#!/bin/bash # This script is meant to be called by the "install" step defined in # .travis.yml. See http://docs.travis-ci.com/ for more details. # The behavior of the script is controlled by environment variabled defined # in the .travis.yml in the top level folder of the project. set -e echo 'List files from cached directories' if [ -d $HOME/download ]; then echo 'download:' ls $HOME/download fi if [ -d $HOME/.cache/pip ]; then echo 'pip:' ls $HOME/.cache/pip fi # Deactivate the travis-provided virtual environment and setup a # conda-based environment instead deactivate # Add the miniconda bin directory to $PATH export PATH=/home/travis/miniconda3/bin:$PATH echo $PATH # Use the miniconda installer for setup of conda itself pushd . cd mkdir -p download cd download if [[ ! -f /home/travis/miniconda3/bin/activate ]] then if [[ ! -f miniconda.sh ]] then wget http://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh \ -O miniconda.sh fi chmod +x miniconda.sh && ./miniconda.sh -b -f conda update --yes conda echo "Creating environment to run tests in." conda create -n testenv --yes python="$PYTHON_VERSION" fi cd .. popd # Activate the python environment we created. source activate testenv # Install requirements via pip in our conda environment pip install -r requirements.txt # Install the following only if running tests if [[ "$SKIP_TESTS" != "true" ]]; then # SpaCy English models python -m spacy download en # NLTK data needed for Moses tokenizer python -m nltk.downloader perluniprops nonbreaking_prefixes # PyTorch conda install --yes pytorch torchvision -c soumith fi