Remove unused portions of Field
Everything related to preprocessing, tokenization, numericalization has been removed and is implemented elsewhere.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
from .dataset import Dataset
from .field import RawField, Field, ReversibleField, SubwordField
from .pipeline import Pipeline
from .field import Field, ReversibleField
from .utils import get_tokenizer, interleave_keys
__all__ = ["Batch",
"RawField", "Field", "ReversibleField", "SubwordField",
__all__ = ["Dataset", "Field", "ReversibleField",
"get_tokenizer", "interleave_keys"]
@ -6,59 +6,11 @@ import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
from .dataset import Dataset
from .pipeline import Pipeline
from .utils import get_tokenizer
from ..vocab import Vocab, SubwordVocab
class RawField(object):
""" Defines a general datatype.
Every dataset consists of one or more types of data. For instance, a text
classification dataset contains sentences and their classes, while a
machine translation dataset contains paired examples of text in two
languages. Each of these types of data is represented by an RawField object.
An RawField object does not assume any property of the data type and
it holds parameters relating to how a datatype should be processed.
preprocessing: The Pipeline that will be applied to examples
using this field before creating an example.
Default: None.
postprocessing: A Pipeline that will be applied to a list of examples
using this field before assigning to a batch.
Function signature: (batch(list)) -> object
Default: None.
def __init__(self, preprocessing=None, postprocessing=None):
self.preprocessing = preprocessing
self.postprocessing = postprocessing
def preprocess(self, x, field_name=None):
""" Preprocess an example if the `preprocessing` Pipeline is provided. """
if self.preprocessing is not None:
return self.preprocessing(x)
return x
def process(self, batch, *args, **kargs):
""" Process a list of examples to create a batch.
Postprocess the batch with user-provided Pipeline.
batch (list(object)): A list of object from a batch of examples.
data (object): Processed object given the input and custom
postprocessing Pipeline.
if self.postprocessing is not None:
batch = self.postprocessing(batch)
return batch
class Field(RawField):
class Field(object):
"""Defines a datatype together with instructions for converting to Tensor.
Field class models common text processing datatypes that can be represented
@ -133,7 +85,6 @@ class Field(RawField):
def __init__(
self, sequential=True, use_vocab=True, init_token=None,
eos_token=None, fix_length=None, tensor_type=torch.LongTensor,
preprocessing=None, postprocessing=None, lower=False,
tokenize=(lambda s: s.split()), include_lengths=False,
batch_first=False, pad_token="<pad>", unk_token="<unk>",
pad_first=False, decap=False, numerical=False):
@ -145,104 +96,12 @@ class Field(RawField):
self.unk_token = unk_token
self.fix_length = fix_length
self.tensor_type = tensor_type
self.preprocessing = preprocessing
self.postprocessing = postprocessing
self.lower = lower
self.tokenize = get_tokenizer(tokenize)
self.include_lengths = include_lengths
self.batch_first = batch_first
self.pad_token = pad_token if self.sequential else None
self.pad_first = pad_first
def preprocess(self, x, tokenize=None, field_name=None):
"""Load a single example using this field, tokenizing if necessary.
If the input is a Python 2 `str`, it will be converted to Unicode
first. If `sequential=True`, it will be tokenized. Then the input
will be optionally lowercased and passed to the user-provided
`preprocessing` Pipeline."""
if (six.PY2 and isinstance(x, six.string_types) and not
isinstance(x, six.text_type)):
x = Pipeline(lambda s: six.text_type(s, encoding='utf-8'))(x)
if self.sequential and isinstance(x, six.text_type):
if tokenize is None:
x = self.tokenize(x.rstrip('\n'))
x = tokenize(x.rstrip('\n'), field_name=field_name)
if self.lower:
x = Pipeline(six.text_type.lower)(x)
if self.preprocessing is not None:
return self.preprocessing(x)
return x
def process(self, batch, device, train, **kwargs):
""" Process a list of examples to create a torch.Tensor.
Pad, numericalize, and postprocess a batch and create a tensor.
batch (list(object)): A list of object from a batch of examples.
data (torch.autograd.Varaible): Processed object given the input
and custom postprocessing Pipeline.
if self.numerical:
if isinstance(batch[0], list):
pad_value = max([max(example) for example in batch]) + 1000
batch = deepcopy(batch)
for example in batch:
if self.init_token is not None:
for idx, ex in enumerate(example):
example[idx] += 1
max_len = max([len(example) for example in batch])
for example in batch:
if len(example) < max_len:
example += [pad_value] * (max_len - len(example))
tensor = torch.LongTensor(batch)
tensor =
padded = self.pad(batch)
tensor = self.numericalize(padded, device=device, train=train, **kwargs)
return tensor
def pad(self, minibatch):
"""Pad a batch of examples using this field.
Pads to self.fix_length if provided, otherwise pads to the length of
the longest example in the batch. Prepends self.init_token and appends
self.eos_token if those attributes are not None. Returns a tuple of the
padded list and a list containing lengths of each example if
`self.include_lengths` is `True` and `self.sequential` is `True`, else just
returns the padded list. If `self.sequential` is `False`, no padding is applied.
minibatch = list(minibatch)
if not self.sequential:
return minibatch
if self.fix_length is None:
max_len = max(len(x) for x in minibatch)
max_len = self.fix_length + (
self.init_token, self.eos_token).count(None) - 2
padded, lengths = [], []
for x in minibatch:
if self.pad_first:
[self.pad_token] * max(0, max_len - len(x)) +
([] if self.init_token is None else [self.init_token]) +
list(x[:max_len]) +
([] if self.eos_token is None else [self.eos_token]))
([] if self.init_token is None else [self.init_token]) +
list(x[:max_len]) +
([] if self.eos_token is None else [self.eos_token]) +
[self.pad_token] * max(0, max_len - len(x)))
lengths.append(len(padded[-1]) - max(0, max_len - len(x)))
if self.include_lengths:
return (padded, lengths)
return padded
def build_vocab(self, field_names, *args, **kwargs):
"""Construct the Vocab object for this field from one or more datasets.
@ -276,98 +135,6 @@ class Field(RawField):
def vocab_from_counter(self, counter, **kwargs):
specials = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(
tok for tok in [self.unk_token, self.pad_token, self.init_token,
if tok is not None))
self.vocab = self.vocab_cls(counter, specials=specials, **kwargs)
def numericalize(self, arr, device=None, train=True, limited=None, l2f=None, oov2l=None):
"""Turn a batch of examples that use this field into a Variable.
If the field has include_lengths=True, a tensor of lengths will be
included in the return value.
arr (List[List[str]], or tuple of (List[List[str]], List[int])):
List of tokenized and padded examples, or tuple of List of
tokenized and padded examples and List of lengths of each
example if self.include_lengths is True.
device (-1 or None): Device to create the Variable's Tensor on.
Use -1 for CPU and None for the currently active GPU device.
Default: None.
train (boolean): Whether the batch is for a training set.
If False, the Variable will be created with volatile=True.
Default: True.
if limited is None:
limited = self.vocab.stoi
if self.include_lengths and not isinstance(arr, tuple):
raise ValueError("Field has include_lengths set to True, but "
"input data is not a tuple of "
"(data batch, batch lengths).")
if isinstance(arr, tuple):
arr, lengths = arr
# lengths = torch.LongTensor(lengths)
if self.use_vocab:
if self.sequential:
def limited_idx(x):
if x in limited:
lim_idx = limited[x]
elif x in oov2l:
lim_idx = oov2l[x]
lim_idx = len(limited) + len(oov2l)
oov2l[x] = lim_idx
l2f[lim_idx] = self.vocab.stoi[x]
return lim_idx
lim_arr = [[limited_idx(x) for x in ex] for ex in arr]
num = [[self.vocab.stoi[x] for x in ex] for ex in arr]
# arr = [[self.vocab.stoi[x] for x in ex] for ex in arr]
num = [self.vocab.stoi[x] for x in arr]
if self.postprocessing is not None:
num = self.postprocessing(num, self.vocab, train)
if self.tensor_type not in self.tensor_types:
raise ValueError(
"Specified Field tensor_type {} can not be used with "
"use_vocab=False because we do not know how to numericalize it. "
"Please raise an issue at "
numericalization_func = self.tensor_types[self.tensor_type]
# It doesn't make sense to explictly coerce to a numeric type if
# the data is sequential, since it's unclear how to coerce padding tokens
# to a numeric type.
if not self.sequential:
num = [numericalization_func(x) if isinstance(x, six.string_types)
else x for x in arr]
if self.postprocessing is not None:
num = self.postprocessing(num, None, train)
num = self.tensor_type(num)
lim_arr = self.tensor_type(lim_arr)
if self.sequential and not self.batch_first:
if self.sequential:
num = num.contiguous()
lim_arr = lim_arr.contiguous()
num =
lim_arr =
# if self.include_lengths:
# lengths = lengths.cuda(device)
if self.include_lengths:
return num, lengths, lim_arr, arr
return arr
class ReversibleField(Field):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
@ -416,34 +183,3 @@ class ReversibleField(Field):
return [self.detokenize(ex) for ex in batch]
return [''.join(ex) for ex in batch]
class SubwordField(ReversibleField):
vocab_cls = SubwordVocab
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['tokenize'] = 'subword'
if 'unk_token' not in kwargs:
kwargs['unk_token'] = '<EFBFBD>'
super(SubwordField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def segment(self, *args):
"""Segment one or more datasets with this subword field.
Positional arguments: Dataset objects or other indexable
mutable sequences to segment. If a Dataset object is provided,
all columns corresponding to this field are used; individual
columns can also be provided directly.
sources = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, Dataset):
sources += [getattr(arg, name) for name, field in
arg.fields.items() if field is self]
for data in sources:
for x in tqdm(data, 'segmenting'):
x[:] = self.vocab.segment(x)
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
class Pipeline(object):
"""Defines a pipeline for transforming sequence data.
The input is assumed to be utf-8 encoded `str` (Python 3) or
`unicode` (Python 2).
convert_token: The function to apply to input sequence data.
pipes: The Pipelines that will be applid to input sequence
data in order.
def __init__(self, convert_token=None):
"""Create a pipeline.
convert_token: The function to apply to input sequence data.
If None, the identity function is used. Default: None
if convert_token is None:
self.convert_token = Pipeline.identity
elif callable(convert_token):
self.convert_token = convert_token
raise ValueError("Pipeline input convert_token {} is not None "
"or callable".format(convert_token))
self.pipes = [self]
def __call__(self, x, *args):
"""Apply the the current Pipeline(s) to an input.
x: The input to process with the Pipeline(s).
Positional arguments: Forwarded to the `call` function
of the Pipeline(s).
for pipe in self.pipes:
x =, *args)
return x
def call(self, x, *args):
"""Apply _only_ the convert_token function of the current pipeline
to the input. If the input is a list, a list with the results of
applying the `convert_token` function to all input elements is
x: The input to apply the convert_token function to.
Positional arguments: Forwarded to the `convert_token` function
of the current Pipeline.
if isinstance(x, list):
return [self.convert_token(tok, *args) for tok in x]
return self.convert_token(x, *args)
def add_before(self, pipeline):
"""Add a Pipeline to be applied before this processing pipeline.
pipeline: The Pipeline or callable to apply before this
if not isinstance(pipeline, Pipeline):
pipeline = Pipeline(pipeline)
self.pipes = pipeline.pipes[:] + self.pipes[:]
return self
def add_after(self, pipeline):
"""Add a Pipeline to be applied after this processing pipeline.
pipeline: The Pipeline or callable to apply after this
if not isinstance(pipeline, Pipeline):
pipeline = Pipeline(pipeline)
self.pipes = self.pipes[:] + pipeline.pipes[:]
return self
def identity(x):
"""Return a copy of the input.
This is here for serialization compatibility with pickle.
return x
Reference in New Issue