_question' in task, **kwargs) elif 'ontonotes.ner' in task: split_task = task.split('.') _, _, subtask, nones, counting = split_task split = generic_dataset.OntoNotesNER.splits( subtask=subtask, nones=True if nones == 'nones' else False, fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif 'woz' in task: split = generic_dataset.WOZ.splits(description=task, fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif 'multinli' in task: split = generic_dataset.MultiNLI.splits(description=task, fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif 'srl' in task: split = generic_dataset.SRL.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif 'snli' in task: split = generic_dataset.SNLI.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif 'schema' in task: split = generic_dataset.WinogradSchema.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif task == 'cnn': split = generic_dataset.CNN.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif task == 'dailymail': split = generic_dataset.DailyMail.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif task == 'cnn_dailymail': split_cnn = generic_dataset.CNN.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) split_dm = generic_dataset.DailyMail.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) for scnn, sdm in zip(split_cnn, split_dm): scnn.examples.extend(sdm) split = split_cnn elif 'sst' in task: split = generic_dataset.SST.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif 'imdb' in task: kwargs['validation'] = None split = generic_dataset.IMDb.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif 'zre' in task: split = generic_dataset.ZeroShotRE.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, **kwargs) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.data, task)): split = generic_dataset.JSON.splits( fields=FIELD, root=args.data, name=task, **kwargs) return split def batch_fn(new, i, sofar): prev_max_len = sofar / (i - 1) if i > 1 else 0 return max(len(new.context), 5*len(new.answer), prev_max_len) * i def pad(x, new_channel, dim, val=None): if x.size(dim) > new_channel: x = x.narrow(dim, 0, new_channel) channels = x.size() assert (new_channel >= channels[dim]) if new_channel == channels[dim]: return x size = list(channels) size[dim] = new_channel - size[dim] padding = x.new(*size).fill_(val) return torch.cat([x, padding], dim)